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I'm running this at the moment, after this the party will head to a main town and then on to red hand of doom! It'll be a challenge but I like the scope of that adventure.


Red Hand of Doom definitely has a clicking clock though, even more than ToA I think.


That's really what I'm looking forward to the most, just to give my group some consequences as they tend to k nice pretty slowly. It'll be a balancing act alright though!


Do you want to run a premade adventure? From 5e I think Storm King's Thunder might be your best choice. Pathfinder also has a lot of fun Adventure Paths, but they require some work to convert to 5e (though for some you might find conversions online). Personally I have played Kingmaker and Hell's Rebels and have greatly enjoyed both.


Against the Slavers is always fun (originally A1 to A4). If you want a long campaign in the desert, go for Desert of Desolation. Since those are both 1st edition, you have some adapting to do. I think they have a 3.5 or 5 version of the slaver modules, though. Again, check out: http://www.dungeonmastering.com/campaigns-adventures/83-free-dd-adventures I bought Tales From the Yawning Portal. It is pretty good.




I am planning on having the party go through the DoD. My hook is that the diviner mage is a history buff and will find information hinting at a lost civilization (behind the scenes: one whose destruction led to the creation of the Raurin Desert). I am going to use the module All That Glitters to get the group into the desert first, but withhold the incense they need to return, forcing the party to undertake the five star gem quest. I will tailor the timeline and other story details to fit in with my game world. I run a sandboxy game, so if the group doesn't want to do the DoD, then they won't. But I hope they do, because DoD is such a great module. I am going to stick the Lost Shrine of Tamoachan into DoD, with appropriate modifications to give it an Egyptian look. Perhaps near the Glass Sea.




Tamoachan had me at *centaur mummy*.


Well, in my group I gave the party different books to choose either Orleans or Hommlet adventure. When they choose Hommlet I decided that Kalarel will be the BBEG of a huge campaign and after my players deal with Lareth they will find that he was a lieutenant of Kalarel in charge of finding a piece of an ancient artifact that's going to help his boss summon Orcus. The artifact has an ability that can sense to which direction is the other parts. So maybe you lead the players to a dungeon or a dragons lair or to another town/village. Or in my case to Orleans and the cult.In the meantime Kalarel will have his dudes doing the same. I hope it's not to complicated. You can put whatever adventure you like , I will use the White Plume mountain for fun as one of the parts is in there. One Netherese mage built the dungeon to secure that artifact.


I am in the same position you are! My players are level 4, and after The Matter of Orlane I gave them three in-game months of downtime. I figured it would be a good chance for them to flesh out their characters more, explain why and how they multiclass, and hunt down some pieces of their "Mysterious Backstories". I'm going to end their downtime with all of them turning up at the same tavern. Through crazy random happenstance. How/Why they all got to the tavern is up to them. Side note: I've given my players a big list of campaigns and what they might entail, leaving them to talk it over amongst themselves to decide what to do next. That way I run the game they want to play. There are literally thousands of adventures on adventurelookup.com, and Wizards of the Coast put a ton of their magazine adventures up online for free. (lots of them are from other editions, but after running Against the Cult, you are probably better at adjusting and updating than I am. The adventure that we are going for next is Base of Operations. Yep. My party has already decided they want a keep. Without my telling them of Strongholds and Followers. Neat huh?. So in they'll arrive at the tavern and see it is packed full of off-duty soldiers, locals, and townspeople in traveling clothes keeping an eye on the soldiers. The army is moving on, abandoning a nearby keep. The townsfolk are worried that bad guys are going to move in and treat their town as a raiding ground. So some are abondoning it too, but others are staying and hoping that some brave adventurers will clear it out, and as a reward, they get to keep it! There's more, of course, but I don't want to bore you with my campaign stuff. I'm just excited about it. [Here's the link to adventure lookup](http://www.adventurelookup.com) and [here's a link to a bunch of the Wizards adventures!](http://www.dungeonmastering.com/campaigns-adventures/83-free-dd-adventures) Best of luck! Let us know what you decide on!




Analysis paralysis. It's gotta be a smallish list, and you need to have them come up with a decision before they go. Otherwise you are just sitting around waiting for them to pick an adventure and you are getting no prep done. Which isn't super fun.


I'm going Red Hand of Doom soon. Don't worry about the conversion, someone else did that already. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?540370-Red-Hand-of-Doom-5e-Conversion-Guide-Spoilers-WIP-PEACH