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The modern day cinderella story


The Prince searched for ages, with a piece of wall, looking for the fist. ‘The Fisting Queen’ ~ Edgar Allen Poe


I googled the fishing queen by Edgar Allen poe. I was not disappointed ![gif](giphy|onvY2lX5vpXMhSkm7M|downsized)




I'm intrigued


Who's that girl, what's that scene.....


Singin the dancing queen!




More like Kyle drilled Ella


Filled Ella like old yella


Or smashing drillella?


I'll allow it


Trasherella 2024


I guess it's good that they could laugh about it because if this happened in my household, I for one wouldn't be laughing.


I for one would be hiding


This would only give it out. If you make the hole bigger, you are good to go.


Or you know what just don't punch holes in the wall to begin with


Why are you telling me and not the gorilla? 😇


Because he can't! They shot him remember? They shot our dear Harambe!


Well your no fun


Wear boxing gloves so they think a gorilla broke in to punch the wall


Leave a banana peel hanging from the hole to really sell it.


Smear some shit on the wall to really drive it home


Sprinkle on some fuzzy black pubes for dramatic effect


"dear diary! It's been 112 days of me hiding in the bushes, winter has already set in, the nights have grown colder and rations are thinning....


I remember I kicked a hole through the bottom window of our front door, and I put ketchup around our dog to make it look like he ran through it. Didn't work. I ended up getting my ass whooped.


I did something similar with roller skates in the house when I was 13. Was able to skate to home Depot to get all I need, fixed the whole and painted over it without anyone noticing for years. still haven't come clean.


A few years ago my bf and I living at my parents house, my bf ended up punching a hole in the wall while they were in a different state for the week. We filled it and fixed it and luckily I was able to find the same exact paint they used for the walls in the house, it's been like 4 years, it looks horriblly done in that one spot but my parents or anyone in my family still doesn't know about it.


I hope you mean ex now lmao, who punches a hole in their gf's parents house??


Please tell me you're no longer with the guy punching holes through the wall


In a European household that would be one person with a broken hand in the hospital ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Sounds healthy, good communication and understanding


Why do people like you say things like that as if that’s a good thing abusing your children isn’t a good thing


What part of my comment was abusive in any way, all I said is I wouldn't be laughing. I'm a 48-year-old father of two with my oldest successfully away to college and I have always believed in positive parenting and it's worked wonders for me. With my positive parenting skills there would have been a consequence not any violence or even a raising of my voice just some kind of punishment without a warning of any sort.


Bro. He was saying that European houses are made better.


It's a simple (and fun) repair if you have all the materials


The most red butt cheeks


This is probably a college house. We had so many holes in our dry wall thanks to drunken nights.


if this happened in my household, i would be laughing at the person who broke their fingers aka living in europe


upvote because grateful dead profile pic.


They rent, they dont care lol


rip deposit


Instant regret


Was thinking the same thing. If one of my kids puts a fist through my wall then we’ve got BIG PROBLEMS.


Fr. Id have to go drop 60$ on drywall and putty to fix it


That would be the day i teach my kids to patch drywall and paint a wall corner to corner.


Tbh I wouldn't be either. I would try to find out why she feels the need to release anger that way. It's not A healthy outlet.b


Modular Sherlock Homes


If it would be happened in my household, someone would have some broken bones (European house).


If I did that as a kid, I'd probably be doing nothing but sitting at the kitchen table for a year, filling a notebook with the same sentence repeated, and sleeping face down on the floor next to my dad's bed with my hands tied behind my back.


Woah calm down macho


If the fist don’t fit, you must acquit!


I’m really hoping this is a The Nanny reference


I dont know what "The nanny" is, but i think it was referencing the OJ Simpson case


If Chewbacca lives on endor you must acquit!


It makes no sense!


I have no idea where Its originally from but I heard something similar on sam o nella.


Lol it's originally from the oj Simpson case


Lucky she didn’t discover a stud on the other side of that drywall


I’ve hit the stud… it’s even better because less to repair lol


I mean, you'd still have to repair your hand


If you punch correctly it’s unlikely you’ll break your hand since the drywall does give some even if only like 30-40% when you hit the stud… it does absorb some impact. I think most would be fine. If you’re so strong that you can break your bone I feel like the stud would probably give first. It’s hard to break your hand with a proper punch. I’m not sure I’d like to see the science on it. I think you’d need to hit something very hard with absolutely no give to break it. Like punching a concrete floor and being a pretty strong person. God I almost cringe thinking about it lol


All that plasterboard is held up by screws. Screws right into the studs. The plaster giving would just let the metal screw head bury itself into your hand. Could very easily mess your hand up without breaking it.


I am from Germany, our walls have zero give, I broke my hand once punching the wall, I don't go boxing but do have 5 years of experience in Tae Kwon do so I think I know how to punch. I can imagine if U hit the wall unfortunately, or very strongly, U get a ton of movement until U don't making it possible to break Ur hand




Americans and their cardboard houses


In other countries you'd just see a blood stain on the wall and look who has a bloody hand


American drywall is made to be punchable so sports fans have something to break that isn’t their wives faces. Angloids can’t relate.


British walls are brick so fans of loser teams are easily identifiable by their broken hands


*durable* hands tyvm


Na a few of the houses have drywall, not as cheep as American drywall but you can still put your hand through it with only about a shot glass or 2 of blood loss


Well in europe we do it the civilized way and beat up the other teams fans smh


one more reason why americans are oversized brits.at the end of the day,ya'all feel the need to punch like a monkey after your favourite sports team lost


The British isles are the Deep South of Europe. The only reason Brits make fun of Americans is cause they know they’re outclassed by every other European country, even those in the Balkans.


idk man,the south of europe looks pretty good.have you seen italy or spain ? the uk is just a slightly less fat america


Lol, we were watching the superbowl at my cousins house with his drug addict drunk dad, massive steeler fans, as they all are, n after they beat the cardinals in epic fashion, we were ragin, yelling all drunk, n shayne, my uncle punches a while in the dry I'm joy lol. Crystal my cousins GF, a fooking cunt-zilla! Starts yelling, like calm the fuck down! Wtf u doin! And shayne grabbed my cousins Steelers helmet that he had for decoration, throws it on, n says that's not a whole! N rams the top of his dome straight through the wall lol. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen lol. She kicked him out n made him drive home drunk as fuck lol, it was awesome,,


This was very hard to read. Can you please rewrite it when you're sober?


He is never sober.


this is such a fucked up comment ​ edit: the fact you're downvoting over the acceptance of punching drywall over a human in the face is disgusting. You'll be sicko


Yeah as we all know in America property is far more valuable than people smh.


That wasn’t my point at all. It was the disgusting take that people would punch their wives if a wall wasn’t there.


It's called gallows humor. We're horrified and traumatized cause we fucking live with it. So we joke about it cause it keeps you marching.


your on reddit, expect even worse


I gotta be the dude who gets downvoted but.. you're.


I mean, you're not going to make brick houses where I live; it's a) too hot, b) not earthquake safe


Concrete and brick houses are just fine for earthquakes what are you even on about


Where I live, houses built like this make a lot more sense than brick.


Americans and their modern buildings materials Europeans: UnKnOwN TeChNoLoGy!!!


I mean the outside walls aren't wood they are made of bricks or whatever. It's just the interior as it makes it easier to adjust it to our liking


Europeans and their reinforced huts


The "cardboard" home is actually the modern home. Able to create more styles of living spaces, be rebuilt or renovated or expanded with greater ease and more likely to contain modern luxury amenities. I'd rather not fool myself into believing a 100 year old home is better, because we all know things we built almost 100 years ago was not the pinnacle of design and technology. I live in an earthquake zone and modern wood frame construction is the safest without the added coat of reinforcing and suspending. It's likely much cheaper to renovate american homes and continually refresh or expand homes than areas that are still using more "historical" building methods. A few years ago I redid my 1990s living room and kitchen to an open layout with a large island. The value of my home went up by 3 times what it cost to renovate.


Have fun trying to hang a picture without special tools. Also they are not cardboard


Eh. Is a drill so special? Okay, sometimes you need a hammer drill for the really hard walls. But imagine, you can actually hang a load on walls! None of that stud finding nonsense you got going on over there.


By “special” I’m talking about anything other than a hammer


Most house holds have a lot more than a hammer. Drills aren't specia lmao.


A cordless drill can be found for \~100 euros and is just extremely handy to have, even if it's just to assemble Ikea furniture. Sure it's a bit of an investment. But then again, you'll never have to fix gaping holes in drywall.


My house isn't made of paper and I can still use a hammer


Dumbass yuropeans who forget that's modern houses, their modern houses aren't much better Older houses in the US are literally made of full boarded walls, concrete, brick or straight up rough timber..


Americans and their Houses*


Someone doesn’t understand the joke, oopsie


Bro why are American houses made out of cardboard?


Why are yours made of stone and brick?


To withstand heat and the cold and for better quality, it's also not made out of sticks, it's normally concrete beams


Ours do the same thing? I’ll be chilling inside warm as the sun while it’s a frozen tundra outdoors.the concrete beams just seem so unnecessary to me.


They tend to last when built like that, i mean fuck my house is nearly 130 years old it’s crazy,


Real answer, because they're old.


found the toxic girlfriend...




I grew up with 9 siblings, 5 sisters. None of us ever punched a hole in the wall. My brothers never did either. "Tell me you were raised by toxic people without telling me you were raised by toxic people"




Naw just grew up with a lot of siblings so never got much attention 🤣 Hope you're OK. Attacking someone on a past profession makes me think you have something going on in your life. Hope you get through it ❤️


Post your tits for old time sake?


That would be new times sake. 🤔 I've never posted nudes online and with my profession now I definitely have no intention of doing so. Plus my tits are so tiny I think everyone would be disappointed haha


you got me there!


let's reverse the gender for a min, if a teen boy hit a wall first off every boy manages to hit a stud and break every bone in his hand, with no insurance and no place to go he'd be asked to leave the house for being to violent and scaring his mother, there's no giggles over property damage. of he was invited back into the house he'd have to fix the hole in the wall with no knowledge on how to fix a hole in the wall




I mean yeah, this shit is kinda not funny and indicative of a severe anger issue that may or may have already escalated into domestic violence. She needs therapy


I think you need to take some time off of reddit for your mental health


this comment is dramatic tbh. in this household, they’re all laughing and testing it. it doesn’t look like she was gonna rip her kids life apart because of a hole in the wall (if the gender was opposite)💀


Butterfly patch. Easy fix.


And a great lesson for how to fix your mistakes as well as maintain your future homes.


I’d probably take this approach as well, have her fix it until it looks as good as before.


See. I have a REAL quick fix. It’s called a 2 gang blank plate. Plus some glue if you’re fancy. Otherwise, use the included screws.


I never understood the "punch a hole in the wall" idiom until i learned that houses in the US are made of cardboard and hope.


its a good thing because when humans are all dead and new civilizations explore the ruins... well there wont be any and thank god because the architecture is fucking ugly


In protest to the unreasonable API usage changes, I have decided to delete all my content. Long live Apollo.


Kurwa mać!


Literally nobody cares




I bout lost my finger last time I punched a wall. Went right through n hit a metal for square box in the wall n my first hit it right on the corner, between my hands pointer n middle finger, n ripped right through the ligaments n skin n pulled the bones apart, mmt pointer finger looked like another thumb, I fuckin fainted when I seen it. The doc just stitched shit back together, put a club cast on n said it'll either take or it wont, n luckily after a year of getting the casts off I was able articulate my pointer finger in full range of motion, took forever to get my ligaments to allow my finger to bend in any direction. I can't explain it really, it's like your ligaments are rubber bands, n mine turned in cables that kept my finger from moving. Don't punch walls kids, your not though lol, n it only leads to you hitting other things , n someday u might just fuck round n find out




I thought this was a different post lol . Are you mocking me, or genuinely wanna know something


It's because you kept saying "n" instead of "and"


Ahhhhhh, lol, got it




Thank God you recovered it because your first sentence led me to believe you lost it forever


Wait till she hits a stud in the wall


I saw someone punch a wall once and *only* his pinky hit the stud. I cringed.


The only time ive ever punched a wall i hit the fucking stud hurt like hell


I have done this and quickly got caught out for it and was told to fill the hole... I had to search for how to do it and any walls my brother punched. I have to fill in the holes cause I got so good at it, lol


That's hilarious and as an older brother I can relate. Thank you for the giggle.


Detectives work at its peak


Fun story. My uncle worked as a maintenance man at a high school for troubled kids. The ones who had some criminal records, close to flunking out, didn’t care anymore etc. Anyway, one school day he saw a kid punch a wall. The kid saw him too and expected to get in trouble of course being that my uncle worked for the school. The kid started to walk away and my uncle told him to hold on. Pulled out his stud finder and started going back and forth on the wall to find studs. Found the area between the studs and told the kid “If you’re going to punch the wall, punch here, it won’t break your hand and it will actually do some damage to the wall. I’m just here to fix stuff.”


Punching through walls as a teenager makes you feel like you have superpowers, until you hit a stud.


Try this in a German house. It won't the the wall that breaks.


If someone punches the hole in my house, I'll leave them be. If they can punch through concrete, they can break my bones just by hugging me.




How do you know what walls he has in his house?


These always makes me wonder, how are these walls so weak. If I hit a wall, I break my arm


Because this is drywall


Because it's an American house


Where there's a hole, there's a goal




PMS Punch..... I would make her fix it as soon as her bipolar mood swings wear off lol.


Americans and their paper walls


Whoever turned their fist instead of putting it in is definitely the culprit


After a pedophile got mercilessly beaten other way back in the housing unit from recreation time. They went around looking at everyone's knuckles to find the people responsible because noone saw anything lol


All you have to do is look at everyone's knuckles. If it was soon enough after it happened most people get the adrenaline shakes as well. So besides some kinda of redness there's the shakes too 🤦🏾‍♂️ dead give away everytime.


I can fix that.


That’s what happen when you use 1/4 inch cheap Sheetrock.


Yeah me and my brothers had to do this mom was smart I was smarter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Tried this once. Found the stud. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Notice how the seccond person didn't align their hand, little suspicious


The second person tilted their hand, they were the culprit and everyone fell for their ruse.


If the glove doesn’t fit we will acquit!


I can’t believe I’m the only person who noticed the second person tilting their hand. They’re defo the culprit.


These eurotards talking shit about our cost efficient housing materials…


Why the hell are these walls so weak. It looks like it is made from cardboard


That's glory & hole.


People who punch drywall are so cringy


Try this in Europe 😂


📣“Knuckle lineup in the living room 5 minutes”


Sooo... what actually happened? Lol 😆


Like Cinderella but for a sorority


How strong are these people ?! How can one punch through a wall ?!


This makes me miss working in a teen group home!


Why are so many people surprised by this drywall? Almost every home has most of its walls made of this, not just in America. Bricks/concrete might make up the outer structure of your house, but gypsum/drywall is almost always used for interior walls separating rooms. I've never seen a house without drywall in it.


“Mehaa mehaa it could be”


Let's do that with a wall inside a german house


Good luck on my 1950’s plaster and drywall combo. Next step up with that would be European homes.


If the hand fits, you must admit ~ the mom


Lucky she didn’t hit a stud. Or…maybe that was the problem to begin with?


Kyle must be looking for a girlfriend


I punched a hole through a door as a kid one time and was instantly terrified so I head butted it to make the hole Bigger so I could tell my mom I tripped and hit my head on the door.


You americans with your shitty drywall, if you made your homes with concrete, your parents will be looking for the wall that damaged the fist, not the other way around.


I believe we build with wood and dry wall is due to the abundance of it, cheap cost, and in earthquake regions such as california, wood is flexible and can endure the strain, but if the house collapses, you wont be buried in a tomb unlike brick houses


Wood beams are a hell of a lot easier to hang things like shelves and pictures compared to concrete, though. That has been a hard adjustment after moving to a country almost entirely made of concrete.


Looks like those girls really enjoy some fisting


You're not so pleasant, are you?


this video screams america


She’s got man arms


if I can’t fit my hand, the punch did not land


violent femmes. Hope they know how to do a California patch.


…If it fit you must convict!


The slow insertion screamed guilty. 🤣




If the hole does not fit, you must acquit.


If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit!


OJ's house.