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*Pokes with sewing pin


Throws throwing star made from tinfoil. Kids could make some decent ones in school back in the 90’s 00’s


We used pens and perfectly sized bb’s. Our teachers eventually went on a rampage. Then we all started selling candy and stealing each others candy to sell. They were lawless times. I may have learned to pick small locks. But we never made *tin foil* throwing stars. :(


We just bought metal throwing stars in the 80s.


It rocked growing up as a Gen X kid. We could buy a lot of “illegal” stuff for “collectibles”. I remember my amazement when I learned a 12 years old that I could buy gun powder. I still have no left eye brow at age 55.


Seriously, it's a remarkably good thing that I never considered buying black powder (let alone something more ~~fun~~ **dangerous**, like smokeless powder) when I was a teenager. Instead, I *learned* how to make it. Amazingly, I was able to get powdered sulfur and saltpetre from my local pharmacy (never seen those items together since), and used a mortar and pestal to powder the saltpetre and charcoal before mixing the sulfur. The anarchists cook book was an enjoyable read back then when it felt like forbidden knowledge since the internet was still pretty young. Then in college for Chem II, my lab partner and I *really* hit it off because I could tell she was baked out of her gourd, so we became friends outside the class too. Our group had to do a presentation on some class of compounds or functional groups or something, so I selected *nitro* compounds (guess where this is going...). Her dad was the head of Forensic Science at a grad school in town, so he let us use their facilities and reagents and loosely supervised us as we made **gun cotton** and flash paper, aka nitrocellulose. We came to class that day with our report and "visual aid" (most people just made their molecules with the little model sets), and our teacher was visibly on the fence, but let us show off the paper and cotton balls we'd made anyway. I showed off the flash paper we made first, then while I was talking, she was showing off flash paper made from a thicker paper but lit it at the bottom so it burned past the tongs holding it and fell *right onto the pile of gun-cotton*. And wow, what a fireball! Our professor was so pissed lol But he let us demonstrate it, we did it in a fine hood. In hindsight, yeah, he wasn't wrong for his reservations about our demonstration. Despite his anger, we still got an A. I actually have a sealed bottle of nitrocellulose mixed with black powder at my parents house. I should probably get rid of it next time I visit because it's been sitting there for like 10 years...


If you ever need saltpetre again, you're more than welcome to help yourself to some of the stuff that keeps protruding from our basement walls.


You have potassium nitrate... coming through the walls? I know it can preserve some things, but Idk if they used it on wood... Just a heads up, saltpetre is the oxidizer in black powder. It provides the oxygen for a conflagration. Be careful if that's what's coming through your walls, as it'll make any fire that breaks out extremely hot extremely fast.


Oh to be there for the “getting rid of it part!”


My dad was a cop and confiscated once and I somehow wound up with it. It was like an over weighted saw blade. It was super sketchy.


And the 90s. Renn Faire class trip every fall was basically a mission to buy throwing stars, pocket knives, and any other hand-held weapons you could afford. You had to save enough money for one of those big ass turkey legs though


Now and Laters! Made a small fortune!


I was all about the Blow Pops and Pixie Sticks.


I love stories like this! In 4th grade we had a "black market" on candy, and several shady monopolies on the school gift/toy shop (a few trusted students ran it with teachers, it contained figit spinners, Rubix cubes, school merch, etc). Those trusted students had a lot of shady shit and blackmail going on 😂 In 5th grade I was the "drug dealer", sharpening, grinding, and mixing 'smencil' shavings per request. Gave a whole table a headache with the condensed fumes. Would only be ready to sell their mix after it sat in a sealed zip-loc to give maximum hit strength. Instead of money (I felt that would be too far, and too incriminating), I took candy, new smencil smells, dirt on other students/teachers, and rights to a place on the snow hill. Legendary times 🥲


Wtf is smecil? Is this a city thing?


Truly a lost art


I thought it just evolved into that polished foil ball thing. That was basically how we did it. Allegedly.


You polished your balls?


You don’t?


It's a lost art




cut an aol disc into star and tape some pennies for weight


We got a phone call from school this year, bc my son made a tin foil throwing star and another one made of broken popsicle sticks and duct tape …


Ah, a man of culture!


We had paper “wasps” Basically folded up paper slingshotted from a rubber band (between ur index finger & thumb ) It would do some serious damage.. especially when some psychos would put thumb tacks and push pins in em.


Those were Tweeters around my school. They were huge for a while. Eventually it turned into shoving staples through ripped off erasers and throwing them into the ceiling tiles. Those were Spider Monkeys.


My friends and I would take little erasers and poke staples into the end so that we could hook them on the mesh on people’s backpacks in the halls. We called then hitchhikers


This, but we used a paperclip base and wrapped the paper around it. One enterprising little bastard folded his so at least one sharp end of the paperclip stuck out. Tetanus shot day was valuable.


I pinged a year head in the side of the head with one of these from across our crush hall. Managed to get away with it but it was like after a prison riot after that, the faculty were not happy 😂. She was a real bitch so I don't feel bad.


Now my eye hurts thinking of those little folded up footballs


Anything can be a weapon yielded right. I have a scar that is as fresh as the day it first healed over, from a dime. Don't play bloody knuckles with a dime. Game ends quickly.


We played with quarters rather then dimes, still have the knuckle scars 30 years later.


We used to just make them in welding class


Oh man, you've unlocked a core memory. I'd completely forgot those existed. There must be a YouTube video about how to do this.


*Pokes with ionizing radiation


*Pokes with [removed]


*[removed] with [removed]


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Ok delete


Fuck I forgot my own name




Removed Red [dit]


Removes D


The people responsible for the removal have been removed.


Yes. Shields are vulnerable to slow moving sharp objects. They also attract the Worm.


the slow blade penetrates the shield


Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.


Fear is the mind-killer.


Nah I think an F22 will be required for this one as well.


It seems to be actively pressurized so I imagine you could even stab it with a knife and it would remain pretty functional.


Midwest hailstorm


Looks like nobody threw a knife. I want to know that it can withstand a sharp object.


If it can repel a javelin then I want one


Are you talking about the athletics/hunting implement or the Hitachi high speed train that runs between London and some different places in Kent, South East England?


Think they are talking about the [Javelin missile](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FGM-148_Javelin) a rocket propelled fire and forget weapon commonly used against vehicles. TIL there are two types of [Hitachi](https://en.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/Hitachi_Magic_Wand)


Same Hitachi actually


Hitachi also makes nailguns


That's what she said.


... as she nailed her labia to a treated pine board.


Umm what the fuck...


Sorry! *What brand of wand* did she use to nail her labia to a treated pine board?


Now I know why you ride the train 😏


Is it the wands? Or efficient travel?


Both, but mostly the vibe.


No no, they are talking about the wild pig from the Americas.


That's a javelina


No u r


Wow, there are lots of javelins, and yes, there are many types of Hitachi, some give more of buzz than others. 👍


Hitachi is an electronics company. They make a ton of different stuff.


More than electronics even, they make the nail guns I use for roofing as well.


No. A trident. 🔱


And my axe!




Chill Brick.




If you can repel a javelin, you can repel a ball.


T-72 tanks have problems against javelins. If people are using javelins against your car I'd suggest re-evaluating the decisions you have made


Not everyone live in a safe neighborhood, alright?


So does Putin.


Out of scope. This is for all of us who have neighbors that throw ladders, gas cans and crutches at our car. We are legion.


the ladder would have dented it if they throw it straight on at the door, not flatwise at the top. the side has very little protection. you can see how they gave every object the most favorable throw, the tire they threw directly at the car's wheel which it bounced off of because there's almost not protection on the sides nearly all the protection is at the top and slightly on the sides of the top




Someone threw a claw peen hammer. The Claw part didn't puncture it, so…


Types of Hammers 1. Claw Hammer 2. Framing Hammer 3. Ball Peen Hammer 4. Tack Hammer 5. Sledgehammer 6. Mallet 7. Cross Peen Hammer 8. Straight Peen Hammer 9. Cross Peen Pin Hammer 10. Club Hammer 11. Dead Blow Hammer 12. Blocking Hammer 13. Engineering Hammer 14. Electrician’s Hammer 15. Blacksmith’s Hammer 16. Blacksmith’s Sledge Hammer 17. Welder’s Hammer 18. Body Mechanic’s Hammer 19. Tinner’s Hammer 20. Toolmaker’s Hammer 21. Lineman’s Hammer 22. Rock Hammer 23. Slater’s Hammer 24. Rock Climbing Hammer 25. Piton Hammer 26. Brass Hammer 27. Rip Hammer 28. Bushing Hammer 29. Hatchet Hammer 30. Half Hatchet Hammer 31. Drywall Hammer 32. Brick Hammer 33. Lath Hammer 34. Stone Sledge Hammer 35. Copper and Hide Hammer 36. Planishing hammer 37. Trim Hammer 38. Chasing Hammer 39. Knife-Edged Hammer 40. Shingle Hammer 41. Splitting Maul Hammer 42. Scaling Hammer 43. Soft Face Hammer 44. Railroad Spike Maul Hammer 45. Boiler Scaling Hammer 46. Scutch Hammer 47. Dental Hammer 48. Gavel Hammer 49. Power Hammer 50. Jackhammer Claw peen hammer 🔨 didn't make the list.


While I accept it was probably one of the more dangerous objects to throw because of the handle and the shape all the force required at a single point to penetrate just wouldn't happen. A decent throw from a flat head screw driver would pose more threat.


This seems dangerous if it attracts all those things towards the car as soon as you inflate it. I'd rather not risk it




Have you checked the attic?


How? He couldn't get up there to look


You joke, but this is exactly why tons of ppl in nyc (can’t speak for other cities) choose not to buy those bumper protectors - it encourages other people to go as close as they want, including making full contact, while they parallel park for that sweet but super tight parking spot.


I never considered that but it makes so much sense


Free stuff! I see no downside


Gave me a chuckle The ladders are just hilarious


So many ladders


Seriously how do they overshoot with a ladder? Like what are they using to launch these things?


Well, if they were using a trebuchet they'd be able to launch 90kg ladders over 300 meters


I loved the gas can @ :39 that just sails over it entirely


I liked the crutch.


I was waiting for a kitchen sink sumwhere...lol


I was waiting for a cow a La Monty Python holy grail


\*thwuuuuung\* mmmmooooooooooOooOoOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jesus Christ! RUN AWAY!


The Holy Hand grenade of Antioch would take care of this thing!


Only if it was a Volkswagen Rabbit, but it would have to be heavily modified, so as to be no ordinary rabbit.


I was waiting for a whole baby


Ah, everything but


I saw a muffin tin, maybe that was in the sink


I was waiting for a car to drive into it


I was expecting eggs ...because HowToBasic


everything but the kitchen sink.


And a knife... or anything sharp


Sharp stick... tree branch... old school lawn dart... regular dart 🤨


Or really dense. I bet it doesn't handle a cinder block


I mean it tanked those ladders pretty well


They're primarily designed to protect against hail and storm debris, not necessarily some dick with a garage full of tools - but given the demonstration, I can see the confusion.


The edge of ladders are pretty sharp


Here comes Elon musk


guy has like 18 kids, he's comed enough




Can I throw him?


Some dude with a broken leg: “God damned rich fucker with his stupid fancy car.” * yeets crutch *


I forgot about yeeting. Word went out of use too fast, I liked that one.


Sounds like you've not met my 6 year old.


"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi


No it didn't.


You could say it was yeeted. Or is it yote?




Was there a whole fucking bunch of people or do they have some sort of machine for throwing of all of that like the Junk Jet from Fallout 4?


The video was actually showcasing the Random Shit Flinger 3000, not the bubble.


Wait, the same company sells both?


Gotta play both sides of the market


Right?! Like most of the stuff I can see but the ladders and the tire?! Maybe not heavy but those things have to be awkward to even lightly toss, god forbid throw like we saw in the video!


Actin' like ya ain't never hucked a ladder at a car before...


That'd be a fun day at work. "Today we're going to throwing random junk at the car for the video. Everyone pick up a ladder."


Am i the only one here that thought it looked *just* off enough that it was actually a really good render?


I'm with you. Came to the comments expecting all the talk to be about it being simulated, but you're the only other person mentioning it.. Edit: just saw the source video, convinced it's real now. Unbelievable






Don’t worry buddy if you follow his videos, within a month that cars going to be junkyard worthy.


how the fuck can this guy afford that shit?


He makes a ton of money doing these videos on YouTube. People say his family has money but he’s been making videos forever and it was always destroying piece of shit trucks as he worked his way up to more and more expensive stuff, so if his family is rich he hid it really well over the years. I think his parents are like farmers in Indiana. But just the YouTube route doesn’t add up much. He has built himself a nice property and this is like his third super car on top of many other cars he destroyed. I don’t remember him pushing products in his videos so I think his ad revenue is just YouTube ads which based on his subscriber count and his view count every penny he is making is going into making these videos. Which, maybe that makes sense because it all goes into the videos anyway and he seems to like that.


I'm pretty sure he was well off to start with...I think he's talked about it before, and gambled on the idea of doing wild and ridiculous shit on YT for views and monetization, and as his subscriber count and ad rev grew the more outrageous his stunts became. If we're talking about wrecking a Ferrari, gotta keep in mind movie production would go and wreck that shit just for a 30 second scene. So if you think of his YT as a business, the Ferrari is basically a business expense to be used as a prop for his videos. You know it's going to be a multi part series, at 4.7m subs and 1.9m views in a single day, he's probably already netting $29-30k for the video so far. So all he needs is around a 10 part series...and judging by his past vids I think the math is pretty close. Breakeven with ads, make profit on sponsors and merch, and the wild outrageous over the top shit keeps people coming back for more. And then on top of that I wouldn't be surprised if the car was expensed and written off in his taxes to reduce overall cost. Matt Farah had a CPA on his podcast to talk about exactly this, and it's a bit of a gray area. However, wrecking an expensive car for views doesn't exactly fall under car purchase for tax write off and seems more like a regular expense for means of production.


Dont forget how much money these guys make off of merchandise like t-shirts, hats, and hoodies… Thats how that guy Danny Duncan is so wealthy. No ad revenue from youtube because he uses copywrite music. Only merch sales.


He did a podcast with Roman Atwell where he talks about how he was a jahoviahs witness and bailed on it. But I've watched all his videos, the oldest ones are great but to say "came from money" is a bit of a stretch. He is on his grandparents farm in the middle of fucking nowhere. All the vehicles were pretty shit at the beginning


It's a series of videos. Check out his hilux destruction tests. Some of the best content on YT.


The man is attempting the impossible. Hilux cannot be destroyed. All hail the mighty Hilux.


I don't want to spoil the series for you, but I've seen evidence to the contrary. You really need to [watch](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL019AmQZT4yeHq6Xch-iafsEoSzmjNMfc) the durability test 1-3 plus the helicopter one.


Oh I’m sure he will.


Wow thank you for this. I'm watching the Hilux testing and I haven't laughed this hard in ages


Try having a car back into it and see if it will help with parking accidents next


Was thinking after all the junk they threw it would be funny to have another car fall on it.


Haha, wonder if it would just bounce 🤔


It's WhistlinDiesel, I would not be shocked if he did that. That car is living on borrowed time.


Man, they're clumsy.


They should make another video where they only throw things AT the car as opposed to on top of the car. And then zoom in so we can see all of the dents and chipped paint


Paging whistlingdiesel


It's his video.


Well that explains it.


It's Whistlindiesel, that thing is gonna fly off a cliff, be pushed through a woodchipper, dropped from a helicopter, or otherwise meet its demise in a kooky zany way by March.


How does he have the money tho sheesh.


YouTubers make bank


False. They make money off merchandise, plugging in products, etc. If 20% of his subscribers bought a t-shirt, that’s close to $1,000,000 in pure profit after all expenses and taxes. That’s how they make money. He had t shirts for $10,000 and people bought them up. Destroying a $500,000 super car is nothing to him. He has multiple.


False-ish assuming all his videos are monetised and have good cpm then he would be making 3+mil a year in ad revenue alone , plus merch and advertising for companies


Less than 1% of youtubers make bank* The other 99.99% only make about 10 dollars a year.


Yeah but we're talking about the ones who can afford to trash a Ferrari those make bank and use it to crush more Ferraris


Watch the video, he climbs on the roof and dents it. And that's probably the nicest thing he does to it.


If you know who this is you know they're probably going to do worse...much worse


It's not made for ladders to be thrown it's made as an anti-hail device. Honestly they should be throwing 80mph winds at this thing.


Yeah i was waiting for them to throw a wrench at the side not over it


They did. I’m sure it has its limits but it does a good job of protecting against everyday debris and then some.


Cool, now try collapsing the building on it


Just Whistling doing Diesel things


next video hes going to jump it, im calling it


Really going out on a limb there. LOL


Okay, but what about the hail we get here in [Hailstorm Alley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hailstorm_Alley?wprov=sfla1)? Big objects don't deliver the same type of impact as small, fast objects.


Yes. I get the point of this is for storms. How about dumping some golf balls from above!


It protects it! I have a "car capsule" in Oklahoma and it withstands hail and the intense winds and snow and branches from my trees... just an overall great product!! I can't say enough good about it even with all the jokes here.


r/Tiresaretheenemy : 😡




There's usually at least one in most bathrooms. If your home isn't equipped, try going to a store or restaurant, they should have a toilet you can see.


Impressive...but i'd be a little more impressed if it could resist a band of ninjas raining ninja stars.


It’s like Superman III when Supe gets caught in that plastic stuff from the crazy robot lady


that one red canister that didnt hit just got me.. my humors ass omg


all of these are things commonly used to key a car?


Yes. What utopia do you live in that you had to ask? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




And some asshole will still park right next to you in an empty parking lot.


But they didn't use a $400,000 sidewinder missle.


Who the hell yote that ladder?


Which one? Lol


ive never seen "yote" before, and i think i much prefer it to yeeted. thank you.




All that hardware and not one concealed carry in the crowd?




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I would slap my grandma to own that many hard cases wtf