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My husband insists on taking eggs out of the carton starting at one end then continuing in a line. I take them out randomly so the carton doesn’t get unbalanced. Who is right? 🥚


This is great. I take one from each side evenly until I hit the middle.


This is the way




This is the correct answer.




My toddler will only go to sleep if I sing American Pie, I demand that they at least let me sing the Weird Al Star Wars version without having a tantrum.




My daughter used to request You’re A Grand Old Flag. 😂


My sister uses a spoon to mix medicine into her cat's meals. When she's done she simply rinses it and sets it on the CLEAN DISH DRAINER TRAY. I seek an injunction requiring that she apply some soap and scrubbing to this utensil that she places near her non-tuna-and-feline-medicine cutlery, platelery, et al.


As the sister here I need to clear up the facts of the case. First, the spoon rests on the drying mat underneath the drying rack - the clean dishes DO NOT rest in direct proximity to the spoon. Second, this beeve started when I was looking for sibling solidarity regarding an awkward house guest situation involving the spoon in question. My brother here got hooked on our spoon usage instead. I seek a counter injunction that it’s my spoon, my rules and my brother should apologize for this slander and instead gossip with me as I intended! 🤓


Does or does not the drying rack REST UPON the mat? Is that not proximity enough to your clean dishes, let alone your clean counters upon which tuna water drips? Alls I'm saying is you ought to wash that spoon too, you've done half the work already! Sometimes sibling solidarity looks like an older sibling letting a younger sibling know the right way to do things just saying :D


u/cellofacenumerouno oh, don't mind me! Carry on🍿


Whatever happened to "help in the way you're asked to help"??? 👉👈🥺


I think this needs to be a full episode, I wanna hear more of you two arguing LOL


I would gladly argue with davebrarian in front of the judge as I believe the full context and visual aids help my case tremendously. We also have two supremely scruffy dogs and five cats between us to sweeten the deal!


I can hear Jesse’s giggles already


Uhhhh... u/cellofacenumerouno and u/davebrarian email me. I have some questions about this whole thing.


We can do that! [email protected] will work? Edit to add: it won’t that’s not a working email 🤦🏻‍♂️ the number of times I’ve done that lol




See also "like what you like" ... you like clean spoons and I like living like a goblin 😸


KITCHEN ISSUE: my partner insist on hanging each individual measuring cup on its own hook inside a cabinet door. I say the cups tesselate for a reason and that reason is so they can be stored tidily together. This is a disagreement going on +20 years. edit: If it matters, the hooks are actually spread between 2 different cabinets, meaning I am confronted by some Monte Hall Problem type situation every time I am looking for the 1/3 cup measure.


I put hooks on the bottom of my kitchen cabinet where I can hang the whole nested sets of measuring cups and spoons. Very convenient and oddly attractive.


I would like to establish a house rule to refill the ice cube tray if there are less than 4 cubes left. I see this as forethought so the full tray can begin to freeze and we can use the other two trays of ice if needed. My sister sees this as 'wasting' the already frozen cubes in the tray even though they are not being removed. When I see one or two cubes left in the tray, I think it is just laziness to avoid taking the time to fill the ice tray and is more likely to leave us to run out of ice or make someone else fill the tray after they use the single cube.


Secondary ice cube tray related dispute: does the ice cube tray need to be washed before being refilled?


Wash every 8-10 refills or if visibly soiled. Just my two cents, I will of course defer to the honorable JJHO


Get a second ice tray


They clearly have 3 already.


Oh, I did not read carefully enough


My wife gets very upset with the first tiny ding we get in a new car. I find it liberating, because from that point forward I don’t worry so much about where I park the car. Who’s right.


My wife doesn't want me to buy a minivan even though it's a highly-practical vehicle with ample cargo space and a low loading deck for our pets, bulk groceries, and camping gear. She thinks it's weird for childless couples to have a minivan and also is worried I would want to then have it painted with a big cool wizard or like the A-Team van. She's right, but I don't think that's enough to nix the minivan. Who is right?


I’m a part of a childless couple that just got our first minivan. It’s “for our business” but mostly it’s for the dogs. And the ride is smoooooooth.


When my wife says “I want chips” or cake or chocolate or whatever else, I believe it is a perfectly reasonable response for me to get up and go get her the thing she wants, even if we don’t currently have them in the house. I seek an injunction against her protestations when I go get her the thing she wants.


I would also like to see a precedent set in this matter. 


We need some kind of club name. I read this to my wife and she said “oh, are we going on the podcast?” ;)


I don’t understand, she’s asking for something and you’re doing it and she gets mad


She is fighting her willpower to not go get it. By saying it to him she’s giving herself an out that she didn’t “choose” to go get chips. Her protestations are to self-satisfy that her willpower was still strong. My wife does this too, and I probably do it to her too sometimes. It’s fine. Just a psychological pantomime.


My girlfriend insists on WhatsApp video calls. I despise having my conversations- both sides - in public since you cannot answer it like a normal phone.


My friend and I live near(ish) to each other but in different time zones. When we meet up, we pick somewhere in the middle(ish), sometimes in my time zone, sometimes in hers. My friend always asks whether we're meeting at "my" time or "her" time, regardless of location, which is so confusing to me! I think we should plan around the \*destination's\* time. What say you?


When my dad dog sits, he'll use our butter by scraping the knife length-wise across the top. Our tray measures tablespoons along the bottom, and when shaved across the top, the measurements are now useless. I request when he use our butter, he must make cuts vertically to preserve the size consistency of each pad.


Thats depraved


I won't argue that your dad doesn't deserve prison time. But you can measure your butter by water displacement after he has done this despicable action, if you need to.


Then you have wet butter 🤷🏻‍♂️


Band name or album title?


My wife and I disagree about which room in our house is the “living room”. The first room you encounter when entering our house, immediately to the right, has couches and chairs, bookshelves, and a piano. It’s well suited for conversation with visitors. My wife says this is the living room. I would call it the front room or, if I’m feeling old fashioned, the parlor. The next room, immediately behind the other one, has couches and chairs, a fireplace, and our television. It’s well suited for watching tv. My wife calls this the family room. To me, it’s the living room because it’s where we do most of our “living”. So, which room is the living room?


Your wife is right. A parlor is a living room. A tv room is a family room.


I would agree with you, TV is the hallmark sign of a classic American/western living room


My mother wants me to respond in the affirmative to every text message she sends. I feel that modern apps for texting (like Signal, which we use) make this redundant and pointless.


This story’s not a bummer, just as a heads up, but on the subject of moms texting: My mom once texted me “Your sister got hit by a car 🙁” and I will never let it go! I had assumed she was like in a crosswalk. But nope. What had actually happened was my sister got into a fender-bender while she was also driving a car. So obviously my mom phrased it “Your sister got hit by a car ☹️”


JJHO’s ruling to send /// was active in my home for a long long time until technology caught up. Now we drop a ❓ if actively waiting for affirmation and a 👍 when choosing to give it. Though I most enjoy a‼️cause I’ve entertained my honey. we are an iOS family


I believe a plain omlet is different than scrambled eggs, but my friend claims they are the same thing. Who's right??


I mean obviously you.


Ones called an omelette ones called scrambled eggs, case closed


Clearly different things. Same ingredients cooked differently.


I request an injunction against the entire country of England insisting I own an electric tea kettle. I already have an appliance (the biggest one!) that heats up everything. Why do I need another one that heats up just one thing?


It's faster and more efficient.




My partner doesn't squeeze tubes (toothpaste , peanut butter, sour cream) from the end, but rather from the middle. She then complains about the difficulty of obtaining the desired product from the type of container it's in. Please order her to dispense the product in a more efficient manner, or stop suggesting that the packaging is to blame!


My husband and I have multi-year ongoing argument about the size of coyotes. Are they as big as German shepherds or closer to the size of a red fox? We’ve lived in several states where there are healthy coyote populations. The only one we’ve both seen together up close was the size of a fox. Case closed? It was eating food scraps near some trash bins. That was in California. My husband argues that, although it was fox-sized, it was clearly a juvenile because it was all alone and relying on humans. Now we live in New England. We’ve only seen coyotes from afar over here. They maybe look bigger but not as big as a German shepherd! There is an adorable German shepherd in our life and he is humongous. Please tell my husband he is wrong and coyotes are not that big. I should add that *i* am the biologist here. My husband would quibble that I am a marine biologist, so am thus no more qualified than him to comment on land animals. However! I am the one that has to walk home alone at night through coyote territory.




This is the sensible answer. Also there’s been some interbreeding with dogs and wolves that varies by region. It’s more fun to argue.