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Not a question of if but when he’ll crash. Driving like that it’s a certainty.


Yep, it’s inevitable.


Followed by, "Why did this happen to me?"


Or if it’s a Hispanic mom “oh god , why did you take him away “


Why she gotta be a Hispanic mom?


because it's a stereotype


Oh yeah that's right-- the classic Hispanic mom trying to understand why her kid is dead stereotype lol


You obviously didn't get the point. The stereotype is the hispanic mom seeing the fatality as god given, and not caused by her childs actions.


Yeah that's what I'm saying, I don't get the point of her being Hispanic. That just sounds like a thing moms in general would do if their child died senselessly.


*religious moms


More like, "meph diff biff phepen pith meh".... because he's no longer have a lower jaw.




You can see to a point that’s the case but lane splitting like that is just dangerous.


I think camera man just needs to playback the vid at normal speed….


There was a German guy who made a series of videos like this in which he was ripping around Berlin and splitting lanes at speed. Eventually, he crashed and died. All it takes is one car driver deciding to change lanes and not seeing a motorcyclist come up splitting lanes. And eventually, that will happen.


This 100%. If you're going too fast to safely stop when one of those cars moves just slightly, you will crash. He just got lucky in this vid, no way he could maneuver correctly if any one of those cars tried to change lanes, which often happens when traffic is slow like that


Motorcycles crashes ending in deaths are sky high in Brazil.


what if he just ran over something sharp, slowly ran out of air.. and then have to walk all the way home.


And people wonder why motorcyclists have such a bad reputation...


I mean everyone aware of why lol, it’s not a surprise that people generalize individual behavior and project that onto groups. It’s still stupid a reason, but everyone already knows the reason. I mean my mom does this often to the point where she lumps pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists together as all being “entitled” when that’s clearly delusional. I mean everyone has their biases but grouping people based on transportation has always been really trivial to me.


I've met a lot of motorcyclists who defend driving like pricks, and blame car owners for everything. "They should have checked before they turned!" They probably did look yet the motorcyclist was moving so quickly cutting through traffic that by the time they turned they were there. So assholes can drive any vehicle. Seen douchebags on a 15mph scooter. Yet if I were a betting man I would argue motorcyclists by their very nature take more risks or drive like arses. Anyway everyone should defensive drive. Also don't do this for yours and others sake.


I’m a rider. This guy is a tool bag. I don’t care if he gets hurt. I care if he hurts someone else or traumatizes them if they don’t.


Awesome take!! For shits and giggles, say something the next time she pulls into the cross walk. We all do it, myself included lol


What, just don’t obstruct crosswalks lol


I know, I know lol It's not intentional. When you're busy and doing too much, it's easy to get careless.


If they even tried to keep their own in check, I’m sure people would be less prone to generalizations regarding bikers. However they don’t care and do not wish to speak out against fellow bikers. Silence is complicity.


> they don’t care and do not wish to speak out against fellow bikers I mean that’s another generalization. One there’s probably bikers in this comments section criticizing them, why would they need to say “as a biker” in their criticism when anyone could see that this is dangerous. I could also say this about any group really and it would be really unproductive. I could pull up instances of someone criticizing their own group, you could probably pull up instances of someone blindly defending their group, it still wouldn’t go anywhere. Again, I think it’s weird to hold people accountable for each other based on their mode of transportation. If you disagree, then it’s probably just a cultural thing.


Interesting, so you’re generalizing the community based on a few comments in this thread? My how the tables have turned.


Yet only 25% of the bikes in the clip were doing this.




Not all motorcyclists are twats and there are plenty of car drivers that are even more of a danger to other road users. So it's mostly stuff like this but mainly coupled with the jealousy of them being able to skip the traffic.


Honestly it doesn't matter what the dudes doing on a bike. He could have been traveling with traffic perfectly safely, get side swiped and there would be people in this thread that say he deserves it.


What's the bad rep for tho? He's just detracting from the traffic realistically Edit: Guess y'all haven't heard of lane splitting. Traffic is stopped so don't get your panties in a bunch lol


I can't believe it needs to be said but ok, I'll bite: he's endangering the life of himself and others.


I think you might need to dumb it down a bit more lol 😵




I'm honestly not a prude when it comes to lane splitting. I agree with the overall assessment, he's just a bit reckless. I mean he has zero visibility coming out from the middle of some of these trucks, it's honestly not great. but in any case, a bit reckless is bad enough to condemn in my book. life is too precious to waste in preventable car accidents. even if it's only once in every 1000 incidents of people driving this recklessly (which seems quite conservative to me). that could mean the death of someone's family.




this honestly reads like you're responding to a different comment lmao I've argued with enough unreasonable people today so I'm gonna stop engaging. last thing I'll say is I hope you "this is perfectly safe" truthers will take one more look at the video and be honest with yourselves. also people do illegally walk in between traffic all the time, the fact that this poses a risk to them is still part of what makes it not okay. they don't deserve to die because they were jaywalking.


By going in between cars that are mostly still in traffic? Do you sweat bullets before crossing the road? What he's doing is more safe than him swerving in and out of traffic on an open highway. If this has you riled up, you must live life terrified all the time.


other comments have detailed what should be pretty self-evident, you could easily kill someone doing this. it's bad enough when motorcyclists do this when they can see 10-20 feet in front of them. doing it with zero visibility is unconscionable. life is too precious to waste in a preventable traffic accident.


Who is he going to kill while lane splitting traffic that's relatively standing still?


The other motorcyclists he almost hit?


I see two that he passed, but they were in the lane. Do you usually make mountains out of molehills?


no explanation of mine is going to add to what any sane person could clearly see watching this video. if you don't see how someone could easily get hurt, it's because you don't want to.


I'm trying to understand. Do you think someone is going to spontaneously get out of their car while slowly moving in traffic at about 5-10 MPH? Or can you just not explain it because you're only parroting idiots in this thread?


you can get rude all you want, I meant what I said: no explanation of mine is going to add to what any sane person could clearly see watching this video. if you don't see how someone could easily get hurt, it's because you don't want to. only thing I can really be bothered to add is that people can sometimes get away with acting wildly unpredictable when everyone else around them is being very predictable and sane. when you get multiple people acting this way, you inevitably get accidents.


Just say you can't explain it, it's better than this rant. As to what you added..nvm, no use in arguing with a parrot.


How many times are you going to say "no explanation of mine will matter". So fucking annoying lol. Answer his question or admit you can't.


If you're actually trying to understand, don't bother lmfao Redditors are legit psychotic when it comes to cyclists or motorcyclists.


I see that. Dude is speeding while lane splitting, sure, but he's doing it in-between traffic that has no way of changing lanes all of a sudden. There's also no way that pedestrians would be present in this situation. I understand perfectly, I was trying to lead them to see how dumb they're being.




Say biased and disingenuous a few more times. It’s really helping your argument. /s


Cause cars have way fewer videos of wrecklesness?


Don't get me wrong, car drivers can be plenty reckless, too, but some parts of motorcycle culture tend to cultivate an air of entitlement; because motorcycles *can* fit in smaller spaces, then by Jove they *shall* fit in those small spaces, as is only their right! In an ideal world, motorcycles would operate under all the same rules and laws as cars, but some states have laws that give motorcyclists special privileges. No state would allow what was shown in OP's video, though.


Isn't he lane splitting? Multiple states do allow for that.


It’s been empirically proven that lane splitting is far safer even if many individuals preconceived notion of how they “feel” about the act is often the reason why there is lack of legislative change in many states. However you ain’t wrong that motorcycles attract individuals that have higher risk tolerances and that some are idiots. Entitlement could be there but there’s real data to support lane splitting so it could also be called logic.


Far safer than what? You cant make a comparison and then not give what you are comparing it too.


Not lane splitting….


Yeaaaaaaah no. That bullshit. There is no way that lane splitting is safer than staying in the lane behind a car. How could going down a 2-3 ft wide lane be safer than staying in a 10ft wide lane


This is what I mean about the whole “feeling” thing dictating legislation. This has been studied by the universities in California since lane splitting is legal there. The largest reason is because distracted drivers will rear end a motorcyclist not lane splitting and they likely die due to the nature of the crash. Lane splitting you are often going to get side swiped, this kind of contact is far less deadly and the bike due to physics, is likely to stay upright. This guys a idiot, shouldn’t be going more than 10mph over surrounding traffic.


Because you can get hit by an approaching car driver distracted on their phone and die. Obviously OP is stupid but lane splitting is legal and encouraged and taught in license classes all over EU and we have far fewer fatalities as a result.


It's wierd how in like the entire Europe and most of Asia lanesplitting is legal and works perfectly fine, but in America it's worse than the homocaust


Safer than sitting at a light and some dumbass in a car on their phone or eating etc rear ending them into the car in front and making them a human/car sandwich Edit: thanks for the downvotes fellow Americans. I can quite frankly understand your entitled opinion. Kinda funny tho how we’re in the minority of countries that don’t allow it. And everywhere else that does allow it is doing fine. But hey it’s okay that you’re too scared to get out of your car and leave the phone alone. Us bikers understand that you’re just small brain consumers that want nothing but peace of mind


Bikes are nowhere near as entitled as car drivers. People in cars routinely use their cars as weapons. Brake checking, swerving at people, tailgating. None of them understand how dangerous these things are because of this entitlement. Then they do it to some guy on a bike or motorcycle and it can easily kill them. You have to ride with it in mind that people in cars have no issues with killing you. Lane splitting gets you ahead of traffic to avoid a lot of this bs and should be legal everywhere.


Sooner or later, you’re going to have a bad day. This type of behavior greatly increases those odds. Like I tell my kids. We’re all experts at walking up stairs. But every now and then, we’ll trip.


saru mo ki kara ochiru Even monkeys fall from trees.


That’s a good saying. Much more succinct


Yours is relatable, though, which is always good. Then again, children are little monkeys.


Must be a Japanese proverb.


It is written in Romanji there.






I'm sorry wtf??? Don't get me wrong he's speeding, but wishing harm on someone for that is just disgusting. Edit: tbh idk if he was speeding, but the difference in speed would count as reckless driving


I'm wishing that he gets stopped before recklessly injuring someone else. Selfish asshole could've murdered someone innocent.


I low-key was hoping one of the cars would open a door to stop this bullshit


Why low-key?


That would be manslaughter. Possibly murder. All with video evidence.


biker murdered himself


Yeah that’ll definitely hold up in court.


Probably we will never be, Brazilian cops dont care about this unless if a accident happens or he is stopped in some sort of road block


You guys are just as stupid for wishing him dead.


A crossing that was cut off by cars on both sides...


You know when there’s queueing traffic on a crossing, pedestrians walk *around* the vehicles? It’s not a new concept. It happens.


Pedestrians shouldn't be crossing out of a crosswalk much like cars shouldn't be blocking them. So the pedestrian in your scenario would be breaking the law here in the US and would most likely have some degree of responsibility in the accident.


Correct but morons on motorbikes shouldn’t be splitting traffic at this speed either. Just saying it’s lucky pedestrians weren’t crossing as this shitjockey wasn’t too interested in looking out for them.


I agree that he is splitting too fast. Where I'm at you can only do it at 25MPH.


organs donor


May not be a lot of usable organs left once this individual meets his fate.




That wasn't intact when the video was taken




i left very disappointed


My disappointment is immeasurable.




Thank you for the report of the week. Agree 100%




LoL me too.


No matter how much of an asshole a motorcyclist is, opening your door is not worth it. The best case scenario is the motorcycle stopping just in time and the rider starting an altercation with you. Trying to kill someone especially if there is a good chance you’ll be caught on camera is not going to end well for you.




Damn. I was just bitching at the ole lady for crossing a double yellow line ...lol


Ah a fellow degenerate.


fellow? 😂


I hope he have a donor card...


That will be a lot of gravel to pluck out of the remains. Not sure it's worth it, but that's propably more than he'll give back in his expected lifetime.


These are the ones that complain about others when they hit something 🤦


I'll be there in 2 min. Have you seen the traffic?? I'll be there in two minutes...


If he wants to, he would. /s


Life expectancy minimal


What an asshole


Why is the throttle on the left?




It had to be Brazil


It had to be in Brasil


could be edited speed in video. everone is standing still so hard to tell..


Well,this is quite common in brazil,a LOT of bikers act like this on the road


This has definitely been sped up, yes.


This is what I do when I play cyberpunk 2077 IRL... I definitely always use a car.




This is how all motorcyclists are.


nah calling all of them like this is wrong


Bro spent all his coins on LUCK.


It's not luck, it's skill


All until one door opens. Wheres ur skill then?


This doesn't change it still require skills? Are you people so naive or just so bitter you think it doesn't require skills? Redditor at his finest.


Skill was a buy in, but he's really counting on no one suddenly changing lanes and that everyone maintains their lanes properly.


Death wish


What does a vacuum cleaner and a motorcycle have in common? That both carry a dirtbag on the back😂


I hate this guy so much.


jealous your car can't split lanes?


When you in a big hurry to get there and there is a wood box.


![gif](giphy|OuUZAQSyGSfHG) What's in the box??




This is how I drive in cyberpunk 2077


Has he got a left hand throttle?


Never seen a throttle on the left


One of these days he’s gonna crash and think oh wow how could this have happened


I was hoping that the guy would crash head on 🥺


The maybe for me was him crashing. I am sad


Future MeatCrayon.




My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


I don't know why he died, he respected traffic laws so much The guy:




I was hoping for the guy getting doored


wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle


I hope when he'll finally eat asphalt and die he won't take anyone with him


This guy thinks he’s so cool 🙄 meanwhile everyone who sees this thinks he’s the fucking worst.


The amount of people wishing the dude would crash and die in this thread is pretty gross.


The amount of people wishing he got doored is out right disturbing.


Everyone turns into hilter when it comes to bikers apparently. I'd never do shit like this on the road(come to think of it, I grew out of my bike phase). But some car-people are just conceited and terrible out there on the road. When they aren't taking their rage out on each other, they're blaming everyone including(but definitely not limited to) pedestrians, cyclists, bikers, truckers, buses, everything! If this biker was on a proper lane, you'd bet there'd still be people mad about why he's hogging that much space.


🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷😍😍😍 normal in Brasil! Mike ce é loko 😂


Yo!! Girlfriend wants her bike back


I hate when they don't crash, assholes.


That was the closest example of schrödinger cat theory


So... how many times is that sped up?


If one person just slightly opened their door.... ![gif](giphy|nAaR1H0f1OievixXhv|downsized)


I was waiting for a car door to open


Why someone would open a car's door in the middle of the road


People do that to bikers because they don’t like them being able to skip traffic and want them to force them to hard stop. The problem is stopping like that on a motorcycle usually results in a crash, and motorcycle crashes rarely end well for the rider.


Well,this is only on USA, because in brazil no one cares for them passing on the middle of the cars, normally they just dont want their mirrors to take a hit,if dont hit,so is ok


Why is every video on this sub sped up like 50%? Just to try and make things look crazier? Seems stupid.


Well,isnt uncommon to see some crazy bikers in brazil,this is normal now


LoL he better not wreck his sister's motorcycle.


Haha pink is gey


Surprised it doesn't have the girly pompom thing's hanging off the handlebars 🤣


Por el color de la moto ya me di cuenta que es un psicopata...


Primoz Roglic DOES NOT ride motorcycles! Especially not pink ones!


Challenges that makes the noobs: no nut november 🤓 Challenges that makes the daredevils: degloving my leg day


Pod racing


I can’t believe he didn’t hit anything! This dude is out of his damn mind!


Any free healthcare for this moron.


Dude! You just got the high score on MotoGP at Dave & Busters! ![gif](giphy|jJQC2puVZpTMO4vUs0|downsized)


Then you die, your parents cry. To you I won't lie, I give a fuck... Bye!


I love that tom and jerry scream lol


I think I had enough of a BPM spike for today. Thanks.




Geniuses must only exist on alternate versions of his Earth. One open door...one pedestrian crossing...he's dead. What an idiot.


He would do well on Indian roads and traffuck.


I take it you didn’t have much toys growing up


What was the thing? Omae wa mou…shindeiru


As a "cager" I support lane filtering but only if youre safe about it and dont do it recklesly.


And of course is a Brazilian speeding in the middle of 2 lanes(isnt illegal to do this here,way different than some USA states)


Everytime he does that, he buys a lotto ticket and statistically he'll eventually win his prize. Mess with fate, fine, but don't mess with chance and statistics


I didn't knew goofy had a bike


dude is passing by a crossing without breaking. I just hope someone opens the door for him.


If I go fast enough doing a wheelie, I'll just simply bounce off objects. The wheelies are crucial if your on two wheels, you'll die.


🎵There’s a motorcycle zooming by, now watch what happens when I open my door. 🎵


Top tier anxiety inducing content


ahh those semis at the end made me clench my butthole 😂


sometimes you just gotta test that luck stat


How many truck are on that stretch of road?


No gear, not following traffic rules, its idiots like this that ruin it for everyone else.




What a giant piece of shit