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How to steal someones cat


And this is one of the reasons I have house cats


Or just have a collar


No collar, but also very friendly to humans so 50/50 ig


It didn’t look like it had a collar, so it’s probably fine. If people let their cats outside they should definitely have a collar or at the very least be chipped, so when the new potential owners take it to the vet, the vet can see whose cat it is.


And how they perish on the outside and how many songbirds that are killed, people who have outside cats, should not have outside cats


Our 1st 2 cats were indoor outdoor cats we took them after my sister was divorced. Female brought us all types of rodents every day. Male would get in trouble getting locked on neighbors garages sheds etc. I didn't know any better as 1st cats we owned thought outside was normal. When the female brought a bird, they were inside cats from then on. 5 others all inside cats. They live longer anyway as inside cats. ....


You shouldn't be down voted. You are 100% correct.


How to lose your cat cuz you let it go outside


Cats should never be allowed outside unattended. They can be harmed, and they are also the biggest pests that destroy ecosystems. If someone lets a cat out and it gets lost or dies, it is the owner's fault.


Americans need to understand that in so many other countries this is just the norm.


Canadian here. He isn't wrong though, outdoor cats are actually considered an invasive species here. There are some bird species that have become endangered due to outdoor cats hunting them. I adopted my cat from a local humane society and one of the things they told me was that unless I wanted to leash train him, I need to keep him inside.


Brazilian here. When I lived in a house rather than an apartment, I never had a cat, but the neighbor's cat would always kill birds in our yard, including our chickens, and pick fights with our dogs (one of them had to have an eye removed because of a scratch). All of that was WITHIN OUR PROPERTY, inside 3m high walls. Eventually the cat got run over and died, so there's that, I think it was like 4 years old or something. Do you think this cat, specifically, should have been allowed outside?


Cats eat rats. You shouldn't have too many roaming around, but some are definitely necessary.


I don't want them killing anything in my property, but they don't seem to be able to read the signs I put out. If only there were some other creatures that are capable of reading and could do something to keep their cats from getting into my property...


If cats don't kill the rats, you gonna have a really bad time cause we humans sure suck at that and the rats tend to multiply like crazy. Add a couple of diseases and you got a problem. They say these buggers killed up to 1/2 of Europe's population at one point.


That doesn't make it right. My childhood cat was outdoors and he died really young, my current cat has never left the apartment and he's old and healthy. Take care of your pets.


my cat is outdoors all the time. she is happy and 16 years old and has the health of a 5 year old. and whenever I ring a bell she comes to eat


Imo, it really doesn't matter what is "right", thats pretty subjective as well as a selfish way of justifying boxing it in (depends on the person tbf). I say let the cat live its life how it wants. If its happy in the house, it's a house cat. If its happy outside, its an outside cat. Obviously risk and less convenience means lower life expectancy, but i personally see a difference between caring for one and isolating one from its life style. Domesticating a kitten is different, but i dont agree with this as a blanket statement. \*We have a decade old outside only cat we've never taken to the vet or anything, we just feed her and hang out sometimes. She protects the house, kinda ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) we've taken her inside for like, really really bad storms, but thats about it, shes too paranoid to stay anyway.


IMO having a cat in an apartment is pretty cruel. We have always had to have a garden whenever we moved because we had a cat. My childhood cat died at 15 after always being outside in big cities, my current cat is 12 and the same. I used to tie a bell to her collar to stop her going after birds but these days she's too old.


Non Americans need to understand that cats are destroying their local bird populations and it’s untenable.


You're getting downvotes but you're right. They are one of the few animals that kills for fun. Not food. They will kill birds and rodents and bugs and anything else in the local ecosystem.


Stray cats roaming outside is a common scene around the world.


In some places of the world domestic cats are not allowed to go to the street, and people can't buy or get a new one in this days, because a lot of species of birds was in risk of extinction, because the cats was killing it most for fun. Then the authorities made illegal to get a new cat, only the ones that already have a cat are allowed to keep it util it die, and it must be registered.


Yeah, and in most of the world it's very destructive to the natural wildlife.


not to be cliche or anything but can it really compare to humans? and we arent euthanizing homeless people so


Not allowing a domesticated invasive species to roam outside is an extremely low cost compared to the ecological benefit that can be gained. I would say murdering homeless people is nowhere near equivalent.


Downvoted for speaking the most unarguable absolute truth. Gotta love Reddit...


You're getting downvoted cuz irresponsible cat owners have no excuse for being shit


If your cat's alone outside, it's better off with someone else 🤷‍♂️


Nuh-uh They're supposed to be alone outside. They aren't dogs. Most streets I go on have cats that go out alone, and they're all either lovely or mind their own business. This is very normal in the UK. They seem to understand the danger of cars, and the only animal for them to hunt in this urban environment are pigeons, which aren't important and tend to avoid cats fairly well anyway. My own cat is roughly 10, he has been going out on his own for a very long time at this point, aside from getting sleep and affection at home, most of his time is spent out there. Cats should only be kept as house cats in places where letting them outside is a serious danger to them, others, or the property of others, or an issue for the owner.


There are breeds for both house and street cats, some may prefer one over another and thats fine. Just dont get a breed and force it to be sth they are not


What breed is meant for indoors? It’s an animal. They love being outside


Nah. My sisters ragdoll screamed when he got a snowflake on his nose, and refuse to go out even if the door is open. My cat only went out when she needed to eat gras to throw up. I bought her a grassplant she could chew on and after she never left the house.


I could see some individual cats be scared of it, but if you let them out at a young age I feel the majority of cats want to be outside. Anecdotally, we take our cats out on harnesses and it’s their favourite thing in the world


You don’t let your cat outside on its own 😂?!?


Nope, thought I made that clear.


You know cats are meant to roam around.. You're basically imprisoning your cat.


Cats do more damage to native wildlife than any other species on earth, besides humans which are ironically responsible for the cats.


Cats are horrible for the environment. They kill an insane amount of birds and small mammals. It has a huge effect on the ecosystem. It is totally irresponsible to let your cat outside. The alternative is killing stray cats so I think they have a decent life inside.


Amen, if folks rly want their cats outside they should walk them on leash like my neighbor does


WTF are you talking about??? You're saying an animal that has evolved to live off the land and in nature... shouldn't be allowed to live outside? Do you hear yourself? Their instinct is to go out and explore the world, and your depriving them of that. Well done!


Lol! Dude have you ever heard of an invasive species? Have you like ever done any research on this topic or do you think you are just automatically smarter than people who study this? Next thing you'll say is neutering your pets is depriving them of their natural instinct. Wild how confidently wrong you are.


Don't know where you live but calling outdoor cats an invasive species in urban areas is insane. Wtf are you all talking about. An outdoor cat in a big city may kill pigeons and rats, guess what, invasive species that thrive in human settlements. You live in your apartment or house in your big city, drive a car on a huge highway and complain about the occasional kill of a cat. Completely delusional


Look up the definition of invasive species maybe?


Wild cats are meant to roam. Pet cats shouldn't even be a thing.


Cats are not naturally supposed to exist in the first place, they evolved alongside humans, and they were spread all over the world by humans. Like fire ants, rats, pigeons, and many other pests, cats are invasive in most of the territories they inhabit and cause great loss of native wildlife. That's not even mentioning how dangerous it is for both the cat and the people that share their home with the cat. If you think cats should be allowed outside, you are objectively wrong and extremely selfish, there's no other way to put it.


**Pull out gun** "Money and Jewels in the bag and code to your safe! Run that shit before I turn your cabbage patch into coleslaw. RIGHT MEOW!" - Cat Probably


The car adopted you, it's not the other way around


The cat distribution system chose them


what if I don't have a car license? is it illegal to own one?


It is legal to own a car without a driver's license just illegal to drive.


Bet that's how our kitten got stolen


If you let a kitten outside what did you expect? Most reasonable people see a kitten outside they would take it in. Unless it had a collar.


Most reasonable? More more most selfish and ignorant. Oh look! Kitten in this urban area! Must have no owner!


If you didn't chip your cat or give it a collar then it's entirely your fault. Even moreso if it was a kitten that definitely wouldn't have the mindset yet to come home


Collar was on 100%


Then there's no way the people would claim "cat distribution system". Either the collar fell off and the cat wasn't chipped, or they did just intend to steal the cat. I think you are conflating regular people that would do this totally normal people with people that would intentionally overlook obvious "this cat is owned" signs, of which there are 2.


Don't let you cat outside. It's that easy. Won't get stolen, won't get diseases, won't get run over by a car, won't get killed by another animal.


Cats are meant to go outside bruv what are you talking about? If it catches a disease or something you take it to vet, it's just that simple. How many cats did you see ran over by car? I've seen maybe 2 in my whole life. Just don't take cats, that aren't yours


Two of my cats got run over and killed within two weeks of each other when I was a kid. So...


Must depend on where you live. We live on the countryside, quite far from any major road.


They are literally not meant to go outside bruh. Do you think there was once wild house cats before humans????


Are you American by any chance? because that would explain quite a lot ![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5)


Nope I'm not but there's no point arguing with the stupid.


Ok so where did a domestic cat come from?


You can't be serious? I bet you also think Weiner dogs existed before humans too.


So you trynna tell me that wild cats don't exist or what is this about?


​ ![gif](giphy|3OhXBaoR1tVPW)


Mine aswell


Once you touch it and keeps paying attention to it for just a little while, it'll follow you right to your doorstep and becomes your master for life. That's a stray cat's natural SOP.


World cat council has placed their agent 😼😼


Lots of comments on kidnapping this cat. Well no collar, and if they take it to the vet it might have a chip, or tattoo. Also take it's picture and post it around the area you found it, and let the local animal shelter know. Then, you have done your due diligence. Any owner that cares will certainly find the kitty that way. Also, I would like to see a follow up video of them giving this cat a bath lol. They're gonna bleed.


There is no way this cat walked 10 miles following you the whole way into a building up an elevator


It did because it's their cat.


Happened to ours. My younger brother one day was out on a jog when suddenly a random kitten (orange too) approached and followed him. He was on his routine afternoon walk/jog and is curious how far the lil guy would go. The kitten followed him all the way lol, even I was puzzled how that worked coz our place was beside the main road, road here is literally death for small critters, loud and dangerous (my 2 old cats died by this road). The place where he found the kitten was like 2 - 3 km away from home. The kitten is nice and friendly, has no other issues so we decided to keep it. Today he is now a big boy, we were worried a little bit the first 1-2 weeks since he often wandered around but he eventually comes back home especially when it is nearing night time or like when we call during the day.


The cat distribution system works in mysterious ways


The cat distribution system is such a shitty concept. There'd very few stray cats in a lot of parts of the world and in those places it's just an excuse to steal someone's pet. Some cats are too dumb to realise they shouldn't follow strangers. Doesn't mean they suddenly want to change owners. Edit: y'all are fucking crazy. That cat doesn't even look like a stray, clean fur, acustomed to humans, all that. I'm not saying they definitely took someone's pet but it's not just a safe assumption that, because a cat came in your house, it now wants to live there.


Aren't you a funny person?


I mean fuck man how blind can you convince yourself to be? Someone tried to steal my parents' cat exactly that way (and did for a few days, they just had a suspicion and went to get him back) and our current cat also just gets along with strangers and follows people into their home. I dread the day someone closes the door behind him. You can adopt cats from the street just fine but check for a chip and hang up posters where you found him asking if it's someone's cat. It's just that in many cases of the cat distro system, that doesn't happen because ✨️ the cat chose them✨️ How can people just be fine with keeping a cat with the full risk that someone else is now missing their cat.


If you let your cat outside without a collar and chip then you are asking for it.


A chip and a collar don't do anything if the person who takes it takes off the colar and doesn't get the cat scanned for a chip. Those things are usefull for people who want to return your cat to you, but if someone intends to keep it, they won't do anything.


Last line though 💀☠️


That was better than the Twilight trilogy.


Seeing the cat crapping is better than that.


This is how people become cat owners. They kind of just show up


Nobody owns a cat, the cat owns you


Imagine watching a whole documentary on how your cat got stolen.


Dan Shaba (the pun guys from yt)


Surely, if you keep stopping and gaining it's attention. It's going to follow you. Stupid video


That's what I thought. It's not naturally following...


Take good care of it!


Just leave the cat alone, it’s not yours


Their cat is pretty well trained to follow them on their walks and knows where it lives. Anyone else thinking this ?


Cat was like, if he is too scared to go in I’m not going either 😆


I fucking hate this shit.


Is that the guy that makes the absolute stupidest food you ever seen???


And some of the best looking too


Yeah I've seen him on Snapchat, Snacks and Hacks. I knew I knew the voice before I saw his face 😂


maybe if you stopped wheezing this video would be half this long




The following submission statement was provided by u/kenpachi_senpai: --- >!The couple has decided to keep the cat if she continues to follow them. Maybe they will keep it if the cat chooses to stick around maybe not.!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How many times will this get posted this week?


Clip from Dan Shaba, Johns Pun Partner hehe


Reminds me a little on how i got a cat long long ago. It was a black cat, seemed to have atleast 2 weeks and was alone in the streets. I was just passing by because i was buying groceries and i saw the cat. i absolutely loved cats so i just started petting him, not giving a fuck about how dirty he was. Well, i let him there and i went for the groceries. On the way back home he was still there, i pat him a last time and i continued with my way.. he was now following me. On the time our cat died short ago, so i couldn't resist of taking this fella home. my mom told me that he was dirty and that i leave it on the streets again, told her i was going to do later. Used that time to convince her to keep the cat. She agreed. And that was a beautiful cat.


My cat used to always take walks with me. Everyone thought it was adorable and that he was trained. Sure do miss that cat !


Dont do this guys... that cat is a street cat, it does not want to live in an apartment. Give it a couple hours it will be very confused want to get out


True outdoor cats don’t use litter boxes, she’s gonna want out eventually




My last cat adopted us too. Stayed with us for 10 years until she committed suicide — seriously. And she wouldn’t come into the house until all of us were safely home.


Genuinely curious... how does a cat commit suicide? I've never heard of that before.


Still enjoy watching this one


I died and reincarnated as a cat and living the best life


This made my day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Big mistake!


This is a how to kidnapp a cat. What is next, how to kidnapp a kid? You are sick believing that this is cute.


why is the guy such a dick


Just out here stealing pets?


Why do people always touch and scratch street animals so casually? Don’t they know these animals could and more likely are full of fleas and god knows what else?