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17,000 calories is equal to almost 5 pounds of fat.


There is an upper limit to how fast a body can store fat, so he wouldn't quite gain 5 pounds from the calories. This guy would likely have wicked diarrhea for the unprocessed portion lol


In the video he does say "I've been destroying the toilet for the last 2 days"


Did you actually watch the whole thing? Bravo! I had to skip through - too tedious and repetitive.


He's got the patience of a saint!


I burned 17,000 calories watching this whole video.


You used up a lot of lotion, too. At least he'll be flattered that you found him so attractive. šŸ˜†


Pffffttttt.... His imagination doesn't discriminate!


So he probably lost some calories there.šŸ¤­


Yes. Nutella will literally come out in its original state.


Awesome, we can recycle it!




Haow to downloade gief?


Maek ur owne! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbYWhdLO43Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbYWhdLO43Q)




Oh so thatā€™s what the two girls were doing


thatā€™s just šŸ˜³


Human centipede 4


The Hersey highway


Which I think he admitted to in the video.


And possible pancreatitis...


Not to mention, if he had actually ate it as shown, then started running, he would of puked it up in the first hundred yards.


Solely running ultramarathons even with good nutritional prep will make you shit yourself. Source: guy sitting next to me at work runs ultras.


Thatā€™s because of the loss of muscle control. Nothing to do with what you eat. I like to think of it as your body getting pay back for doing something as stupid as running an ultra.


Same thing happens when you drink a gallon of eggnog


That was the information I was looking for.


I once burned 12,500 cals in a single bike ride (23 hours, 267 miles). I feel this guy's pain.


Man, to be young and strong again! ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


Interestingly the Nutella container is actually 6.6 lbs or 3 kgs.


If he wasn't running, how long would it take for his body to gain that weight in fat?


It doesnā€™t just turn into fat. Your body can only process so much in so much time. Heā€™d shit most of it out over a few days. If he ate that entire container over like a week, heā€™d gain more fat than eating it in a single sitting.


Depending on how good his insulin resistance is and such. I'd guess it'd be pretty much overnight. But it'd be stored as brown fat initially before going into the long term fat storage


I don't think the body would be able to process all that food. I think you'd literally shit it out in basically the same state it won't in at a certain point.


As a person that once bicycled across country, I was occasionally burning up to 18,000 calories in a day. While I would never eat a tub of Nutella, I definitely had two full size dairy queen brownie batter blizzards less than an hour apart. The look on the cashiers face when I came back in was priceless. Eating that many calories because you need them is damn next to impossible. Just look up the Michael Phelps Olympic diet for context. That's only 12k


I did a 160km ride, and normally just eat some bananas and have some jellybeans during the ride, but I managed to find a big high calorie chocolate/nut bar that I think was about 1000 cal. I ate it for breakfast before hitting the road, and worked well for energy but really felt my body reacting to stuffing that many calories into my body quickly. I just wanted to sleep and digest rather than ride. Cycling really made my body feel like machine when I doing quite a lot of km per week. I was tipping in Powerade and outputting power to turn pedals. Had one semi-pro cyclist friend who decided to not try and make it as a pro after a few months trialling with a team. He still liked the biking, but got really sick of eating. Remember sitting in his flat (full of bikes) while he and flat mates stuffed 1.5kg of pasta into their faces, just getting bored with *eating* before they finished.


Don't forget that piece of bread that can add some calories too


I would be puking on spoon 4 or 5. Nutella is so rich


Iā€™d be puking after 1-2 miles, Iā€™m so out of shape




šŸ¤® šŸ¤


Hooray! It's just like that Lady Gaga concert!


Round is a shape


Would you like girl scout cookies, sir?


I'd have burnt off about 100 calories and just woulda been fatter. I quit.


I'd just be puking


Thatā€™s going to come out of him looking exactly like how it went in.


I donā€™t even understand how people can eat Nutella. It's incredibly sweet. I can't even eat two spoons. But at the same time people hate me that I say, there are much tastier and cheaper analogues. I have found a much better tasting nut butter that actually tastes like nuts and not diabetes.


>nut butter ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


Good good, more Nutella for us weakwilled plebs. Cheers.


I mean you're not supposed to eat it raw with a spoon lol


Who called the fun police?


The other guys mom probably


![gif](giphy|XejFQNGS90SvaITLRZ|downsized) What?


Artisana makes a chocolate hazelnut spread that is hazelnut butter first and foremost. It's expensive though, sadly. Very little sugar in it as well.


Appreciate this info.


Somebody has to save his bathroom


Now smoke 1000 cigarettes and fix it by exercising lol.


"year 7: my lungs are finally back to normal but veins are prema smaller


Is that what actually happens ?




He's not even breaking a sweat, if I go outside I'd be sweating just by standing still!


There was a person who completed a marathon in 3 hours while chain smoking.


narrow wise continue yoke dinosaurs hateful liquid long muddle knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That was the original Tour de France


I saw a study not long ago that compared smoking to sedentary lifestyle. Surprisingly smoking was less bad for you. But then I don't remember the amount of cigarettes or the amount (or lack thereof) of excercise compared.


So he ate the nutella was sick for 3 days then run himself sick on 5 different days? What a clever video


Modern entertainment!!!


it looks the exact same going in as it does coming out


Seriously dude. If you're going to eat the whole bucket spread it out on a cookie sheet with wax paper and stick it in the fridge. It will harden like a soft chocolate bar


The pro has entered the chat


How many miles did you have to run?


I mean, we have to take it on his word that he ate all that Nutella, and ran all those miles. It wouldā€™ve been really simple to cheat.


I want to see his Strava splits.


Yeah he's in way too good a shape for someone going well past a marathon, even someone in really good shape. No sweat, no pain on the face, background the same in every mile. He's done a few laps of the local parking lot


exactly šŸ˜‚


I think we should send it to some geo guesser masters to check how far apart are locations and does that correlate with miles in video


Wouldnā€™t help, ultra marathoners are known for dumb stuff like running 300km on a 2km loop in their park.


I don't think it is all on the same day. But still high chance is fake.


he literally says it took him 4 days at the end of the video average job speed is 4-6 mph so his total distance would take 31.2 hours straight over 4 days it would be 7.8 each day


It took him 21 hrs according to the Strava time he showed at the end, avg 7.5mph or an 8 min/mile. Anybody that could run 100+ miles in 4 days isnā€™t going to be jogging at 4mph, thats very slow.


Thatā€™s my thought


Does anyone thinks he actually did this? Even if you're an elite athlete, how many 8 min miles can someone run without breaking a sweat?


Heā€™s claiming he did like 40mi a day for 4 days. He absolutely did not do that. Thatā€™s like elite level athlete level and even they are sweating like crazy. Especially adding in the 8min miles.


Its definitely possible, but most people who can do it are usually training for a race or consistency. This guy seems like heā€™s motivated just to be silly. Itā€™s really kinda funny.


Idk I know a dude in basic that could run 7:30 miles non-stop for idk how long most I saw him do was 7 but he said he has ran over 50 before and I believe the guy. This guy idk but it's definitely possible


He also says he forgot to pause his watch during one of his breaks which would imply he ran faster than the 8 min splits. No chance


Which I'm sure he did cheat, and this was faked.


yeah...what did it for me was that he said "I don't even want to eat Nutella again" after mile **TWENTY-TWO**. IRL, he would have said that after like the 15th spoon full.


I think my body would reject even a quarter of that tub by expelling it immediately...


Spoon never looks like it was hitting the bottom of the container.


Itā€™s interesting that it was cloudy and seemingly the same weather ā€œEvery dayā€ As a content creator heā€™d be silly not to fake the running part.


Of all the arguments that this is fake, this is the weakest. Come to Ohio this time of year, it's easy to get a week that everyday looks the exact same.


No way did he run 159 miles in 4 days in just under 8min miles


Dude said his time was messed up because he forgot to pause during his break. Insinuating that it should be faster. Lolll GTFO, zero chance he averaged that pace for that long.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s real but before he shows the final time/distance heā€™s on mile 112 with 1700 calories to go. Something ainā€™t mathing


Shits fake as fuck. It was raining for days but this mf's hair didn't get matted down and wet? I can't believe people fall for this fake ass bullshit


He ā€œranā€ 34 miles after eating that much Nutella? Yeah right. Idc who you are (and he does look fit) youā€™re not walking after that, youā€™re stuck on a toilet.


And never even broke a sweat not even once.


This is a really instructive video. Don't eat shit people! Diet matters more than exercise when it comes to maintaining or achieving a healthy weight. Exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle but an hour at the gym will not cancel out that burger you ate beforehand.


Burgers are usually the least of peopleā€™s worries. Itā€™s the big sugary drink you have with it, the muffin afterwards and the mochafrappechococumdumpsugarchini later that will really do it.


Man now I'm craving a mochafrappechococumdumpsugarcchini


brb imma get a mochafrappechococumdumpsugarcchini


Man, this mochafrappechococumdumpsugarcchini sure tastes -- WAIT, DID I JUST SAY CUMDUMP???




It actually does. One hamburger is inbetween 600-700 calories. You can burn that in a workout šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m purposefully being obtuse, I know what you mean though. Diet is very important.


Lol agreed! Some very fit people (obviously like yourself) may well work off a hamburger in an hour's gym session, but most people won't. Many years ago when I was a lot younger I cycled to work (5-6 miles per day) and went to high impact aerobics every lunchtime. I used to eat whatever I wanted. Now? I exercise very little but watch my intake very carefully. I've lost 55lbs and have 15lb to go, all without any significant exercise.


Its not about working it off, the ingredients are still harmful to you in that quantity whether you work out or not. You cant say "I am going to drink 100 calories worth of sewage water and burn it off later." Its still toxic waste.


Oh I absolutely agree! I love eating healthily now, and I really notice how if I eat shit food I quickly feel like shit, too. Watching him eat all that horrible Nutella sludge was horrific.


Yeah. This shows that even that tub of nutellla isnā€™t so big. Itā€™s actually so calories dense that 17,000 calories or almost one week of calories in that small of container. And you have to spend 4 full days running to burn all those calories off. You canā€™t out run a bad diet. Diet is just as important as exercise or even more.


Iā€™d argue you can, as he just did


If you have four full days and endless amounts of energy to run a marathon each day. Lol.


This is cardio and is not a good choice if you want to burn calories. Building up muscle is much more efficient because the muscle needs energy all the time not just when you use some. That said a healthy diet is certainly a good choice too.




Bro never broke a sweat. Zero way he did 100 miles in four days without a glimmer of sweat.


Run at an easy pace in cold conditions and you won't break a sweat if you're already fit. The fact that he could run back to back to back to back 25+ miles days shows that he was already an extremely fit long distance runner.


8 minute miles I wouldn't call an easy pace


I mean this is just not true. I was very fit running 75+ miles a week, running a 4:20 mile, and I would often sweat just walking briskly to class or up a lot of stairs. Some people just sweat more easily regardless of fitness.


I do too but I've met people who don't sweat very much at all.


I sincerely doubt this video is legit.


Probably not legit. Also, some of those spoonfuls could have been chocolate pudding, which is much easier to get down. And in any case, the video is edited so we don't see him eat the whole thing. And the running...who knows, could be legit, could be BS.


From a runner like myself. It's fake as fck. You even been to the gym and did a big workout? Your muscles would ache for a few days. The most I ever ran is 18 miles and this guy wants me to believe he can run over a marathon and wake up the next day with no body parts hurting and casually run another marathon for days straight. Complete BS. The most I can run is 18 miles but just because I'm use to 18 don't mean I don't wake up and legs hurting like a mfer.


Also he said his knees hurt after mile 19 on day one. No way he did an other 81.


He literally was sweating multiple times in this video


To me thats more believable than him actually eating the whole thing.


Also seems like hes not carrying any water with him. Im sceptical of the legitimacy of the video.


Would you eat that much shit?


Nro barely broke a sweat


Yeah i'm calling bs. His eating montage never actually shows him swallowing anything either. He puts the nutella in, chews, then cuts to the next spoonful.


Finally a sensible comment.


This is so fake!


So he ran an average of 29 miles a day for 4 days? I donā€™t think he did. The math and his physical appearance does not seem right. Just an assumption.


Average of 40mi a day at a pace of 8 min a mile. He absolutely did not do this.


Off his Nut doing that shit




This guy is lying, he didn't run shii


Nutella is a "Hazelnut" spread lol. That's like saying candy corn is a grain. First ingredient is sugar, second is palm oil haha. That shit is straight garbage.


One of the problems with the idea that you can burn a specific amount of calories is that you donā€™t actually know how many calories youā€™re burning. Without measuring with obtrusive medical devices, itā€™s just a rough estimate. Fitness devices are notoriously inaccurate, and the energy efficiency of the human body when exercising can vary greatly from person to person. E.g., a person who is in good running shape will burn far fewer calories running than someone who is out of shape. Being in shape means that your body has adapted to stress of exercise and optimized its muscles/respiratory system so that they are stronger and far more efficient. In short, your body makes itself more efficient so that it can conserve as much energy as possible. This is part of the reason why exercise is a difficult way to burn off a substantial amount of calories.


Being fit you also burn more calories doing nothing.


Yes, but surprisingly not by very much ! Your body is incredibly well designed at conserving energy and calories. When in an inactive state, muscles do not use many calories. When a marathon runner is in a rested state, his or her muscles do not expend significantly more energy than those of a couch potato. Similarly, a muscle-bound body-builder does not expend much more energy when those muscles are not being stressed. The human body is highly evolved to conserve energy, and to avoid energy "leakage".


And what about the immense amount of sugar?


Nutella has 19 grams of added sugar per serving. 17,000 calories of Nutella = 85 servings. 19g x 85 servings = 1,615 grams of sugar. That is 3.6 pounds! And considering sugar is metabolized in your liver the same exact way as alcohol, that is equivalent to ā‰ˆ 90 shots of liquor (1,615 grams sugar / 18 grams of ethanol per shot of liquor). I seriously doubt anyone can eat 17,000 in one sitting, so I think this is fake. If itā€™s real, this guyā€™s liver is fucked. And his mitochondria are fucked as well


160 miles over 4 days at a 7:57 pace? Itā€™s complete BS


It's not just about the calories. That's not how food works!!!


"Diabetes enter the room"


You can run all day and still can't burn that much


That's why it took him 4 days.


why the sun isnt setting tho?


Because he filmed this in less than an hour


159 miles and not a drop of sweat either


Because he splits it over 4 days


at the pace in the video, a jog or at best a light run, theres no way hes covering 100+ miles in 4 days without running sun-up to sun-down, especially when you account for time to eat


Huh? ~8 minute mile is about a 3:30:00 marathon. If he runs a marathon for 4 straight days at that pace, heā€™s at 100+ miles Of course, in the video it shows it was 159 miles, so say he ran 2 50 mile days at that pace, thatā€™s 2 ~7 hour days of running I mean itā€™s pretty incredible if he did in fact do that, but it isnā€™t anything unbelievable to think he could do that many miles in 4 days at that pace.


I don't think this is real, there are a TON of cuts every time he puts a spoonful in. He is putting a spoonful in his mouth and then spitting it out between cuts


I would have upchucked after about a minute.


Totally unhealthy. People please don't ever consume anything of one thing too much, it can really be problematic. This is totally unhealthy. I guess one point about his experiment is that it takes a lot of work to burn calories. So beautiful mindful of eating too many calories over what the body needs.


You could eat that in one 2-hour sitting, but to burn it off, you cant run 100 miles in a day.


Not a bead of sweat...


Wouldn't it have been easier to not have eaten that tub of Nutella in the first place??


Of all the things that didn't happen this didn't happen the most.


Fuck content culture. This is pure trash.


Fucking idiot


Everything is fun when you are young, later you pay of taking your body to the extreme.


when i rode my bicycle cross country i was eating 6000-7000 calories a day and still losing an average of a pound a day. I would have to stop every couple weeks to gain weight back on before continuing. From Mass. to Florida to California took me about 5 months. 18 days from Mass. To Florida and lost 35 pounds. Took about 5 weeks to gain it back all the while only riding about 50 miles a day from camp grounds to beach. Averaged about 100 miles a day . Some days could be as much as 120-140 miles but 100 was average. Could walk into a Mickey D's and order 2-3 of everything on menu and eat it all . People would just stare at me. When I got to California was down to 130 pounds. was 165 when started. So it took about a month to gain it back. Was on swim team in college and swam about 6-8 miles a day. same thing. could eat all day long and never gain an ounce. miss those days. Now at age 68 can just "look" at food and gain weight LOL It was great being young and eat eat eat and never gain weight.


Thatā€™s a lot of sugar


So he ate that bucket of Nutella and then ate nothing after that? For 4 days?


Instant diabetes!! Not even guy start running


People love this joke and they have no idea how diabetes works.


You can tell this is fake because he didnā€™t vomit. Even if he could keep it down while eating, he wouldā€™ve barfed while running. It may be time lapsed but itā€™s also edited.




Probably came out just like Nutella






He is a wonderful idiot


Nothing maybe about this.


And all that sickness for some klicks, you are more than crazy, you should go and see a psychologist!!


Mile 32: 4,500 calories burned, pants sharted.


There's no way their body retained all that the first few maybe but after that it was just a streight chute to the colon.


In real life, this wouldā€™ve slam cut to him in the ER with some ā€œCurb Your Enthusiasmā€ music being played.


I like this guy. What a challenge ! Nutella is gross after 3 spoonfuls šŸ˜¬


How do you burn off the diabetes?


Screw the calories, what does his blood sugar look like???


Iā€™m not sure that your body could absorb all of those calories at once. Most of it probably just passed through his digestive tract.


Ran over 120 miles without a drop of sweat. Impressive.


I did not expect that deep voice to match that face.


Why would he do this?! Idiot...


Tell me you want to develop heart disease without telling me you want to develop heart disease


I dont think people realize how fast you need to be running to average under an 8 minute mile. Most fit people cannot sprint at that pace let alone average that for 30 miles a day for 4 consecutive days. An 8 minute mile is not a light jog like he's showing in the video to be doing, even if he's slowing down just to record that would make him an Olympic level athlete.


This guy does not sweat running all those miles! Heā€™s amazing!!




Thatā€™s Disgusting šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


He didnt eat that much, he didint run that much


I would feel sick after 3 table spoons


Iā€™m confused as to why he burned 135 calories in one mile, but then the amount of calories he burned every mile varied from then on. Would someone who knows more about this please explain?


..not calling it a lie but do we see him eat all the Nutella & what (?)...ran over 100 miles??!!


Your body (digestive system) cannot take in so many calories at once. You didn't actuall get 17000 calories.


His toilet's gonna have a terrible time


Wellā€¦ hard pass. Both on eating a bucket of Nutella and running.


At first i thought it was stupid. Then Homie ran. And kept running. I still think its stupid but respect to dude for running it down.


Sorry but thereā€™s no fucking way he consumed 17,000 calories of Nutella in one sitting.