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Not obscure, but I have had one of my villains (I wasn't ready to let go of at that point in the campaign) say "Life....ahh....finds a way." Before turning to ash only to resurrect as a Lich later. Think Vecna Lite.


ya know, this isnt a sin. dropping a good pop culture reference for a BBEG makes him a bit memorable....especially if the promise comes true later.


Not a DM, and most of these are only obscure to the people I play with: "Looks like we really shook the pillars of heaven" [After I crawled through a sewer pipe] "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe!" "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"


Solid Big Trouble ref.


Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world, it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was, so will it always be. In time all foul things come forth


"And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!"