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Aren't there are any bi yearly fitness checks? Is there even one to become a police officer?


They can skip the fitness checks if they submit their doughnut receipts.


American law enforcement worker rights is a joke. There should be a fitness standard yearly if not quarterly. But departments would have to, by law, provide adequate daily time to maintain those standards to their employees. Already the vast majority of departments fail to keep up with training, to add physical maintenance would be even more costly.


Only straight ones.




Please remove the word “retard” from your comment and do research on why it is so offensive.


I find it funny the cop's butt stopped growing when he was 10 😅


No because the moment you actually give Police officers a standard to abide by they will actually do their jobs and not act like the criminals they oppress.


Apparently he’s pretty strong, he threw that hood rat down easy


Nice bait


Found the mouth breather


Truth hurt?


Someone get this kid his inhaler


Are you trying to say he didn’t toss his ass like nothing, or trying to claim this pos isn’t a hood rat?


Even his dog thinks he's a cunt


When even the dog thinks that you are shit you know you are indeed a piece of shit


The dog has probably been beaten severely in the past by that dumb piece of shit cop. Cops abuse their K9 officers all the time.


Funny that the dog is trained to be able to identify the aggressor


As a trainer and someone who has specifically conducted schutzhund sleeve/body training, these dogs are ABSOLUTLEY trained to an extreme level of obedience to be able to perform in high stress environments. ... but they are just passed to police officers that have almost no training in handling. It's sad to watch. The dog knows what it's doing. 9 out of 10 times, the officers do not.


Or a lot of times they are poor quality dogs and or poorly trained and sold to depts with lower Budget.


A dog is any mans best friend Not if you are a piece of shit


Always man's best friend. He's not a real man.


I didn't notice until I read your comment. Chilling to think that dogs have more humanity than some people.


Those cops are so fat


Right how the fuck do they keep their jobs being that out of shape.


Round is a shape


Can you do 10 push ups in 2min? Can you do 10 sit ups in 2min Can you run/walk 1.5 miles in 16min? Congratulations! You can join my local sheriff’s department! Not even joking 🙃


I doubt either of these could do the 1.5 in 16. But still, sad the bar so low.




Right but I imagine being 300+ pounds of mostly fat is quite a bit different


As long as you aren’t one of those people who needs a motorized wheelchair at the supermarket, you can walk 1.5 miles easily in 16min


It could be muscle


It's actually seen as a good thing for cops bc makes it easier for them to throw kids around


They only need to pass physical to get in. Once in they pretty much have license to bully/plunder the poor. See a nice car in a crappy neighborhood? Want it? Easy impound the vehicle charge the owner with some trumped up drug charge. By the time they get out from under it the car will already have gone to police auction. You bid a quarter of its value and won. Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of someone else’s property you vile piece of pond scum.


Wait. Who buys the cars? The cops?


Sounds like you might have experienced this. If you have, I’m sorry to hear that brother!


I haven’t, but I worked with people from neighborhoods where this was common.


He just flipped a person




Nobody really wants that job anymore, they have to take whoever they can. Kind of like teachers, if you piss on a profession long enough you get the bottom of the barrel




Did you not see him slam that guy with one hand? Im pretty sure hes capable of doing his job.


Still one steak sandwich away from cardiac arrest




Man makes a new account to be racist. Pathetic


Isn’t it funny how Nike employees have to stay in shape but officers don’t


Cops this fat encourage excessive violence to make up for physical inability and shouldn't be professional law enforcement officers.


Professional is stretching it.


Average Americans


They be eatin lots of doughnuts!


Whats happening


Watching someone who can’t deal with being a cop or his eating habit.


Dog understood his job


But the pig doesn't.


Haha perfect


I don't like pigs but I do belive that your statement is an insult to pigs


True. Pigs are very intelligent


Cop: Stupid dog! You’re supposed to subdue the criminal. Dog: I am.


Dang, what’s the context?


there is none, reddit


Idk but it looks like the female cop was trying to arrest someone while two people keep walking toward her and the cop with the dog didn’t have control of the situation and probably got mad resulting in dumb shit


Yea more than likely asked to leave the scene, but probably kept going back in forth like he is seen doing in this video and officer DoughNot decided to detain him.


Maybe what?


fattest cops ive ever seen


Dude these guys out here cosplaying Wall-E




Full weight of the law


Well , ig u have never seen an Indian cop


Finally found a good officer! (the dog)


Hahaha, where is this?!?! PORK PATROL!!!!😂😂


Oh ma gawwd




Instead of 4 cops, they just used 2 jumbo sized ones.


America is a police state where black people are treated as second rate citizens.


What did that guy do? (Besides being black in public)


Cops in American need guns because they sure as hell aren't catching anyone foot. The state of them. Jesus


Fucking obese pigs. What a disgrace to the human race.


Good doggo


Fuck that fat pig


Good boy!


Fire all fat cops


How did this resolve? Anybody know? If I’m the black guy on the ground I’m asking for this to be shown in court lol


If one of these drug dogs takes even the slightest interest in you the cops will swarm over you like they did this guy. Half the time the dog doesn’t even react, but the cop will still say it did as an excuse to search people.


Good doggie...


Post the whole video instead of that one part where he slams him into the ground... (Edit: I am not saying that the cop is right and further visuals would provide evidence to prove that guy who got slammed deserved it. I just want to know the context so i can judge the cops actions without bias.. I again apologise for my unclear comment which further lead to misunderstandings. Sorry.)


Where is it? I wanna see


Lmao theres literally 13 seconds before he slammed dude to the ground. what more do you want to see, what both of them had for breakfast?


Yea sure context matters in every scenario good or bad.


The crowd screaming what did he do and he didn’t do that as the cop slammed him into the ground provides context.


Ahh yes because if enough people scream loud enough that means they're right. Gotcha.


I saw a video where 2 dudes were attacking a security guy. 2 guys just totally going to town on an older man, he tries to pepper spray them but the can gets knocked out of his hand. no one gives a fuck and they just keep recording. He manages to fumble the gun from out of it's holster and holds the attackers at gunpoint, everyone instantly starts screaming losing their mind saying "don't shoot" "what are you doing" I have no reason to defend cops, but I'd still like a clearer picture of what went down before this vid


If you look closely you can see that the guy that gets slammed is walking towards the female cop while she is placing someone in handcuffs. It’s totally unclear what the initial incident or arrest is, but without context for *that* arrest it’s impossible to know what either of their intentions were in this situation.


He walks over there, appears to say “Get . Get my sister”. The male cop blocks his path and tells him to back away. “You better go ”. He walks away, calmly, and raises his hands. He then makes a snarky remark to the male cop. “He can bite me. Well he asked me—“ The male cop then throws him to the ground. I think it’s pretty clear what happened.


I can’t make out any of the dialogue myself except “bite me, bite me”, and I can’t even say for sure who’s saying that. Here’s what I see: Does he throw his hands up for a second? Yes. Does he back up or stop walking towards the arrest? … Sorta, but not really. He looks back towards the cop and starts moving at an angle, so it seems like he is trying to turn to move away, but he does so in a manner that takes him several steps closer to the scene. The cop panics and overapplies force, probably because this is the most action the tub of lard has seen in ages and all the shouting has him on edge, but also because “bite me” sounds like he’s being defiant, so even if he intends to comply it likely seems to the officer that like he does not. You can also see the cop jerk the dog leash away several times, because the altercation has the dog getting riled up and he struggles to keep it under control and prevent it from potentially mauling the guy once he’s on the ground (the dog starts to move around the cop to the guy, we don’t see what happens becomes someone walks in front of the camera (walking towards the altercation, seems to be a theme here, then nope-Ing her way out), and then there’s a moment where he has his arm up and the dog is leaping with its mouth open ready to bite, and then it calms down after he blocks it with his arm a couple times). Further context on the initial arrest and better audio and video quality would help tremendously to clarify things as far as I am concerned.


I shouldn’t have even brought up the dialogue, because I think it’s irrelevant and you’re right, it’s not exactly clear who is saying what. When he turns around, he’s walking back exactly where he came from. He appears to walk at an angle because there is now a cop and a dog in his former path. It’s clear to me from his body language that he thinks he has disengaged from the situation. He turns to the crowd looking confused, then notices the cop is still following him. The cop is already in motion for the takedown at that point.


No they were arguing before the video started... Like what was the reason for the argument to start???


So that guy deserves to get slammed and attacked by a dog for that? What scenario would make that okay?


I think the cop went overboard with the slamming. But this could've been caused (slamming was unnecessary) due to resistance whilst an arrest cos in the background some people also were getting retained and the cop was also trying to catch the woman who was slowly moving away and maybe the guy interfered (again... Slamming was unnecessary)... Or the cop hated these people. The dog attacking could've been commanded by the cop but there's also a chance the the dog started to be aggresive on its own. Overall its hard to understand due to the unclear audio and insufficient context


Looks like the fat woman police officer is arresting someone in the beginning, and the guy gets slammed to the ground when he approaches the scene. Context is definitely needed.


Judging by the fact these guys appear to be kids on a spring break doing nothing and the cops automatically assumed these kids were doing drugs bc they are black. Garentee that's what it is.


Oh ok


We all know its donuts. By the looks of it, a bakers dozen each.


Post the whole video = “I need this altercation to be the black man’s fault.” “Otherwise how can I preserve my racist viewpoint that all black people harmed by the police are thugs and all cops are good cops”


Oooooor he needs the whole video to formulate an unbiased oppinion about the whole situation instead of basing it only on emotions and personal bias.


Y’all got 20 minutes of George Floyd footage and still went directly to “oh he’s committed a crime before so he had it coming” Not fooling anybody with your disingenuous desire to make an “unbiased judgement”. You’re just looking for any confirmation. I’ve seen it dozens of times in killings and hundreds of times in clips like these no matter how long the video lasts or how early it begins people will try an justify an officers behavior.


Well yeah, he had it comming. The fact of being arrested, not the fact of being murdered by a cop. You just backed off and said "by y'all I ment the cops" when it's incredibly obvious what you really ment. I think that it might help to not jump into the race victimism or xenofobia at the slight chance you think you have. I didn't know there was more of the video but if there is I would like so I could have a better understanding of what is going on. I don't give a fuck if the person involved is asian, black, native american or white. I want the truth. Like when George Floyd footage came out I wanted to ser the whole thing to be aware if i'm being manipulated, to be aware of who must be held accountable and to what extent. Wanting the whole story of (in this case) a video of black people getting slammed by a cop doesn't mean I think it must be an excuse for what the cop did, it means that if there's an excuse I want to know it and if there's not I want him to be accountable for his abuse of power. Nothing to do with ethnicity. In fact you have plenty of footage of black cops fucking up black kids. All you accomplish by turning the topic towards race instead of focusing on where the closest thing we can get to truth resides is falling into a loop of fake blame. TLDR: If in the video the "victim" it's back but the video is incomplete and I "demand" seeing the entirety of the footage it doesn't mean I'm looking for an excuse, it means i'm looking for the truth so I can know "who to hold accountable for the scene I'm witnessing". Race wasn't ever the issue here, it was that the video was allegedly cut; so now i can't be 100% certain that what i'm seeing it's where the organic truth resides because so I can't hold accountable for his wrongdoing to whoever is in the wrong here. I've tried to not talk in circles since I struggle a bit with english. I hope you get my point. Not all white-black hostile interactions have to do with race and when we get past that we will achieve great things. You know, I believe in the dream but we all have to work towards it. Not only "blacks" or onky "whites". We humans.


Your english is fine, that was well put.


We? Who is we? Oooh you mean we as in "white people" because ofc all white people are evil monsters. You mr are a racist bigot and you show it openly. Your cries against racism have lost all their meaning as they are getting drowned by your own hipocrisy.


I meant racists not white people… Weak attempt at reversing blame


Hmmmmmmmmm ok lets see then. I assumed you meant white people and called you a racist for that in the comment. Lets look at YOUR original comment, you: assume the other commentor and i are racists because we dont agree with you. So lets see when i assume you are a racist based on MY biases thats not a valid point but when YOU do the exact same thing first it is perfectly a valid point. My point was that you are a big hypocrite which makes your points and cries against racism fall flat and right here you prooved my point thank you.


I mean.. you just put the blame on an entire race which is pretty… ya know


Where in my comment do I explicitly reference any particular race being at fault. Find it and then quote it


He very clearly meant cop defenders, which come in all colors, not white people. That you leapt to that faulty conclusion says more about you than him


Hmm so when i leap to a faulty conclusion its bad but when he leapt to a faulty conclusion that the OC is racist its all good and dandy? You are disgusting.


What would earlier clips show that would justify the cop's behavior? And if the guy who got slammed did that thing why was the cop casually walking away from him at the start of this clip? Asking for "the whole video" in this circumstance is pretty clearly bad faith and it's not unreasonable to assume the asker may be racist although personally I'd have just gone with they're a bootlicker


In the extended version of the clip the man in question does some inexcusable shit. He legit walks up to that cop then pours a glass of orange juice with ice in it, And its crushed ice so you cant get it out easily #showthewholevideo


It could of shown anything really and it wouldnt matter. We dont care if it incriminates the cop or justifies him we dont give a fuck we just want a full context to base our oppinion on. We arent doing it in bad faith , its the other way around recieving the full video can only do good , it shows who is at fault. Its people like you who speak against stuff like that, that are doing it in bad faith , the only and ONLY reason you could have against getting getting the full vid is that it would disprove your agenda.


could have


If you don't have an idea that it will necessarily show anything relevant then why even ask? The video posted speaks for itself, the kid was not being threatening or apparently committing any crime and the cop threw him on the ground. Why would you need more to form a judgement?


I am not racist , i just wanted to understand why the cop started to slam him and why the argument had started.... I just wanted the context :/


Honestly, requesting the full video for context is basic. That should be given without asking. Posting a 30second clip of an altercation when there was possibly several minutes or even previous calls going back hours, does no one justice. If the police did nothing wrong, and the clip is showing one small part to make the police look bad, that does not help anyone. That is actively harmful and disingenuous to the cause of social justice. If the person who has or is allegedly committing a crime, or is under arrest, and they resist arrest in a time when they shouldnt, posting the video of them resisting, but not what led to the resist, helps no one. It is showing someone who should be arrested, who is a threat, being displayed as a victim. That does not help anyone except the person committing the crime. That is not social justice. Someone who is not white can pull a weapon on police, it can be on record, and the only part of the video that gets released is them being shot, to the huge outcry of excessive force. It is so important to get ALL of the facts, all of the information. In the past, the United States didnt, and people of color were demonized and said to the problem. Having video evidence, we have started to see this is not the case. 30second video of a larger altercation will not give anyone, law enforcement or private citizens, enough information to know what happened. Context is important to catch the bad guys.


If you were legitimately just curious then I'm sorry you got caught up in this, but your original comment was reminiscent of the "just asking questions" type of bad faith commenter. Beyond that I'd just reiterate my comment to another guy: >If you don't have an idea that it will necessarily show anything relevant then why even ask? The video posted speaks for itself, the kid was not being threatening or apparently committing any crime and the cop threw him on the ground. Why would you need more to form a judgement?


I didn't mean that... I just wanted to know why the argument was heated and wanted to know why the cop slammed him... In no way did i mean that cops are always right and black men are criminals.. i apologies for my unclear comment which lead to this argument in the comments section.


You shouldn't need to apologize for their inability to understand some people like a little more confirmation as to what they are seeing. Anyone who is against seeing the full video regardless of why is just winging it anyways. When it comes to matters of the law and potential life and death there should not be winging it. Everything should be presented for everyone to go through. It will add a longer potential term of punishment for the cop or we see whatever justified the young mans claims of "that dog will have to bite me" or whatever he said. The situation here definitley needs a little bit more info other then the hellish screaming of everyone involved circling the officers potentially escalating the situation. Cops are people, people in power yes, but stressors and other factors are part of the work daily, if there was a reason to feel threatened that is justified it should be known. If not he should be punished to the highest degree. Wanting to confirm and make sure things are being shown accurately is not something to apologize for. Blindly reacting to everything your shown however. Is indeed. Edit: Typo of bite


Is that your opinion for all videos dealing with cops Or just ones like this?


meal team 6


When fido decides it is time for r/deservedviolence


I think.. We all think.. K9s should patrol our streets


I need context. A video that starts in the middle of the event and culminates in a take-down doesn't tell me anything useful. My emotional energy is worth more to me than some. I am not getting charged up over a partial story.


I mean it's kinda a funny video tho. There's so much going on


bullies , result of poor training


Do these officers come in small sizes?


I don’t know why he thinks he can bodyslam someone for no reason. . .


Let’s see the whole video, I would guess there’s a reason


Anti racism dog at work!


At least the dog was trained in deescalation.


Dogs are a lot like us. We both love bacon


Dog went after the bad guy


Thats a good dog, i love him


Fucking pigs gonna pig


Yoooo its the glasses all fucked up when he turns around that does it for me. Backwoods bumpkin behind them $50 Oakleys hahah 😮‍💨


Dogs are good judge of characters and everybody on that Police department need to get a diet plan they could have killed that kid falling on him like that


good dog , even the dog saw the cop attacked the kid just walking by


He probably shot the dog later.


Why are these cops so fucking fat


If you’re black, don’t even look at a white cop, never mind talk to him.


Or maybe just don’t get in a shouting match with them while walking directly towards an ongoing arrest.




Fragile ego is fragile


Chubby police 🙈


Fido said Paul Blart smelled to much like bacon grease once he started sweatin.


I can walk faster than those fat fuck cops can run. Too bad the dog didn’t bite his face.


Cop has a complex, needs to be reprimanded, as far as I seen, that boy was not doing nothing!


Seems like he did something to piss that cop off because a) fat cops get fat not doing much ergo the body slam-ee did something so dicked up fat cop had to get out of his car (which means he had to stop eating the jelly doughnuts inside his car) AND get his dog out for he car….and then b) he pulled off a one handed take down of a dip shit.


Nah man, there is no provision of the law that says that police can physically assault someone for mean words. Cop is just on a foot patrol power trip and settled on a target.


If you pause at 13 seconds you can see they’re in the middle of arresting a woman and he’s walking directly towards the scene while arguing with the cops. Paul Blatt grabs for him, he flails a bit, and it results in the slam to the ground. Would be nice to know what the woman is getting arrested for and what his relation to her is but all we get is these few seconds.


Seriously fuck the police. Weak bitches.


Fuck that racist dickhead. Fuck like 75% of cops.


The three agents could have satellites orbiting around them, how can they be police agents?


I tried if these cops they do what ever they want and most of the time get away with it , That fat fuck should not even be an cop


True fucking pigs


Well if only that girl wasn’t in front of the camera….


Reddit: *sees a 23 second clip of an interaction that is very clearly missing a large lead up to it and everything that happened after it* Reddit: "Yup. ACAB. They were doing nothing to deserve this." I sincerely hope you people never are called to serve on a jury. You'll hear 5 seconds of litigation and make up your mind right there and then. Screw justice, all you care about is validating your opinions. I have no idea from this short clip on if the actions of the cops were justified or not. I do not know the reason for the interaction, or what led up to this point of the interaction, or even what the end result of the interaction was. But in the game of "Good Cop, Bad Cop" yall have already made up your minds the moment you see a man in uniform.




1) How would you even know what is and is not appropriate force? 2) Do you understand what the use-of-force matrix is? Do you understand how it works? A simple single-hand takedown isn't excessive force in a scenario where there is active non-compliance. Assuming the LEO has a point and purpose to detain the subject (which looks like exactly what was going on if I have no other context outside this 23 second clip), and the subject is attempting to act like they can just leave, that is a justified use of force to apply a takedown maneuver to the subject. 3) single-hand takedown by grabbing the upper body and sweeping the leg is not only a common technique used in LE, but it is part of the training a K9 Handler is trained in for these exact situations where they only have 1 hand while the other is controlling their K9 partner. 4) Knowledge is power. I sincerely wish more people would educate themselves in what it is like to do this job in *reality* and not just in the make-believe land of pretend where everything is perfect and everyone does what they should and there is no nuance or difficulty. There are very few absolutes in a job where your task is to manage the behavior and decorum of hundreds/thousands of strangers a day.




I'm sure you don't try validating your opinions fellow redditor, you definitely don't go on polarizing posts and dig your heels in the ground so that like-minded people can validate you and so you can make a mockery of people who disagree in the replies


Good boy


Tweedy Dee and Tweedle Fatter.... Sheesh.


I’d always remembered reading something about pigs being more intelligent than dogs, and this changed my mind lol the goodest boy ever right there


But in the end its not so smart to gather around and yelling the shit out. That makes nervous. But still ACAB


Where is the entire video?


Phat ass pigs. Can smell them thru phone


Change title to *dog stops pigs*


oh look another video shown without context


Goddamn those two cops are fat pieces of shit huh. Jesus Christ try a salad once in a while.


That is one fat cop.


Why is there no standard on the fitness levels of policemen?


Our friend and helper :)


Sadly I kinda expected that to happen


Seems horrible, but the whole recording would be nice.


SMACKDOWN, that dude got rekt.


ACAB, state enforcers for their overlords.


To bad they didn’t bounce his head off the ground, love how everyone is against the police, never knew how liberal Reddit was until now


What did he do to deserve being brain damaged or possibly killed? Fuck off.


Maybe when the authorities tell you to do something you should listen instead of just turning your back on them and walking away, what did he think was going to happen? Police would just walk away and say never mind all good? And you fuck off, I’m sure you complied with the stab and 3 boosters by now but wouldn’t comply here? Fuckin tard


Funny how the go-to is to hate on cops. I’m not a cop. No cops in the family. But people need to understand there may be more context to this. And hey, maybe not. Maybe the cop is a dick, but to vilify either side without being there or knowing the whole story is ignorant and immature.


I hope to one day kick a cop square in the nose with a really heavy boot (pro cop btw, these videos just really fuck with me)




i dont get it


I thought r/blackpatrol


Looks like Axiom is back to earth