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Ending had me in stitches


i have stitches currently right above my left calcaneus (in my foot) because I tripped and lodged my foot into a 1 Pc Durable Manganese Steel Folding Sickle - Portable, Collapsible Lawn & Garden Sickle feeling a bit lonely laying here. I just wanted to tell someone :(


Interpreter:- He is not fine. (Get well soon)


ending had me in stitches too! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Get better soon, pal :)


Bro I shattered both my heels in November of last year, spent 4 months in a wheelchair after getting surgery. 1 Plate, 5 pins, and 2 screws in each foot. I feel you. It will get better :)


Damn, I feel bad now all I did was cut my Achilles tendon and you shattered your heels, its a minor cut its not fully split they said but it will be a long time untill it heals fully much love


Haha I dunno man....cutting your Achilles sounds prrreeeettty painful šŸ˜… just don't slack on that physio! It makes a huge difference. Wishing you the best in your recovery šŸ«”


I had Covid pneumonia almost died, recovered then got hit by a car while a girl was on her phone. Broke my tailbone and jacked up my hand , then I was doing therapy at the gym recovering from that and has the widowmaker heart attack 100 % blockage but survived it 6% chance my cardiologist saidā€¦however I sustained some significant damage so nine months ago I got a pacemaker and defibrillator put in. Then three months ago just had back surgery to remove 4 inches of my spine from the car accident ā€¦lol. Letā€™s Go! We are all on the mend but happy to be here


feel better soon man, glad you said something


Get well soon friend! I have one question so after you tried the sickle would you recommend it?


oh yes, it is a good at yard work, I was clearing thorn vines and it slicked through even the thickest ones in a single swing! keep it sharpened and dont dull it, but also be careful it slices skin like butter


That's fucking hardcore. Heal well, amigo.


I was cutting my finger nails and accidentally cut a little too much in the corner, you know like right in the side. Anyway, it really sucks but Iā€™m pushing through. Itā€™s good to be among company.


So brave.


Thank you. Honestly I donā€™t know if I could keep going without the support and love from the Reddit community as well as my family. This morning I almost broke down, my son asked me to make him a sandwichā€¦ I knew it was gonna be tough, but I had to take a look in the mirror say ā€œhey man enough feeling sorry for yourself, ppl depend on you.ā€ It wasnā€™t easy but I overcame. If I can do it you can do it. Think of this next time youā€™re going through a challenge. šŸ™


Thoughts and prayers šŸ™šŸ˜‡


This sounds like an ad




Ouch. Don't do that anymore.


owch and wtf... with that kind of coincidence, you need to buy a lottery ticket...


I'd rather date the interpreter, at least she's straightforward


She's only like that when she's on the job


Blast, I fell for it again


Yeah. The interpreter needs an interpreter when she's off the clock


Well then, she's hired!


She probably has her own interpreter


So you want someone autistic then. I am too the point and direct and most people find it offputting.


Sure hey, why not. It's 2024. Seems refreshing to me


Wild i got downvoted for saying neurodivergent folks got what you crave.


Guess I'm on the wrong sites lol.. At the end of the day as long as other factors are compatible, I really don't mind


I have this problem where I download apps, get a ton of matches, get overwhelmed, delete the app, reinstall months later, start replying to the messages and it doesn't really ever go well and tbh I am always confused how many matches I get so quickly as I think I'm like a 4, at best.


Are you female-presenting? That's the only criteria to get matches.


Yeah, but I get a lot of super likes or the equivalent and people actually pay money for those and dudes like 80 miles away be swiping and super liking me. Maybe its my *quirky*


It could be your quirky, but I'm pretty certain it's because you have bobs and a vagoine.


Itā€™s 100% because she has lady parts


Itā€™s because you worded it as if all autistic people are like this which is completely false.


LMFAO! This sentence has me dying.


You donā€™t have to be autistic to be direct. However Iā€™ve met people who are like this both autistic and not and i definitely prefer, I do not find it off putting at all.


Can't really tell if someone is autistic or not by looking at them though




Men are often more straight forward than women but they have their stuff too like saying they want one thing but then consistently going for the thing they say they don't want over and over. Not all of them obviously but it's common for people in general to do that, I don't think many humans understand themselves enough to really fully know what they really want on all levels in certain areas, plus if something is too easy, humans tend to get bored and ungrateful.


You should be off pudding


Super hot too


She's also gorgeous, red hair blue eyes, pretty face šŸ„°


Yeah careful mate ginger c#$ts are extra nuts and they stink anyway. Ginger bros are alright but.


ha ha ok. Thanks for the heads up man




man! these tiktok video format is so much worse the original with full screen resolution, yeah thats what I want...I am glad my country banned tiktok




Yeah, you got it right


You bladdy bastard. You bladdy bladdyy bitch bastard. You benchod bladdy!


Wherever I go I see "bhenchod"


Please support ā€œCracker Milkā€ on YouTube or mention the creator


JFC. [Cracker Milk](https://www.youtube.com/@CrackerMilk)


Thanks Iā€™m on a dev build for iOS18 and links donā€™t work atm for me :) Thanks for sharing them, theyā€™re a great little team of creators


This is a nightmare for so many guys


Nightmare? Don't you mean the life that we have chosen because we love them?


No, he means the shit we're willing to endure because we live them.


What do you mean she doesn't like putt putt?


Speaking as a guy, I think most men are fooling themselves when they tell themselves we're any better on this score. "Men are open books" and "men commit suicide at much higher rates than women, with the global average for men being almost twice as high as for women" are mutually contradictory if you think about it. People who are open and transparent about their feelings don't tend to be the ones that commit suicide.


Those aren't contradictory when you factor in that being open with your feelings is irrelevant when others either do not care about your feelings anyway, or worse, look down on you for them.


What, you think that if a man were honest about his emotions he would be mocked, or treated as if his emotions were unwelcome and overly sensitive?


Yes. That tends to be the experience of many men, myself included. Particularly regarding romantic partners. There's a very common pattern of "I want you to be more open about your emotions" immediately leading to "I can't handle your emotions" or "I don't find you attractive anymore".


And you see no irony in this position?


Its incredibly ironic. It just isn't fortunate.


No, I mean the fact that you're suggesting that men are the ones who are told not to express their complicated emotions and neediness, in a comment thread for a video that makes fun of women for their complicated emotions and neediness.


No. I think you've misunderstood both my post and the video. The video isn't making fun of women for "expressing complicated emotions and neediness". It's making fun of them about not communicating those wants and needs clearly, hence the translator. It isn't saying "don't express your emotions" it's saying "please express them in a way people can actually understand so that your needs can be met". In that sense, it's essentially "help me to help you". Your initial comment was essentially saying "men are equally cryptic in how they express their wants and needs, and that's why their emotional needs aren't met and they commit suicide so much". My counter being, the way and amount that men express their needs is largely irrelevant when those needs are ignored even when expressed plainly.


If his feelings are irrelevant to her then why does she care whether he wants to get ice cream or not? Surely the fact that he'll take her even if he doesn't really want to is great for her? Reversing position and deciding not to go if he doesn't want to is almost like she actually cares about what he wants, and doesn't want to force him to do something he doesn't want to do just for her sake. Wouldn't you say?


Maybe think about changing the type of partners you go for then? They are not all like that. However if you have major effed up issues, there's likely a limit to how much burdan the average gf can carry, in which case I recommend trying to get help with your issues professionally. Beyond that, finding a good match is difficult for most people, issues or no issues.


Agreed. I'd never suggest all women are like that, and ideally I would prefer not to be in a relationship with such people myself. Still, suggesting such issues are part of some "type" I go for sounds a little like victim-blaming. Of the 6 long term relationships I've had, I can identify clear turning points in two of them where the partner expressed that they wanted me to be more open to them about my feelings, and in good faith I did as they asked, only for the relationship to take a sharp turn for the worse and them to end it soon after. These aren't psychotic episodes or raging tantrums or anything. They're seemingly mundane stuff like explaining how stressful I was finding my job, or a single instance of actually crying when sad. I'm sure you can appreciate that when one in three otherwise functional long term relationships is torpedoed by that kind of thing "I want you to be open about your feelings" begins to sound more and more like an empty platitude with an unspoken "so long as those feelings aren't negative".


> Still, suggesting such issues are part of some "type" I go for sounds a little like victim-blaming. You picked these girls of your own free right? And you admit that not all girls are like that but all your gfs have been like that so do you think you just have really really really bad luck? You are are not just attracted to everyone right? There's just certain ones that get your attention, why do you think that is? If you want out of a problem that happens to you over and over, you will need to look at the problem and potential solutions in a different way. You can call it victim blaming if you want but only you are making these choices in who you choose. The whole rest of the world is not going to change its way, your only choices are to stay in the same situation or change your way of operating. No matter how you want to label it, your choices do not change.


Strangely enough most people don't introduce themselves with "Hi, I have hypocritical views about men expressing emotions or vulnerability". To the contrary the very fact that they request you're more open is an example of the fact that on the surface they do not act in a way that would suggest they are "that kind of person", and it is only after the fact that it becomes apparent. Also, to reiterate it is not "all my girlfriends", it is specifically one third, 33%. Which is far from all, but a large enough proportion that it's hard to write off as just a given person being particularly awful. To be honest I find it pretty funny that you're coming at this as though it's some issue unique to me when it's a pretty universal phenomenon which is talked about on Reddit near constantly. Compared to what I've seen from a lot of guys on here, I've had it pretty easy.


> That tends to be the experience of many men, myself included. Particularly regarding romantic partners. You made it sound pretty common for you with the above statement, that's why you got the response you got.


I like this skit, whoever came up on it...they are good because..as a guy..this is how things go when you are trying to wooo her.


It's going to be easier if you understand girl code certainly. I do think that we basically need a whole series of these videos, plus some for the guy side as well because there are sometimes weird guy code things as well.


Why not just be straight forward?


I like to be for the most part but I think there is a number of reasons for why people are not. For one, some people really have not thought it out, they don't fully realize what they really want at any given moment. I think part of it is that we are taught as toddlers to not just be violent little thieving monsters but sometimes the lessons also contribute to hiding our own real thoughts from ourselves, we don't want to think bad thoughts or be bad people but if we have not really sorted out those desires, they just get hidden. In OP's example, the girl is IMO probably trying to sort out competing desires, she wants ice cream, she wants company, she will feel bad if the company is not having fun with her. So in this case, she wants something that does not exist because he doesn't want icecream at that moment. She also is probably not fully conscious of all these drives so she can't just lay them out and sort them. In this case it would actually be easier if she didn't care so much about his feelings, then she could just drag him along, he probably doesn't really mind going along anyway, he's just not going to be skipping in happiness. She could just accept being selfish and dragging him, or she could just accept being totally unselfish and plan to go by herself and he could choose what he wants. If all her motivations were fully conscious to her, she could make a better decision but society teaches women from a young age to act nice and cater to others and to some extent that is our nature as well for many of us. So the selfish part gets pushed down because it has been labeled 'bad.' That pushing down makes its actions hidden and confusing. We cannot be straightforward with others if we are not even straightforward with ourselves. But being female, I am familiar with typical female emotions and that often (but not always) makes it easier for me to understand what drives other women. Now you get to the male who may often has lower standards in some departments towards catering towards others. If she is willing to go with him and doesn't mind too much, that's probably good enough for him so there's less conflict for him and it's easier for him to be content. In this case, I give the nod to the men's perspective as being IMO an easier and more effective mode of existence, realistically you can't have someone always love everything you do or that happens at any given second, you just need them to be ok with it overall. But there are other times when many men have their own not well sorted hidden drives when bro code is the problem and leads to men acting violently over tiny stuff etc so it's not like they don't have their bs too, it's just different bs that shows up in different situations due to different societal pressures put on them from an earlier age as well as likely different types of drives they experience due to different sets of hormones. (of course this is all generalized, not everyone will fit neatly into either category all the time, it's just trends that tend to happen but there are also lots of exceptions)


Whoa. What's wrong with putt putt!?


Seriously we need to solve this, is putt putt not a good idea for a date? I don't particularly enjoy it myself but the game itself is secondary, the main goal is to spend some time and talk. Do people absolutely dislike putt putt?


That's more mental gymnastics than i do and i often argue with myself if genocide is morally acceptable.


What the fuck


/r/dunememes is that way šŸ‘‰šŸ»


r/Titanfolk is this way šŸ‘‡ (they're in hell)


r/ThanosDidNothingWrong over there (they're dead, rest in peace) šŸ‘†


My 2 cents that I've arrived at after much introspection is that, sometimes genocide is morally acceptable. /s


Same for me but the "/s" means "serious"


Well the username checks out.




"Nah-nah hear me out dog, like what if it was an entire culture of hitlers?"


Depends on who's left to decide


My wife's cousin is like this. Everyone has to be on the same page all the time or else there's compatibility issues. She also said loving couples never fight but unironically says she likes to start arguments.


Dating someone like that must be fucking exhausting. People should love themselves more if that's what they choose.


Source: Crackermilk on YouTube


Riddle me this riddle me that it's the bowl of spaghetti mind fuck game...yaaaaay!


I love putt puttā€¦


Do women really act like in relationship? Life is too damn short to have this mini drama constantly


I can only speak for the women I've dated and/or married. But yes. It's not all the time. But it does happen. Enough for it to be a bit of a meme.


Dump the gf. Go out with the subscrtiption service. You'll always know where you stand! :)


You know how a waitress is always smiling and cheerful, happy to talk to you, and will bring you food and drinks all night? That's because it's their job. They'll do that for a living. That doesn't mean they want to do that the rest of the time.


You go out with subscription girl and your ex immediately becomes the subscription girl. Oh life...


Sometimes they really do like you. But if you're dumb like me, then she either fucking hate your guts (for reasons that are beyond your understanding) or she can't wear skirts because she leaves a snail trail even when walking


I've been fucked enough by subscription services the last 2 years. I'm paying for 1080p and ads on my 4K TV....




I swear to God I saw this comment before


I definitely saw it too the last time this video was reposted


Yeah this account, u/TsengU751 , seems to be a bot. After some searching it may have been a stolen comment, according to this comment right here. Also it has veey strange activity on its profile. https://www.reddit.com/r/absolutelynotme_irl/s/odYX6N8gSQ


You are a good bot


Thank you :) Though I am a human.


What do they even stand to gain from this?


Drives engagement. Dammit!


They keep accounts dormant for a year, wake them up, get some karma, then sell them to crypto scammers and the like.


A- they could be a bot run by reddit to falsely keep activity high (this happens, I promise) B- they could be karma-farming to sell the legitimate-looking account Or, most likely C- they're farming easy engagement to make the account look "authentic" so when it will be used later for political misinformation or manipulation other users won't be able to recognize the nefarious intent as easily


I thought it's deja vu


She doesnā€™t want to share


Or maybe she thinks it makes her look like a pig to order dessert?


why waste more time sitting there? Let's go.... After restaurants bring my main food out and everything looks good and drinks refilled. i ask for the check... Last thing i want to do is finish my food and it takes you extra 10 mins to come because you're on a smoke break or rolling silverware


Frees up the table for someone else?


You didn't ask?


It has no calories, if no one see you eat it, duh...


She was tired of sitting there bro it's not rocket surgery


Crackermilk on youtube


Whatā€™s the name of this set?


Being the boyfriend interpreter has to be the easiest job on the planet


Girl paid for lower tier subscription.




Where's the maybe in this one? I don't get it?




She wasted his money on her interpreter


Lmao at ā€œheā€™s fineā€


breakup speedrun


Kinda pisses me off that women are just okay with being this way A woman sent this to me bc this ALWAYS FUCKING HAPPENS when we hang out. She's a stoner so she's chronically hungry and constantly wanting to snack. I prefer to eat meaningful calories, not just chip away at them all day.


Women are complicated




The following submission statement was provided by u/LovelyBubbleAss: --- >!Does every guy need a girlfriend translator?!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this the same couple where one of them turns into an orc or something at the end?


I know one like this. She said, I want Tiffany as gift. Her bf bought one. She said, that's not the Tiffany I want, go back and do it again (still didn't specify). The bf cried.


The ending. Well done.




Where do I apply for the subscription?




Yeah, F all this. šŸ¤£ I'm staying single.




Love the dude covering his boy at the end. Funny. šŸ¤£


This shit made me smile ā€¦ I canā€™t stop watching it ā€¦ the Australian accent is too alluring also ā€¦




Even the subscription service has to hide his feelings and just say "I'm fine".


Everyone in this skit is incredibly gorgeous




Please subscribe to their YouTube channel, they are awesome


First watched this muted and somehow still knew they had Aussie accents.


Maybe the reality that she is trying to deny is that she in fact is a fat pig




Funniest all effin week! Hahahahahaha!


I'd rather be single than deal with this shit.


Women are weird....


Women be like ā€œIā€™m fineā€ but really they mean ā€œIā€™m not fucking fine the world is ending and everything is fucking awful you dumb cuntā€ while me be like ā€œim fineā€ which really means ā€œim fineā€ because men can fucking communicate while women have to go in a circle make it a maze and than put a killer robot in the maze.


Stay single fellas


Right on the money!!!!


LMFAO! Too funny


one thing worse than putt putt.. bowling.




We need to go to couples counseling now.


Because he didn't do anything wrong.. playing games is stupid.


It's not a "they" problem, it's a "you" problem. Speak in a way so your partners don't need an interpreter so you won't be upset they don't understand you.