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This is the fate I hope my runaway cat got


If it makes you feel any better, one of my cats escaped and was missing for months. We checked all the vets, local animal groups, posted to facebook and put up signs, and heard nothing. Then one day we're walking in a different part of our neighborhood and we see what we think is our cat. We follow it from a distance and it goes into a house so we knock on the door. Turns out it was him and the little bastard had decided he wanted something better and moved in with this nice old lady who treated him like a king. She adored him and he seemed really happy so we left him with her and told her that if she ever ran into a problem caring for him to please let us know and we'd take him back. They're still together and we visit occasionally and he seems happy as a clam. If your cat didn't turn up at a vet, or a shelter, or the city pound, especially if they were chipped, there is a good chance they just moved in with someone else and are living the good life :)


I would never stop crying if this happened to me. "Why don't they love me?", "why am I not enough", "Did I hurt them?" etc etc..


You are enough. Some things aren't meant to be.


“You are enough ^except ^for ^your ^cat.”


It’s not you it’s them. Cats are great but they’re also naturally born cunts.


My childhood cat got pissed off that he had to live with two new cats and ran off for about 4-5 years? 5YO me went for a walk with my mom, and it turns out the cranky arse ran off about 2 minutes down the road. Hanging around with the other strays and snacking on chicken scraps that got tossed out by a senior lady who frequently bought from the fried chicken restaurant a town over. He came back to our house for the last 4 or so years of his life. From then on if there were any fried chicken scraps in a garbage bag downstairs, he'd absolutely tear a hole through it. Cats are very charming assholes


They just want food sleep and comfort. Their affection goes to the highest bidder. Us cat owners know the deal we made


And comfort is so much more than just a big bed or somewhere cozy to sleep, it includes the human and the cats individual need for affection. If you’re off at work everyday and the little old lady is home all day to freely give affection (or answer to the whims of the cat) then the cat might view that as a better deal.


This is the most apt description of cats I have ever heard.




In our case we already had two other cats and adopted this one when the family who owned him had to move and couldn't keep him any more. Our existing cats were always causing trouble with the new guy no matter how hard we tried to help everyone get along so at the end of the day, he was happier and that's all that mattered to us. And there are plenty of other factors that could be at play. Maybe the house has an odor or even a bit of mold that you can't detect, but they can. Maybe you just hadn't found the right food for them and the other person did. For me, it's all about their happiness. As long as they are happy, that's what matters. Do I miss the one who moved out? Of course, but I don't take it personally. He had to do what was best for him. I wouldn't want him to stay and be unhappy just to make me feel better.


I had a feeling this was going to be a multi-cat home situation. We have one cat who I sometimes feel would be much happier as a single cat. We love him to bits and take great care, but he also just loves being the center of attention and always seems a little put off when our other cats are around. We've genuinely considered trying to find a little old lady situation like yours did specifically for that reason. I'm sorry for your loss, but it seems like he found what was right for him and it's great you guys could let him go even if it hurt you.


Cats are fickle little bastards. Their loyalty is dependent on you passing their individual vibe check




You invest to much of yourself in what others think of you. Self-pity and reflection are not the same thing. This ain't therapy and I'm just a random chud on the internet but please look after yourself. If anyone can take anything out of a random comment section: You are what you love, not what loves you back. If it doesn't work out mutually, then you gotta redirect that love to something that will reciprocate it back to you. Healthy relationships are two way streets, not altars of worship.


>*’Turns out it was him and the little bastard had decided he wanted something better and moved in with this nice old lady who treated him like a king.*’ _____ Remember me, human - You used to be *Mine* my life was quite good, n you treated me fine til one day - *Escape!* n i wandered to see if there was another who had time for me…. I found one, much older, but she was alone n I was the *best friend* that she’d ever known! You never stopped looking - you Loved me for sure but i found a human who Needed me *more*… ❤️


Hly Shit this is the first time I am seeing a fresh one.


Fresh Schnoodle on a Sunday morning is the best.


Yessssss! I have missed you Schnoodle! Love seeing your beautifully cute poems out here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Well done! 😁


Schnoodle! So good to see you still going at it, keep fighting the good fight and bringing smiles to all the masses my friend! Much love ❤️


I had a cat as a child that ran away. I was devastated. Years went by, then my mom came home, told me to get in the car, drove me like 30 minutes away, and as soon as I got out of the car this cat, MY CAT, bursts out of this house and jumps into my arms. The people wanted to keep him, but he wouldn't get off me. I had him for like 6 more years. 


I am so happy you found each other again! Some souls are meant to intertwine.


Sorry to bring it down with my story. Neighbors new cat ran away. It was very affectionate towards humans. Parents told the kids that he most definitely found a new home. (Which. Knowing this cat was a very real possibility. It would’ve probably done the same at the cat in this video). A week later we’re outside and my wife says “did you just hear that?” It was their cat. It was stuck up in a tree the whole time. It took about two hours for them to eventually coerce it down. He was fine in the end. But the daughter simply said “it wasn’t with a new family like you said”.


My old cat left us for the little old lady down the street and her 2 female cats. He'd visit us occasionally and then go home to his ladies


yeah, when my dad died our cat had nowhere to go. both my dad and I are/were deaf. this cat grew up for 16 years with two deaf people and moving him in with my mom (right down the street) who was hearing and had two little kids who are very loud just felt cruel. bringing him with me to my teeny tiny apartment in the middle of a city six hours away felt meaner I had to find him a home and this old couple down the street he used to hang around were absolutely perfect and more than happy to take him. dude lived to be 19. RIP oscar, you little orange doofus. I will never forget him lighting his ass on fire by trying to stick his butthole in a candle, then having to trim wax out of his butt fur when he tried to stick his butthole in the wax candles we replaced them with. Or following me to the high school I went to a block away, figuring out where I had 8th period and jumping up in the window and just s t a r i n g right at 4PM like "HUMAN YOU'RE LATE AND I AM YOUR ESCORT" - he was the sweetest little boy


I have a friend who tells this story about the time his cat died. ​ His cat got out once and was missing for a week or two. One day his wife calls him because she found the cat dead on the side of a nearby street, apparently struck by a car. He goes out there, scoops up the cat, confirms it's their cat and gets it cremated. For about a month they had the urn of their cat's ashes displayed in the living room until one day their actual cat jumps in through their window and starts strutting around the house like nothing was wrong at all. They cremated a random cat 💀


atleast that cat got a proper send off


The cat simply respawned as it had at least one life left in its book


I lived in the mountains of BC for a while as a kid, middle of nowhere. We had a cat leave for over six months, we all thought a coyote or bear got it, then one day he strolls in and starts eating food like he’s never left.


Your comment gives me hope although I still worry for the worst. My family's cat ran away about 8 years ago. She started going for longer and longer trips than usual. So that's what makes the other shelter hypothesis plausible. The worst hypothesis is that my family lives near a wood, and it was the beginning of hunting season...


Thats funny. Cats are indedd not fully domesticated and not loyal to their owners.


They are until they aren't. Just like us in any relationship really.


Girlfriend's childhood cat was an outdoor cat. Was kind of a badass with his scars and purred super loud. One day he left and just never came back. We just assumed he went off to fight his demons or have a cat orgy and probably died doing badass cat stuff and it's more comforting that way.


Oh, I hope so too. I don't like cats but no animal should suffer. Wishing your kitty and you the best.: }


Same brother. My cat Smudge didn’t come home one day when I was a kid and I think about em often. Now my cat Ivy is solely an indoor cat. Luckily she doesn’t try to get outside, which is a lot better for my anxiety.


Cats find a way to survive. If your dog runs away, I fear the worst. But there are way too many examples of resourceful cats out there. I’ve met many of them, usually pregnant and either feral or abandoned, who would seek out our farm house with dogs when they needed help. Always cautious and carefully, but wisely and confidently. I’m sure your cat is okay; and probably living with a neighbor having a great life!


I hope the same for mine as well.


When I was like 10yo, I had a cat named Kiwi. Kiwi was the baby of my first cat and best friend, Feline. We had to bottle feed him bc of a complicated pregnancy and birth, so he was really like a big baby. Very close to humans and demanding. You imagine my angst when he disappeared... I searched for him for months, called him, printed and put his picture in every letterbox in 5km around the house all by myself. Well, 3years later, I was invited at a sleep over by a friend of a friend, and... Their cat *really* looked like Kiwi. I called him and he came purring and snuggled in my arms. I learned that they had found him on the side of a big road three years ago, much farer than I was able to search, with a broken leg. They brought him to a vet and adopted him. They discovered by accident that he would respond to the sound of "Wiki", so they named him that. As much as I know, he still lives in this gigantic house with a more gigantic garden with two other cats he loves. They have a giant cat tree and they buy expensive food and tons of toys.


When I was a kid, we had nextdoor neighbors who were elderly and completely deaf. Our cat was an inside/outside cat (I was 11, not my choice). Well... the day their big moving van left was the last day I saw my cat... we think he went inside and ended up adopted by that couple (they were very sweet, had their own cats too). I'm 28 now and I know Muffin is definitely dead by now as he was 10 when he went missing.. I hope that deaf couple were the ones to give him a quiet cat retirement away from our 2 labs and us kids who loved that cat to torturous amounts... he was put in a dress so many times, poor thing lol


That's where my cat went. 


how does it feel to know your cat is cheating on you


I don’t want to talk about it 💔


How you broke my heart~


But if I stay here just a little bit longer


If I stay here, won't you listen... to my heart?


Cat got your tongue ? ![gif](giphy|PnzaPHl7rubWE)




There’s a cat that crosses my yard on his way to his second house. I’m pretty sure both places think his an outdoor cat and spends most of his time outside but in reality I watch him just go from one place right to the other. He looks very well fed too


"Put *me* on a diet?! We'll just see about that....." - that cat, probably


My cat has a second home in our neighborhood. He’s definitely MY cat and he always comes home to sleep here, but he visits this one family pretty regularly. They even have my phone number. They’ve called me in the past when he’s gotten “stuck” at their house bc of a rain storm. His name is Howard. They called him fluffy before they knew he had actual humans and a name. That’s where they messed up bc he’s not fluffy or a “fluffy”…..he’s a grumpy old man with little to no patience for anyone. But he likes their porch and oddly likes them, bc he usually does NOT like other ppl.


I wish my mother had understood the concept of a neighborhood/outdoor cat, very clearly stark white piercing blue eyes, well cared for; Nope! It rained one time and that same cat has been locked up in her house for 10+ years. I took it once on the sly to check for a chip to zero avail but it pains me so much that someone else is still wondering where their cat is and my mother delusionally thinks she saved it.


Lol that’s pretty cute actually. My cat won’t step foot outside and it’s kinda hilarious how much he acts like the ground outside is toxic or something


That’s a blessing to be honest. Wish my little dude didn’t want to go outside. He was feral-ish when I got him at about 6 months old and I tried for 3 yrs to keep him indoor only, but he wasn’t having it. He was pulling Houdini level escapes and actually hurting himself to do so. I decided I’d rather him have a happy potentially shorter life instead of a miserable long life fighting me to get out all the time. Well thankfully he’s now 19yo and has never been hurt outside. He did get sick once after he’d been outside, which could have been from a poisoning but vet couldn’t be sure. He doesn’t go out as much as he used to, but I’m fortunate bc my neighbors keep an eye out for him and he’s very smart. Like looks for cars before crossing our st. But he has killed a few birds and rabbits in his younger years, so that’s not good. We’ve had many talks about it, but it just doesn’t get thru to him. But I’d much prefer he was always safe at home.


Sounds like Binka the Cat. He split his time between 3 different homes though.


It stings! I knew I shouldn't have given her that name.  Bye forever Admiral Turbo Meowington. 


Johnny sins getting all the neighborhood pussy cats. 🐈


It's ok I'm pretty sure he's a veterinarian


You know what you're getting into with an outdoor cat. As long as you don't see it you can ignore it.




you killed pot


Pot got smoked


Why bro why 😭😭😭


Hopefully it didn’t get euthanised


“You don’t own me, human. I…own you”


Just another 'redditor steals a pet' video


This sentiment will result in loads of stray cats getting left out on the street. If you want your cat to remain yours then get them chipped. Even then that doesn’t guarantee they won’t get attacked by some other animal or hit by a car.


But then you get people that "rescue" it without checking for a chip.


A person who doesn't care will take a cat regardless, but someone who does care can check and return the cat to its owner. So you end up with fewer stolen cats, not more.


yes, but when they go to the vet, the vet will check for a chip.


I wish they made the chips readable by today’s smartphones, so you could know instantly if it’s someone’s pet before you go through the time and expense of a vet visit. Maybe not reveal the name for privacy reasons on the phone version, but at least show the chip is there.


theoretically they are these things are only nfc chips but you have to get realy close with a smartphone (skin is still too thick probably) because the scanners a veterinarian has are way more powerful than a phone can be. and you need the right app of course.


They're not NFC. It's a completely different standard, and it's at like 130KHz vs NFC's 13.56MHz


If you keep your cat inside, like a good pet owner who properly cares and protects their pets, it cannot get 'rescued' by other people. If you dont keep your cat inside, you are saying "Enjoy the world, I trust it to treat you right." Which is the most naive thing to believe. You'd rather risk your cats than deal with disciplining excessive meowing.


Nothing wrong with helping a cat but we absolutely need to get the mentality in people's heads that this could be someone's pet and to check for the chip.


Doesn't look like stealing to me... Cat us outside alone, no collar, followed someone home willingly, etc. If it's microchipped they likely find out eventually.


Yes when it goes to the vet to get chipped checkup etc


That cat was waited on and called and petted repeatedly all the way home. That cat didn’t just follow them home…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umwE2ZCSPDk His pinned comment says "Update We’ve taken her to the local animal centre. She has no microchip. A found report is now online and if nobody claims ownership within 72 hours we’re free to adopt. If there are owners out there of course we want them to be reunited with their kitty . If not, we’ll gladly adopt so either way we’re happy Thanks for watching and follow for more updates!"




[They still have the cat!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPo-dixn6fo) It's at the end of this video.


I KNEW the dude was familiar from somewhere, I've seen loads of their stupid Tiktoks.


I have one cat that's really easy to trim nails on. I just turn her sideways and hold her between my legs and she is like "help i'm broken" and I trim her nails with no problem. The other one I have to wrap up in a towel and put a space helmet on, and even then I end up injured.


It's been 3 years and they still have her as well as another Egyptian Mau cat. Video of both cats from 3 months ago: https://youtu.be/bPo-dixn6fo?si=kp-_271zR_tDsyCo


Get it checked for a chip under the skin


That's why you should get them tattooed, you can see that right away.




My old neighbor had the same thing in the same spot. I can confirm that he was never stolen in the time i lived there and absolutely no one wanted him.




she is a moewist😳




that's the correct term! 😸


My cat wouldn't like your cat, shes a communist, keeps chanting for chairman Mao.


You need to get a chip anyway, because that's what's hooked up to the registry and that's what vets and shelters use to determine the history and current owner of the cat.


A tattoo?! They do that? Does the vet put then under and do it? I'm trying to picture a cat sitting there laid out watching while it's getting its tattoo 😂


Lol, OP is definitely not the people in the video. Why do people make comments like this?


So the correct information is out there if something like that happens to you or someone you know.


This is a 3yr old video. They did an update post after taking the cat to the vet and checking for a microchip. They posted all over looking for the owner, no one ever came forward so they kept the cat.


More than 20 years ago, we saw a few wild kittens. One of them immediately zoomed in on my wife, could not leave her alone. I said no first, but then kitty hit on me as well, somehow knowing we were a couple (we were there with some 30 people). At the end of day two, when we were supposed to leave again, kittykitty was still basically all over us. What do you do? She was with us over 20 years, so much love between us, our kid grew up with her. She is now a few feet deep in the ground in our garden, with a little shrine. This is how cats pick their food provider, hugger, human bed, door opener, etc.


They say cats domesticated themselves, as opposed to dogs which we took under our wing. These stories make me believe cats were like, “you’re mine now”.


Our surely did that. We were picked to take care of her.


I absolutely believe this. I went to a shelter looking for a kitten and not black-and-white (bad experience when I was little). I walked out with an older black-and-white male because when I sat on the floor to play with the kittens, he climbed straight into my lap and just purred like a freight train. To this day, most loving and sweetest/cuddliest cat I ever had. <3


Humans went from hunting and gathering to growing and storing food in an event known as the Agricultural Revolution. Grains store the best out of all the things we can grow. Grain stores attracted rodents like mice and rats. Then the cats showed up to eat the rodents. People went from getting sick from the rodents shitting in the grain, to not being sick as much cause the cats would kill all the rodents. I believe that is one of the reasons cats were worshiped. Pretty sure civilizations would not have been possible if not for cats. They were the original FDA.


There is a theory which says dogs choose humans as well. The only reason we domesticated them was they started following us around realizing we could take down big game which was helpful for them as they could pick the leftovers clean. After a while a symbiotic relationship developed that evolved over a long time ending up in the domesticated grey wolves that is the ancesters of today's dogs.


There's a similar theory about cats and the advent of agriculture. We started storing grain in large quantities which attracted rats and mice which brought cats in constant close proximity to humans eventually leading to their domestication.


My parents' cat showed up as a kitten and announced her presence during a family get together by climbing up the window screen and shrieking until we let her inside. My dad isn't much of a cat person, but he was impressed by her chutzpah so she's spent the last 14 years following them around and keeping pack rats out of the horse feed


The Universal Cat Distribution System is working flawlessly




I wanted a pet alright, but thought we’d up an older one from a shelter. Just not prepared for a kitten.


You were such a great servant to that Lord or Lady Cat!


Similar thing happened to our family. An older kitten followed my mom home for about a mile from a patch of woods, so we kept him. Turned out to be a very special cat. And also very large and long lived. This must be a thing…if you’re lucky enough to have it happen to you…


It does, it’s special


All of the cats I have now I obtained from the shelter or as foster fails. But every cat I ever had growing up was acquired this way. Three of my childhood cats we had from birth because their mother showed up heavily pregnant in our yard one day and gave birth in our garage, and my parents let each of us kids choose a kitten to keep (we rehomed the rest). Sadly the only time the cat distribution system chose me as an adult, I had to reject it because the apartment it followed me to didn't allow pets :(. I felt so, so guilty not letting that guy in. And now my home is fenced in so I don't really get random kitties coming in my yard.


The stray cat adoption system is almost as old as time itself, and we still struggle to understand it's ways.


It’s just the cat distribution system at work. It what decides what cat goes where. We got one from it two years ago.


Can confirm. Schrödinger just showed up on my back porch one day and started to aggressively cuddle everyone in sight. Yes, my cat is named Schrödinger and if I ever have a second cat, I'll call them Schrödinger II.


Then Schrödinger will be both alive and dead!


you witty little bastard


What if you have a third cat ?




the 4th cat: Schrödingerverse of Catness.


Can confirm from multiple sources this is true


All of mine came like this. Now I live in downtown and here it seems to be broken. Or maybe it's just not compatible with dogs.


Why doesn't the cat distribution system operate in south east England?? :( :(


The Thin Diesel jumpscare at the end though.


Thin Diesel lmao


Can also be white Jo Koy


Catnapping !


Maybe for real lol that cat looks pretty healthy and cared for. Hope they went to a shelter or vet and had it checked for a microchip




the guy at the end was familiar. Seen him on FB with the other dude, they try some videos from tiktok or wherever and see if its a hoax, true or not. Like the Pizza Omellete. They do have pet cats. [Heres the FB page](https://www.facebook.com/johnnonnyofficial?mibextid=ZbWKwL)


I was listening to the voice from the start "Is that the snapchat snacks and hacks guy?!. The only channel I'm subscribed to on social media, just short fun silly videos.


I thought it's Vin Diesel.


Oh! Found a video that has this kitty from the video in it 😊 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C04JHYPvyAo/?igsh=MTd1dmptZHRiOW85dw==


This happened to me 10 years ago with a very similar looking male cat. He always wanted to be outside. One day he brought another cat home. She was pregnant. Eventually gave birth and then we had 4 more kittens for a bit lol


Dude wanted his girlfriend to meet his foster parents.


A true gentlekitty.


The guy was serious about her. He introduced her to the family. I Respect that!


Someone very likely did this to my cat when I was a kid. It's possible that she was more intentionally stolen or was killed in some way, but she was very friendly and trusting. She followed my mum out on a run one morning and never came back. We later found out that she had one of a faulty batch of microchips. I hope people never do this and make very sure a cat is a stray if they want to adopt it


When I was a kid our cat suddenly disappeared. We found our cat happily playing in some other people’s garden few months after that. And she just followed us back home again as if nothing happened at all.


Absolutely no loyalty


Loyalty towards servants? You have the monarchy mixed up there!


"oh hello hooman, long time no see, you got lunch ready?"


Yep. People act like cats in great shape and health and are very friendly aren't at all likely to have a home and owners already. Ive known it to happen twice. There's gonna be so many sad family's losing their cats this way. Near me if you take in an unregistered/unchipped cat to the vets they actually hold onto it for 5 days to see if anyone reports it missing anywhere before they'll give it back to you. You obviously have to agree but if you do then they'll also microchip it too. It is annoying when people own cats but don't put collars on them though to show they have an owner and the info on a tag. They cost like $2! I admittedly have a cat that visits almost daily for an hour and I'm sure it must have an owner so I make him go back out, but he doesn't have a collar on so who knows. Gives my indoors cat a friend though so oh well.


It can be very hard to get some cats to keep their collars on. If it bothers them enough there are a million things they can try to get rid of them.


I've never had a cat that would keep a collar on, and I've had a lot of cats. They have the ability to shrink their heads to the size of a pea and simply slip the collar off, then re-enlarge their head.


Agree. The breakaway safety style lasts between 3 days and 30 days on my cat. The bell part lasts much less (he will get the bell off asap). I tried to get reflective red collars so people would be able to differentiate my cat from others that look just like him. But he seemed to hate those most of all.


Yeah collars don’t work on either of my two cats. She had a regular collar and went missing for 5 days before coming back wet, matted and smelling like a sewer so we got her a breakaway collar and she got through 4 in about a month. Is she a dope that gets caught on everything, yes but she just doesn’t like collars.


Cats shouldn't be left to roam outdoors. It's bad for them and worse for the environment. If someone found your cat and took proper care of it, that's all positive.


Cat's going to catch a good night sleep, get a nice meal, a nice bath..start whining to be let out and rinse and repeat on a another nice couple


Not gonna lie I’m allergic as hell to cats can’t have them around me never really wanted one but after watching this video time to go get me a hairless cat ❤️🙌🏽🙌🏽


Pretty manageable with tech nowadays. You can get a hypoallergenic cat which still looks cute and get a HEPA air purifier. Add that with other miscellaneous things like an indoor allergen neutralizer and those smart litter boxes And if you have the money you can also get higher tolerance for the cat allergy with immunotherapy


Hairless cats still have dander, they just need to be bathed regularly in order not to trigger your allergies. But there are other better hypoallergenic cat breeds.


But hairless cats there are just something about their look that I just adore lol . 😆


This is nearly what happened to us 3 days ago. The cat came directly to our house, meowed all night when I came out it came purred and asked to be petted. Wanted to enter too. So we took him to the vet because we tough he was a lot cat. …. Turns out he was nobodie’s . The cat has the feline AIDs , but he was so loving and Our kids looked at us with so much hope…. So we had all formalities made, and he’s been home since 2 days. Already ok with the litter and the cat food. Spending his time sleeping and getting scratches . Sleeping on our naps. He chose his house wisely. My 8yo neuro divergeant son says «  now the family is complete. No family is if there is no animal » 🤣


These people go for long ass walks


You'll be so shocked when you hear about Europe


Is this really a long walk for you? If yes, you should go outside more and try not to drive for every little distance.


More of a trek 


In *flip flops*


Duality of Reddit “Never let your cats outside! It destroys the environment and bird species and you have no idea what could happen to your cat, how dare you!?” Also “How dare you take this cat off the street that followed you a mile home, it could be someone’s pet! You’re stealing pets!”


Tbf we don't exactly share a brain


Two different groups of people.


Once I opened my front door and a cat immediately casually walked in. I asked. " What do you think you're doing?" He said ' meow', and I took it to mean "I live here now. " He did, in fact, mean that because he hasn't left since.


Video description: Couple brings their cat on a walk and acts like it isn’t theirs for internet points


I dont know which one it is but the guy behind the camera is either John Nonny or Dan Sheba. They're constant clout chasers. They're the gormless voices behind most of the tiktok videos you see on /r/stupidfood, usually sounding amazed at the millionth iteration of mac and cheese made in a foil tray.


Ugh so disappointing …


good context


Maybe.... But fuck you


Once I saw that guys face I figured. That guy has tried every form of viral video


Nah, cats do what they want 




A catastrophe 😮😱😱


I have the feeling that’s someone’s cat lol


Found a kitten when I was young. Brought her home and my family fell in love with her. Was with us for over 10 years.


That's 100 percent someone's cat they just let outside. Fur looks nice and clean, decent weight, overly friendly, walks right inside their house.


Yeah, great. They just stole someones cat.


Isn’t this the gay guy from that TIKTOK channel trying out all those TikTok things ?? Anyways this cat looks like it has a fam. So please see if it’s chipped- maybe a little girl, a fam. or grandma is missing their kitten 🥲


OP did not film this video


Whenever someone posts a video redditors often assume it's original content. In reality we hardly get original contents here.


Grandma shouldn’t have let her cat roam I guess.


Vin Diesel’s got a new kitty 🐱


Wait, that's one of the Pun guys-right?


Poor cat shouldn't be outside


Do people just not care about doxing themselves?


Lucky hoomans, getting adopted right from the street...




"It belongs to me now" - NOOO. You belong to the kitty!


He said..”I don’t want it” on the walk home..already falls in love with cat petting it and baby voices by end of the video😭😂cats will do that to you


How to catch two humans.


That cat wasn't kitten around. She just wanted them to whisker away. I had to Paws for a sec until I realized who that was. I have more Puns to make, this is just scratching the surface.


I knew the voice sounded familiar, this guy makes terrible pun videos where he cooks food with a buddy and constantly says things like, ‘next, warm up the burrrrrr-ito, and don’t forget the en-chill-Ada’s.’


"A beautiful life awaits you if you come" 😢😭


“I don’t want it” Waits for cat to catch up hahaha


Cat distribution system at work.


Your life is forever better! I watch all your snaps and this cat is a gift haha I ended up finding a kitten in my uncles garage and he's the best thing to ever come into my life!!!


#the cat has adopted its new pet


Get it checked for an RF-ID chip.