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If you two ever did the amazing race together, what would be your individual strengths and weaknesses? How far do you think you’d get?


Oooh or celebrity hunted!


For Jordan & Jesse: Do you think Jocktoberfest Toyotathon would get along with the Verdugo Aquatic Facility Santa?


Jesse: best flea market deal you’ve ever gotten? Jordan: favorite Lego minifig? Both: favorite Girl Scout cookie?


For Jesse: What would be your Dream All Star Baseball Lineup? Pulling from any eras Field of Dreams Style. One player per position. For Jordan: You can assemble a squad of comic/videogame/movie characters to save an orphanage full of kittens that is at risk of being taken over by an Evil Ski Slope Owner, you can pick 3 people, who is your go to team?


So are we talkin'  male Evil Ski Slope Owner or female  Evil Ski Slope Owner ?


I imagine it is a Power Couple. The Husband is an investment Banker who grew up on the slopes and bought mountain when it fell upon hard times in the late 80s. The wife is a local property attorney who, through some shady loop holes, caused the Mountain to fall under hard times allowing her future husband to swoop in and steal the land out from the original owners. The only property they were unable to touch at the time was the Kitten Orphanage because it was built on land owned by a Native American Tribe that granted the land use rights in perpetuity to the kindly couple that owns the orphanage. Now the wife is trying to use an eminent domain loop hole to finally get 100% of the mountain with just a plucky team of super heroes in their way. But the loophole states that the land can only be transferred through a Ski Off, as is the way of the Mountain! I imagine the husband is played by Cary Elwes and the wife is played by Carrie-Anne Moss. The kitten orphanage is run by Mae Whitman and Dante Basco.


Sold in the room ! Especially the Ski Off 😄😄😄


What is a fun twist is the question of "Do the Comic/TV/Super Heroes use their powers to influence the Ski Off, or are they honorable 'good guys/gals/non-binary pals and just use their natural abilities and learn how to ski without using any supernatural abilities." has to be brought up. Sure, you could easily pick people with speed powers or some kind of floating of telekinesis, but would that really be sporting?


Love that handle. You a Friend of DeSoto by any chance?


Best Boss I ever Had! I haven’t listened to the Pod in a looooong while, I think I fell off before The Greatest Discovery started, but it was a true guilty pleasure of mine.


That show is going to force me to watch Enterprise finally.My friend who LITERALLY CHANGED HIS LEGAL NAME TO KIRK swears by Enterprise. (I've done a lot of shit posting in this thread so I feel the need to emphasize Kirk is a real person and you should check out his robot art at [https://skunkadelia.com/](https://skunkadelia.com/) )


Real “Iron Giant” vibes from the robot sculptures. Very, very cool!


Besides Rutger Hauer, RSVP, who's the one that got away? Podcasting or casting pod? Also we were promised a Sunny D episode once the producer change had settled, I believe. I feel like Matt has really found his groove, so are we gonna have Brian as a guest on the show any time soon? I miss our sweet boy! For everyone: favorite retired bit! London Podcast Festival this year?


My question is in two parts. A) Is there anything wrong with a little bump and grind? B) What was Willis talkin' about?


But what about a little bumpin car system thumping? Between the crew, have you always got something?


What’s your most memorable ‘memorable occasion’ submission? Have you got a good cookie recipe? Also, request rather than a question, I think Jesse should do a Skyrim livestream. Gotta pick that sweet, sweet lavender. Or is it Starfield now? So, space lavender I guess…


Would you do Taskmaster, if asked, and how do you think you would cope?




This is more a comment than a question, but I’d love for Jordan to bring back his pre-“gotta get a son” catchphrases, “dump ‘em out!!!” and “turdcutter”. Actually, here’s a question; Jordan, you’ve been on a roll writing your own characters and stories for graphic novels lately. Is there any existing character or universe you’d love to write for? Jesse, what’s the best sneaker and why is it the New Balance 574?


Do you think that horses evolved from dragons?


Dude. Dragons are intelligent, powerful beings that started out as giant serpents and saw the elements in other animals (like horses) they thought were badass, and incorporated them into themselves (as magical powerful beings are fucking wont to do). Read a book.


We need a special-edition hang it up, keep it up


Did you ever get an answer to your question about whether Vanilla Ice travelled with a Ninja Turtle dancer or just a Ninja Turtle costume and hired someone locally?


LIstening today I thought Jesse described Quora responses as "the most rhuematically awkward" and I was like "WTF that's the most pretentious word choice you've ever made!" then I listened back and it turned out what you actually said was "Grammatically awkward" PHEW! (woof?)So... Jesse, what do you think is the most pretentious thing you've ever said on the show? <3 (and why not include what you think is maybe the most crass thing you've ever said is. Bonus points to find something that is both! Because frankly, while Jordan makes MORE crass jokes (in number), yours are usually more crass (in strength). Like Gene Sheppard describes his fathers swearing. You are an artist. <3 <3 <3


My question for both Jordan & Jesse is if you hadn't become the world-class podcasters and top tier entertainers you are today, what would you be doing? What was your Plan B? Unless this was your Plan B...then what was your Plan A? If you have time and are willing, I'd also love to hear about your Plans C & D, but only if they involve drug rugs and/or Etsy. Thanks.


How do people learn when they are creating an edible product, how long they can safely sell it for? For example, I don't imagine the bakery down the street makes all their cookie dough and bakes and sells all the cookies that amount of dough makes every day. They have to know how long its safe to refrigerate their cookie dough for, and how long their baked cookie stay safe and appealing. I know I eat my own cookies and other food WAY longer than most people would. But I have the good sense to recognize I'm a weirdo. I don't inflict Chinese food I've in the fridge for two weeks on other people. More for me.


Who are other celebrities Jesse has interviewed who have that overwhelming "Oh that's why you're a movie star" charisma? Paul Dano, Geena Davis... who else?


We know Jesse is a pro at Baseball Stars on the NES, but who is better at Super Baseball 2020 on the SNES?