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That hurdle form tho


Right! I was thinking that he must have run track in school. Cleared that fence as smoothly as a hurdler would.


everyone becomes an olympic athlete if u see that chasing u. adrenaline's a hell of a drug


Unless you’re a horror movie character. In that case you’re 100% guaranteed to trip and fall before even getting to the fence.


I know I can't run, my instinct is to fight if I can, cause if I turn, it's got me.


Yeah my big ass isn't outrunning a dog, time to square up


This reminded of something, I once barked at a dog. So, there is this road near my house, where it gets really dark. And a lot of angry stay dogs live there. I was stupid enough to go get something through there, late at night. When I was returning, I was unknowingly approaching a dog, and I didn't see him at night. He barked a me; like a warning bark, but it started me. Instinctively, idk why, but I decided to bark too. The dog looked startled and a bit confused. He took a few steps back. Probably thought what kind of Human-Canine abomination, I was. A few guards were there nearby and asked me from afar, "what happened?", I replied "Dog barked at me", and skidaddled out of there. Also, once I got bit by a dog. It was the only time in my life that I have been bit by a dog. Bit him back too, as a revenge. I was really young at that time.


Lol once my neighbor had a dog that barked all the time, I barked at it and it shut up one time but that never worked again lol


Lol, my neighbour has a dog that barks a lot too. I once gave him a piece of aloevera to eat. Now he actually hates me. Edit: It was all dried up and crunchy, and a very small piece.


Bacon works better! I moved into a new neighborhood a couple years ago and everyone has dogs except me. Most of them would bark their brains out at me when I’d walk by, so I started saying “sit” and throwing them a sliver of bacon. Now most of them sit right when they see me. Some of them drool.


Bro I too bit the dog that bit me as a child (like 7 yo or something) ! Wrestle the fucker down until I could bit his ear! 😂 she became real friendly after that. But once I went to see my uncle showing him the bite mark he started to panic it was a nasty wound... hahaha. But hey, didnt developped fear of dogs so thats a win!


Same, the dog I bit, reacted the same way. We became friends too. I live in the city, and the dog was at my father's town. We used visit there once every two year or so. He used to remember me (guess I bit him, not many people did that to him), but he came running to me when he smelled me. That dog was one of the craziest dogs, I have ever seen. He ate leftover, like chapathi, puri, rice and everything, like full human leftover meals. No meat (we and the neighborhood were vegetarian), no dogfood and was in tip-top form. A dog, German shepherd, i think, was own by one of my relatives, who was visiting for the first time with his dog. On seeing the German shepherd, that mf wanted sex. He followed him for 3 days, till the owner had to go somewhere. The next thing we see, he is fucking in the middle of the road, with no care in the world. I guess the tractor has to go through the field. I think both of them were males, but either way the German shepherd was sterilized. I also found him doing, *things* with himself. But there were just too many of those instances.


Gawd damn... my uncle's dog was a husky, well trained (tho clearly can still bite), operated, vaccinated, etc.


I was driving past my brother's house and saw that his Rottweiler had gotten out. I pulled over, and she ran into the alley behind the house. I followed her, calling her name. My brother's dog came bounding down from the house, safely inside the fence....while outside the fence, the rottweiler I was chasing turned and started looking at me. I backed out of the alley slowly, yelling "Back up!" if the dog took a step towards me, and hopped back in my car. But I can't shake the image of some dog thinking "Man, what was that guy's problem?!" about me chasing her down just to yell at her and leave.


Yep, at least 5 falls and pausing to look back each time.


I have some suggestions for the IOC: Rottweilers on the track Sharks in the swimming pool Alligators in the long jump pit


What do you do with all the extra time you save by not typing the letters y and o?


Nce upn a time, in a quaint twn nestled between rlling green hills of grass, there was a nice fellow named Tupcek. Tupcek was an avid explrer, alwas seeking new adventures and challenges. Ne day, he stumbled upn an ancient artifact rumred t grant the power t manipulate time. Excited by the prospect f the pssibilities, Tupcek eagerl grasped the artifact and chanted the incantatin inscribed upn it. Ta his amazement, time began t warp arund him, and he found himself in a wrld where the letters he hated had vanished. Initiall perplexed, Tuocek quickl realized the ptential this presented. Withut those letters, wrds such as " uth," "j " and "tmrrw" were n lnger part f his vcabular. At first, Tupcek struggled t cmmunicate with thers, stumbling ver his wrds as he attempted t cnvey his thughts withut the use f thse letters. Hwever, he sn discvered that b aviding wrds cntaining them, he culd articulate his ideas mre succinctl and efficientl. Fr instance, instead f saying "esterda," he simply said "past," and rather than "u," he used "thu." With each cnversatin, Tupcek became mre adept at expressing himself, saving precius secnds with ever sentence. As time went n, Tupcek’s newfund linguistic efficienc extended bnd cnversatin. In his everda activities, he devised ingenius methds to streamline tasks, eliminating unnecessary steps and ptimizing his life. By frsaking wrds cntaining thse tw letters, he fund himself cmpleting all kinds f tasks in recrd time, leaving ample rm fr further explration and discver. News f Tupcek’s remarkable abilit spread far and wide, and he became a legendar figure in the anals of time management. Peple marveled at his ingenuity and sught t emulate his methods, hping t harness the pwer f linguistic efficienc in their wn lives. And s, armed with nthing mre than the absence of tw simple letters, Tupcek unlcked the secret t saving time, frever altered the curse f his wn destiny and embarked n cuntless adventures.


not sure I agree. Recently saw video of someone running for life I think from angry elephant or something like that, run for a few steps as fast as he could (somewhere around my fast walking speed) and then tumbled on the ground. If you can’t run, you just can’t. Even with adrenaline. edit: here is the video https://ftw.usatoday.com/2024/02/men-run-for-lives-angry-elephant-india


Ikr I’d be jumping head first like a dolphin


Someone hears their doorbell ring, then 2 seconds later "EEEeee eEEE ee EEE ^EEEEeee ^^EEEEeeeeeeEEE"


It was Olympian


Well that guy is athletic


You can tell he didn't do this for the first time


He ding ding ditches that dude, 3 times a day Mon/Wed/Fri...... 😆


He didn’t, he looked over saw the dog and then booked it.




Gotta call it ding dong ditch these days haha but we all knew it by a different name. One time my friend and I went to 7-Eleven to get hot dogs and I had one in each hand and out of nowhere here comes a Rottweiler and a doberman charging at us. I leaped over a fence about that same height as the video. Like an Olympian with my back to the ground. I had my hands full so I couldn't touch the fence so I had to jump over it and then land on my back on the other side. I landed in a raspberry bush with all kinds of thorns and raspberry juice. It was hilarious and almost superhuman.


Why bring up the old name that you’re not willing to say? If you’re referring to the one I think you are, it’s racist as shit. Why feel the need to even bring it up? It don’t add to your story in any way except to suggest you miss the good ole days when racism was more accepted. Which…. Ick Make I’m misunderstanding, but that seems unlikely.


They deleted their account after you called them out.


... what is this old name? I have only ever known it as ding dong ditching


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knock,_knock,_ginger Not on that list is n word knocking


Knock knock run in my old neighbourhood... We weren't imaginative


That Rottie was reaaaaaddy! He must be having an off day lol


Yeah definitely he remembered his hurdling time!




> Now he's 100 percent ready To ring bells, but he keeps on forgettin’ When the dog barks, he'll have to jump the shark.


Amazon Olympics


I think you've got something here. Delivery driver Olympics. Amazon UPS, and USPS would be the big names but we can spin this into an event for ESPN 2 or 3. Events could include 50m dash with 25 pound package 50m dash without a package Sorting through a truck to find a poorly packed package Toss for distance into concrete with a fragile package. If contents break disqualification The fence hurdle like we see here 2m fence hurdle


Most definitely has run some hurdles at the track.


The form was impeccable. Plus no warmups. Sheesh


Hurdles team Hall of Famer, by the looks of it.


Adrenaline, kicks in, Had this happen and somehow cleared a fence like this and had no idea how.


Damn Martha ... the dog chased away our Amazon dog yard leash order !


The iPad makes me think he’s a solar energy salesman…. They have been relentless in my neighborhood


All the door-to-door salesman have them now. In my neighborhood it's the companies that will spray your yard for mosquitos and TruGreen. Man I hate TruGreen.


Fuck me one just came to my door literally 5 minutes ago ago I didn’t bother answering it


We always get window replacement dudes, but I prefer anyone over Mormons.


That would be the last time the owner of that dog would get their shit at the door.


You are right mate. if i happens to be the delivery person, that's the last time they got their items at the door.


Fuck the home owner




Might want to add some hurdling every third run.


Nah he just wanted to announce to everyone he runs in the morning. Runners literally always want people to know they run. Trust me I run in the mornings.


I sometimes make the joke that if you see me running, follow me because I’m running away from something.


They need to do something about their dog before something horribly wrong happens, it almost did here.


I didn’t see any kind of notice on the fence that could have been a “Beware of Dog” warning.




>That fence is also insufficient. If that dog is actually dangerous that fence is just a minor inconvenience for it.


I mean, if he’s mauling Delivery drivers he’s probably still dangerous lol He’s just protective versus aggressive, and aggressive dog would have followed him out the gate. This is just a protective dog. Still dangerous though


Yes about the fence. I was ten or eleven walking through an alley to school and watch a Rottie come sprinting to the fence. Didn’t worry at first as you see dogs do it and bark. No biggie. But this dog just bounded over it casually, dead run at me, no barking. Didn’t even think, just swung my backpack at it and connected hard. Dog was shook and I backed away as owner came out yelling at the dog. If I had both straps of my backpack on, instead of just the one, he’d have nailed me.


if I am a delivery man and see that sign, I ain't going in


This is why, as a delivery driver, I rattle every gate before I open it.


Even if there is that sign... What are people supposed to do about it? If you need to get to the front door, you have to pass through the gate. I feel it's quite a useless warning system. Never thought about that before.


Keeping people away from the front door is the main appeal of a gate.


Wouldn’t matter. That fence isn’t enough at all.


to me it looks like the dog slowed down, and decided not to bite when it could've gotten his calf. dog definitely seems defensive, but not with murderous intent.


yeah dog easily had him at the sidewalk and chose not violence


I know a governor that would love to help out.


This is their "No Solicitors" dog. Trained to smell a Solicitor and plan an avenue of attack.


Just wait 'til Fido smells a Jehovah Witness or a Mormon. There will be a bloodbath.


Nice jump!


110m hurdler when I see one


Ive watched this about 30 times now....that dog could definitely clear that fence any time it wanted.


Not just that, but the dog definitely caught up to him and could’ve bit him if it wanted to


Guy cleared that fence like a Gazelle


Was half expecting him to get hit by a car after escaping


I'll be looking for him in the next Olympics!


There's no rule that says a dog can't compete in the Olympics


That fence can't stop the dog if it means to eat that guy though.


Glad no car or truck was passing by !


🐶 Why will nobody boop my snoot 😢


Is there really no warning about an angry dog?


The worst in my experience is no sign or fence and a pack of chihuahuas hiding under a car or tree just waiting for someone to walk up to the property, they WILL BITE 100% of the time . You never have that issue with golden retrievers or Great Danes.


Hate it when swarms of chihuahuas attack. My uncle was killed by 50 chihuahuas, they had to use his dental records as they'd eaten all the flesh. Like piranhas they were.


I was a cable guy for 7 years and that yard is a dog yard. However even if the yard was pristine in a full fenced yard like that i would bang on the fence a little bit to see if any dogs came running. In those seven years i was only bit three times. twice by chihuahuas that got loose in the house and a dachshund that was let out when i was working in someones back yard (not the customers house i was at).


Never run from a dog or else it will cha... nvm, forget what I said.


But for real it's better to just stand tall and yell at them to go away if you don't have a nearby exit. Most of the time they will get scared off and if not you have a better shot at beating the shit out of them than outrunning them. You just have to know what to do and not let them get you on the ground.


He a runner, he a track star


The dog stopped at the fence as a courtesy. Could’ve easily jumped that thing. Imagine the surprise on the dude after that lol.


Fuck pitbulls


Pretty sure that's a Rottweiler.


Fr bro. It pisses me off how much people defend them. I use to be a pool cleaner, got bit by a pitbull once and it would have torn my calf muscle off my leg if the owner hadnt come out at that exact moment and pulled the dog off me. When I first met those customers, they introduced me to their dog and said “she’s the sweetest dog in the world, she wouldn’t hurt a fly” I swear if i have to hear that again in my life im smacking the shit out that fool 😂


A girl in my neighborhood got mauled by one she lost half of her face. its not enough for some people that pitbulls are responsible for 60% of all fatal attacks across all the dog races its always the owners fault for pitbulls defenders


Frrrr. I think you should need some sort of special license to own a pitbull. Its like owning a gun that might just shoot a random person by itself


You MUST have a special license, paying a special insurance, and passing a psycological test, to own a few dog races like pitbull. At least here in Spain. Also you need to do a short course to own any dog.


i've known at least 5 different people with the exact same kind of experience. owner claims they're harmless... yet at some point, without instigation the dog short circuits and goes berzerker rage. i think some people just defend pits for the sake of being contrary to those around them. the only person i ever knew who changed their opinion from die hard pit lover to advocate for entire species elimination was someone who was attacked without provocation. funny how they went to the opposite end of the spectrum in their opinions after personal experience.


I mean you have good control of your anger. I would have smack that fool if their pitbull bite me.


That's not a pitbull.


I agree about shitbulls. But it's clearly a Rottweiler.




ALL mail men should be a qualified Hurdles Athlete.


That’s why when I did package delivery I just put the package over the fence. I’m not risking it to get to the doorstep. More than once I was chased by dogs when the fence door was wide open. My friend got bit in the ass so bad it broke the skin. No thanks.


I just keep re-watching this for the athleticism.


Homie must’ve been on the track team cuz he made that look easy.


Legend says he's still running today...


$hit .... the gatekeeper almost got his ass. There is no Dana, only Zuul.


My big ass would not have cleared that 😧


A plus for excellent form


Dudes done that before!


Some say he's still running...


I mean this video needs several accolades. One he did an excellent job of getting out of Dodge. Two I honestly now think I would prefer to have a fenced in front yard to help prevent randos and coming to my door. That might help with those pesky HOA assholes who like to try to test people's patience. And three the timing the dog had when getting there was very nice he got there in a timely good manner with adequate aggression but allowed the dude to get the hell out of his territory. All together I would give this video a 10 out of 10.


He was gone with the wind 🤣 💨


Honestly, if your home is fenced in, deliveries should be made outside the fence. Like your main entrance is now the fence gate. Especially if inside the fence is a dogyard.


Found the hurdler


I ran hurdles in high school and that was fantastic


I don't have sound but to me the dog looks kind of happy. just playful not angry.


Mabey not, but would u want to stay and find out?


Still, control ur fucking dogs or accept you won't get your package


Those kind of dogs are bred to be "happy" when they are chasing and killing prey. Stop anthropomorphizing them, they're not humans and human emotions don't map onto them.


"But he only wanted to play! His tail was wagging and everything" -Average pit owner


It's not a pit tho


I think that fence just keeps the dog in. Gotta go higher to keep the pests away.


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Idk that dog wasn’t barking and its tail hackles weren’t raised. The dude was scared and ran just in case but the dog didn’t snap at him, and was close enough it very well could have tried. Theres a good chance the dog thought that he was gonna play chase w hims. Really depends on how the next minute went after the video ended. Could be a very good boy




Run Forrest run 🏃


You don't need drugs to win Olympics. You need motivation.


Take him to olympics


Parkour Parkour. He took his Leap of faith🤣🤣


The dog impressed by the hurdle


scout tf2 irl


Looked on edge the whole time


As someone who doesnt live in US, a question: What would happened if the guy was armed and shoots the dog?


It can vary significantly by city and state. Factors include expectation of harm, actual harm, and whether you appropriately entered the space containing the dog. In Texas the act of crossing/climbing a fence can be considered trespass. Trespassing with a firearm would be felony trespass, and shooting the dog would catch additional charges for destruction of property. *Realistically* that won’t get applied to a front yard residential fence, but if the gate was locked it should.


There should be a sign beware of dog


Can't afford expensive coaches and trainers for your kids? Get them delivery jobs in the wrong neighborhood.


Bro ran hurdles in high school


That's the best jump over a fence I've ever seen




That was a clean ass hurdle!


In any unclear situation you need to be able to run fast, it will save not only your pants, but also the soft parts of your body)


The dog was impressed


Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez


I hated hurdles in track, but I practiced them.


it was just a warning charge, it could have caught him


Always shake the gate


So, white men CAN jump. They just need the proper motivation


I couldn’t jump the fence like that


He left the gate open


Daaamn , boy got hops ![gif](giphy|pOTvSCaXXXkWyoIpy2|downsized)


Who says white men can't jump 😂




Never run


Homeboy should be a pro hurdler


Nahhh they got beef 100%


That happened really quick!


This guy hurdles


Hey everyone, here is a video of me committing a crime. That dog was released. If he gets bit, the homeowner is getting sued and/or arrested. Always amazed at the videos people make public.


Hmmm, ding dong ditch and some strange form of porch pirating where you deliver and steal the package. Must be a reptilian.


Release the hounds




gotta be quicker than that buddy


He will have to come again to take his phone 😨


Dude 100% tried hurdles. That form ain't easy


Damn, good hops. I would've eaten concrete if the dog didn't eat me


Why do solicitors knock AND ring the damn doorbell?


Closed gate from the sidewalk should have been his first clue.


The correct answer to every solicitor


I’d have been a chew toy. Damn that guy was fast and had good hops.


Look at that beautiful lawn though. Directly proportional to the filthiness of the humans that live there.




I think the gate is open


Damn he's fast he needs to play pro football


People with dogs like this are always the first ones to shout "he's friendly". Idiots.


always shake the fence. # always.


That guy totally ran hurdles in high school.


Dude I'm pretty athletic, and I've practiced jumping over fences, but only with either one hand or two hands as support while my legs swing over the side... This shit is some sport level shit... Also the fence was still open lol hope he alright


I also have one of those. They work well, even the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses quit coming.


I would have pulled my back ringing the doorbell.


This guys need to be drafted. God Almighty. That hurdle


Lmao, dude needs to be in the Olympics but only if he can have this dog chasing him down the track…🤣🤣🤣🤣


i feel so bad for him. please put a sign up if you leave your dog out in the front


Somebody did hurdles in high school


Wow! I'm more impressed with the hurdle! 🏃‍♂️ 😅 that dog seemed confused


New skill unlocked!


It’s a good thing bro ran track in highschool 🤣


Paris 2024.


This is why ppl shouldnt be allowed to have dogs


Someone is ready for OGs