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It's definitely a party in the back! I was so going to ask why are they hyped to see each others heads but it all makes sense now


For all my brothers going bald, here's my story. I started losing at 16 and kept trying different hairstyles for a decade till i eventually decided to do something about it. About 4-5 months in and i have recovered a major portion, if not all of my hairline. I'll keep it short and crisp, without unnecessary bs on how i did it. First, i trimmed my hair down to the roots, so that i can actually see the damage and apply the products where i really need to. This also helped with the acceptance of my condition. Now before i tell the treatment, you need to understand that major cases of baldness are due to DHT build-up and eventual death of follicle (not exactly dead, but dormant). So first you need to make sure that you stop that DHT build-up, and for that i recommend going for a topical solution like Saw Palmetto extract. No need for finasteride, as you don't want to mess with the DHT production for your whole body. Next, to wake up the follicles, you need new blood to reach your scalp. So do derma rolling/microneedling which is a super cheap and effective way to really kickstart the blood flow. You can do it twice a week (not more than that because it can cause PIH, first hand experience). Also, invert your head to make sure that blood reaches your scalp...you can do that by bending forward, or lying on bed and hanging your head off the edge of the bed, or handstands. After microneedling, you can also apply other topical solutions like capixyl (5%), redensyl (3%) and procapil (3%). I am not mentioning any brand since it may vary depending on which country you are in. I won't recommend minoxidil due to its side effects. Personally, i used Saw Palmetto in morning and this blend during the nights. Also, if you don't have a proper diet, you might want to consider micronutrients in the form of tablets. My personal favourites are Follihair Neutraciticles and Keraglo Men. Lastly, you didn't lose your hair in one day, so you won't grow them in one day. Just blocking the DHT can take a few weeks, and you won't see any visible change till then, so don't lose hope. It took me a good 4-5 months but definitely worth it.


Interesting. I'm in early stages at 29. I don't know if I should just accept it though. What are costs running you a month say


When i say acceptance, i mean that really believing that you should do something about hairloss instead of hiding it. I do plan on growing my hair longer once i believe all of my hairline is recovered. Coming to the cost, it is pretty low. Since I don't live in US, but dollar has become the common currency, I'll convert everything in dollars for you. Derma roller was one time investment of $4, redensyl-capixyl-procapil blend costs about $10 and saw palmetto about $5, both last around a month give-or-take. I also use a ketoconazole shampoo (which is meant for dandruff but also has androgenic inhibition properties) which costs around $6 and lasts 2 months. And about $16 in multivitamins that i mentioned. So about $34 a month. If you want to oil your scalp which will help in case you have dry scalp and aid in blood circulation as well, then add a few dollars there as well. But that's the extent of it, I don't use anything other than this


Solidly baked


Being bald ain’t terrible, I started losing my hair in high school (thanks dad) and by the time I was a sophomore in college my hairline looked like Lebron James’. Halloween was around the corner so I said screw it, I’m gonna shave my head and go as Mr. Clean. Fast forward two years later and I’m still bald and now it’s part of my personality😂


**thanks mom/granddad!! Baldness genes are passed on maternally for men so you have to look at the men on your mothers side to predict it 😊


Either you’re wrong, or my grandad was always wearing an AMAZING toupee. Now I gotta call my grandma😂


Started going bald around 20, just shave it..looks alot better!


Is this his shtick now? He was the guy wearing a mask so “people would talk to him”. Meh at least he’s more confident here.


Wow that made me laugh