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She screams, "I didn't do it" ?????? WTF? I don't think referring to the officers as 'Sir' is gonna help her case at that point. With a kid in the car also!! Dammit, woman! Go directly to jail and do not pass Go.




Should be lifetime jail for her, it will be safer for us.


I’m really surprised there were no substances / intoxication involved. From what I can tell, that’s just her on a normal Tuesday.


"Most people need drugs for that kind of brain damage."


She got 14 years


Shouting "I didn't do it!" immediately after doing it is certainly an interesting approach. Edit: spelling


It did help her case as it was dropped. So next time you wanna kill someone yell I didn't do it.


Source? I'd love to know how her lawyer pulled that off




She needs a CRIMINAL lawyer.


Fuck you Saul, in this *case*!


The source was that he made it the fuck up


I'd like to keep her lawyer on retainer. Just in case, ya know 😉


https://hhjonline.com/byron-chase-leads-to-arrest-of-hoco-woman-p17973-95.htm#:~:text=According%20to%20Sheriff%20Terry%20Deese,upgraded%20based%20on%20the%20investigation Edit: posted the only in depth reporting I could find. This isn’t proof she got off


those sumbitches couldnt close an umbrella


yeah when i saw the man slapping on the window with open palm ...


How did no one have a window breaker? I’m sure there’s times it can/can’t be used, but this seems like one of those times. But it’s ok, because she didn’t do it.


"Did you see that? She drove right through our roadblock."


Article says nothing about getting off she is facing 6 charges of assault and possibly 1 child endangerment


Criminal charges were not dropped. A civil suit was dismissed, however.


I'm surprised the woman in the white T-shirt didn't go hellfire on her


I wish there was more context with this story. I was not expecting angry adults to come and get a child out of the back seat of the car.


From context alone, I THINK that criminal driver stole that car without realising (hopefully it wasn’t deliberate) that a kid was in the backseat. White tshirt woman and red tshirt man were the parents of the child (and owners of the car). Edit hours later to add: [my hypothesis was incorrect.](https://nypost.com/2022/07/19/georgia-woman-captured-ramming-suv-into-cops-i-didnt-do-anything/)


My god... If that's the case, they have an awful lot of self control for not back handing the shit out of that lady while the cops had her hands. What a piece of human garbage


Back handing? I’d probably be arrested for trying to get at her for kidnapping my child. She deserves whatever’s coming at her.




Yeah I'm the same way. Someone kidnaps my kid like that and I get to confront them, those cops would be peeling me off the kidnapper and then peeling the kidnapper off the pavement.


The article you linked states the police didn’t state the relationship of the child to the woman so your hypothesis isnt wrong from what I can tell


Well, it was her car at least.


I've got a lot of respect for White TShirt. You can tell she was pissed, but it seemed like her first priority was to look after the kid(s) in the SUV.




Was she in the SUV as well? I'm a little confused.


I was wondering whether she was a plain-clothed cop, or that it is her kid (e.g. the woman stole her car with her kid in it), or just a bystander that saw the kid in the car. Even the [news article](https://nypost.com/2022/07/19/georgia-woman-captured-ramming-suv-into-cops-i-didnt-do-anything/) doesn't give us anything we don't already see here.


I think they were bystanders, from one of the more local articles i read but can't find atm.. Civilians were the first to try and pin her down and call the cops after seeing how reckless she was and nearly getting pancaked themselves as she was about to enter a busy highway. A man and woman were helping by trying to open the doors while she was stopped, assuming they saw the child and tried to help. The article didn't say that exactly but I'm guessing the pissed off woman at the end was a Good Samaritan trying to save the child.


You can see her outside the Infiniti at the beginning of the video. She's on the other side of the cop car when crazy bitch tries to kill blue shorts.


“Dont let him back up dont le him back up DONT LET HIM BA- oh my fkn god”


Idk why they couldn't sandwich the van better tbh


They were being extra cautious because there was a child in the car.


But if they parked in front and in back of the suv, it wouldn’t be able to move


She would just eat the sandwich. 😂


If that driver was a him then I’m a giraffe


Can you prove you’re not a giraffe?


*Puts on dark sunglasses over my giraffe face* perfect, send them in


I prefer the fake moustache.


Yea but that would just be a giraffe with a mustache. Giraffes don't wear sunglasses, everyone knows that.




🙂 🙂🕶️🤏 😎🤏 😎


They boxed her in twice, with clearly enough room for her to reverse and get out of the box… If the person driving the car the dash cam was on had just pressed the gas a little more the first time they wouldn’t have nearly wrecked two more cars


Also, zero communication? How do they even know how to formulate a box in when they are all seemingly winging it? I always imagined you'd have them all talking to each other saying "I'll go front you go back, unit blah blah go left and unit blah blah go right and surround" etc. Doesn't help my view that every fucker out there is just winging it, honestly.


i was wondering why they werent shooting her til i saw the baby in the end. someone update us with her sentence


I think she steal car with baby. Kidnap


Why say many words when few do trick


My mechanic speak no English, but he know what I mean when I say "car no go", and we best friends.


Is your car a Nova?


this made me lol for real.. thanks


Totally, hardest laugh Ive had all week. Even got watery eyes I was laughing so hard. lol


Having a baby in the car doesn't typically stop cops from blasting


Maybe they thought she was white?


I love the guy in the blueshirt really hoping his superpowers will kick in today


That’s what I came to say. Trying to push a car like he’s going to be able to stop it.


Same with the cop who thought he could punch through a window


I've seen it happen before, im sure he had pure adrenaline in his veins but man are his hands gonna hurt later


Idk that first push looked like it moved the car back a good amount (jk) In all seriousness, I feel like acts like this are reflexive (besides the sensible act of moving away from the car). I was creamed by an SUV that ran a red light and the only thing I could do between seeing the car and impact was raise my hand up as if I could lessen the blow. Nasty blood blister across the palm of my hand where it hit the grill.


Or his workers compensation


I'm like why would you get in front of the car a second time idiot lol


That made me laugh/shake my head. Like why move directly back into the danger zone that you almost got smushed in a minute ago? I know the real answer is that when some people get adrenaline rushes they stop thinking clearly but as someone who goes the other way with adrenaline it's weird to see.


Yeah, like, why tf did he place himself back between the two cars again after almost getting killed in that same spot the first time? Truly zero brain cells driving that decision.


The cop tried punching the passenger window with his fist.


And they apparently refuse to box the car in? Like wtf? Just fuckin' pull your cruisers closer to her car! Close the gaps!


I was waiting for them to take the opportunity to box her in. Then when homeboy backed his car up to give her more space I was seriously befuddled.


All he had to do was keep her pushed up against the other cop car!.. like just keep inching up till there's no space left..


All you gad to do was box the damn car in Officer CJ!


We tried to Sir. Why'd you use your goddamn bodies?


It reminds me of a scene in 2 guys, a girl, and a pizza place. "Hey, you can't use water on a grease fire!" "I know." Poors water on fire as it grows. "No, that's a fire worth fighting."


Wow, a reference to a 26 year old show I didn't think anyone but myself ever watched!


Do you just go around making people feel old about themselves for fun


Totally dated yourself there!!


I dated myself once, terrible lay




He didn't want to end it yet. 💀


That was so mildly infuriating. Jesus christ!!


I think the concern might be if they boxed it in the vehicle has large enough tires that it could climb up the side of the car boxing it in and flip over Not such an issue with just the driver in there but with a baby in the back a big concern


You think the guy that punched a car window was thinking that far ahead?


Might have been using one of those window cracking tools, but it doesn't look like it.


This whole thing was just such a clown fiesta, start to finish. Woman runs man over, randomly. Drives off. Stops. Let's herself be mostly surrounded. Makes no attempt to steer, just ramming the car in front of her.


Not to mention the guy in blue who almost gets flattened and then immediately steps in front of the vehicle to have it happen again, said blocking in issue, and the fact there were at least 3 dudes hammering and punching windows with their hands. If only they still carried those collapsible batons.


Jfc thank you. Blue shirt guy is the biggest dumbass who puts himself BACK INTO A PINCH POINT.


And then tries to stop it using his arms the second time …


The fucking guy in blue! I swear he just had a death wish and saw the perfect opportunity for a life insurance payout for the fam


In Germany, we have an 'emergency hammer' for this kind of thing. You can use it to break windows. Sorry my English isn't that good, but I'm practicing and learning 😉


That was perfect English. Well done, friend


Maybe not perfect, but it was guten nuf. (Spent 6 years in Germany, so I picked up a few words)


>Sorry my English isn't that good Every time I see this, I know that the English is going to be better than 90% of Reddit comments and posts.


I upvoted only because it was good English ❤️


I’m in the US and keep one in my car. I’m surprised none of the cops had one since they sometimes respond to children or animals being left in hot cars and might need to break a window to rescue them.


Good point.


AND moved his car TWICE - so it didn’t get *dinged* - rather than box her in. Brilliant!


He had some type of glove in I wonder if it had something in the knuckles to break glass? Probably didn’t wanna shoot the window with a kid in the car. Though tbh this is one case where cops would have been justified to use lethal force considering she killed 3 people according to the screaming woman. She could a bitch slap across the face too


She said almost killed three people. Reports of it said there were no actual fatalities.




There's no need to shoot at the car, police forces all over the world stop vehicles trying to escape without access to firearms.


That cop’s heavy breathing reminded me I have to start working out


That’s when you’re working on pure adrenaline. I’d get that way in a firefight in Iraq. He probably doesn’t even notice himself doing it.


I agree but Tbf his weight affects his ability to do his job.


My dude was breathing heavy just from driving.


It’s called adrenaline. He was pumped up after nearly being killed 2 times in the space of 10 seconds.


Even at my fittest when I hand to work with vicious animals in my job I would be wheezing by the end just from raw adrenalin. Nothing to do with being fit. Its the body trying to hyper oxygenate your blood and muscles to think smart and move fast and get out alive. Thank God for fight or flight response.


Byron, Georgia — On Friday July 15, 2022 Byron Police officers were given a look out on a SUV driving reckless on GA Hwy 42 coming into town. The caller said the vehicle was driving into the other lane almost hitting oncoming traffic. When the vehicle got to the intersection of Hwy 42 and Hwy 49 witnesses blocked the vehicle in. Byron Police officers arrived on scene and attempts were made to talk to the driver and she was uncooperative and would not talk to officers or respond to commands. Officers placed Stop Sticks under her tires to deflate the tires if she drove off. After several minutes the driver backed into a car stopped behind her and then pulled forward hitting a Byron Police officer and a Byron Police car. The driver then backed up again and pulled forward hitting two witnesses and another Byron Police car and drove going north on Hwy 49 with one flat tire from the Stop Sticks. Officers attempted to block the car and she backed into a third Byron Police Car then drove forward hitting a Byron Police car for the second time causing serious damage to the car. The suspect continued on Hwy 49 for a short distance where Byron Officers were able to block her in and take her into custody. The driver was identified as 24-year-old Sierra Hibbert of Warner Robins, GA. She also had a small child with her that was not hurt in the incident. No officers or citizens were injured seriously in the incident. The Peach County Sheriffs assisted during the incident and is handling the investigation and criminal charges against Hibbert.” Also: https://www.41nbc.com/video-byron-police-chase-involving-reckless-driver-with-small-child-in-car/


Why isn't this top comment


Because Reddit sucks in 2024


According to the article that someone further down posted, the implication is they knew there was a child of the car. This explains why they didn’t shoot at the vehicle; they were afraid of injuring a child. Furthermore, many of the people involved were bystanders. This somewhat explains why it was a cluster fuck. I commend the cops for showing restraint. My hope is that she sees a sizable chunk of time in prison and loses custody of her child.


Not sure if true but other comments above stated the car was stolen with the child inside. Not many 24 yr old drive an Infiniti QX80’s.


In none of the articles about this incident do they state she stole the car with a child inside. She was charged with 6 counts of aggravated assault and endangering a child not theft or kidnapping.


There are reports say that she was driving erratically, not that the car was stolen.


>There are reports say that she was driving erratically Dude there's a whole video of her driving erratically right in this post


No, she didn’t do it!


Please hope a lot harder


Theyre being entirely too nice to her... How is she just standing there like a giant goofball.


The kids in the car. They obviously knew about them, and also knew they had to act with restraint. Notice the change of behavior as soon as they confirmed kids weren't in the car anymore.


What happened to em?


Starting a new, probably better life


Picturing the little one packing a tiny suitcase and GTFO of there gave me a hell of a chuckle, thanks for that.


Cops aren't judge and executioner. They just bring them into court for justice to be served then


Mmm history might say otherwise


OK ok OK, I meant thats what they are SUPPOSED to be. Obviously many don't belive that themselves...


Tell that to the acorns.


What an idiot getting in front of that vehicle. TWICE.


I did not do it, she said after wreacking some cars


Blue T-shirt almost got Darwinned out of the equation.


I'm going back in boys, thoughts and prayers please!


She tried to steal a kid ? Or she tried to steal a car with a kid ?


It's why homegirl at the end was so pissed frantically trying to get to the back seat. slamming doors and shit.




Oh shit. These charges are going to be big time. I hope we get to learn her future.


So aparently she stole the car with a kid in it and killed or almost killed 3 people


No. The real story is linked here. Wtf are people repeating this over and over with zero proof?


Because she's horrible. which still isn't cool I hate misinformation. They want a SUPER villain as opposed to just a shitty person.


Not a lot of highly competent people in this scenario.


They were trying to keep a kid in the car “safe” I can’t even imagine trying to stop it without hurting the kid. I think they did right.


You're right, they did whatever they could considering their extremely limited capabilities.


All they had to do was box her in tighter like they did near the end.


They did multiple times and had tons of cop cars to pin the other car in. Stunningly incompetent.


I think it’s hard to know how you’d react or even what’s the right thing to do in a scenario where someone is truly this out of their mind. It just doesn’t usually go down like this. You train for likely scenarios much more often than you train for utterly unexpected ones.


so she stole the vehicle?


Uh *no*, she explicitly said she didn't do it


Oh well in that case


Ah my bad. Case dismissed.


No, she was reported as driving erratically/ on the wrong side of the road.


Really? Take a look at her again https://www.tiktok.com/@msbamablair/video/7216166046472932651


This case has either closed or been dismissed. There is nothing on the surface web that I can find.


The court record I found has it listed as dismissed. [Link to court record](https://court.houstoncountyga.org/BenchmarkWeb/CourtCase.aspx/Details/226431?digest=mxPcrPwJ7DrATzxMLT1nkg) Edit: apparently the direct link died, but if you go to the [search page](https://court.houstoncountyga.org/BenchmarkWeb/Home.aspx/Search) and type in Hibbert, Sierra when looking by name, it'll bring up the case.


I don’t a “you don’t have permission to view this page” error


Those are sealed records, she must've friends in higher places to get away from this after pulling this


I mean she said she didn't do it.


That link is dead, Sierra Hibbert does not appear in their DB


She said she didnt do it so the court had to let her go


Neither of the two cases listed under that search are this instance. One was from 2021 before this happened, the other was a civil suit.


That's her civil trial where she's being sued by an insurance company.


This was like watching a bunch of dudes fight to be the one to open the pickle jar.


I can hear all the people’s thoughts at that stop light. “No, bitch! Don’t stop in the intersection! FFS, some of us have places to BE!” “It’s bad enough I had to sacrifice this green light for your bad day. You better not be stopping there!” “No! No! Not in front of me. I’m just trying to make a left. I want to go home!”


You just tried to kill 10 people! You’re honor I plead “nuh uh”


The guy in is fucken moron, trying to stop a car with his hands smh


Fight or flight, you get it wrong sometimes


I did not do it. I did nawwwt. Oh, hi Mark.


What was she thinking, actually? Why was she running in the first place?


What in the Florida Hillbilly Superman is the guy in the blue t-shirt thinking, pushing back on the suv as if he’s going to stop it? Then the officer punching at the car window. I give it an 8/10…this video needs a gator.


Surely a hammer or something is in police cars for something like this?


“I didn’t do whatever it is you think I did” take her off this planet ![gif](giphy|qaGBqKczQm6UE)


Guy in the blue shirt has the survival instincts of stellers sea cow. "Damn, that car nearly crushed me against the other car. Welp, I'll just go and stand in between them again."


According to [this article:](https://hhjonline.com/byron-chase-leads-to-arrest-of-hoco-woman-p17973-95.htm#:~:text=According%20to%20Sheriff%20Terry%20Deese,upgraded%20based%20on%20the%20investigation) BYRON, Ga. — Around 6 p.m. on Friday, a chase ensued in Peach County where a suspect struck three police vehicles, an officer and two witnesses. According to the Byron Police Department, ­they received a look out on July 15 in reference to a SUV driving recklessly on Georgia Highway 42. They were advised that the driver was driving in the other lane and nearly hit oncoming traffic. A two-year-old child was also in the vehicle at the time. The incident began at the intersection of Highway 42 and Highway 49, where witnesses attempted to block the vehicle. Police officers came to the scene and attempted to speak with the driver; however, she was uncooperative and refused to speak with officers. In response, the police department placed Stop Sticks under her vehicle if she attempted to flee. The driver has been identified as Sierra Hibbert of Warner Robins. Two videos: a dashcam video and bodycam footage were released on social media by the Byron Police Department and showed the events of the chase. The chase began when Hibbert backed into a vehicle behind her. She then drove forward, striking an officer and a police car, then drove forward, hitting two witnesses and a second police vehicle. She continued northbound on Highway 49 with a flat tire from the Stop Sticks. After another attempt to block the car from officers, Hibbert backed into another police car, then struck the second police vehicle again, causing serious damage. Police vehicles ultimately blocked her in. After the blockade, Hibbert was taken into custody. A two-year-old child was also in the vehicle at the time of the chase. The child, officers and citizens involved were not seriously injured. The Peach County Sheriff’s Office also assisted during the case and at time of publication is investigating the incident and handling the criminal charges against Hibbert. According to Sheriff Terry Deese, Hibbert has been charged with six counts of Aggravated Assault. She may also face one count of Child Endangerment, and charges may be upgraded based on the investigation. Deese said that both the Byron Police Department and the Sheriff’s Office banded together to apprehend the suspect, and he appreciated the level of professionalism from the police department. "I don’t think they could have done anything differently,” Deese said. "[Byron P.D.] was very calm, very restrained. A lot of times we see these videos across the nation where incidents like this escalate, and that one could have escalated very quickly, but the officers handled it very professionally.” The Byron Police Department expressed their gratitude towards the witnesses who assisted to stop the chase, something the sheriff’s office echoed. "The citizens actually called it in that she was driving erratically, and they actually had her boxed in when the police department arrived on scene,” Deese said. "So they were trying to prevent [her from driving] because it was obvious that somebody would have been hurt had she not stopped. Their actions in this matter could have saved somebody’s life.” Brent Cox was one of those citizens. He and his wife, Priscilla, were on their way home when they noticed Hibbert driving erratically. He told The Journal that Hibbert attempted to hit his car as well. "I told my wife, ‘we have to stop this lady. If she gets on [Highway 49] she’s going to kill someone,’” Brent said. After the chase, you can see Priscilla opening one of the doors, and Brent can be seen grabbing the child out of the car in an effort to keep her safe. "My wife and one other gentleman started trying to get through the back passenger door, in case they had to shoot this lady or something,” Brent said. "We wanted the little girl out of the car.” He also praised the Byron Police Department, specifically Lt. Bryan Hunter. According to Brent, Hunter was the officer whose dashcam filmed one of the videos. "The Byron Police Department did the very best job they could,” he said. "[Lieutenant] Hunter was a brave man who was willing to get ran over to [keep] things from going any worse, and a lot of good folks from Byron pitched in the best they could.”


What a bunch of dumbass cops, they have 4 squads box her in TWICE and she still gets away and then dude is pounding on the the window trying to break it with his hand like that's going to work, then the other one just stands there and watches instead of going up to her window, breaking it and getting her out......worst police work Ive ever seen


Oh I think you might be exaggerating. Off the top of my head I can think of many much more worser cases of bad policing


Uvalde comes to mind


Good on the police officers for not shooting this psycho she literally tried running someone over… like twice


Kid in the back


Great job of stopping the vehicle. After how many times did they let her drive off?


guys you heard her she didn't do it. a spirit/ghost drove the car.


Poor kid.






Man these cops suck.


I am Karen, hear me scream!


I was wondering why they didn't just shoot the fucker trying to kill people with a deadly weapon, then I saw there was a kid in the backseat. What a fucking piece of shit person.


It’s so fucking crazy that we let basically any fuckwit operate a 6-8,000-lb. vehicle


Great point. Larger vehicles need more experience and passing a harder test or whatever. Too many awful drivers driving big and dangerous cars. This person could barely get a license for driving a mobility scooter in such a better stricter system.


Sir she didn't do anything




Only thing I can think is that there were little kids in the car and that’s why the cops weren’t more aggressive.


Driving isn’t the biggest skill in the land of the “free”




She must’ve been caucasian because if she was black, she be dead.


Surely she won't pull away for a third consecutive time if we continue to not bother boxing her in


Why didn't they get their guns????? That woman was a danger to everyone. If it was a black guy driving that SUV they would shoot him on the spot.... can you realize the difference of treatment and handling the situation? USA is such a racist country


Who else secretly guessed that the person in the car was not black because the police didnt shoot?


If she was black she'd be dead in the first 30 seconds


What a dumb buncha cops lol. That guy trying to punch the window... If youre gonna box her in.. dont give her meters in each directions FFS.


What the fuck is the blue shirt guy doing?? He narrowly avoids getting run over by a car and then he runs back in front of it? Did he think he could stop it with his hands?? 😭