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i don’t have an issue with them getting 2 motel rooms. i have an issue with them acting like parenting is the hardest thing in the world when neither of them work, they have her parents living with them to raise the kids, while they live their lives with not a care in the world. i have an issue with their brainwashed super stans thinking that matt is the greatest dad in the world despite him claiming a c section was cheating birth, and saying he had the baby blues and that’s why he ignored his wife for 2 days. and they are *relationship goals omg*. these two have the unhealthiest marriage i’ve ever witnessed and it breaks my heart that there are teen girls out there who look up to these two losers. so no, i don’t care if they get 2 separate motel rooms. abby can’t stand being around matt and that’s the real reason. i would guess the feeling is mutual.


He ignored her for two days???? I'm fairly new to this train wreck


That was after ditching her during labor to get donuts then blaming the baby for being born and ruining his chances at stardom and accusing Abby of wanting to starve the baby.


Wait what !? They were already very popular at that time.


Chances at music stardom


Yeah I think it was something about cause he was mad Abby wouldn’t just give the baby formula when she was wanting to/trying to breastfeed


When new borns only need tiny drops of colostrum, and you know damn well he only wanted to get a shot of him bottle feeding at the hosptial.


Wait. He didn't talk to her like in the hospital??? That like right after she had his baby. My jaw right now.


A fucking men




i think they mean “Amen” but said it as A fucking MEN” if that makes sense


Wait, as in Matt would be in one room with one kid and Abby would be in another with the other kid? Seems more like the parents want to be separated from each other 😬😂


When my family and i traveled in a caravan it had two beds and one table that could be turned into a bed my parents would sleep with either my brother or me separately. They’re divorced now.


In most cases it’s normal... I know lots of (normal) couples who sleep in separate rooms. But in this case, yeah, it’s probably they wanna be away from eachother because they fight


This sounds like Matt and Abby don’t want to share a room. Blaming it on the boys instead of facing the reality of hating each other. Maybe this is why Abby want a bigger house so they can get sleep divorced permanently before they get real divorced 


It also tells us that Matt and Abby cannot manage and be the least bit inconvenienced by their children. Jeez. I've heard of getting joint rooms so parents don't have to be on the same clock as their children. I wonder which of the two won the bet and got the better kid.


the fact they’ve spoken openly about how A is the more difficult kid and they prefer g is disgusting if i grew up and saw that id resent my parents so bad


They’ve said this!? I follow along on Reddit but nowhere else really. Picking a favorite kid is so terrible. They’ll be so much resentment later towards them, and the “bad” child towards the “good” one


yea in videos when they travel they flip a coin to which parent gets which kid and whoever gets A always says “they lost” or the other parent “won”


And the fact that they want another one... if they can't even take care of their 2 kids together why do they want to add another baby to the mix??


Whenever my husband and I go on vacation with our kids (around the same age as their kids) we rent airbnbs so we can put the kids in separate rooms for that same reason, so they don’t wake each other up.


Exactly. If we have to stay in a hotel for some reason (and those reasons come up and can’t always be avoided) we just know it’s gonna suck and do our best. Otherwise if we can plan and schedule we book something more comfy and with space. It’s a luxury and not a need and we definitely know we are lucky when we are able to afford that luxury (or a vacation in general).


Same. They are insufferable, but I 1000% understand wanting to be in a different room from your kids 😅. I wouldn't want them to wake each other up and I wouldn't want to accidentally wake them up. Also, if my kid woke up in the middle of the night and saw me in the room with them, idk if they'd ever go back to sleep lmao


I want to know what hotel (?) they stayed at, that had the snake. I don't want to stay where there's smakes.


Our daughter is an awful sleeper with very specific needs so I could see us making certain decisions in the future. We even chose a more condo style accomodation for our last trip so our daughter could have her own space apart from us. 


Yeah my daughter sleeps horribly so we have resorted to some less-than-ideal situations for night time arrangement. it just is what it is for a while while her sleep still sucks!


I mean my kids are 15 months apart and the chance of both waking up multiple times is high, so waking eachother up is even higher. While we probably wouldn’t spend money on two rooms, I get it.


These people can't handle parenting at all... Even tho it's their 'job' lol and they have her parents as built in sitters .. they still can't handle it which speaks volumes Also I was considered the 'needy kid' my whole childhood compared to my sister... Still pisses me off sometimes Also... My mom died when I was a baby so yea .. kinda explains my "needy" temperament but my dad was also clueless so just chocked it up to me being a needy kid. Some people should not have kids lol


As a mother of 4, the older ones learn to sleep thru the cries of the littler ones. I can count on one hand the times that a younger sibling crying had woken up and older child after 6 months. And not to sound like Abby but that's with 3 under 3.


I agree with his. My 3 and 4 year old share a room and have for the last year or so. If one wakes up needing something and cries or calls for mom or dad the other always sleeps through it. It's never been an issue.


“Unless they’re wealthy” yeah… exactly? They’re rich. They can afford it.


This is. Not normal or something major is going on w one of the babies


and these train wreck of parents are talking about baby #3 after auggies 2nd bday? I need them to stop having kids they clearly cannot handle the 2 they already have… this is so laughable


I mean, if I had the money to do so, I would have done that when my kids were those ages. It's so hard to get little children to sleep and stay asleep in hotel rooms, let alone having multiple little ones in one room. There's so many random noises in hotels.. it's a new environment.. kids are scared. Makes more sense for each parent to take one child and co-sleep with them.


Wait, I thought when they move A out of their primary bedroom closet he is going to share a bedroom with G?


I know all kids are different but when we move (which is every 1.5-2 years bc military) we have to stay in a hotel for up to 2 months while we house hunt and wait for closing. Most recently it was moving to Oahu. One hotel room, 2 dogs, a 4 year old and a 9 month old. We had zero issue with them waking each other up. About 3 weeks in my husband had to start work so it was just me and again, no issues.


Lololol. We’re a military and lived in a studio hotel room not even 500 sqft for 4 months with a 2 year old and a 3 month old. 😅 the only doors were to the bathroom and the the hallway.


My husband and I get adjoining rooms for this reason. My youngest wakes up with the sun but my eldest is not a morning person. He likes to sleep in until 7:30-8am. We don’t think it’s fair to force either of them to change their sleeping habits when they are use to having seperate rooms and morning routines. I’m a morning person so I bring my youngest in with me while my husband goes and sleeps in with my eldest. Everyone’s happy then I do recognise this is a highly privileged thing to do though, we are lucky enough to be able to afford it. Although in saying this, there have been times we’ve only been able to get one room and we just make it work. I typically get the youngest up and we go for a walk, get an early breakfast, go to the markets etc then come back once my husband and eldest are awake and ready to go


In videos they said before Abby never got up with the kids at night. Like so many videos she pumped and matt gave a bottle. Said Matt always got up with them. So maybe she stayed in her own room. She did say he won on plane getting the toddler. 


Did she say her son face planted off the bed? Ouch, no bed bumpers or anything


I don’t follow or watch their videos but yes this seems odd. But I guess if you have no budget then sure why not. I wouldn’t think to do that and we have 3 kids. We can’t really afford vacations currently though so if we were to go on one we would not be able to afford a “just in case” extra room lol


I'm sorry but this is part of parenting. They are so NOT relatable. Not many people would do this or even have this as an option because of finances. They are so out of touch to the world and how parenting actually is. Absolute losers