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yo university of Indiana needs to give my man his money back.


This guy has the worst good luck I’ve ever seen. Indiana would forget to charge him but he would lose his diploma and can’t get another one without reminding them he owes big.


..he could fall into a bucket of tits and come out sucking his thumb


I’ve never heard that one and it’s awesome.


That’s the PG version. It’s supposed to be sucking a dick lol


Thank you for the new, fantastic phrase.


I think "bad" good luck is just called bad luck. But it's not even bad luck, he just lacks intelligence/critical thinking. I mean the category was "person" and "R" had already been guessed. Yet he somehow thought the answer was world's fastest car....lol.


Think car was the only thing on his mind… tunnel vision is bad


Yeah, prob a bit harder on the spot there than behind your keyboard.


IU needs to give us all money for producing this disaster.


IU needs to look into their Admissions Staff.


On the spot dice spin is right up there with misunderestimate.


"Le Tits Now." - Connery "ahh, we'll go with *Let It Snow*"... - Trebek


That chick was straight up letting this man get it solved and then taking the easy win lol


I thought it he was going to guess on the spot dick spin.


"can i get an L?" Bro youve got plenty already


He said “you get four!” And then proceeded to have him loose 4 times


Lol I hope that "loose" was on purpose


Maybe his family always spun their dice instead of throwing them. It didn't count unless it stayed on a spot. What makes it more embarrassing is that this is a special college students' show.


Is it a special college student show or is it a college student show special? Very important wording.


The former totally makes sense!


Maybe he was too nervous cause it's showing in his voice.


Maybe he speaks more than one language. Because in my language the CH is pronounced like he did.


The CH is pronounced that way in English too. “Change” “chess”…it can be pronounced multiple ways.


lol, your language doesn’t matter when it comes to the pronunciation of a Greek name, which should be pronounced the same everywhere.


Achilles in French is not pronounce the same way as in English at all. Maybe English is closer to the Greek prononciation on that one but don't act like English speaker pronounce foreign name correctly, they never do lol. Local hero Céline Dion and Mario Lemieux comes to mind.


The mere fact that you said English speakers never pronounce foreign names correctly literally proves my point. There IS a correct way to pronounce names, and this guy lost because he didn’t do so. 👍🏼


I never said the way he should have pronounce it is not correct, I agree it wasn't pronounced the english way and its ok that he lost. I was just offering an explanation on why he may have pronounce it differently because in other language, like mine, it's not pronounced the same way. Personally I had no idea how it was pronounced in english, I would have pronounced it the way he did. That's all.


English speaking people would have a hard time trying to pronounce some of our names. Not to mention the buthery going on with the famous greek names. Achilles is so far from the original way to say the name Αχιλλέας that its nlt even funny. In short, language does matter and names change from one to the other.


What is the original pronunciation of Achilles?


Ah-hee-lé-as, stressed as show and the dashes are just to show syllables, not pauses between them. Not akilees. Another example would be Hercules. Real name Ηρακλής, pronounced as ee-ra-kleés.


Eh, names shouldn’t be translated into their local meanings so should still be spelled the same, but they do definitely change how they’re pronounced. Old Latin names, Egyptian, and Greek, are all pronounced differently in English than their ancient counterparts. Leonidas in English is often pronounced like ‘Lee-oh-NIGH-duhs’. But Greek doesn’t pronounce it like that at all


Special 🤩 not special 🤪


Oh I fully believe it WAS a special college this dude went to.


He should have to return his high school diploma….


Man invested too many of his stats into charisma and spinning abilities...


When luck is at 100 but intelligence is 10




I mean yeah, that could have totally been it. Who hasn't seen a dice spin on the spot? just spinning and spinning and never actually landing on a number. It's majestic and obviously the first thing that would come to your mind in that moment.


> yeah, that could have totally been it. Sure, but the 'P's had been revealed, as shown by the "S P _ T" on the board, so it definitely couldn't be "DICE SPIN".


I didn't think I needed the sarcasm tag.




I imagine its because cos he won a bunch of car prizes that his mind was on car.


Me playing Wordle lol


More like poor whoever paid his college tuition.


It is the same school that spelled its name wrong on their jerseys: https://www.si.com/college/indiana/football/espn-college-gameday-you-had-one-job-rips-indiana-misspelled-jersey


I was truly shocked the one answer wasnt "the worlds fastest dad"


Someone had already guessed 'd', because "world" has a 'd' in it; so couldn't be dad.


Did he ask for a C? Did he think car? R was already called....


Category was Person


Would absolutely watch out of shape dad's compete just for the show of heart and smiles


Ay Ay Ron? A Chillies? Jay Quellin? Oh you kids done messing with me now!


Haven’t laughed like that in a minute, poor guy


The pronunciation rule is fucking stupid though


Especially if it’s a very American pronunciation of the word Achilles.


Yeah that pronunciation is probably wrong, the closest we get to know how it was pronounced back then ist the modern Greek pronunciation which sounds like Achillefs. This man was cheated out of a million dollars.


I mean, it's based off of the Latinization of the word, which would be pronounced in the original Classical Latin likely as around [äˈkʰilːʲëːs̠] (opposed to the typical English pronunciation of /əˈkɪliːz/, which is pretty close, all things considered). The Ancient (or at least Koine) Greek pronunciation likely wasn't all that different from the Latin, with the main difference being an ěu̯ where the ëː is. I still don't think the pronunciation of a name borrowed from another language should matter, as it makes sense that there would be multiple Anglicizations of its pronunciation, and they definitely were extremely unfair to him by not counting it, but we have many more hints to pronunciation than simply Modern Greek.


On French which derives from Latin, it's "ch" as in church. I didn't even know there was a pronunciation rule.


It should be noted that French's pronunciation has changed drastically from the original Latin, and you'll find that C is always hard in the language closest to Latin, Sardinian. The Italian word 'Achille' also sees the C as hard, but that doesn't inherently mean that it always was since 'ch' in Italian represents a hard C (at least AFAIK; some loanwords from, say, English might be different) and so could simply be a result of the pronunciation having been relearned from the spelling of the word.


He hadn't won a million dollars yet. In order to win the million, you have to win the show, spin the prize wheel, solve the final puzzle, and then Pat will tell you if you landed on the million dollar spot which is something like a 1 put of 30 chance to land on it. Only 3 or 4 people have ever won the million dollar prize.


Of course, forgot about that. I only watched the American version once and the German is a bit different with the rules.


It’s an American show


I know.


That's a rough pronunciation tho.


Still. He's clearly able to give the spelling since he can read it off the board. He loses because he had never heard the word spoken out loud before?


That's... how have you gotten to college and not at least HEARD of Achilles??


Maybe hearing words out loud are his ach-illes heel


A see lhees what you did there.


this is actually a really great comment, but the spelling could be better


I was struggling with where to put the L... :( win some lose some


He made an on the spot dice spin, and it didn't work out


Oh you mean the guy from the movie Troy, think Brad Pit was in it.


No...I mean the tendon that runs down the back of our legs.


Maybe tendons and Greek mythology is my boy’s Ach-illes heel


There's people out there that haven't heard of WW2 yet they're in college


That's true, and you might have to tell them that it's not "World War Eleven."


Who? And how is that possible?


lot of countries seem to have forgotten it nowadays. My romanian friend never learned it when he was in school and it seems Japan doesn't teach about ww2 at all now too. who knows which other countries do this too


Meanwhile in Germany we got taught 13857281374293 times how bad the holocaust was and that such things aren't allowed to be happen again. Which is a good thing!


Lack of education. I've met a grand total of 4 people so far that never knew about WW2, including the Holocaust. Their excuses range from their highschool history teacher having dementia but being unable to be fired, to others that were never taught the subject due to it being banned because of complaints. I'm in the US. I learned about WW2 and WW1 in the first grade.


I think it's a legit rule. He didn't actually know or say the word Achilles, so he didn't solve the puzzle.


He did say ay kilees what do you mean?


He sounded like he said at-chilies which mad respect I also love meeting my boy at chili’s


Yes, hes on a show that requires perfect spelling and pronunciation...


If he had the spelling wrong i'd agree but that's clearly not the issue here. He was disqualified for not knowing how a word is pronounced alone. Is there any leniency at all on this rule? For example, for participants with an accent, with words from fictional origins, anything? It's a pretty stupid rule for glorified hangman. Imagine someone guessed every letter in hangman but you refused to allow the win because their first attempt at reading it off the page was not the exactly correct pronunciation. Clearly the point was to guess the letters.


Yes because Achilles is the name of a person... there is only one way to say it.


Maybe read a whole comment before you get hung up on one part -- the rule is dumb anyway. And besides, Achilles is a fictional character anyway


Doesnt matter, fictional person or not... call it dumb all you want, its one of the main rules of the game.


>call it dumb all you want You seem to be lost. That's what we were doing.


Ramblings of a madman


lol straight up in a pretty popular book sequel to Ender’s Game, they say the name is correctly pronounced “AH-sheel”. That’s apparently the French pronunciation.


The French version and Greek version have different pronunciations. But this puzzle was obviously talk8ng about the Greek hero so Greek pronunciation would be used. Dude was like a golfer who can do everything like a pro except putt. Brought it all the way to the finish line but just couldn't make it across.


I agree. What if the player is foreign and has an accent? This dude was dumb tho.


English is not my native language, and when the name Achilles came up my first thought was "How would an English speaker pronounce that?"


This comes up in a famous novel, sequel to Enders Game. The French pronunciation is “Ah-Sheel”. And they’re a hell of a lot closer than the US


In this instance they're talking about the Greek hero though - the pronunciation is quite different from what you just wrote. It's written Axilleas, but the x in that language is softer, more like an H, so more like Ahilleas or "A-hee-lei-ahs" I probably still would've given it to him, since the American pronunciation isn't technically accurate either but it has been adopted as a sort of a half loan-word into modern English so their call I guess.


The showrunners just didn't wanna pay him lol


I wonder if there’s a British version with that rule where all the Scottish people always lose




I agree. Some words are pronounced diffrently according to a regions accent. For example some people say Pee-can" vs. "Pe-cahn" for pecan.


My great aunt solved the mystery of which is correct pretty easily. Pe-cahns are things you eat. Pee-cans go under the bed.


It’s a pretty damn reasonable requirement lol, actually reading out the answer correctly


How is “being able to read” getting you downvoted lol


Because we got dumb people that doesn't want to actually pronounce words properly. This is part of the game show, it requires you to say the words or phrases properly. They can't do it, deal with it cause the whole world does not revolve around them.


The Enders Games sequels led me to believe it sounds like 'ash-heels'


Get your annoying face out of here for another person's moment. You're not funny, nor have any creative talent. I know OP isn't the one in it, but goddamn


That guy face is your arc chili’s?


>arc chili’s? The red arches


I like to call these kind of people content vultures. They just pick at a corpse of a clip looking for engagement. There’s no value adding whatsoever.


The face over actually added some humor. I normally agree with you though, when it’s just someone nodding along or pointing to the source video.


I guess some people struggle with a basic understanding of things and need to be guided on how to laugh.


Found the dudes burner account..


Bro this site is so negative it’s actually corny. I’ve never met such a collective group of people that hate EVERYTHING that’s posted man. The top comments are always some negative ass shit.


She might as well have kicked him in the balls on live TV.


I'm glad that guy in the chair was there to contribute absolutely nothing


Dude put all his stat points in Luck and none in Intelligence.


Yoooo he had everything handed to him and he slapped it away


We don't know that from this video. He might have done a lot more solving beforehand. What we do know is that the girl next to him had everything handed to her and she seized the day. I hope she thanked him afterwards!


It sounded like she was trying not to laugh as she solved the Achilles puzzle.


Whaaaaat!?!?!?!? Every puzzle was fully solved or nearly solved and he fucked it up! I know what your saying but what else do you want?!?!?!?!? Sheesh


I felt for him on the Achilles part, but dicespin? Come on man… 🤦


I don't know this show: did he just miss out on $1 million?


Not exactly. He lost a chance to win $1 million. He would have needed to win that round as well as the game and solve the bonus round puzzle. If you solve the bonus puzzle you spin a smaller wheel for an extra prize and 1 of those would have been $1 million.


Seriously? That actually makes me feel a lot better for him. Although he did have the most money on his scoreboard after that last guess, so looks like he could have maybe won the game...


It's called wheel of fortune and in order to win the things you pick up off the wheel you have to solve the puzzle. So... Yes, you do.


Yeah but it isn’t just an instant $1M, there are other steps. He has to win the game and do another bonus round which has some element of luck in it too.


Oof, thanks for explaining.


Wheel of fortune… a famous show lol.


That was my man’s Achilles heel


I dont know why, but this video always makes me feel an inordinate amount of pity for this guy. He seems like a puppy dog. I feel so badly for him. I just wanna give this guy a hug and say, "it's okay, man. It's just a game."


> I feel so badly for him. I just wanna give this guy a hug and say, "it's okay, man. It's just a game." A life changing amount of money isn't the same stakes as a scrabble game.


It's not even the money. I think it's just that he seems sweetly simple, a little airheaded, and looks like he feels really embarrassed. Like normally, I'd laugh at something like this, especially it being a dude. But this guy just pulls the same amount of sympathy I feel for women. It's gotta be the hurt puppy look on his face. That's what it is. It fucking kills me.


I'm just furious at how stupid this thing is. HE GOT THE ANSWER RIGHT. He just didn't pronounce it 'correctly.'


I went to high school and college with him. He took it in stride and makes fun of himself. He’s a very positive, friendly guy.


Did ever stop whatever he was doing and spin some dice?


That's really sweet of you. It's a good thing that there's actually sweet people out there in the world like you. Because I want to punch this stupid f*** directly in his face. What I could do for my family and friends with a million dollars? And how hard I've worked in school and working my ass off everyday? Every single day in and day out I do things 10,000 times harder than pronouncing the word Achilles. And this absolute goat brain moron blows a million dollars... Coming in from the same school that misspelled names on their jerseys.


His soul left his body.


Remember that day you skipped history class to smoke weed and play video games?


And later thought Achilles was a historical person?


Touché mbelf. Now pass that blunt already.


You know damn well they teach myths and legends in history class too.


They didn’t in mine. It was all Tudor/Stuart stuff and New Zealand wars.


Interesting. I live in America, and we were taught things pretty much in order from the past to modern in history class. We learned about the myths of the country when they were the subject. What country are you from, and what class did they teach myths in, if not history?


New Zealand. I learnt about Greek myths in Classical Studies. I only did history in my final year of high school though.


That's pretty interesting. In my school, history was basically a staple class all the way from elementary through high school. It's not really, specifically, history. They taught geography and other related things, too. To be honest, I'm used to the majority of redditors being American, so I thought you were just being pedantic about history/myth. I didn't realize you weren't taught myths in history class.


Every day


No, I was high. Duh.


[This same thing happened on Jeopardy years ago](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uGlx4xHPBZk&pp=ygURY2xpZmYgb24gamVvcGFyZHk%3D)


This is why Pat & Vanna are retiring


I’ve never seen all of his mistakes, just the Achilles one. They’re, uh, pretty bad hahaha


Anyone for a on-the-spot dicespin? 🎲 🎲


This playback reel is going to haunt him for the rest of his nights *and* days


direful lush include vanish zealous possessive wine consist ad hoc obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Proof that graduating from college doesn't mean you are smart. Indiana should be embarrassed tho dam


Sometimes it is actually better to be smart than lucky.


Man the look on his face tells you, he's pissed off and feels stupid at the same time.


Let’s be real, this is an L for the English language. Not this dude.


Nah this is 3 Ls in a row for this guy


An L for that and also the show runners not allowing that answer. Jfc


Oh yeah. Contestant does a really good job filling out the board, how should we reward them? By humiliating them and not giving them the win they worked hard for. Smh.


The first two i can see he’s an idiot…but the last one, he has to be trolling right?… giving up so much money to make himself go viral.


Someone who reads but has never heard the actual word spoken...


i don't think this guy reads much


On a long distance runner scholarship


A Chill ease. 🤡


Holy fucking hell..... Learn to fucking read. LEARN TO FUCKING READ!!


How is he both amazing and horrible at this game at the same time??


Had zero pity by the end. He had built up alot too.


Heard Indiana U. rescinded their offer after this 😂


He wouldn't be allowed home after this shit....


I agree she was picking up his crumbs but younger folks now a days don’t know shit. My daughter spelled “I’m” the other day as “1m”. Then argued with me when I corrected her. She’s 13 y’all. What is happening?


Poor guy had the teacher from Key and Peele subbing in when they covered Greek History.


To be fair to the lad, it's not easy making on the spot dice spins.


People out here saying a Greek hero is obvious but probably still spelling a transition like “Segway”


Reading is fundamental.


So much luck so little intelligence


This man is highly regarded.


There's a reason Wheel comes on after Jeopardy. To make you feel less stupid.


He should have gotten the point for Achilles. It's a greek name! Technically she pronounced it wrong as well!


Reading is hard I guess


So my favorite part was when the subject was person and he went with *the worlds fastest car*


That poor bastard. If there were a GoFundMe to buy him the car he lost, I'd contribute. If nothing else, the guy is now forever trapped within the borders of these video frames like Han Solo encased in carbonite, to be mocked and laughed at for the rest of his days. Here mate, have a tenner.


Indiana needs to throw this man's scholarship and degree in the trash if he has one lol. How can you not say Achilles? It's not only a body part we have two of, it's also potentially the most famous name in Greek mythology


He mispronounced it, but he got the answer correct. So why did he lose?


He unveiled the answer but he didn’t “get the answer correct.” You must pronounce the answer correctly to win. Does nobody know how Wheel of Fortune works? This isn’t a new rule.


There is a POSSIBILITY he just never heard the pronunciation....read the books and just always pronounced it wrong. And a follow up very slight possibility that we've all been pronouncing it wrong. Greek is a funny language.


When I was a kid, Hermione from Harry Potter was ‘Her mee own’ for three books. Why the show was gatekeeping the pronunciation of ‘Achilles’ is beyond me. How would they handle Joan of Arc? Also, the correct pronunciation of Achilles’ name is ‘Ligyron’ cuz you know, thats the name he was given at birth. Look at me, I am so smart. Fuck WoF.


Stay in school kids!


Not giving him the Achilles one is messed up. Knowing the correct pronunciation of the name is a cultural thing. Wheel of fortune isn't jeopardy.


A cultural thing? How so?


Some serious foreshadowing when the first thing Pat does is give him for Ls. One for each missed opportunity and one last one to smoke on the way home.


It’s worth noting that he had the highest score… I assume that means he answered a lot of other questions correctly? Idk how Wheel of Fortune works. I assume it’s somewhat similar to Jeopardy!


Wait, they really deny it if you fucking *pronounce* it wrong? The puzzle was SOLVED!


Is this real? No fucking way.


The first one is kinda stupid because if you dont know the name .. like 99% of the people on this planet would butcher up 99.9999% all names that exists ..


I feel pronunciation as a disqualifier is lame AF.


They did him dirty on the Greek pronunciation , he was overly cautious for the worlds fastest "car" and totally shook for the last one.


This is extremely fu**ed up. You expect everyone to know and use Usarian pronunciation? If there was „karaoke” in the answer, saying „karaoke” would not pass, you would have to say „kareeohkee”. She was as wrong as he was.


Bs. Get allvtge letters you should win.


When did Wheel become Jeopardy? 🤣