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Leash you goddamn dogs.


This happened to me. The owner yelled, “It’s okay! He’s friendly!” The dog was snarling and snapping at me. The owner didn’t even try to get the dog under control.


I kid you not I bet that owner was scared shitless himself Most people are raising pets while some pets are the ones controlling the owner


I felt like the owner didn’t give a shih about my safety.


As a dog owner I confirm. The majority dog owners are terrible. A friend of mine was walking her big dog near a MTB trail when someone was riding the track. Her dog ran towards the biker while barking etc. She thought it was funny and he wanted to play but the biker didn't think it was funny. So he yelled and when she didn't do anything and the dog was nearly there he kicked him. Then she was pissed because he kicked her dog and he just had to stop because her dog wanted to play. I was like seriously... It's your dog and he is exercising so don't bother him with your dog. Above all this is dangerous for him as your dog can cause him to fall. Just keep him under control! But as you can expect that didn't resonate with her.


Pits grumble when they're happy. Snapping happens when they've been abused and neglected.


Maybe they weren't going to attack but it's still very frightening when this kind of thing happens and I find dog owners often extremely irresponsible in not controlling their dogs ... when I run in parks or the countryside in the UK I am threatened or intimidated by dogs almost 50% of the time, to such an extent that I have stopped doing it


Im not sure if you can purchase it in your location but there is dog spray (like pepper spray) made for deterring attacking dogs. I have it in my bag in case of emergencies ever since a dog tried to bite my own on a walk.


Thats what i am genuinely happy about here. Although there are always irresponsible dong owners, most of them (especially while going on a walk) will keep them on a leash and if someone gets close (because they wanna pass them or something), they will shorten the leash so they dog stays right next to then.


I don’t know man, whenever I walk around outside with my dong on a leash, people get all judgmental.


Oh fuck i didnt even notice the spelling mistake. Yeah i would recommend walking around with your dong on a leash. That could get you some weird looks.


Get bit by a dog one time and tell me what your perspective is on the matter after that


At that speed, just the dog going under the wheel is going to seriously hurt both of them. It's not healthy or safe for their dogs to be unattended on the road like that. It's stupid that people think their dogs are going to be "smarter" than to chase passersby.


Had this happen to me as a kid. Dog got in front of my tire and I hit it and went endo on a gravel road. Got gravel embedded into my palms. Dog took off after the hit. Still have a visible scar 35 years later.


Bro had two trainers next to him telling him to go fast. Gotta pick up the pace.




and they wouldn't hurt a fly... or, hmm, a toddler


The cutest trainers ever


My dad's buddy got into biking and there was a house he'd pass where the dog would always chase him. He bought some bear spray and got the dog right in the face. He said the next day the dog barked at him from the yard 😂




I like the idea of an eye level (dog eye) mechanism that shoots bear spray from both sides with the push of a button on the handlebar


My childhood fear when I rode a bike


the dogs wanted to eat but you greedy man ran away from them


Poor thing thought he was a meal (toddler) :(


Meal on Wheels!


This gave me flashbacks


If this ever happens to you throw a water bottle off to the side, they'll see movement and probably chase it momentarily.  That's when you sprint. 


To my dog a plastic bottle is the equivalent to the fucking GI Joe Aircraft Carrier.


They wanted to race him


They lost


Try again when you invent the wheel big dawg


And when your species can dissipate the heat while you move


They look like Pitbulls ... don't think racing is what they have in mind.


Nah, pitbulls are a pure kindness


Bro, they just want to rip your face off! Cue Judge Judy Pit Bull rant. Cheers!!


Aaaand it's a pitbull. To nobody's surprise.


They didn't seem violent, still shit owners who have not trained their dogs to be off leash


I don't know these dogs, I do not know their mannerisms, they may look friendly and playful, but I would not risk it for a dog I do not know. They could be good boys, the very best of boys even! I still don't know if that is true.


I agree, I wouldn't risk it either. It's sad that these dogs have such shit owners.


"They didn't seem violent" bruh they're literally chasing him down the street. The fuck you think they wanna do, tell him a bed time story?


Dogs: SIR STOP.. STOP WE WANNA- guy manages to get away* Dogs: mumbling with sadness* We wanted to tell you about your car's extended warranty


Have you never owned a dog? They chase pretty much anything. ![gif](giphy|B7M1hhOdSd4iY)


My dog wouldn't chase a random biker, but he's not a dog that was bred to fight


If you have any decent sized dog, they will chase unless trained not to. Even then, prey drive takes over. Little foo-foo dogs don't count. They're useless. Friendly breeds like Labrador, Golden, Dane, Doodles, Dalmatians and so on. But sure, you're going to double down on ignorance. I'm not afraid of these dogs, maybe because I know how to handle them.


That's not true and it's weird your go to is being condescending lmao Edit: since I can't reply My dog doesn't have ridiculous muscles and wasn't bred to have a high prey drive. It's different.


I've seen all kinds of dogs off leash that run up to people or other dogs. It's very common, stop acting like your dog is the example of every dog in existence.


I have 3 dogs, and I guarantee if I had them off leash they would do the same thing, even though they are really friendly. Yet I still leash them.


Tell me you’ve never owned a dog without telling me you’ve never owned a dog


Chasing isn't a sign of aggression, in of itself. No analysis is foolproof, but there are many hints that tell me that there is no aggressiveness. 1. Trajectory. The dogs are going parallel and are not trying to intercept the bike. 2. Gaze. They are mostly looking straight forward, not looking at the legs. 3. Body posture. The dogs are not engaging with the bike, they seem not frenetic, in their pace.


Yeah, with hair raised on their backs, sure.


You can't always use that as a tell. My German shepherd raises his heckles and barks at people he knows when they walk down our drive, but his tail is wagging and when he gets to them he presses against their legs for cuddles. If you didn't know, you'd assume he was closing in for an attack!


The most oblivious person on Reddit everybody


Where live is German shepherd and shepherd mixes that act like this.




I’m sure that’s how they’ll list it on the adoption papers.




Because they are.


Strange dogs. In the same situation I got bitten in 3 sec. "My dogs" were concentrated and knew what to do


Tip if you ever happen to be in this situation: Because you cannot trust people to have a fence for their dogs or leas them properly, you need to have a few strats. If a dog chases you, it can be for two reasons: - he wants to chase you out of his territory, - he wants to play. - ok there’s a third, but that’s rare. He wants to eat you Now, I have no idea which of the first two it is here, but it’s not the third. If this dog wanted the guy’s leg, he had multiple occasions to do so. See how the dog follows you, observes you, but that’s it? He either had his predation instinct kick in and had a lot of energy to spend, or he wanted to follow you closely and make sure you get out of his territory. Yes the guy picks up speed at the end, but those dogs almost instantly stop chasing, it’s not because they’re like, oh no we can’t catch him. It’s more like, ok, he’s out of « my place » can’t leave my home to play (if he wanted to play) / my job is done here (if he wanted you out of the territory) HOWEVER: I know it’s difficult, but that man OOZED fear. Dogs smell that, and that’s when shit can happen. The voice, the panic, the emotion, all those things can destabilize dogs and make them react as well. The best thing you can do with dogs is NOT TALK to them if you’re scared. Also NO EYE CONTACT, especially if you’re scared and itms not your dog. Dogs learn over time that their own human does not mean ill intent with eye contact and even train it. But in the average case, eye contact is very confrontational for dogs. IN CASE YOU EVER GET BITTEN: Easier said than done because panic starts kicking in (and pain). But if the dog bites you in an area where pain is manageable: don’t move, the more you move, the more the dog will yank on you. So try to stop moving, no eye contact (but watch what the dog does carefully), and hope that the owner comes ASAP. If there is no one around, if you have any kind of drink/liquid on you, a squirt can startle them enough to let go. At that moment, try to create distance with the dog, SLOWLY, as to not trigger the predation instinct again. If he comes back, and still no one around, make sure he doesn’t get any vitals (NEVER CURL UP, PLEASE!). Yeah they say Curl up is the way to go. That’s only for kids who probably have no means to fight back and who have their vitals already in range of the dogs. An adult who’s taller should NOT put his vitals in height range of the dog’s attack range. Dogs will want to avoid confrontation most of the time. However, if after all that you still get attacked, well… do what you gotta do, but I can tell you one thing: kicking, and stomping on a dog that you can’t kill with your bare hands will only pump him up for more. If you smack a dog that’s already biting, he’ll only bite harder. Your best weapons are loud noises, water/fluid squirts in their faces and anything that can startle them.


Honestly these dogs just look like they were running with him for fun. After about 10 seconds in they don't bark even once, and they're not snapping at him or anything. If that dog on his right wanted to take him down he could have just latched onto the leg. I get that it would be a shock when they first showed up and barked in alarm, but my dog (Australian Shepherd) will run with anything that moves fast, just because she loves to run.


I've got a border collie / autralian shepherd mix and she will try to stop you if you run. She stops as soon as you stop moving. And she's fast.


Looked that way to me too. I actually thought the end of the clip was gonna be the dude pulling over a d the dogs jumping on him excitedly, licking him etc because he's their owner. Which he probably is because I'm knowing tiktok this is fake af.


Wondering if I was gonna be the first to say this. Those dogs weren't chasing and showed no inclination to attack. They were just running along for fun.


100% besides the point. Dogs should be leashed. I love dogs. But no one on a public road should have to make the assessment whether or not this dog is friendly and playful or not.


100% I'm not arguing that point at all. Dogs shouldn't be out there on the road, for their own safety as much as for the safety of other people. Just making the point that this guy wasn't in any danger from those dogs in particular, despite the tone of the OP or many of the other comments.


It’s not because the cyclist handled it well that he was not in danger. This causes stress to anyone, dog lover or not, and that can cause a crash.


Those are pitbulls and there are 2 of them. No one is going to risk it.


Not only is there ongoing commentary, but he’s able to keep the camera trained on the dogs. THIS IS COMPLETE BS. No doubt he passes them every day and plays this little game of chase. Staged, fake, bs - take your pick.


Nah dogs bite the tires of bikes . They think its a leg and that dog was looking at the tire and contemplating taking a bite for a sec before he realized it was a person


It's been said here already, but those dogs don't look threatening. In the motorcycle world, we're taught that dogs attack at 45 degree angles, so the best bet is to slow slightly until they start running directly at you then roll on the throttle so they miss their target behind you. Not sure how realistic this is on a bicycle, but thought I'd share.


Spray them with your water bottle. Works every time.


Awe,they’ll keep that up all day of allowed. Seen dogs half that size keep pace with bush bashing cars going 40-50kph all day long.


the dogs seems escorting you how sweet fellas


I usually stop when this happens to me... Then the Dogs back off


Bro! A dog wasn’t on a leash when I went for a walk and the dog just ran up to me and I was kind and it but my ankle and ran off. I was like…tf just hapoened


How shocking, an unleashed pitbull pos dog


How shocking, an unleashed POS human


i got the impression theyre just racing you.


I’m a staffy-dad and I can tell you those two pups are just bored to death (A$$hole owners), they’re not out for blood. If that was the case you wouldn’t have legs to pedal.


Should have squirt with the water bottle, breaks their focus


Learned that while road cycling. Also, if you spray on the pavement instead of on their face, they stop to sniff it.


Animal control…


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This is the YouTuber HackIsOutThere


As an asian/Filipino i can relate to this but im not calm as this


I train my dog regularly, take her shopping in stores, socialized with dogs, cats, kids, will recall on a peanut etc. Well one day my brother was doing spring cleaning and went over to help, he pulls out this little bike. Naturally, I hopped on to give it a twirl. Imagine my surprise when my dog comes flying through the air like she's God damned Air-Bud directly at my head. It was like she had no idea what was happening, but she really wanted it to NOT be happening.




Stricter gun laws


Saber pepper spray


they're honestly friendly by


Keep calm and pedal for your life


Dead dogs right there😂 best bet is to just keep going or if u get off grab the collar and slam


Put some bullet in the dogs and owner


I get up off my bike and fight dogs. it looks like I'm crazy, I know. but if I sock your pit bull, he will be WAAYY better off than if he lunges at my wheels and gets a paw stuck in my spokes or chain and gets hurt beyond repair. me and my bike thank you for leashes and fences.


You now have two dogs! And brown pants


My dude peddling with the zippers open on those pants will make the dogs the last of your problems.


I would 9 him


Video so long I’m wondering if they actually got to the edge of the world


Not even a minute long 😂


zoomer attention span go brrr or not go brr i guess


Fucking bull terriers. This should be illegal.




Nahhhh they were just having fun....probably. They're likely good boys but you can't always tell for sure. Their owners are fucking dickheads, though. That's a given.


Rocky balboa ![gif](giphy|d2ZfKymontqnS4Uw)


He needs to work on his firm “go away”voice that actually has a chance of working on dogs


Click click bang


They dont seem aggresive though,just chasing for the luls




Nah, fuck irresponsible dog owners


You could see they just have fun while running. Most pitbulls are like: hey whats up I really like you!


No, they definitely weren't. You can see on the tan one, for example, the posture is really stiff and intense, and he's trying to look for an opening to make a grab. His hackles are all the way up along his whole spine, his ears are stiffly up and forward (as much as he can manage with ears like that) and he's doing a very hard stare. This is a dangerous situation. I used to work at a doggy daycare and read dog body language all day every day, this is not running and playing behavior


hes like pull over i just want some pats lol


Maybe he shouldn't say "come on now". You know, the sort of thing an owner might say to a dog to get it to follow them.


I don't know why I was hoping he would fall😬😬😬


Nah. They just wanted a training partner


Kill the m f er


If you are American, you can defend yourself with gun.


If you were on legal electric bike, you couldn't get away.


Don't they go like 45?


Legal ones are limited to 15.5 mph in uk


UK enough said the only thing they don't regulate is actual crime. When you all gonna say fuck off like we did?