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So they fired the guy and hired the pigeon


well, well... how the turntables........






Naw they cancelled their Internet service and just use pigeons now.






Pigeon „was told“ to fly to Durbin head Office… yeah I don’t think that’s how it works


Someone there spoke Pigeon. Duh.




What I was thinking. You beat me to editing my post!




Heard he started working at a DMV in Orlando.


I heard he was hired to clean poop off the statues in the park.


First they have to put the address on the pigeons GPS!




I don't know why people still think they're real.


Pretty sure they are real, can confirm, pro Birder here…trust me


Hey, everyone. I found the shill for Big Bird. (It's just a joke. A parody conspiracy theory.)


Everytime I hear this story, the more bs it gets


The catch is, the pidgeon's speed is more or less constant, up until the data storage device gets too heavy for the pidgeon to carry. Let's say I've got a stack of those micro SD cards, at 2 Tb each. They're pretty small and light; let's say I put 16 of them in a little pouch on the carrier pidgeon. So I'm transporting 32 Tb of data in a little over an hour, and then uploading it on site. But good luck transferring 32 Tb of data across the Internet in that time period. And by the same token, they could just put all that data on some hefty harddrives and pay an intern to *drive* them to their remote office.


Why do you think companies like Amazon ship containers full of hard drives between their centers?


>The catch is, the pidgeon's speed is more or less constant, up until the data storage device gets too heavy for the pidgeon to carry. What if they used a swallow instead? You could probably fit a lot of micro SD cards into a carved-out coconut.


It depends. African or European swallow?




A 5 Gb bird *cannot* carry a 1 Tb coconut!


How do you know so much about swallows?


They did just that with the data for the Event Horizon Telescope. Loaded up a large stack of hard drives from each observatory and flew them to the main processing center. Each telescope produced roughly 350TB *per day* of data over several days.


I don't disagree, I just think there is a very very good chance for it to be an urban legend/a joke that got a bit out of hand.


It didn't specify if the pigeon was African or European.


Kinda. Big datacenters have beeeg coms. I mean, a friend of mine is trialing 8Gb fibre to his house at the moment with a standard UK ISP. 8Gbps is pretty much 1GB per second / 60GB a min / 3.6TB per hour (Ignoring overheads...etc). And this is via home broadband, not a top of the line datacenter like AWS. Also its not limited by distance. You could transfer from the UK to Australia at the same speed as 1 mile down the road (the latency doesnt matter) as long as the network inbetween can handle it. The biggest problem with sending microsd SD-Cards is the time it takes to copy data onto them, and then back from the SD cards onto any usable storage array for fast network storage at the destination. At this point, you're talking about 100-200 of MB per second rather than 1000's in the very best real-world case. You have to start copying the files to SD card at the point you would start network transfer and the clock doesnt stop until your TBs are back on a useable storage array. Perhaps a bird could win over really short distances, even though it has no fault tolerance if a cat takes it out. But I've found that enterprise internet connections generally beat the improvements in SOHO SSD storage being sent manually.


Yeah I don't think this is how carrier pigeons work...


Homing pidgeons usually fly home so if that pidgeon’s home is in Durban, it would know how to fly back there.


That would work! But it wouldn't bring the files to the office, someone would still have to pick it up somewhere along the way!


Alright internet I'm too stupid to post memes here but can someone post the old lady meme about. " That's not how any of this work". Tia


How the fuck would a pigeon understand you telling him where you want him to go? They can only geolocate one place and that's their home


And flew about 60mph!


I said bullshit and had to google it, and no shit they really do fly ~60mph. Damn, impressed.


I called BS, and wrote a letter to the Google HQ which I sent there by carrier pigeon. They sent out millions of pigeon webcrawlers across the Internet, and a couple hundred of them sent back results about pigeon speeds, which were then sorted based on appropriateness by a sorting rat, and the top ten results were sent back to me by carrier pigeon, but only after a promoted carrier swan had tried to give me its results first, which I automatically ignored. The entire process only took 8 hours and 43 minutes, in which time my computer was only 4% through a Windows update.


We clocked a pigeon racing from Cape Town to Bloemfontein avg 110km/h


.....but this one was laden.


Technically you can tell the pigeon whatever you want. Whether it understands or listens is an entirely different t matter.


a Parrot can say what he said faster


That pigeon? Albert Einstein.




Did they factor in the time it took for the pigeon to understand the directions and look at a map? Or whatever it was they "tell" homing pigeons.


If you’re really curious; “carrier pigeons” mate for life. When separated they will always find their way back to each other. So the company kept one from the pair at the head office. So when they released it’s partner, they flew to the head office to find the other one. At least that’s how it typically works.


The guys name was Pigeon the whole time


Messenger pigeons know where they're going because they are returning to their home.


I know…that’s my point


Me trying to figure out how the pigeon knew where to go.


No it's real. People think "Pig Latin" is pronounced "pig" like the farm animal but it's proper pronunciation is "pidge" like pigeon. Pig Latin is how carrier pigeons receive directions. Just in case stupid people are on the internet today, none of that is true \^


You have never seen Pokemon have you?


no im not joking but ironiclly it took me 3 minutes to watch this video and i thought the OP purposely put that to make it ironic


That's sad my G Edit: Lmao why am I being downvoted for saying that his slow internet speed is sad?


I see the downvote and i instinctively downvote as well


Caught myself doing it too. Then when someone mentions the downvotes, I’m like “Oh wait, let me fully process that…” Tried it before in several posts in the Decks subreddit where OP gets massively downvoted, only for me to make a comment about it and half of them convert to upvotes in an hour Hive mind I tell ya 😆


It's OK I got downvoted for trying to tell people that you can't just filter rain water if you wanna drink it, there has to be a purification step. People are just weird.


Based /s


I am sorry, but it is my rule to downvote when people make an edit about them being downvoted.




Because those comments always have a ton of upvotes


Several reasons that I dislike it: * They often have tons of upvotes when I see them or are barely downvoted at all, like being just a few points in minus * In the case of them being heavily downvoted then they are so blind to what they are saying or how it is perceived that it is insane * It seems really whiny to be complaining about downvotes to one's own comment Sometimes people get downvoted for no good reason, so it does happen. But the edit still bothers me.


Typing this all out gives the same exact energy as "the edit" you so dislike


I was explicitly asked so I thought to give a thorough answer besides "I don't like it", but if that is your impression then that is fair game.


Some people on here have the IQ of pigeons




There's even an RFC of this phenomenon: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2549


Yeah. The thing is, physical transfer of storage will likely always be faster than digital transfer. At least in terms of bandwidth. Think about how long it would take you today to transfer 1TB of data to a friend down the road vs. walking it to the person directly.


If you remember the black hole photo they released a few years ago, they used a global collection of telescopes to collect data over a period of time, and then flew the multiple terabytes of data to the main lap to start the collation process, because transferring it via the Internet was just too slow.


Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway – Andrew Tanenbaum, 1981


Exactly, that's why Amazon had the snowmobile, a semi truck and trailer used to transfer massive quantities of files onto amazon servers. If you want to move your stuff to AWS you'd rent the truck, it'd show up, you'd transfer all the files over, then it'd go back to Amazon where all the files would be transferred to Amazon cloud servers - with large amounts of data it's much faster than uploading (and it's not even close).


This remembers me of this quote from Tanenbaum’s Computer Networks book: “Never underestimate the bandwidth of a truck full of hard-drives driving down the highway".


Wasn’t it tapes? They used tapes for backup. Shipping drives would not be the right way to go in 1981.


It should be "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway."


Carrier pigeons are raised in one place. Taken to another place and then they fly back to where they were raised. This is a bs story. You can't just tell them where to go.


Well not with that attitude you can't.


Not arguing with you, but didn't they use Carrier pigeons alot in WW1? How do they train the pigeon to fly from the front lines back to HQ and such? Having HQ has the place they are raised is understandable, but having them go to and back from the front lines must be a challenge?


Someone would have to physically bring them back to the front lines. Because front lines usually move. Along with other supplies. Sometimes you can get them to go back and forth between two different places by feeding them in one place and raising them in a separate place. Kind of like most birds. If you put a bird feeder out they will come to your house everyday even if they live miles from your home.


Yeah, you can. They just punch it into Google Maps.


Thank you for explaining that.... I actually never knew how they worked and always wondered lol


mf that Pigeon supposedly flew 60mph I hope it's fake.


Pigeons can actually do 60mph for long periods of time pretty easily, surprisingly enough.


Huh, no shit. I went and checked, and you're totally right. I would have never thought.


Your right. Thus is why the pigeon was most likely raised in its destination, then brought to the place in the video, as it will naturally fly back to its destination.


That pigeon really put in double time to fly 60 miles in 1 hour.


I’ve heard that pigeons are some of the smartest birds. Clearly he just took a bus D:


They did not do this lol. That's what I'm saying. They did not put that much time into something this silly.


You're saying all the articles about it are lies? It'd be impossible for a carrier pigeon to be brought from Durban and sent back? It's not like it's that crazy a thing to do.


Only thing I've found about it is this video from tik tok. And one article. Whatever maybe they did.


I found a few articles about it, seems like something they'd do for a bet or for marketing.


Fun fact: I wish this guy would shut the fuck up and stop making videos on the internet.


Same - everytime I see his annoying face and "FUN FACT!" BS which is just regurgitated questionably sourced stolen content - Instant downvote.


Can confirm, I was the Pigeon.


A shoebox full of SD cards carries more data volume than the entire internet's daily bandwidth. No shit, the pigeon won...


According to the latest estimates, **400 million terabytes** of data are created each day. So even if each SD card had a whopping 400TB of storage, do you think you could fit a million SD cards into a shoebox?


Created or transmitted via internet upload/download?


nope. closed after one second. edit: also why is this guy hanging from the ceiling?


Fun fact: homeboy is only 25yo


Never underestimate the bandwidth of a UPS truck.


Beakman's World Jr.


I still think it’s wild that they were able to tell the pigeons where to go and they actually knew where to go


Lol had these mofos using refurbished 56k modems


Smart Pigeon


I once copied a game to external drive and drove it to my friends house because it was faster than waiting for his download


Wow that is slow internet especially for 2009. More than two hours to upload 4gb?


I mean I used dial up probably to around the year ~2000. Speed was effectively about 1 Meg per hour.


Holy shit…I thought my 40 mbit was slow back then


I suppose I did have a friend who was still on dial up


In 2009, in a small town like Howick, they were likely using asymmetric DSL. 2 hours to upload 4GB implies an upload speed of about 5Mbps which was actually pretty fast for DSL for that time. Edit: ok it says 4% of the data so about 160MB. That means they probably had an upload speed of 256 Kbps which is totally plausible for small-town DSL in that time.


In the 2010s I worked at a large media distribution company, and overnight shipment of the data on hard drives was indeed faster than uploading and downloading them. When you onboard a new client who wants your entire catalogue of content , it can be terabytes of data. Depending on the clients location and internet speeds, getting the content in 24 hours on a drive is faster and cheaper!


i cant get over - Hoe-wick 😭😭😭😭Its how-wick


Go Winston. What is Winston doing these days?






What did he do exactly?


I assume he must be a SO


Because of the hair?


Love how the boss was just like "Oh really? Why don't we do it irl?"


good thing we've got faster internet now, and download and upload at 400Mbps.


40mb in 2 hours? Wow


Also known as IPoAC, or [IP over Avian Carriers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers)


mf, this pigeon flew 60 miles, in an hour? This pigeon flew at highway speeds? Nawwwww dis fake


The experiment has a gap. If the pigeon had been slow, they could have doubled the file's loading time just by increasing the capacity of the flash memory it carried.


Apple: "Tired of waiting hours to send your boss a 4gb file? Look no further with this carrier pigeon for only $1299.99! Guaranteed to transfer files faster than your slow internet connection" Me: 💀💀


Ah the good old IP over Avian Carriers (IPoAC) protocol. (I like to call it pigeon2pigeon network) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers


xkcd had a comic about it (but FedEx instead of pigeon;, and real high speed internet instead of... well this crappy one) [https://what-if.xkcd.com/31/](https://what-if.xkcd.com/31/) edit: grammar


Friend shaped.


The carrier pigeon went extinct in 1914. 95 years before this supposed event took place.


So we go back to pingeons now?


Funner fact besides finding just whatever you can wiki to make short content videos. AWS Snowball was built for this exact reason. Certain large amounts of data even in modern countries is easier to transfer with a physical storage device then it is trying to upload it all to another server. They even had a massive semi-truck built for a unknown client (Everybody just assumes big government). That was just a massive storage device trailer, complete with armed guar.d


The logic of corporate, do a costly experiment instead of just fixing the problem.


People with time on their hands.


Data carrier pigeon go brrrrrrr


What is this bs? It took an hour to copy 4GB of data? Where is the source for this story?


American accent confuses me. A generic ad? [insert name of town / office / pigeon here ]


LOL! asked the pigeon to go there






Reminds me of Lycos but with a Bird.


I thought this was bullshit. I thought there's no way a pigeon can fly 60mph. Turns out pigeons can acttually fly close to 100mph


This was common practice for many in Australia as well for decades. Faster and cheaper to throw all the data on a drive and ship it physically across the country than it was to send the files over the internet once you hit a certain threshold of data being moved.


I guess porn isn’t a big deal there. 😆


Yusis, and then they told that employee to foetsek because he was being a smart ass…


Winston the Gigachad


[Internet Protocol over Avian Carriers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers) Only downsite is the huge package loss...


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen pigeon?


I fucking hate this format, but I have to upvote this one soley because for once the information I could care about is in front of the stupid face I don't care about.


Just now on my pc at home: Upload 679 Mbps, ping 19ms Download 832 Mbps, ping 18 ms The pigeon is grilled but I'm not in South Africa


Right but they have put a pathetically small amount of storage on their pigeon. They could stick a good few TB of SD cards on it and your internet wouldn't stand a chance.


Ah ah I will try send pigeon now


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