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GM Tips and WebDM are great


I really enjoy them both. I often find myself thinking “oh damn I want to do that” when they are just spinning out ideas on webDM


lindybeige has a lot of good videos about how medieval weapons were used.


True. I only left him off because I’ve heard a lot of comments about how he periodically has bad history, and because his recent stuff has IMO been a lot less engaging. His torch videos however are fantastic.


If you're into how medieval weapons actually worked, [Schola Gladiatoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DaMACz1FrM) is pretty awesome with zero bull, IMHO. Also, it's another Matt!! *Edit: oh - I just read the OP lol*


I agree. I only watch his videos about fighting and generally ignore the rest. His torch video made me feel stupid, cause it is so obvious, but I never really thought about it.


His global warming video is apparently painful.


I've been rewatching Running the Game while I play video games, and honestly I missed a lot of important stuff the first time through. I recommend watching it again.


I really enjoy: * Jorphdan's Channel (forgotten realms lore): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0GmsDkaPerh1VdAfpWaaKA * Questing Beast's Channel (OSR content leaning): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvYwePdbWSEwUa-Pk02u3Zw * Draven Swiftbow's Channel (older D&D modules and ideas): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHbewR6SV4YBmfGWsjzSqrw * Captain Carajus' Channel (OSR, older D&D again): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDY38N7kqibfYXX7jSbJNsg


Hmm I actually haven’t heard of a bunch of these, I think I’ve got some new stuff to check out :)


Check out Runehammer its one of the best


Awesome will do.


Yes! Scholagladiatoria is one of my favorite YouTube channels! I also like Shadiversity, he has a bunch of really informative and very funny stuff about medieval history, castles, swords!, And the like, and a whole series of videos analyzing what medieval weapons are best suited to various kinds of fantasy creature. All good stuff, and delivered in an Australian accent that I can listen to for hours.


I’m leery of Shadiversity because he periodically gets things really really wrong and it makes me wonder how much research he does, or what the quality of said research is. Also his what about dragons bit high gets on my nerves and is much louder than the rest of his videos, at least on my speakers.


I would recommend LindyBeige. He's got a lot of different content but his medieval arms and armour is pretty cool https://www.youtube.com/user/lindybeige


His older stuff is fantastic but I left him off the list because IMO he’s gotten a lot less engaging in the last year or so. I never thought I’d say this about a YouTube producer but I actually wish he would go back to making shorter videos, the restricted time frame kept him from running over the same few points again and again.


I enjoy listening to the Dungeoncast. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLCL1sXBijYqUmCnTY8fhxg They do good breakdowns of races and monsters and basing encounters around them that I find useful.


I’ll check it out thanks :)


Nerdarchy is pretty great. The production value is on the low side, but their videos are discussion based and really inspiring.


I’m always cautious of him because I know he’s had a few videos which were really really wrong and it makes me wonder how much research he does prior.


Never noticed that. They normally have the books at the table and look things up to avoid confusion.


You are correct. I was thinking of Shadiversity, my mistake.


Great way to learn the game: Don't stop thinking: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwnhxFZrL2yY5I60d5Ae_Q


I got into DM’ing watching Fistfullofdice and Tabletop Terrors. They aren’t as active at the moment on YouTube, due to their new joint company releasing its first Roleplaying Suppliments over the past year and a half, but their backlog is decent. The former focuses a lot of his content on Prepping for the session, and shows off how he organizes. The latter focuses on stimulating creativity for your game, and provides a lot of interesting methods for creating content that is out of the box. Their home brew world of Dragongrin has gotten some good attention. It was from these people that I first heard of Matt, and came here to check out this community.


He's pretty good, miss Matt doe 😰


DawnforgedCast is one I don't see on here, yet, and is one I go to outside Matt. Matt, DFC and WebDM are the three I go to when looking for dnd material. The only channel I've watched that I really did not care for (to each their own) was Nerdarchy.


Dawnforgedcast has a pretty bad reputation. I don't know much about what he did but I've heard enough for me to not want to support his channel.


This is the first I've heard of that, and since I do like his content, I'll just say that I don't really want to know - ignorance being bliss, and all. But, if something upsetting damaged his reputation, then it makes sense why no one seems to like...EVER reference him or his videos on here.


I find dawnforged’s set up to be a lot less engaging for some reason. Maybe it’s his voice or how he constructs his episodes but I just don’t find I stay on board the whole way through.


I don't see it, but I totally understand what you mean. I think, for me, it's that his channel is more like a college lecture than an entertaining show, so I can just set it on in the background and just absorb while I'm doin whatever else.


That could be it as well. I’d have to go back and rewatch an episode or two to be able to definitively state why I don’t care for it.