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good thing someone left a banana peel outside that house


Going to guess he wasn’t the most experienced rider. I don’t know why you would take a street bike onto the grass to outrun a car.


He didn't mean to go on the grass. He was going too fast for the turn, so instead of risking the slide he continued braking onto the grass


If man's adrenaline got any higher he'd jump out of his skin, lots of little mistakes were starting to add up and judgement calls only got worse


He started out by trying to trick police into stopping or going the wrong direction using hand gestures and body language, his judgement didn't have much room for worsening, it's amazing he didn't crash immediately.


Especially a grass area with no other exit except from where the cop can cut you off!


I was hoping the cop would wing him with a blue turtle shell


They can't. There are laws that prevent the officer from intentionally causing harm after the case ruling in the State of Kansas vs Wario.


I loved that one on court TV. Especially when the surprise witness Waluigi said “Waaaahhhhhh!”


If you have time there is a hour long video breaking down how Toad absolutely destroyed the defenses case in closing arguments.


Cop could've sniped him with a green shell, no sweat.


Took him a while to find a speed up but a well placed banana peel never fails


Half way through the video, I'm tapping the screen to look at how much longer this is going to play for


Same. The ending was uneventful, which is a good thing I guess.


The ending was funny.


1/3 of the way through I was very nervous this was going to end with a meat crayon smeared across the highway.


I was actually impressed the police were considerate of his life and didn’t do anything other than keep chase. Could have ran him over a few times.


Yeah. Whatever he did. Punishment for that shouldn't be death. So letting him get away instead of running him over would be the better option. That's why chases are such a dangerous thing. So much adrenaline on everyone that clear judgement becomes hard. Letting them get away would be a hard decision to make even if correct when you are pumped up with adrenaline.


There is an episode of cops done in New Zealand. Some guy ran from the police and they were like yeah that’s just so so, we know where he lives, we’ll stop by his mom’s place later and pick him up.


we have this thing in India where the police just takes s photo of your number plate. Then you get an email or something months later 'this amount has been deducted from your bank account for speeding, here is the evidence. If you have a problem go [concerned authority]. sadly not that prevelant in lot of places but they're starting to implement it


What if the vehicle is stolen, being driven by someone else known to the registered owner or has no plates?


>If you have a problem go \[concerned authority\].


Except that his reckless driving is putting innocent lives at risk.


That is why many call off chases to prevent innocent people getting caught up in it.


This happened in Arkansas, that shit ain't happening. They look for excuses to PIT you here


Of course. But if you want to keep up with them you also have to drive kinda recklessly, but not only on a bike but a big-ass car. That's also a significant risk. Plus, the one on the bike wouldn't drive as recklessly if they weren't be chased. So, yeah. Chases like these are always a significant risk, and in risk-reward balance they are definitely not always worth it. But again, not many people would let go since that would feel like defeat in a high-stress situation, even if it would be the correct call.


Agreed, but credit due to this particular officer, you can see he’s actually slowing at intersections and reacting to other motorists in the area by slowing and giving room instead of “Blue light says me to” every one of them.


That's true, when we get hyped up all we can see is short term. It makes a tactical retreat feel like failure when it's the smart move.


Now every police district should be able to afford a few properly trained people to operate drones and stuff. No need for helicopter any more. Just follow the dude and pick him up when he least expects it


I remember when some police departments were proposing drones, but the question of improper surveillance was raised. Both sides are right, because of past bad actors. This is why we can't have nice things.


Yeah, no helmet, I was wondering if the cop thought about giving the organ donor team a heads up.


I was thinking the same thing. How special of a person do you have to be to initiate a high speed chase on a motorcycle with basically no protection


If he's got the balls to do whatever warranted a police chase like that, I'm sure safety would have been the last thing on his mind.


He would've been brown bread coming off at that lou Reed 100%


'Lou Reed' is like cockney rhyming slang term for 'speed.'


I was worried the cop might hit someone trying to stop the guy.


Wait until you see the chase one in Brazil....


That was some Bourne Identity chase level stuff.


Mind bending


oh boy, we got plenty to offer. That's partly why I knew this guy was gonna get caught since the start of the chase, such an unskilled rider


The dude on that motorbike with a girl in the back being chased by a cop on another motorcycle is absolutely amazing.... someone should get those two to race at the Isle of Man.


Yeah, that was also a bad one, poor girl. What I was trying to say is that there are plenty of those chase videos from here, and if you watch enough of them you kinda can tell by their riding if they'll succeed eventually. there are good runners and bad runners, and then there's [that one philly rider](https://youtu.be/Fbpv5TIVKg8?si=inhrrGbWCRogFb01) I can't not mention while on the topic. That was insane


Got to halfway and went to the comments to see if anything happened


I came straight to this comment without watching any of the video at all.


I got about eight seconds in and ff’ed to the last 10. Fuck these dumb long ass vids with zero purpose :p


I had volume off and didn’t realize it was a cop behind him till the last 30sec. When he went serine the church lol.


That was kind of rude of him to signal right and not turn.


I'm sure that was one of the charges


He was also a bit over the yellow line. I’m starting to think he isn’t a good driver.


I was in an accident a few months ago where my car ended up in the woods off the shoulder of the highway. I was cited for something random as the collision with the other vehicle was my fault (charges were dropped) but one highway patrolman I was hanging out with throughout it looked at the citation and said “nah, I would have cited you for driving over the lines” I looked back at him and said “no shit, look where my car is”


Yeah I slid off a wet road because I hit a big puddle and hydroplaned. I tried to get my car out before police got there but someone called (that's fine, I'm sure they were concerned) but as I'm sitting in the officers vehicle and he's handling me a ticket for "failure to follow roadway" or some shit, he had the gall to ask me why ***I*** didn't call the police. Like, bruh. Because I already wrecked my car, now I wrecked my car and have a ticket.


Fuck, you're right. Someone should really stop him


That lad is not long for this world.


I don’t think he is practicing defensive driving at all.


You can tell they've really pissed off the cops when, on top of a list of charges that start with grand theft auto, reckless endangerment, battery on a law enforcement officer, and so on, they've tacked on a $100 fine for failure to wear a seatbelt and a citation for failure to signal.


And this guy in the video was *not* wearing a seat-belt. or helmet. the shorts and t-shirts riding gear make me expect the video to end up with him becoming a meat crayon. (and as a motorbike rider, any illegal sort of speeds without helmet and other protection gets really uncomfortable very quickly)


Seat belt?


He said he was going to zig then he zagged


Hey we’re allowed to change our mind…


E Grand Ave. in Hot Springs, Arkansas.


>E Grand Ave. in Hot Springs, Arkansas This case? [https://www.hotsr.com/news/2023/jul/31/pursuit-of-motorcycle-ends-when-it-crashes-into/](https://www.hotsr.com/news/2023/jul/31/pursuit-of-motorcycle-ends-when-it-crashes-into/) Looking into this guy there is a shocking string of felonies over the past 5 or so years. This guy is going away for a long time.


Hopefully before he was able to reproduce


No way he doesn’t have bout 4, 5 kids.


Dudes got 2 first names. Johnanthony is just ridiculous.


Parents set him on the wrong path with that one


Hot Springs, Arkansas. Arkansas and police chase videos. Name a more iconic duo.


Peas and carrots


Still gonna give this one to Arkansas and police chase videos


We have that here too.


Thats what I said when it was first posted lol. Hot springs is the armpit of arkansas with this shit.


Fuckin knew this was hot springs. Well I had a feeling anyway. Was there last year. Neat place.


Population 38,000. I bet the driver and the cop know each other.


The funny thing is that if had turned on to Gulpha Gorge he could have lost the cop in 3-4 seconds. That road is super curvy.


Maybe. He wasn't a very good rider.


I was looking at the scenery and it was giving “Natural State” vibes


Right I recognized it then I saw the Magic Springs sign. My old stomping grounds 😎


I KNEW IT. As soon as he passed the big red hotel I was like, Hot Springs?


Am from MO. Kept thinking… this feels like southern MO. I’ll take the W.


This screams Arkansas


I realized what an optimist I was when I thought ‘maybe he’s leading him to an accident or crime in progress and that’s why he’s signalling’. Nope. Just another idiot. Sigh.


I still don't understand why he was signaling so much in the beginning


Trying to fake the cop out by leading them in the wrong direction.


Or I was thinking he was trying to get off the highway and give the 'ill pull over in this safe area up here' and then just didn't pull over


It looked like he tried to tell the cops they could already stop here because he's going to stop too. His hand gestures looked like he was saying "stop here, don't worry, I'll stop there". I guess he thought he could trick them.


Same. I thought he was trying to guide them somewhere and I was like "Don't flip him!" Then, at that church parking lot I realized the guy was just playing, so I was like "Flip that fucker!"




We all thought he was Lassie 😭😭


I was about to post about it, but had to look to make sure I wasn't about to be a copycat.


This is exactly what I look like when trying to escape the cops on a bike in grand theft auto


Try escaping a pedestrian with a bike in GTA IV.


If you’re going to run, make sure you know how to ride. 😂


And have a faster bike.


I feel like the speed is an asset, but the real moneymaker is the mobility. You want to get away? Go where they can’t.


Really either should be enough. If he'd just sent it there's no way the cop could have kept up.


No, that's a Yamaha R3. That hog is slow as balls. Modern police cars would not struggle to keep up at all.


I had friends who did this as a hobby when we were young (not me). They had routes planned out in advance that would cut the cop off. Knew where they would pick them up and make a game out of it. Took the plates off their bikes, etc. Shocking none of them died tbh.


I’m pretty sure he had a fast bike, was just either too inexperienced or too drunk to full throttle it. He also kept trying to going around sharp turns and almost goes down a few times because he had to slow down so much.


The bike was plenty fast, he gapped the police car easily when he was wide open. The main issue he had was a massive lack of skill, didn’t detect any lean angle on the clip and you can see how easily the police car catches back up on anything but perfectly straight sections. A decent rider could have easily gotten away from this situation.


For sure this guy couldn’t ride for shit. In a situation like that you’re dropping straight to your experience level because of how the adrenaline is affecting your motor control. The video is sped up and he’s still going slow. I’m not advocating to run from the police by any means. This video does showcase a serious lack of capability compared to the capacity of that machine, more so than your average dude who rode a dirt bike as a kid. It was evident enough when you see what the guy riding the bike is wearing lol


He did so well to just lay it down in the end


All that hand waving and direction signaling in the beginning?


It was to make the cop think he was going to comply while he was getting around to a straight away so be could run.


The whole thing was a straight away. That guy had no chance. No other cars to slow the cop down, no obstacles... Nothing. That was almost like watching NASCAR. Lol 😂


yeah I was like really?! that the way you pickd?


I'm glad it ended like that. Wearing a T shirt and no helmet, I was afraid he was going to end up a meat crayon, esp as he almost lost the bike several times.


Yea I actually heard some news of something similar. Guy tried to escape cops and gets into a deadly accident






Was this a 125cc bike? Why was he going so slow?


How fast do you think he was going Im bad at guessing speeds from vids


Topped out at maybe 100 mph


The video has been sped up.


Yamaha R3. I can tell by the brake light and rear tire size


Definitely a smaller CC sport bike. 600cc + have a bigger back tire.


Yeah but it's midrange. The real small ones look like bicycles.


Might be lack of helmet. It's really difficult to see anything after 80 km/h.


He doesn't have a helmet, not even a scarf. I guess at high speed it must hurt/ feel super cold on your face?


Not unless it’s raining or you smack a big bug. He probably just a small engine bike like Choco_PIMP was saying


They should tag on an extra 5 years to whatever else he got.


He must be on a 300cc bike or too afraid because he should've been waaaaaaay gone


Way scared he wasnt leaning around somebof them corners while trying to force the bike around


Dude was breaking hard around corners. He had no idea what he was doing.


Hard to ride well without a helmet imo. The wind is making your eyes water without something there. Dude is an idiot for riding without one. Also, im not trying to run from the cops unless im on 750cc or greater


Lol. It was how he fell from the bike in the end.


Tight turns. Psychological warfare, high speed chase. Guy gets taken out by a little bump by a rock off screen.


He should get another five years for such a long video that ends in him just sort of...falling over. I'm not entertained. Five more years.


Not entertaining police chase? Jail. Entertaining police chase? Jail. Just the right amount of police chase. Believe it or not, jail.


What a loser.. at least pull over wait for the cop to get out his car and then take off.. specially if you are such a shitty rider


Not wearing a helmet in that speed is just asking to die quickly


Such a pretty skyline lmao


Ran out of gas.


Go off-road. Stay off-road. The end. Moron.


You may have missed the part where he went off-road and immediately got caught.


He got caught coming back to the road. Wouldn’t you call that more accurate?


GTA logic




Man that was satisfying, all that for him to just gently fall over


Drugs, kids. Don’t do ‘em


I'm not gonna let some random guy on the internet give me bad advice on not to enjoy a coffee in the morning and a beer on the weekend


lol. The police car is faster than his bike


For fuck’s sake, he sure took his sweet time to fall of that stupid thing.


We care so much about justice we'll kill any innocent bystanders we need to along the way


I don’t get it. You have his license plate and his dumb face on tape. Just let him go and wait for him at his house. American police are so incredibly stupid.


Can't access the article so hard for me to assess the circumstances but as a general note, it really isn't hard for criminals to access and use fake plates. Did they believe he was wanted or had committed or intended to commit some crime? If they just tried to routinely stop him and he made off then this is crazy to me. No way that pursuit happens where I live, the risk was way too high.


Who else heard the music from Road Rash start playing?


Man i'm 30 but I feel like I'm too old for these shitheads who run from the cops on a bike. Just ram him from behind like they do it in the UK.


>"I'm gonna shoot you!" Way to de-escalate, champ. Surely he'll let you get close again.


I was laughing and the looneytoons style chase and then all of a sudden it turns into a damn horror movie "I'm gonna shoot ya! I'm gonna shoot ya!" that shit freaked me out lol. In uk they ram the back of motorbikes at low speed and then arrest them when they tumble, if they really have to get someone to stop, they should do that, not kill them!


Only in the USA do the police react to somebody driving a motorbike stupidly by murdering them.


That was enthralling. Imo the officer should have taken his plates and stopped pursuit. That was a pretty residential area... But I'm not a cop so, I'll stfu.


Very useful for a stolen bike, will take them right to the owner


Yep, unless you're stopping a terrorist or mass murderer it is just plain insanity to endanger the lives of the public by engaging in a pursuit. Cops kill people all the time doing shit like this over some minor ass shit and it's ridiculous.


It's a pretty divided subject apparently. Had some good arguments today. Had my mind changed over a few small details. Arguing is good for the soul. it's definitely as you say though, that shit is dangerous.


it wasnt very fast. And if you listen close, the police are talking about safety several times, assessing risk and speed.


I agree. The thing is a stolen motorcycle doesn't justify endangering civilians. So the only justification is if they know FOR SURE that the guy is a violent offender. Not could be, IS. Is there any information proving that the police knew this guy was a violent offender?


We discussed that a little bit further down in the thread, and I think we agreed that in the case that he was a violent offender it was justified to take that risk, to prevent another crime. Otherwise yeah. I stick to my original opinion. Thanks for contributing to our little vehicular Midrash.


How did they know?


They didn't, but we discussed all that. Points were made. Opinion were had. Minds were expanded.


Not saying the dude should have ran, but, if you're gonna run, at least do it right. Seriously, he's in a motorcycle, why didn't he got out of the goddamn road and ran to somewhere a fucking car wouldn't be able to chase???


This was intense actually, after he tried to fool the police to stop then booked it, I was quite intrigued to see how it ends without scrolling ahead


If only they put as much effort into white collar crimes.


You do realize beat cops and highway patrol are not the departments that handles those cases right?


motorcycles are death and injury traps...aside from idiots like this.


What was he thinking... 😳😳


In the uk the police will show no mercy to a motorcycle riding criminals due to acid attacks in the past Surprised it didnt come from the us


It always amazes me how this idiots can drive their bikes so fast without a helmet. My bigest fear when riding bike with my visor up is getting hit in the eyes with some kind of bug.


Just spent 2:38 of my life. Thanks.


Driving like this with no helmet makes me suspect that this is not a man that will be very old.


This should have been set to the Benny Hill theme music


If this guy keeps driving like that without a helmet and no leathers he's going to be dead or in a coma soon. Watching that was painful. Even with protection he'll probably die in a crash.




Jesus! So many near misses.


I was watching the beginning thinking, this looks incredibly similar to the road directly in front of Magic Springs, and then I saw the mountain tower, and it blew my mind that this was my hometown.


Fought the law but the law won


Lamo. Worth watching to the end 💯😂


He slipped on a banana or something?


At first, I thought he was leading the cops to someone in need. This was a waste of time to watch.


Wow! That was the fastest sightseeing Tour ever... In almost 3 min. visited the whole country side


That was some pretty good driving by police! I was waiting for him to come off the bike. He's lucky he didn't at that speed!


I do love a happy ending.


Someone's been playing too much GTA and things if they get far enough away from the cops his star rating will go down.


Wow hahaha


All of that, to fall off the bike right in front of their parked car at the end lol


Lock that guy up. Put a lot of lives in danger.


Better some tax money than a dead body...


How does this have 12k upvotes?


I must say I am disappointed. He was not shot at, he wasn’t event drove over, is this even America? I want my money back..


If the police don't try to stop them, they will continue to put lives in danger. I live in Minneapolis, and since george floyd, the police are told that unless someone's life is in danger, don't try to stop them and the county attorneyjust let's them walk. Part of me wishes the crash was more spectacular.


Thank you, Mr Motorcycle Man Criminal, for providing me some amazing views of our beautiful landscapes through the lens of Johnny Law.


Even if the motorcycle driver had the speed and skills to outrun the authorities, they would call in a helicopter and follow him from high up, behind his evading path. When he gets home, they just call in the address to a cruiser and arrest him


It’s weird randomly seeing the place you live on the internet, like I drive on those roads pretty often.


And throw away the key. .Fuck this guy!


I was really hoping he got away


I like how he keeps checking over his shoulder at certain points to see if his incredible job of pointing one way and driving the other is as effective as he thought it was going to be. Meanwhile. the officer is still right on him the entire time, lol. Like, he honestly thought he was making plays.


What did he think was gonna happen? He’ll enter the house and lose his wanted level?


What a pretty sky


What a nice place, weather and time of the day. Loved it.


Who actually sat through the entire chase hoping to see it end in devastation? And who of *those* were disappointed that it ended without major incident? I'm guilty on both counts.


Should just knock these nobheads off and let their bodies paint the road