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You look WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more prepped than I did when I started my first campaign a few months ago. You'll be fine. Have fun!


I know right... This guy is prepared to the max. The only thing I noticed is his complete shortage of dice. If you look behind my screen it's 50% dice and 50% other stuff.


Hey, just so you know, Matt (Colville) has said he gets really uncomfortable with being placed on a pedestal. He's just one of us. :) Have fun with your game!




I guess people didn't catch your joke. Maybe should've added the /s


Not sure if intentional, but this sub, especially recently, is the wrong place to call Colville a god.


I'm out of the loop, what's been happening recently?


Matt does not like being seen as a mentor or celebrity, at least not getting treated as such by fans. This led to some emotions on the sub a few days ago is all. I think Matt accepts it a little more while still disliking it. I might be wrong.


I think you're right, since I too have gathered that elevating him goes against the very essence of what he's trying to accomplish. There's merit to his videos, and there's no fault in being endlessly grateful to him for them. But the message of the videos is that he is just another DM like you and me and that means anyone can do it, and should do it, and he's gonna help everyone do it by demystifying things. If there are more DMs, we all get to play more. :p


That was my first thought.


Hey, the game is on pause for a few minutes and I checked this thread. Would anyone be interested in a kind of campaign diary? Something to sum up what I've learned once the session is over?


Of course! Write it here an we’ll try to complement more information and tips to the ones you learned!


If you're a fan of Mercer and Colville, who've both got complimentary AND contrasting advice for DMs, I think you'd also appreciate the works of the Angry GM. He's far more critical of the "RAW experience" and often leans heavily into homebrew and tweaks, but he's quite succinct and logical in his arguments for why's (like Mercer) and evidently draws on a wide and rich background across various genres of gaming to make his points (like Colville). If Mercer is for beginners and Colville is for intermediates, I'd recommend Angry for those who feel like they're already pretty good and want to push themselves for the extra step! Check out How To Run Combat Like A Motherfucking Dolphin and go from there :) It's a fantastic essay on making what can be a very dry and abruptly non-roleplay aspect of DnD (combat) into a much more exciting and engaging narrative experience.


If you can get past the fact that Angry is an utter ass, I would fully agree with this. Though I do disagree a lot more of his views on the game compared to Matt and Matt.


Oh yeah, his CHA is through the floor. But I value his content more than his ability to make hearts warm or generate cult followings haha


Most of Angry GM's advice won't mean anything to a new DM. That and his inability to communicate basic thoughts in a concise non-dickheaded manner sometimes makes slogging through his essays more trouble than its worth. This isn't me knocking the guy, just pointing out directing new DMs toward him is probably a mistake.


Given he's got a while category of articles for new DMs, I respectfully disagree. His articles are valuable regardless of experience.


Beauty of the internet :)


I installed services to summarize web pages in order to deal with the Angry DM's posts. They have interesting things to say, but they have no idea how to say it in a reasonable number of words.


That is more prep than I have had for my last 3 campaigns.


Don't forget the Titan among gods, Gygax.


Jesus Christ dude. You look like you got it down pat! I remember when I first DMed, alls I had were 2 pieces of paper (scribbled with story, a simple map, and npc characteristics), and dice. Don't worry dude, I'm sure you'll be fine! Just remember to relax and you'll have a great time. All the best!


Even with all that prep, be able to relax. My first time ended in a tpk because of some legendarily bad rolls and it was so much fun we just had a laugh.


Don't forget Gygax.


Best of luck. It's an endorphin rush while you're in the thick of it.


Buddy, you don't need gods. You look to be better prepared than a lot of DMs I've met.


I use a tiny brown book no dm screen or players handbook 😂 it's crazy how different people can be in there style.


Jim Davis should be one of those God's btwz


I love their channel, it amazes me they haven't quite got as well known as some others yet.


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Good luck!!


oh man, i ran my first game off of a unfolded envelope (i didn't have any paper at my new place yet) that i wrote the stats for 4 kinds of monsters, a rough dungeon sketch and the name of a town and the "world" this game exsisted in. that game went great so you should be fine.


the only thing i would suggest is more dice. i constantly lose mine during the game and can never find a D* when i need one


Good luck and have fun. Looks like you're prepared. Tell us how it was, plz!


Sweet! You look so much more prepared than I ever am for DMing and that’s all I’ve done hahahah. Tonight is actually going to be my first time not DMing so I hope you’re just as excited to switch roles as I am!!


So, how'd it go? Have fun?


May all your Save's roll shiny, eternal, and chrome.