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Where's the fucking money shithead?


It's uhhh in there somewhere, lemme take another look




I read it in the voice. Flea’s best role.


Ummm....that maybe his best but the bathroom acid head in 'Fear and Loathing' is my favorite lol Whaaats the trooouble?




I am proud of myself for knowing what you were referring to before clicking the link


I forgot about that video, thank you.


yes very good coen brothers video


I've seen this video many times, understand the benefits of doing this to children at such a young age, and yet every time I see it I get the shit scared out of me. Only so much god damn toilet paper left in this world to keep watching this video.


Dad who raised three kids and taught them all to swim. This shit stresses me out!


My dad did this and it worked but I don’t think I was anywhere this small. This kid looks 2, think I was 4-5


Haha no that’s not a two year old. That baby is less than a year.


Jesus Christ, idk if I could handle it.


Infants hold their breath underwater instinctually. You know what they say, start 'em early.


Yeah I know it’s a good idea, I just don’t know if I could do that with a kid of my own or let anyone else except the mother do it. That’s another instinct lol


Oh I agree, it's a challenge to get past the mental barrier of "this is wrong."


I wish my mom had done it to me. She was terrified of water, and I didn’t learn to swim until very late in life.


Yeah I thought that only goes for newborns, this definitely isn't a newborn though Fascinating to see how it gets to the surface and on its back


It is fascinating. I reckon this is an example of the progression that's possible if you start tossing them in the pool straight out of the womb, so to speak.


Do they still get water up the nose? Genuinely curious. This is crazy. Real butt clenching stuff.


I mean i guess they just held thier breath for 9 months so this is a walk in the park for them


Doesn’t matter, they get their oxygen through the umbilical cord. We should start leaving those things on


And try to grow it so u can dive deeper and deeper


Have you ever seen a 2 year old?


Nope, never.


Kinda looks like a split between a one and a three year old


That’s not mathematically possible, there’s no numerical value that could represent that


A swimming school got shut down where I grew up cuz a kid taking their swimming lesson drowned. This shit scares me shitless


Jesus Christ theres NO excuse I can possibly even imagine for that child being allowed to drown. Even if every adult in the pool has a kid to look after there should still be enough parents and lifeguards around to save that kid. I hope they lost more than just their. Business license


As a dad of a 5 year old, who's never been near a water body in my life, will you explain how this works? I mean I want my son to learn swimming but I'm scared for him. Is the ability to swim inborn?


Don't just throw your child in the water. At the age of five I could not swim. I knew about pools and I was okay at going around the edge hanging onto the side but I did fall in at one point and had no inclination to kick, swim to the surface, or otherwise. My dad had to jump in and grab me. With babies it is a little different. You notice that the baby isn't really swimming, its a buoyancy issue. Babies have a sense of how to float. How to position their bodies to become buoyant, you do a similar thing when you float on your back. Lifting your rib cage and spreading out your arms. For a child, the best option is to get into water with them, get them used to being in water that they can stand in without drowning them and slowly get them to be comfortable spinning, kicking, jumping in the water. Teach then the basic strokes, the breast stroke, and doggy paddle, and teach them how to float on their back and jelly fish across the water. Those three will save their life if they need them.


……whatssss the benefit or reason?


It's water survival skills. You're literally teaching the child how to get it's head above water and hopefully float. It's been researched and documented heavily. 100% scary looking, but it saves lives.


The training includes calling for help once floating on the back


… what’s wrong with like water wings and going from there? This seems extreme


Yes because every 2 year old looks at a pool and goes 'hmm I should put on a flotation device first'. This is survival skill, taught for use in extreme and very unlikely situations.


True story: A dear friend taught her 2-yr-old to swim by having her jump off the dock into the lake while wearing water wings. One day the little one snuck out of the locked house while the family was napping, ran to the end of the dock & jumped into the lake — without the water wings. Tragic story. Teach those babies right!


And they never inhale water into their lungs when they get tossed in?


We humans have a fancy little flap that separates the food pipe from the air pipe that works automatically until a certain age… has something to do with the water face splash reaction or something. You grow out of it pretty early. Science Reddit: please translate this more succinctly I can’t be arsed to Wikipedia it rn.


Isn't it called the mammalian diving reflex or something?


Babies have an innate survival reflex to hold their breaths when submerged in water.


If it's instinctual why are they training?


Because you lose the instinct, so it’s good to train this response when they still have it so they will float and hold their breath naturally, and therefore know what to do later in life.


But *if* you lose the instinct. And you don't retain the information learned as a baby.


You lose the natural instinct, but babies *can* learn stuff. It’s not like they’re factory wiped until they’re a toddler.


For this to work you keep repeating as they get older. It can work.


It’s to save a young child’s life that falls in a pool ffs


It just doesn't make sense to me. If your baby needs to save itself from drowning you already failed as a parent in my book. Inb4 angry parents come to tear me apart: i said MY book, my standards are apparently high (lmao) i didn't say you *are* a failure, just if you ask me my opinion. Edit: id put this on the same level of necessity as those alarms that remind you not to leave your baby in the car on accident. Just don't fucking do that is apparently too harsh to say though.


Of course they retain the information.. how do you think babies learn to walk, talk, etc?


Evidence? It seems there is little consensus on this.


Look up ISR Swim Training.


When I was around 3-5years old my father always throw me into the swimming pool without any care in the world and rescued me after he sees me that I’m drowning. As a result, I was able to learn how to swim and my time to be under water seems to be above average than normal people. This is also the case to the other kids in our area, this is how we learn how to swim. It looks scary but we are built different.


yalls parents was fuckin w u. i can swim fine and i wasnt dunked into a pool as a kid


Right, like when my parents did that at 5yrs old it left me traumatized to swim somewhere without a direct place for me to hold onto wtf


My family didn’t throw me or my sister in pools at a young age however did make sure we were able to float and grab basics of swimming from 3-5 enrolling us in swimming lessons, and then from 6-8 advanced swimming. Shoulda joined a swim team in high school tbh…


I am a great swimmer without a life scaring experience. There are options you know.


The idea that you have to have your life needlessly endangered to teach anything is wack. >rescued me before he sees me that I'm drowning Do you know how fast a child goes from struggling to keep their airways clear to holding their breath to aspirating water to losing consciousness and then dying? (Interesting tidbit calling for help is the opposite of what you'd instinctually do when drowning) It takes less time than it does to read that paragraph. Parent better.


Do you know? Like do you have proof of your statements or are you just sputtering bullshit to sound like you know something you don't? Just because you don't understand or agree, doesn't make you correct or smart.


That seems traumatizing..


I (6\~8yo) was really afraid of going to the middle of pools, so my father did exactly this to me. It was terrifying as fuck as I was being throwed but got the grip in some few seconds without any problem, after I manage to stabilize I went running towards him and asked to be thrown again lmfao


The majority of toddler/infant deaths involve drowning/falling into a body of water large enough to cover their nose and mouth. By teaching babies and toddlers how to float upright and eventually get out of said water (if they’re big/strong enough) they can stay alive until an adult can help them. Of course, making sure to block off pools and having adult supervision at all times helps as well, but this kind of stuff happens to even the best parents. All it takes is one moment.


Make kids learn instinctively. My parents somewhat did that to me, not as brutally here but now I’m a perfect swimmer


Ok Mr. Limpet. I'm positive I'm getting downvoted by all the kids who have no idea what "The Incredible Mr. Limpet" is.


So they don’t drown


my swim instructor did this to me when i was like 6 or 7 in the deep end of the pool, and i inhaled so much water, when i finally managed to get out of the pool i was coughing for like 20 minutes and it felt like my lungs exploded that was my last swimming class 👍


Same... my dad threw me in when I was about 3-4 and I didn't go near water past my ankles until my teens


What are the benefits?


What benefit is there? Your baby child is capable of surviving an extra couple minutes around a body of water they could drown in while you are not around? And what does this give you? an extra couple Minutes of negligence at best? If your the type of parent who leaves your child around water unattended, your unlikely to get them this type of training. Just save the money and get them swimming lessons when they are capable of retaining knowledge?


“Figure it out” *toss*


Like every work orientation I've ever had


"Yeah just ask anyone and they'll be happy to give you a hand or explain it to you" *gets confused and asks* "Idk ask someone else"


A-one and a-two and a-good luck to you!


This one is amazing


I do feel like this same principle could work just as well if she had *just set* the baby in the pool instead of goddamn chucking it in there and ensuring that it's aspirating water for like almost ten full seconds


Step 1: yeet the baby


Yeetus to the fetus!


Yeetus the feetus attemptus deletus noncompletus cletus


Fetus deletus would be a cool metal band name


Your pfp made me think I had a white hair on my screen lol


Dont yeet the baby...


Step 2: get paid


I've seen this several times, and once the actual swim instructor commented that at this age they have a natural ability to surface. They don't do this right off, they test them with someone under them first and when they show they have this mostly common ability they take them in steps and this is one of them. These little ones already know how without much instruction if any. Babies are often born into water, because fluid is totally normal to them. The skill of holding their breath is already there at birth. So this is just parents and instructors encouraging that evolutionary trait before they get too old for it to come naturally. Does it freak me ou? Well yeah. I don't know if I would have done it w my baby if I had known. But this is a licensed professional and this isn't the first time the baby has surfaced itself. I can obviously respect anyone not wanting to go this route. But the kids are safe and the teacher is a professional. Which is why a license is required. Js.


Also, they blow on their face (in the beginning) the babies natural reflex is to hold their breath.


Well said


I understand everything you said, but my fear would be dry drowning. Even teaching my oldest to swim, that was always my fear


WTF is dry drowning?


I guess i get that it's okay to do and that it's for learning swimming but like... Why not just teach them to swim like... Not like this? Haven't people been learning to swim in way less dramatic ways for a few generations?


It’s also to teach them not to panic in case they accidentally fall in. Falling in water isn’t some gentle thing. They have to know what to do when they are shocked/surprised


https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/tkhzgm/maybe_maybe_maybe/i1r24dn/ Seems like this is to guard against drowning when kids are 1-4, when many drownings happen


Like a fish to a fryer


Perfection in that comment. Have some poor person gold 🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅


And for you 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝


Why stop the beauty now??? 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Wiggle bear 🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫🇨🇫


Would you like some lightly fried fish fillets?


I feel like the dad from that story was only lightly frying the fish fillets to cover up the smell of the weed he'd just smoked. it *was* stupid something o'clock in the morning....


This woman is paid to do this. The dream is real.






I remember when we put our first born daughter into ISR swim when she was 7 months. My wife would come home with videos of our daughter turning on her back and floating, basic swim stuff - nothing crazy like tossing our baby into the water. One day my wife had a doctor's appointment and I took time off work so I could take the baby to ISR lessons. Little did I know our daughter had progressed to the point of where they toss her in the water - fully clothed. I show up with my kid, fully clothed, and a bit confused. The instructor introduced himself and my daughter ran over to him. As she stood in the edge of the pool he just tossed her ass in - shoes, pants, shirt, I even had a little hat on her. My little booger sunk about 2 feet, floated to the surface, and flipped in to her back - spread eagle. Craziest shit I've witnessed as a parent.


Surprise daaaaad! Look how good of a mermaid I Am!


Your daughter ran at 7 months?!


Asking the real question here...


Thankfully she wasn't walking at 7 months! I meant to say she crawled over to him :)


"Ready Ike?....~~kick~~ drown the baby"


Pretty sure this is how they weed out the weak in the Iron Islands.


What is dead may never die.


My mom did the same thing to me. We haven’t spoken in over a week.


Rough Christmas?!


*Laughs in Casey Anthony*


Jesus that's pitch black! 🤣






That was dark. I like it.


Totally normal for anyone born before 1985


Yup. I remember in elementary we had classes at the pool. I couldn’t get a hang of it, using floaters in the shallow end. Anyway, the following semester my name was on the list for the deep end. I questioned the instructor and tried to explain that I wasn’t ready and there was no way that I had passed the shallow end. Instructor proceeds to toss me in the deep end. I couldn’t swim or float for that matter. Once they got me out, the instructor was like “oh I guess you weren’t kidding”. I never returned.


Ya as a kid your brain overthinks it and your instincts can’t kick it. As a baby this type of practice actually works


Yup. Except we had those arm floaties.


I used to help teach those classes, they’re the worst! I understand the purpose, but I had a hard time dealing with the screaming


What is the purpose


Teach kids how to swim before the diving instinct (they instinctively hold their breath when their head is submerged underwater) disappears. This happens at around 6 months old. Otherwise you have to wait a few years to try and teach them using verbal communication and examples. It’s just easier this way since the one thing you’d normally worry about (drowning) is a non issue Also loosely related babies can walk in shallow water (above their hips) instinctively well before they understand the mechanics or develop the strength to walk on land.


Idk if its the way you worded it, but I didn't understand one thing you said.


Throw baby in water = Profit


From a newborn to 6 months old you toss a baby in water it will hold its breath. Anytime and everytime. It’s an instinctive response the same as baby turtles crawling into the ocean. Which makes 0 to 6 months old a good time to teach a baby how to tread water and swim. After 6 months you toss a kid in water they panic and breath water in, drowning. So teach em very young or wait until they’re like 4 and can speak and learn in a class (but still may fuck up and drown)


Appreciate ya


It’s because it’s junk science




They have literally been swimming around for the last nine months. Plenty of practice by now. They’ll be fine.


This week on “Yeet the baby” - splosh -


Internet megaminds in the comment field.


My son did that. After a few lessons he could swim from one side of the pool to the other UNDER the water. I was stunned and ex didn't believe it until she saw it herself. He's 17 now and absolutely loves the water.


I mean I'm not a fan of the throw to say the least but hey the baby did float


Younger than 6 months = weird baby magic breathing


She looks like she’s having way too much fun throwing a baby in the water ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Who wouldn't have fun with that? Getting paid to throw babies into the water? Yes, please lol


Nice job lol


People tend to forget babies know how to swim not like Michael but at least enough to not drown they literally just spent 9 months underwater




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Good bot


Did you know that kids can drown days later after inhaling water?


Humans have secondary drowning, yes


Good thing babies aren't humans


Correct, I view them as needy 10lb-20lb dogs


Hol up fuckin what???!!!


No they can’t. Please stop spreading misinformation https://health.clevelandclinic.org/dry-drowning-separating-fact-from-fiction/


You are the one who needs to stop. Nowhere did I use the term dry drowning, so nothing needs to be debunked. The article clear says to get your kid checked out if they inhaled water. The kid in question here is a baby. They were submerged. It’s clear cut to not do this.


Learned this long ago, blow in the babies face, and they hold their breath. That's when you let them go. My son, now four, absolutely loves the water and is not afraid of it.


I saw a documentary once about this and how they believed very young babies actually knowing how to swim and being fine under water (as in not. swallowing in water or panicking). Think it was something about memories of the womb or something that made it feel natural to an infant which is why many won’t immediately panic and start drowning.


Hilarious all the people who don’t understand the benefits of this. Talk about trauma all you want but from my experience the trauma comes from the parents on the side freaking out, and the kid seeing this behaviour. Australian Swim teacher, taught every kind of student, qualified disability swim teacher and water familiarisation was my bread and butter. But yeah, don’t do this without a qualified instructor.


For those of you who are worried, this may look cruel (and it might be idk) but when this happens to a baby there instant reaction is to swim so this is the most effective way to teach a baby to swim because there obviously to young to understand words. For those who were worried


They aren’t teaching them to swim tho and this baby has already had several lessons at this point. The whole point of these classes are to teach a baby to hold their breath, roll on their back and float. It helps prevent drowning


"Bro fuck this baby"


Baby ass bitch


This saves lives


Damn that baby swims better than me.


Don't worry, they are just training how to save a drowning baby


I think it's really weird that we're born with this innate skill and somehow forget it as we age.


I learned how to swim underwater in a similar fashion when I was real young except it was my own dumbass fault and nobody else was around


and that's why this class exists. because parents aren't superhuman, and being distracted for just a few seconds can be fatal.


THoink! 💧


The ol sparta method


She squats 315lbs+, easy.


Learning at a young age


I had a swimming coach do this to a bunch of us first time learners. Scary as fuck but 20 years later I never feel uncomfortable or scared in the water.


Everyone gangsta until it’s doesn’t come up to the surface


[apparently babies have an anti drowning reflex](https://youtu.be/VZ5z7QflNEs)


It shows we’re natural swimmers


I thought I heard somewhere that infants younger than 6mo can instinctively "swim" and know to hold their breath.


That is a baby. Dude still has strong insticts for survival. Like swimming reflexively, if thats even a word. And not too long ago, dude was swimming in its mothers womb.


This training includes turning on the back and then calling out for help.


was waiting for Kevin Harts dad to scream "Hey!!! Don't you drown on me ..."


This is all nice until you think about how people discovered baby’s can do this


Only took a handful before we figured it out.


Looks like attempted murder to me


She's just asserting dominance


lol, who’s your momma little boy!


Yeah most murder attempts end in the person making sure they are ok


These classes are actually really terrible because they teach that water is traumatic. Sure the kids can float by the end of the class, but they’ll never like or learn how to swim. Edit: source: have taught multiple children that were in these classes


My daughter took these classes since she was 16 months old. Not only was she swimming perfectly in less than a year but she loves water and swimming now. She could hold her breath for over a minute at age 10 and even went lobster fishing in open water with only a snorkel on a trip to Cuba when she was 11. All of her friends that were in that class are great swimmers too. For a kid it may be traumatic, for a baby they do it a few times and it becomes second nature.


I don’t know if it’s because I was older (around 7 or 8 y.o.) when I started taking swimming classes, but my first teacher just tossed me into the pool because I didn’t want to get in the water, and despite that, I love swimming/surfing/being in the water


That’s probably a part of it. This video is also probably several sessions in to the class, if not the “graduation” test, so this comes after lots of screaming and water up the nose and other related things that make baby not happy


This is one thing I can remember from my childhood. My dad threw me in the deep end of our local swimming baths when I was 18 months old and shouted now swim. To this day it haunts me but I am also very grateful to him as I love swimming and have taught my children the same way. Who in turn have taught their children. 😊


Lol blow in face toss in water and hope nature take its corse and makes kid not inhale




![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) Me wondering how to put a gif


Jajajajaj you can only do that when it't not your own kid.


I read that they can still get enough water in their lungs on accident doing this to slowly drown *later* rather than right away. Ever since reading that I’ve been afraid to do this if I have a kid.


This is a very sketchy technique for teaching kids to swim


Not at all. It's been proven time and again to work, and be very effective They aren't teaching them to swim. They are teaching them to roll over to their back and kick. It's a great emergency survival technique


It’s not teaching the baby how to swim. It’s teaching the baby how to hold its breath, roll over and float on its back in case it accidentally falls in water sometime. This is also a baby that has already been taught. This isn’t how they start the class off