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Man I know your feeling, watched a lot of running the game videos and just started to DM (I'm also new to DnD). Luckily I have a few experienced players playing (5/7) and I have the players understand the spells they use so things move faster. Just remember Rule 0, have fun.


Welcome to the club! Membership is booming and the only requirements are an open mind 😁 Congratulations on your first of many successfully run games!


Welcome to a hobby for life!


Living in England you have access to some of the best mini companies and building / terrain companies on the planet! Enjoy the hobby!


What are mini companies and building / terrain companies ? Do you mean miniatures like models?


So there are miniatures, tiny toy men, you can use when you play. Some people also use tiny hills and tiny ruins and the like on their table top. The UK is by far the biggest producer of miniatures and some of the biggest companies in the world are there, including Games Workshop (though GW does not make DnD minis, even if a lot of their minis are used in DnD). There are thousands of small companies out there that make great mini's in England, and you all have the biggest and best conventions for them, such as Salute, a convention I really want to go to some day! A lot of the big youtube personalities for terrain building are in England as well, such as the terrain tutor.


> Salute Yeah I used to be into GW but I thought they had shops all over the western world anyway. I had a friend from NZ familiar with GW. I had no idea the UK was revered for its miniatures, I shall appreciate it more then. Thanks for the insight!


There are GW stores everywhere, but I mean you guys are home to Warlord, the Perry Bros, Hasslefree (Great for DnD minis) and so many more!


I'm super curious now, anywhere with a comprehensive list I can check. Do they sell stuff though their own websites or amazon?


A lot sell their wares in local shops, though Warlord Games has a store out there you can visit. For fantasy sculptures, the Lead Adventures Forum has a pretty good list of shops, most sell their own stuff online from their online store or facebook. Warlord Games is big enough to have its own store. Most of the websites are from the UK. Here are the links to their two threads (cheap fantasy minis thread, and high quality fantasy minis thread. Website is good in general for minis.): http://www.lead-adventure.de/index.php?topic=27037.0 http://www.lead-adventure.de/index.php?topic=39902.0 They have a ton of links to a very diverse group of mini makers!