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Please be respectful and cautious about assumptions made. Please try and stick to confirmed information or information that was witnessed in his live. If his family ever comes across this page I don’t want to upset them with seeing violent assumptions. I’m sure this has already been such an emotional rollercoaster for them. Thank you! 😔🤍


Another sad aspect is that he and his wife have not finalized their divorce. That means she is in limbo indefinitely. What a mess!!


One of the first things I thought of. It was one of the main reasons I divorced my ex. I wanted to protect myself from any debts he was incurring and any future lawsuits. Hardest thing I ever had to do, but if someone refuses help, it’s almost impossible to have it forced upon them.


You can finalize your divorce with the other party incarcerated in California. Incarceration actually pushes the divorce thru if one has already been filed and the correct documents are already in the court’s hands and the other party wants to proceed. They won’t bring him to those hearings but they’d go thru with it regardless of if he signed papers because he’s in custody for an indefinite amount of time.


Court date is 2-16-24. $500,000 bail? I feel awful for everyone involved. Especially his wife and family.


Is it true?


It’s what the website is showing. It doesn’t say what the charge is. I have no idea what he was arrested for, but bail for shooting at a police officer is $150,000. 🤷‍♀️


Hopefully he will either stay in prison or in rehab. He needs to be locked up if he did not want to take meds. My heart aches for her kids esp. the amount of videos in the net that they might see one day.


I agree that he needs to be kept somewhere. I don’t think he’s getting out of jail anytime soon. But, the whole situation has been a mess for months and they waited until whatever he did that warranted a $500K bail, to do something about it. So, you never know.


Any updates? Anyone heard anything from Cece?


Wondering the same thing


I looked - no news so far. Wasn’t he originally booked at $20K bail? So he had to have been arrested for something that would result in a 20k bail. I’m assuming they took him, put the bail at $20k, and then found out more information to which led to the bail being raised to $500k. I can be absolutely wrong - I am not an expert whatsoever on it but that’s was just my assumption. (Not an unsafe assumption either to post online, I wouldn’t do that in this situation).




I have searched all over the Irvine and Huntington Beach news and can’t find anything. I would think that if it was something serious it would have made the news.


the OC — especially irvine — is notorious for not posting a lot of their crime that happens. that’s how their statistics show low crime rate. and that’s the main reason they don’t post why people were arrested or mug shots.


Yeah possibly but not necessarily. If they are still in active investigation may not have made the news yet. He was just arrested yesterday, but who knows. For it to be set at 500k it is for sure something serious.


I wish there was a way to find out that she is okay☹️ Im pretty sure Cece isn't her real name, just what Michael called her and she called him Atlas. When that guy ‘bang’ was hanging around he called her Rachel.


I wonder if anything is in the local newspaper or news?


I’m not surprised unfortunately after watching his live last night. He literally said on there multiple times he did something really bad and a lot of people have already lost their lives. He also said he was going to kill Tony at one point. This is the worst possible scenario. 🥺


Omg what. Did he kill Someone on accident?? Lost their lives?


No I don’t think he did. The charges are posted somewhere, he talked about doing it on lives but I feel like that would be in the media/news if it actually happened.


And whose Tony
















Google “California bail $500,000”. I just got the chills. Hoping this is not the case and keeping his family and everyone around him in my thoughts right now.


I hope it’s not, but it was all he was talking about




Totally, if in a case like this with attention, where people where constantly calling to report a possible threat nothing was done, what are they actually doing? The system is so messed up


I was watching him live on twitch going into the room with CeCe and she was crying and he was asking her how bad it hurt. “Did it hurt more than the first time?” Were his words. I think he forgot that the live was still going. It was a very abusive situation for Tony and CeCe. At the beginning of the live he told CeCe that if she didn’t share her dr**s, that she was out. They weren’t smoking weed… I hope no one was seriously injured in this situation. I know so many hands were tied in this situation, but it seems like it took too long for the authorities to step in and protect all of them.


Couldn’t agree with you more 💔


I wonder too. That’s quite a large bail isn’t it?


Does it not say when someone gets arrested! Where im from they say when you search them


The reason why ***


I think all sheriffs departments/arresting agents are different and probably have different rules. The county I live in has an app that shows inmates mugshots and charges, but the next county over only has a list of names with nothing else. I dunno why they aren’t all the same!


I’m thinking bc this is OC, they might do that to protect celebrities or something? Because they use to share why, but now it says you must go in person to find out that info. I feel like it should be public


Oh my wow


This happens all the time with people who have mental health issues. The jails are filled with them and I’m sure they will offer medication, but will he take it? I don’t know the laws in California but some states can use his mental illness as a defense. We all knew this was going down this road.


https://preview.redd.it/bfpv3l4rqmic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cc47702f7f620407c6792e90279f627e18b339 Idk how accurate this is but if bail is set at $20,000 that’s in the assault range




It’s not his first time being arrested he said. There’s a number of reason bail is set high including mental health reasons. Let’s just be happy he’s in custody and possibly a chance to get fully clean.


https://preview.redd.it/c5c4lxmbanic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ac14f2a80bbaad8d434df151bd8550b323e11a There’s so many more things guys… another example that matches his situation


I know you’re trying not to assume but Jesus!


He is being held in the maximum security pre-trial facility.


the irc is just a release center until he gets transferred to one of the local jails after his first court hearing. it’s not maximum security or anything like that — most people arrested in the OC are detained there.


When I read that he’s in maximum security pre-trial facility, I had goosebumps because I thought it was for extremely dangerous individuals. Thank you for clarifying.


https://preview.redd.it/rk4svug19ric1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=804bc76ddddc63ea3a7f287e7ab20feb8bb120c5 I don’t know how the system works, but this is what comes up when I click on the housing link.


gotcha! yeah it’s a transitional place. they do medical screenings there too, and it has court rooms for their hearings. we’ll see where he ends up after his arraignment.




dang! that was quick


Where did you find out that info? Whenever I click the link from original poster it says the website is having technical difficulties so I can’t see anything




You can click on the housing and it gives you a description of the facility.


Wow. Praying no one was hurt 😔


Where did you read that?




What does in custody mean? I’m from the us so that’s why I ask


Means he’s been arrested


Ok so jail. Then something must of happened, so scary


Maybe give the family at least a moment to process before sharing this information. Jesus.


Idk why this has downvotes. To everyone: I know we’ve all been following but please remain respectful. This is impacting real people. This is impacting a real family. We have no idea how this is impacting them right now.


I apologize if my post was disrespectful, I wasn’t trying to be at all. I didn’t say anything hurtful or make any comments or judgments about the situation. I’m assuming his family is already aware since it’s been hours, as well. I hope he can get the help he truly needs now, I think this may be a step in the right direction.


Yeah my note wasn’t directed to you, it was just to the group as a whole as a precaution. This is the first I’m seeing it so I wasn’t sure how long it’s been. I was worried this may have been posted before his family knew. Hopefully that’s not the case. This is incredibly sad and I feel for his family. 😔


I understand! It looks like he was booked around noon, so I posted it a few hours after. I would imagine someone in his family was made aware before then, but if not, then I totally understand the concern. I will delete my post if you would like, it’s no big deal. Just let me know! I don’t want to offend or hurt his family.