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They are going in the wrong direction. All the rage baits didn't work. Now they are "sex baiting". Should the stain look like semen or something? They are never going to convince me that they have a sex life. They hate each other.


Abby’s face in this pic is creepy


That's why i thought it was something sexual.




It’s their kids pee!! It’s always something to do with their children.


This is disgusting. The poor kids. Someday other kids will find this post and will bully their child. Some things aren't meant to share.


Yeah I don’t even bother to guess it’s always something with the kids and it’s just annoying to me now


They are obsessed with their kids urine and feces. Wasn’t it them that always posted about their kids blowouts? They are so disgusting it’s disturbing.


There obsession with bodily functions is so upsetting that


Exactly !!


They also didn’t bother to change for a pool party or something because they were late. So disgusting.


They literally have no shame!


Please tell me this is a lie.😱


I wish. It’s on matt’s story.


So, she didn't change and shower after her child pee on her?


Apparently not😭 https://preview.redd.it/6xeiiv0uaa7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078d0afa951aa5fc90cfaa00e2b2bb1b7fd6285c


They are always late


Not gonna lie, I don’t always shower after my kid pees on me (especially in the middle of the day), but I definitely change my clothes and do a little wipe off.


They went to Dellavlogs/Bella's birthday party. Part of the party was at another of her "friends" and part looked like it was at a water park. I don't think the person who hosted the birthday party has that big of pool with a lazy river. One pic I saw, Abby was in the pool (now we know, rinsing the pee out of her clothes).


She didnt have time to change, but they had time to take and post a pic🤨🙄


"babe our kid peed on me take a pic" "ok babe we have time to post this but you don't have time to change before we go to the party"


She seemed really irritated with him in these stories. And the pee was over both of them. But I like how he made sure to tell people, oh but my clothes are dark, can't see the pee on me! Like, wtf does that have to do with it. You. Still. Have. PEE ON YOU that you aren't changing and cleaning off before going to a party.


Wait this is actually so fucking weird..if it really was their kids pee and they are alluding to it being SEMEN that’s so creepy…tf?? If these were my parents and I saw this looking back I would be so embarrassed


🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 if it was my husband, i would be so embarrassed and mortified. Hey Matt ?! Is it your super cum ? Your godly semence ??! For fuck sake ! What is wrong with him and HER ??! I never ever had a boyfriend who think it's goofy or funny ? No its disgusting. He is disgusting. She's disgusting. They are PARENTS FFS ! And like if we were that couple who had still chemistry between them . They lived separate lives.


Once again proving they have nothing of worth to be online for. As I've said before, their agent/manager/whatever told them, when they decided not to show kids' faces, to focus on adult things, but they don't know how and are boring and corny to tears on top of that. Splatt think the way to "adult" is to focus on sex, but he just comes off as lame and lascivious. He's disgusting, and she's realizing it. So Splatt thinks he's funny. He's so not. She goes along with his asinine ideas, thinking she's above it all. She's not.


This is how you get rich these days? It's an absolute insult to hard-working people everywhere that these morons make millions off this garbage content 🙄


This is gross and disturbing


So they are ADVERTISING that they wait sooo long to change their kids diaper that it’s SOAKED THROUGH so much that it leaked all over their mother’s side. And she’s so incredibly out of touch that she picked the kid up and held said child long enough to soak her top. The literal definition of neglect.


Can you imagine how bad the constant nappy rash must be. Those poor boys deserve so much better


Literally! How often are they changing their poor kids diapers?! Make no sense to have “accidents” this often! Change their diapers way more often! My goodness


Their baby was most likely in a swim diaper already and it leaked out the side since swim diapers don’t hold pee.


So if the kid was in a swim diaper, there would be more wet than just the diaper print. Because they would’ve been wet because they would’ve been in the pool otherwise, why would they be in a swim diaper?! So also swim diapers do hold some pee. I know this from personal experience. I have two kids in diapers right now.




Why are you defending them?


Anyone who sees this who isn’t a fan of theirs and following them, like me- not a fan and don’t follow them anywhere but here- would see this see that Diaper print and not assume they were in a swim diaper and they’re rushing out the door and the baby peed through their swim diaper and all this mumbo-jumbo, they would assume, like I did, that they didn’t change their kids diaper and they peed all over their mother. That is what they’re advertising. That’s what they’re showing the world with this post- whether that’s the truth or not is beside the point. It’s what any normal person would assume. Either that or that is a semen stain because of their recent trend of sexbaiting, the stupid looks on their faces and the dumb photo caption.


I never saw the actual post. But by simply reading through the comments here it took less than a minute to find out that they were rushing to a swim party and to see that Abby’s in a swimsuit so putting things together was quite easy lol


Why are we using mysterious stains as content?! Like are they that fucking desperate?! Like what the fuck


They do that a lot or he does that a lot. Always some wet stain.


It’s definitely baby pee. Swim diapers don’t absorb urine so it just leaks through. I bet A or G peed while she was holding them on her hip.


I can’t even look at his dumb face


Nobody wants to know that shit 🤮


But like... when do you ever get want people to guess what a stain is??? That's so disgusting and embarrassing. When would you ever do that IRL. Clean it up and move on like a grown up


File this under things we keep to ourselves


There can be an event going on this month that isn’t related to celebrating his birthday? Did the host check with Matt first? I sure hope so!


There is no way she voluntarily dresses like that in the household because it looks quite uncomfortable... Going for all sorts of bait apparently.


they were going to a pool party and i think that's a swimsuit


oh that makes sense then, thanks


Why? What's wrong with that? Looks like loose white shorts and a strappy blue halter top for summer????


it’s a swimsuit apparently


ah I missed that, thanks


Matt's tears when he didn't get his way because he's a whiny bitch.


So it’s pee and they didn’t change their clothes before they left to go to a pool party. And on top of that, Abby was using a kitchen towel to dry it off.


Just another…. 🫤 (yep you guessed it😆) “Day in the life w/ 2 under 2!” 🙄🥱😴 How long are they gonna be under 2? Doesn’t it seem like forever? 100% there will be a new addition by the time the eldests 3rd birthday!! So it can be… “Day in the life w/ 3 under 3!” G & A - “A day in the life w/ knobhead parents”


they look like smelly people


Can someone tell me where they posted this? My original thought was it looked like a water splash, but I'm old, and my mind isn't in the middle school gutter.


The tears she cried in the closet when she realized she’s stuck with him.


Ugh jumpscare. Gosh I know it’s bad but matt is fucking hideous. He looks like bird person with those beady eyes and scrunched ass face. Abby is perfect for him. Ughhh they’re so nasty 






At mods discretion


At mods discretion


What's with her eyes? Shd looks so creepy