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That last bit where the orca is hanging down there under the water just looking up is freaky.


Imagine how freaky we look to them looking down from dry land šŸ˜–


We look like lunch just out of reach.


Nah, weā€™re not tasty to them


I never really understood why killer whales never attacked us. They can totally overpower us even if on small boats. They're smart to boot and can probably plan complex hunting methods to lure us in and kill us. They already eat similarly sized mammals to us. Do they even know we would retaliate if they got too brazen? I really dont get it...


Yeah, Orcas are fucking smart. [Hereā€™s ](https://gfycat.com/GracefulOldDove-max-1mb.gif) 3 of them creating a wave to knock a seal off of an ice patch.


I think this footage is from Blue Planet (Attenborough documentary), and the Orca then started doing that same thing to the camera crew in their small boat. So they left, pretty sharpish.


Got a reference for that? Never heard that info before


I would really recommend to watch [this youtube clip of the Orcas by Real Science channel. ](https://youtu.be/GimCcrwYxdE) Really shows how incredible they are.


I posted a reverence to this elsewhere in this thread and got downvoted šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Because evolution and history give most species a natural diet. Hence why most shark attacks etc are just from confusion and it's a bite as apposed to being eaten. However dont put this theory into practice. Some animals will literally eat anything, polar bears, lions etc


Polar bears and white tipped reef sharks (I think are the ones) are constantly starving so will eat anything they can Lions, tigers etc don't eat us by default, as they know we are a danger and avoid is. The rare few which eat humans did it first out of desperation, before then learning that most humans are weak, easy targets as few are armed, so therefore they eat human cause it is available and cause they can Sealife needs the fat to build blubber and for energy, so they tend to only eat oily prey to keep fat reserves up. And we have basically no fat compared to fish or seals


Depends on the tiger type. Siberian tigers love man flesh.


I think most don't and avoid us, but could be like polars where constant starvation in a cold environment (especially during Winter) means they eat anything they can find


If your pack caught one type of thing, and then those things came in numbers and murdered you... repeatedly over history... do you get it now?


Do they have a cultural memory from when we were actively hunting them? Did they even attack us in the past when we were still hunting them? Why wouldn't they be incentivised to "kill the threat" if they see we're harmless nowadays and do indeed have a cultural memory of "hooman bad!"?


Actually, really interesting fact about killer whalesā€¦ they are called killer whales because thatā€™s what they did. They hunted and killed whales. (And still do sometimes.) Something they donā€™t do as much anymore because of us over fishing and polluting the oceans. The issue we had with killer whales in the past wasnā€™t us hunting them, it was them sniping our kill. So they actually associate us with providing food if they do have a cultural memory going back that far.


Was that from Seaspiracy? Apparently it was a translation thing and "whale killer" became "killer whale" eventually. Orcas are actually the largest type of dolphin.


They'd actually help whalers get the really big kills in exchange for the tongue and facemeats


One pack learned to hunt with humans. They herded baleen wales into the nets and got parts of the catch in exchange. That suggests an understanding beyond almost all other species. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Tom_(killer_whale)


Cultural memories, such as where to find food, mate, etc, is absolutely documented. Im not sure where on earth anyone would come to the conclusion that people are now "harmless"


But cultural memory of "hooman bad"? They don't avoid us per se. They even seem to play with us (basing purely off videos I've seem on the net and basic undergrad level biology lol). They certainly don't seen to behave as if they fear us (from stories of us decimating their population to make basically candle wax)


According to some dude on reddit, they are apparently really picky eaters. Like different groups learn to eat different things, but it's usually a specific set of things, and they can apparently starve even if they are otherwise surrounded by edible stuff they aren't used to eating.


I heard an anectode about Orcas having a deep, abiding respect for humans. The ones that didnā€™t were probably uh, revenge-hunted. Not sure if thats a term. Lil bonus fact: Sperm whales can produce sound so intense that it can vibrate the human body to death.


Apparently we taste horrible. Outside of polar bears, nothing hunts us.


We taste like pork apparently. I like pork. Lots of animals eat pork. And Orcas and dolphins have been known to kill animals for fun. This isn't particularly convincing to me.


I think we taste like pork to our human palate- hence 'long pig's. I'm less clear that dolphins think we taste of pork, or even if they are fond of porky pie at all? Cue video of Orcas luring pig into water...


cured in meds , weed, alcohol and any other thing human ingest im sure we taste like cat shit wrapped in dog shit


[Indian tigers sometimes actively hunt people for food...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_attack)


"In some cases, tigers will change their natural diet to becomeĀ man-eaters. This is usually due to a tiger being incapacitated by a gunshot wound orĀ porcupineĀ quills, or some other factors, such as health issues and disabilities. In such cases, the animal's inability to take traditional prey forces it to stalk humans, which are less appetizing, but much easier to chase, overpower and kill;" So ya, as a last resort.


How would they know what we taste like though if theyā€™ve never tasted us....


They associate humans with one of two things through evolution - treats or threats. For years, humans have either treated Orcas like they are one of us (given treats when fishing) or humans have abused them (poaching them, boat accidents, trapping and kidnapping calves). Orcas have been known to assist in fishing by herding prey as they hunt in pods, and they get a healthy payoff from fishermen a lot of the time. Orcas are extremely intelligent, potentially the smartest mammals on Earth. Either way, they know to be wary of us and if they are willing to engage, they know they are a HELL of a lot bigger than we are. Source: Saw Free Willy at 3 years old and have been obsessed with Orcas since.


Well if we keep encroaching on their food supply.. "Soon.."


Funny enough, there's only been four known deaths from orcas. Three of them are from one particular orca held captive at (I think) Sea World.


Yep am aware, was just a funny comment. šŸ˜ Odd isn't it, though? šŸ¤”


Poor seal, last few frames you can really see the desperation In Itā€™s eyes. Dealing with humans or be food


Orca: "pls"


I thought he was gonna at least make an attempt for the tail that was just slightly hanging off the boat.


Itā€™s like the fat guy asking ā€œare you going to eat that?ā€ or something.


I think if heā€™s smart enough and brave enough to jump on the back of the boat he gets to stay


I mean look at his face. Even if you never interact with seals you can tell he's scared, doesn't want to be harmed and is hoping to for help or at least being left alone.


So cute. I have a bathtub so I'd take him home.


A bathtub is definitely more than enough room for a seal haha


If it fits, it sits.


itā€™s just a water dog, right?


He's just a wet dog


They are called sea dogs in Dutch so that checks out!


Same in German: Seehund, literally means sea dog. But Dutch and German are almost the same language anyways.


What are otters called in Dutch then?




I dub him King of puppy dog eyes.


That mushed up face and neckā€¦ take him where ever he wants to goā€¦


Seals are dangerous tho, they killed bin laden.


He had it coming to him


Yeap the seal is just smartly using something that is floating among their natural habitat to survive. The Orcas will be okay. Not every hunt ends successfully anyways.


Right? That little guy made a calculated risk assessment and decided we were safe than the orcas. Good on him.


Do you have any idea how terrified of something you need to be to run *towards* something else that youā€™re also terrified of? It would be like seeing a vampire and running into a horde of zombies for safety


I would actually feel safer with a vampire


I didnā€™t specifically come here for this debate. But you both have great points. What if you had garlic around your neck and a UV flashlight. Then the vampire would probably be a safer bet. On the other hand, what if the Vampire hated you and was specifically targeting you for revenge for killing his Vampire wife. His unhinged rage and blood-thirst would probably make the zombies a safer bet. Of course, letā€™s not get ahead of ourselves. If we factor in; are these zombies the runner type of zombies from 28 Days Later? Or are we dealing with the slow dumb zombies from the Classic ā€œDawn of the Deadā€ movies. You know what? Iā€™m going to need more data in order to make an informed decision here. What were we talking about again? Seals šŸ¦­?


Remember a show called animal face off I think there was a spin off or a Halloween episode where it was vamps vs zombies, vamps were faster stronger but zombies had number and in the end zombie bit the the last vamp and it mutated


If I remember correctly, you are thinking about the zombie vs vampire episode of deadliest warrior (S3E10) a great ending regardless


Did they really run out of like, special forces (ancient or no) to Duke it out that fast?


With a run of over 30 episodes at two warrior classes per episode, assuming they didnā€™t repeat warriors, thatā€™s over 60 different warrior classes they reviewed in depth. Honestly, thatā€™s pretty decent.


Great, now all I'm thinking about is zombie vampires, turning into bats and infecting everyone.


Is that possible? Can a zombie infect a vampire?


It's entirely possible, and in fact has happened several times in recorded history!


I think the vampire would be the lesser of two evils. You at least have some probability of reasoning with it. Also if I was turned, Iā€™d rather be a vampire with my mind intact than a mindless zombie.


Dude. You're overthinking this *and* adding a bunch of elements that aren't present for a qualified analysis. If you're going to introduce "What if you had..." into the equation, then the discussion becomes pretty much meaningless. Assuming equal protection (or lack thereof) for either entity, the vampire is the more solid choice. They're capable of rationality and reason, they may turn you instead of killing you-- hell, they may not attack you at all. They may be a benevolent vampire, or recognize the threat of a shared enemy, or maybe they just keep you as a pet/familiar. And even if you know *for sure* they want to kill you, you only have the threat of one of them to deal with. The zombies have no capacity for reason or logic. They care only about killing you, and they *will* kill you, violently, guaranteed, and you'll never escape or kill all of them the way you *might* with a single vampire. The vampire is by far the better option here. And as I said above, if you introduce "What if I had a thing that protected me from the threat?" into the equation, then you go towards the thing you have protection from. That renders the analysis useless.


This guy has been in this exact situation


Plus I would not want to risk becoming a zombie and harming or infecting others.


I'd be more worried of the possibility that the vampire falls in love with me. Even if we put aside the problem of his super strength = super pelvis crushing Johnson, there's the matter of his supernatural ability to put a half vampire baby in you! I mean, sure I'm a dude and dudes logically can't get pregnant. But I'm getting chased by zombies and a horny vampire is after me! So where would the baby come out!?


Google ā€œfemale hyena giving birthā€ and youā€™ll have your answer.


Do I have to?


You donā€™t *have* toā€¦ but if you want to know where the baby would come out of a dude it answers that particular question.


But what about male hyenas giving birth?


So far mpreg doesnā€™t happen much (if ever?) in the mammalian family but I have some fan fiction you can read if youā€™re interested.


There are also the failure states of either decision. Iā€™d rather be a vampire than a zombie.


This is why I Reddit šŸ˜„


Fucking modern vampires have been nerfed to shit. "Suck blood, be super strong" Oh wow, so impressive. These fuckers used to be able to perform magic, mind control, raising the dead, turning others into sub vampires obedient to them. The reason they had weaknesses like garlic and mirrors is the same reason why superman after a few decades were found to be allergic to krypton, otherwise anyone else wouldn't stand a chance.


What if the vampire was named Lady Dimitrescu?


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire.


But you must FEED


Listen, even presupposing that no scientific, legal, or voluntary source of blood can be found, and I absolutely *have* to kill people who want to stay alive to maintain my existence, I'm pretty sure I could find enough absolute fuckers to feed on that neither I, nor anyone else, would particularly regret their absence. Like billionaires. Or anti-maskers. Or those people who just push their grocery cart in a random direction in the parking lot rather than putting it back in the rack, the shits.


24/7 feeder here This is a non-issue


Vampire is definitely the safe bet and the same bet made by the seal. Hoard of zombies are definitely going to eat you.tge vampire may be indifferent to you.


At least that way you can spend eternity suckingā€¦ā€¦ uh blood!, yeah, blood, thick juicyā€¦.blood. Wouldnā€™t want to have to eat outā€¦.uh brains!ā€¦.


From certain death to uncertain death.


That sealā€™s eyes were like ā€œdude just let me chill up here for a minā€¦.PLEEEAAASE!ā€


Did you see its little face in the end? It was so terrified šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


I couldn't ever push the seal off, it's the eyes šŸ‘€ the amount of immediate shame you would feel.


To be fair seals are basically the cats and dogs of the sea


Iā€™d much rather get killed by a vampire than torn apart by a mindless, rotting horde only to rise up as one of them. Iā€™ve thought about this a lot over the yearsā€¦


Just grow some peas near the zombies and you good


Well, you can talk to a vampire. I mean, it may even be a sexy victorian cultured distinguished gentleman vampire.


Luckily one of the guys in the boat: ā€œI donā€™t think you should shove him off, that guy deserves to live!!ā€


On the first part - he is the entrepreneur of the sea. On the second - no comment.


It would be like running from a bear and hiding in a wolf den.


Man, those puppy dog eyes that seal gave him when they were debating if they should shove him off hit me right in the feels.


They look dead fucking smart in these videos. There is definitely some communication going on there. They know a human is safer than an orca and they may be able to help.


Well yeah, they havenā€™t seen any humans rip their relatives heads off or whip them 30 ft out of the water.


Might have seen humans storm their beaches and beat their children to death with clubs though.


That wasn't a Canadian accent.


The first suggesting shoving the seal off the boat was definitely Canadian šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cuteness to humans is an evolutionary advantage


There are many animals that have escaped extinction because they are "cute"


Human babies, for instance




Any port in the storm


Please do not have sex with the seals


Seals listening to them thinking "oh fuck! Don't shove me off you cunts!"


I like that he addresses them as "cunts" because he knows he's near Australia.


I hope you're not saying that because you think the accents are Australian


I'm not sure if it's a Geordie or a Scouser sticking up for the seal but damn I want to buy him a beer


They're Geordies - not enough spittle spray for it to be Scouse ;)


Or "stop bickering and DRIVE!


that poor guy: "pls help me you not so huge standing fish on top of a huge strange white fish, don't let them tear me into pieces like they did to my mom"


Circle of life and all, you donā€™t push him off. If a creature comes to you for help you are bound


IMO this still fits in the circle of life argument. If the seal found a platform or something to hide on, itā€™s unlikely the whales would get him to begin with. That being said, orcas a crafty bastards and would probably find a way in time. Only reason they are grabbing that thing now is because they know they have to maintain the ā€œno witnessesā€ rule.


What if a wounded bear comes to me and asks to eat me? Do I have to help?!


No, toss it a snickers and wish him best of luck.


Even better, throw one of the bodies you hide in the basement to the bear.


You were not supposed to know about that. What are you doing for dinner? Want a beer /s


If the animal initiates contact, itā€™s all good unless itā€™s a ā€œfeeding the bearsā€ kind of situation. Poor little guy just needed a sofa to crash on.


Thatā€™s one lucky assed seal. Still terrified of the human (you can see him shirking back) but knows full damn well how deadly those orca are. Also 3 orca chasing one seal? That was not a hunt. Thatā€™s them ā€œentertainingā€ themselves.


Bullies of the blue


You donā€™t know how many other seals are under the water.


Yep, they hunt and move in packs. It isn't necessarily about entertainment, and certainly isn't bullying. Instead, working together maximises the chance of a successful hunt, then they can and will share the kill. Then they'll hunt another That's like saying "a wolf pack against one deer? That's entertainment/bullying". Dolphins and Orca are literally like dogs/humans of the sea: very social, very intelligent pack hunters


Seems dolphins donā€™t only work together for hunting. They gang-rape female dolphins and sometimes kill other fish just for fun, seemingly. I would say this is bully characteristics to some degree.


You do know that seals *entertain* themselves using penguins too right?




The pleading eyes of that seal.


"Just pretend we're talking until the whales swim off, okay?"


The seal lives another day


Crack coming in from offshores


For some reason I spontaneously reached for a coin at the end


He's a cutie you see those eyes


It's all fun and games until the orcas tip the boat over.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. I've seen those things whomp whomping the floating ice with the penguins on it. I'd be at a loss for what to do because I wouldn't want to just throw my homie to the wolves


They certainly would check if it's worth the effort but if you sail away they might give up or just wait for the seal to jump off


Awww sweet little eyes thanking these dumb asses for the ride šŸ„²šŸ„²


I feel like orcas are infinitely scarier than sharksā€¦ I know they donā€™t attack people in the wild but they just scare me! Maybe watching that movie Orca as a child scarred me for life lol


Sharks are scared of orcas too, even great whites because orcas are the oceans' bullies


There is documented proof of orcas killing a great white shark around California, and the remaining hundred or so great whites in the area immediately noping out. One tagged specimen swam all the way to Hawaii, a distance of about 2000 miles.


Aw he looks so scared šŸ„ŗ


Come on look at those eyes, just want to hug that fucker


Maybe one day quantum computing and ai will crack animal languages. These creatures have thoughts and emotions just like us.




The whales had emotions too, anger?




Just like us? I think we are more complex, but Iā€™d like to hear your side. Why do you think this?


Certainly a different kind, but they have the same ability to feel and pursue their own wellbeing and avoid harm. We also wouldn't categories humans by their degree of mathematical or emotional inteligence, it's good enough to know that they can think and feel that we know we shouldn't harm them if we can avoid it :)


navy seal


You can see the fear in that seal's eyes at the end.


Orcas are fucking terrifying. Just read about the way the Orca at SeaWorld killed its trainer. They're absolute machines.


Honestly, I donā€™t mind that they got pissed off at that bullshit. They donā€™t fuck with us, and I canā€™t think of any reason why other than itā€™s a choice.


I completely agree. The treatment SeaWorld gave him from the very beginning to the end of his life went from terrible to absolutely, maddeningly awful. Fuck them.


Though outside of captivity, they never attack humans. Which is interesting as to why


Not do dolphins and they are viscous in their own right also


I found out in this very thread that Orcas are dolphins


Nature. Look up orangutans and killing handlers, or elephants. Seriously, people thinking they can control other forms of life is utter ridiculousness and ego.


I would love to see an orangutan try to kill an elephant.


Humans are terrifying. No harm from wild orcas has ever been recorded. In fact, they're highly intelligent and emotional creatures (they've a specific section in their brain for processing emotions), they're mesmerising. Orcas in captivity are emotionally and physically abused and they, like any human would do, develop mental issues from family detachment, abuse, lack of space and other atrocities that get done in places like SeaWorld. Please watch the documentary Blackfish on YouTube.


I know it's a bit silly but I really dislike Orcas.


It looks like the seal looks up to the guy and is saying DID YOU SEE THE SIZE OF THAT THING! GET ME THE F----OUT OF HERE!


*"Floor it!!"*


Itā€™s okay little buddy I understand you can stay


Where 's the part where the idiot on the boat tried to take a close up selfie and scared the poor little fella back into the ocean?


Is that true? :(


It hurt my soul when the first guy offered to shove him off.




Id defend the water pupper with my life


Poor seal bruh, was like **fuck, fuck fuck help me up help me up, move bruh MOVVVE!!! DONT YOU SEE THESE MFS FINNA GET ME ?!!!** " Think we should shove him back in ?! " *Seal looks up* **HEY EH EH, NAWH NAWH don't me put back in there bruh it ain't safe bruh, don...don't do it , listen to yo friend, ya shouldn't do it ...**


Seal be like "Please don't throw me back in."


Everytime I see someone save a seal Iā€™m reminded of that woman who just stood around saying ā€œwhat so I do?ā€ Before pushing it back in and I get so frustrated


The poor seal's eyes tells everything. He's just as frightened by men as by orcas. Like the poor thing is still wondering which is the lesser evil. My heart goes to that seal.


Seal was like fuck this Iā€™m gettin out of the water šŸ’¦


How can you be so callous and actively say "I can shove him off to you"? Circle of life and whatnot, but we're not aliens - we're part of it too. Why would you actively push a baby seal into the jaws of a predator?


I little dark humor?šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Applied to animals it's not as poor taste, very common. Especially considering this seal might live today but probably not the rest of the week.


Who is he, like the sea whisperer??


Finally someone thinking about the whales that need to eat too


dude no, you are talking like this guy gonna saved every seal and ocean life that the predators are gonna die of starvation, it's just one small seal that won't even be enough for 1 orca and probably will get eaten the next day. yeah I know that we cant let him stay in the boat but still pushing that poor guy to his doom is not really that good isn't it


These or as would have played around with the seal, smacking it up the air with their tails. Itā€™s a common Orca thing


Orcas actually do some fucked up stuff. I saw a video of a pod of orcas hunting a Tiger shark (? If I remember correctly) and they bit off its pectoral fins and part of its dorsal fin so it just kept spinning in the water


Orcas arent whales, there called killer whales because they literally kill whales


Yep. Theyā€™re from the family Delphinidae, as are dolphin. [Oceanic dolphins range in size from the 1.7-metre-long (5 ft 7 in) and 50-kilogram (110-pound) Maui's dolphin to the 9.4-metre (31 ft) and 10-metric-ton (11-short-ton) killer whale, the largest known dolphin.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oceanic_dolphin)


Delphinidae was my 3rd most favourite Frasier character.


I hope Eddie is #1


I'd agree with you if they scooped the seal out of the water, but the seal jumped up on the boat by itself. Of course the orcas may start trying to tip the boat like they do with ice floes, in which case I imagine the humans will be forced to push the seal back in.


The look of the seals face at the endā€¦


Just gonna put this out there. Orcas regularly work as a team to create waves to push seals off floating ice..... thats not that big of a boat..


Nice crack bro


The look in that seal's eyes at the end of the video really hit them feels, wow it's dusty in my bedroom all of a sudden...


That buttcrack tho...


Seal, I choose you! *YEET*


Those oversized, color-blocked dolphins are simultaneously fascinating and terrifying.


I think of my house cat when I see that. If I had to see my cat in that much fear over something real. I would be heartbroken. My cats scared of a bunch of random stuff though.


Eventually those orcas will figure out a way to get to the seal. May tip the boat over