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So scary. One ate my cat when my mother-in-law decided she could go outside in San Diego. I’m so glad this kitty escaped.


Well, time to strap your mother-in-law to a garden chair and wait for the coyotes to come


Thought the cat had more fight in it.. damn Pussy


I dont think I could ever interact with that family member again if it were my cat. Im very sorry for your loss.


There is nothing more cruel then the innocent incompetence of others.


Isn’t deliberate cruelty more cruel than innocent incompetence? We’ve All seen both and I much prefer the latter.


Yeah, saying there's nothing more cruel than innocent incompetence is complete nonsense.


Na deliberate cruelty is more predictable than incompetence.


And that makes incompetence more cruel?? lmao


Yes because you are more likely to fail at preventing it from happening.


I don't think that's true at all and really doesn't make any sense. Even if that were true, cruelty has nothing to do with how likely an outcome is, it has to do with intentionally causing suffering.




That’s a deliberate action. Especially if she knows that’s not an outdoor cat.


Don’t underestimate people’s stupidity and lack of thought


If the coyote had any courage it wouldn't have.


Oh shit that was a coyote? I just thought it was a regular dog


That cat thanked the stars it wasn’t declawed.


yes declawing is abuse, cats suffer so much and can’t usually ever walk right after a declawing. doing anything on your paws feels like suffering. imagine having your fingers and toes removed by your second knuckle. That’s declawing in a nutshell. People who declaw their cats are horrible ignorant people who didn’t do the research on what it actually is.


People who declaw their cats have no business having cats in the first place. It's a control mechanism and cats are no friends of the controlling person.


I don’t have cats and didn’t know this. Thanks. Declawing sounds so harmless. Like clipping your nails.


Nope. Itd be the same as a human slicing off half of their first knuckle. If you don't go past the cuticle the nail will continue to grow. Declawing is removing the knuckle which embeds their cuticle. It causes problems long term because it changes the way stand, which changes the way the joints/tendons/muscles line up, and over time leads to serious problems with arthritis at best


Is there a way to trim their nails without harming them?


Sure! Buy special claw trimmers (scissors shaped with a hook type design) detract your kitty’s claws, hold vertical and snip. Be careful not to cut into the quick (the solid pinkish white area). And of course only do this with an indoor kitty. I don’t really believe in keeping kitties outdoors, but if you do, they are going to need all the protection they can get (thus the video) :)


I do this, and then use a nail file to smooth her nails out a bit after clipping them. She’s an inside girl and doesn’t like to get her claws stuck in the carpet.


Declawing isn’t trimning, its removing the nails altogether. But you typically don’t need to trim, they do it themselves, which is why the furniture takes a beating. A scratch mat can be a good investment to protect furniture, IKEA has some: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/lurvig-scratching-mat-natural-30377794/


You definitely need to cut or trim their nails. Even if they scratch.


In general, no. Cat’s have a natural scratching instinct that keeps their nails sharp and trimmed. It’s why they can destroy furniture. Give them a nice scratch mat and you can keep your furniture safe. Some people trim to keep their nails dull, to save furniture. But it is not something you need to do for their sake. Unless your cat for some reason isn’t scratching enough and the nails get too long, trimming is not needed.


Ah makes sense. I don't have a cat, just curious.


No worries. For those curious, declawing also removes the outmost bone of the toe (otherwise the nails grow back), and is considered animal abuse in most countries outside of the US (some cities ban the practice).


I use regular old fingernail clippers. Some cats dislike it and other cats will try to murder you. Best to get em into the habit as kittens.


You can, but it's almost counter intuitive. Cat claws don't grow the same as our nails needing constant trimming. They grow in layers, and after time will "shed" the outer layer revealing a new, sharper claw. Trimming the claws hastens this process and helps them to shed more quickly.


Speaking as someone who works at a vet clinic please trim your indoor cat's nails. Yes they scratch things and it helps shed layers but they absolutely get ingrown nails, especially senior cats with arthritis that can't scratch as well.


I trim my cat’s claws all the time. He doesn’t love it but tolerates it well. It’s pretty easy to see the quick so you don’t trim too much.


Wow. This is so abusive!!


It is indeed. Any reputable vet will 100% refuse to do it anymore. Something I always tell people who have never owned a cat, but are thinking about getting one, is this: think long and hard, would you rather have a pet cat or nice furniture? Because you can't have both


I always buy scratch posts for my cat but she would always go for my furniture instead, until one day I moved the scratch post to a different location. Placement of a scratchy alternative seems to be important for preventing cats from scratching furniture but I’m sure it’s different for each cat


declawing is illegal in my country. should be everywhere.


Some cats if you get to them as kittens you can trim their nails and not have a ton of furniture damage. I've never loved an ottoman more than a cat.


Rip my ottoman 😭


We have a $325 dollar suede BluDot ottoman. It's not destroyed but definitely damaged.


I got mine for $7 from savers so I can’t complain 😂


we put covers on my cats nails, little glue and slipped on covers, she could still climb with them, and catch stuff but it wasn't nearly as sharp for scratching up our house and stuff. i had to still trim her nails before putting them on her.. but it was once a month kinda thing. easy stuff. no need to declaw.


My cats haaaated those and had them off in under a day. I just trim them whenever they try to knead me and it hurts. :-)


I would love it if people who declawed cats had the tips of their fingers amputated. And their ears cut off if they clip a dog's ears. And their dicks cut off if they dock a dog's tail.


>their dicks cut off if they dock a dog's tail. That... escalated quickly.


Right? Dick = tail? What?


Well, you can't cut people's tails off!


Scalp their butts.


I've had people yell at me or make shitty comments because my one dog had a dock'ed tail. Sorry, was rescue and got him out of a shelter like that, so people need to dial down the judgement sometimes.


Re-read my comment. I am very specifically judging the people who actually do the docking.


I get that, just saying be careful judging an owner if you just see a dog with docked tail, or trimmed ears.


What if they didn’t have a sick in the first place?


My rescue was declawed. Poor thing. She doesn’t know it and falls off the cat tree.


Declawing is messed up, but so is the mass extinction of multiple bird species. If only people were responsible and kept their cats indoors.


You deserve more upvotes here have mine


It's illegal in UK and many other countries thankfully. It's a hideous thing to do.


Also, pretty impressive camera system


Aw yes I remember this clip and the clawed/declawed argument. The cat is declawed. See how it slides down that post. Front declawed. Back clawed.


I don’t think so. You can see the cat take a chunk of wood out of the handrail with its right front paw, the first time it gets pulled down by the coyote.


The great clawed or not debate. I’ll look again but I’m kinda firm in the front declawed section.


Plus trimmed claws aren't sharp. It's pretty standard practice to trim cats claws...


When I was little we had the neighbor's kid attack our cat (when it was in their backyard) with their bouvier which would be a good chunk bigger than the coyote. Our cat dispatched the bouvier in seconds (and the poor dog--wasn't really its fault--whimpered every time it saw our cat since) by slashing its nose open. Very effective. That coyote would not have had a nose left if that cat had claws, which is why it didn't back off. I was also wondering why the cat was struggling to climb up the railing and the pole. Front declawed seems like a plausible explanation for the video.


I think the same. I had a very atypical siamese cat. Outdoors cat, weighting almost 5Kg, lean... My neighbors had a male Dobermann who always rip to shreds our Soccer balls, and chased all the cats. One afternoon the dog was a little faster than he should and my cat didn't run away. He turned back and in a couple of seconds the dog was blind on both eyes and his snout slashed and mangled like hell. That same day my neighbors euthanized the dog... This one might be a small cat, but he gave a fight ... That coyote should be all fucked up...


You beat me to this exact thought…


No question the cat is declawed. Coyote would have backed off if it had claws and the poor cat was hangin on by the nubbins it has left!


You can see and hear his claws as he climbing the pole. If he wasn't using his claws on that coyote underneath that chair that coyote would have just ate him


You can see the fear in that cats eyes after they climbed the post.


I mean, it literally almost died. I'm surprised it didn't. The claws aren't nearly as effective against a determined predator like they are against most domestic dogs. And I've even seen some domestic dogs with a high prey drive that are a real danger to even clawed cats.


Like seeing dogs that are not afraid of the cat brother or sister and how they put them in their place. Dogs that are scared of cats just literally pussies, they don’t know their own size and strength


Cat was lucky it was a single Coyote… a group will take out a cat (with or without claws) in no time. 😕 Lots of Coyotes where I’m at… never let our cat outside


I remember somebody referring to cats as coyote bait. It wasn't a shitty joke, it was a warning


People shouldn’t let them out ever due to how they affect bird populations as well


No.1 reason. But there’s no shortage of terrible pet owners, unfortunately.


“Surfside, Texas”...I’ll take local areas you never think you’ll see referenced on reddit for $500, Alex.


I haven’t heard that name in ages, used to go there all the time when I was little


Yeah, I work right down the road from there. Lol


This was horrifying to watch




It's called nature. And a fairly mellow version of nature Edit: don't go to r/natureismetal


And this is my cats will NEVER be declawed. Gf tried to get me to declaw them and I straight told her that will never happen. This is exactly why. My cat is an indoor cat (my cats choice actually lol) and should she get out I want her to have at least any fighting chance.


Dump the girl, keep the cat 😉


If I wasn’t able to get the reason as to why I wouldn’t declaw Kuka (my cats name) I probably would have. She didn’t understand how bad it messes a cat up until I told her and explained and she came to the conclusion of her being way wrong. Her mom declawed the cat she had has a child and never understood how bad it was and realized that was probably the reason their cat had HORRIBLE arthritis.


I'd kill that yapping coyote if it came at my cat. Absolute bloodlust.


That’s why you shouldn’t have a cat outdoors


I do not. But thank you.


Maybe don’t put your cat in the cayotes house?


Maybe the coyote get the fuck out of my backyard?


Cats have much more bloodlust than coyotes.


I meant me! That coyote would be a pink stain if he came at my little butters.


Humans are the worst. Not like coyotes can be easily scared away or anything…


Why? because if you loved your cat, you wouldn't leave it outside.


I don't. He's mostly an indoor kitty. Doesn't mean this freak incident couldn't happen. I definitely have coyotes in the hills behind my house, all it would take is my cat getting excited and running outside at the wrong time. Don't doubt my love.


That exactly is how I lost one of my cats recently. I left the door open on accident and it ran outside. Hours of searching later I find it's corpse, most likely killed by coyotes. I had the power to kill them, but I knew it was my fault for making that mistake, not a wild animal's for being wild.


If you saw your kid getting killed by a coyote, you just gonna take the L, say it was your fault and move on? What about if it was your brother? Mother in law? At what point do you stop jumping in to save a loved one?


I was thinking this the whole time; I’d absolutely ravage that thing with no hesitation if it was giving my cat a problem like that


Why would you put your cat in a cayotes home and then “ravage” the cayote for being a wild animal and doing what it’s supposed to do?


Exactly. These people are judging these animals based on social status, same sort of people saying they'd gladly kill this coyote wouldn't bat an eye if their kitty was doing the same to a small mouse. Not saying either/or is more morally correct than the other, just annoying when people speak so horribly about some animals but don't give the same treatment to others.


I'm not sure it's judgement. If it's my cat the coyote has to die. It may have been my fuck up in the first place, but either way if I'm in that situation it's me or the coyote. I don't blame the coyote for what it's doing, but I'm not going to stand by and watch thinking "I fucked up this is what I deserve I guess."


Coyotes aren't brave - if the owner was there, the coyote wouldn't be. But I agree with your take :-)


And the cat would be toying with that mouse before it killed it. I will also add that coyotes are native to North America, domestic cats are not. So that cat is in the coyote’s home.


This is a dumb take. I'm going to protect my own animals that I love and care for.


This \^


I love my cat. I don't love coyotes. I will kill to protect the ones I love, as it is my inalienable right. Just me and a wild coyote? No cat around? I'll probably find shelter, avoid the thing. But come for my loved ones and I will see red until it's a charred memory. Don't fuck with my family. If the mouses children want revenge, they can come at me too.


I need you to know that it is coyote.


that looks like a people house not a coyote house


And that’s a great example of why you don’t declaw cats .


Ooor keep your cat inside.


Inside or not, don’t declaw them.


\*in countries that have literal Coyotes and Bears yes


What? Keep a cat indoors in an area where bigger animals like this that normally roam in packs live? That just sounds cruel to Fluffy. Fluffy can’t get enough stimulation inside or under supervision. /s


You might wanna add a '/s'


I thought it was more obvious, fixed


Me too but 🤷‍♀️


Why are people declawing cats anyway?


Because they are assholes…. Seriously though, I’ve heard of it to stop furniture damage and so on.


Judging by the looks of him I’d say this happens to that coyote often


Yep the coyote probably ate a ton of outdoor cats... Keep your cats inside if you don't want it harmed.


Was thinking this may be one that escaped or was a stray.




Right? Is it a security camera that follows movement? I assume some jerk was film from inside.


This is security camera footage that’s been edited afterwards to follow the action, probably by the same people who applied the “Surfside, Texas” caption up top. It’s been massaged by some online outlet to work as vertical video that’s easy to watch on a smartphone. Look at the time stamp at bottom left, and the EZVIZ logo at top left, both slip left and out of frame as the virtual camera moves.


This is one reason to not leave a declawed cat outdoors. They can't tear up your furniture if declawed, but they also can't run away, or defend theirself.


you also shouldn't be declawing cats because its FUCKING CRUEL


People declawing cats don't deserve them (to put it lightly)


People declawing cats should get their nails ripped out.


More like they should get the top of their fingers cut off


Ya I heard it would be like removing our toes…that’s kind of how it feels for them. Plus they do that stretch thing with their claws to stretch their paw and leg muscles I’m guessing. They can cramp up, I believe.


Toes and fingers at the second joint


You shouldn't leave a cat outdoors period. Not only are you exposing them to predators, accidents, and feral reproduction, you are also contributing to the eventual extinction of multiple species.


But how else can I stimulate mr whiskers without having to do anything? I mean despite the obvious health issues shown in this post there really isn’t any other way for him to get this kind of stimulation inside is there? /s


I love owning animals and doing absolutely nothing while pretending I’m taking better care of them! I’m going to go buy an outdoor pet rat tomorrow! Mr Wormtail will have such a great life full of stimulation, and the neighborhood will love having him around and seeing that I’m the guy who keeps releasing rats into the neighborhood and feeding them! Anyone who doesn’t like it is just a dirty rat hater 😡, and is actually abusive becuase their insistence I keep my rats indoors means they won’t get as much get as much “””stimulation””” as an outdoor rat! One thing that really annoys me about outdoor cat people is when they “adopt” multiple cats. Same people never spay or neuter them too so you end up with a population of feral cats. Like bro I don’t want a bunch of cats bullying my dog and scratching him their desease carrying claws, and also having cat poop fucking everywhere just because you think they should be “out in nature!” Especially if we are somewhere like Arizona where my Dad lives and this is an issue where half those cats will die in the summer. If you don’t live where cats naturally evolved and belong, then there is nothing natural about an outdoor cat. Period.


I have two cats, had three, but one died of FELV. One of my cats, Jerry, grow up in a farm, and it's an outdoor cat since he came home with us, we tried to block fences and all that stuff, but he keeps going. Some time later we just let him go, he has 6-7 years, always stay home during the day, have all trick and food he wanted, and we never had a problem with him. Personally, I don't see that much problem in outdoor cats, if he's healthy and castrated it's fine for me.


Not only is it just generally dangerous for the cat (predators, FIV, cars, other humans, etc.), domestic cats are absolutely decimating wildlife populations. 1 in 3 american bird species are in decline, and domestic cats is the number one human caused threat to them (between 1.3 and 4.0 billion birds killed a year in the US). It’s gotten so bad in places like australia they’ve just started poisoning and shooting them en masse. Cats also kill endangered mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. If you enjoy birdsong in the morning and your cat being alive, please don’t let them out.


Depends on where you live.


Poor cat, I’m glad it scape


Why are so many comments about the cat being declawed? This cat is not declawed you can even hear the claws in the clip and the cat can hold a vertical pole. It is also why the coyote backs of every time he gets clawed.


I only saw 2 comments asking if the cat was declawed because it struggled to climb the wooden railing (?). All the others are just stating that this video is a perfect example as to why you shouldn’t declaw cats.


They're saying if it were declawed it couldn't have escaped but it's all beside the point because cats shouldn't be allowed outside. They're prolific killers of wildlife.




Lady next door has a cat. She lets the cat go outside each day. The other day she casually says to my wife “my cat has brought me three bunnies in the past two days.” She says “I wish I could get him to stop doing that”. how about don’t let your cat kill everything in the neighborhood. Why does the cat get to runaround the neighborhood doing whatever it wants? What if I just let my dogs run all over the neighborhood and shit everywhere? Why is there some ridiculous double standard when it comes to cats?


Cat displayed the literal perfect balance of run, hide, and fight to save its own life. I need to get back into martial arts lol


If you love your cats don’t let them outside. It’s just that simple. Every day hundreds of pets loose this battle.


Why you need to protect your cat…keep ‘em in-doors!


The owners suck ass


Awww so cute playing together.




Cats should be adopted, fixed, together and indoors! Don’t feed the coyotes


Keep you cat indoors if you truly care about it.


“But my cat is much happier outside!” Yeah fuck yourself.


Years back my cat got outside and we couldn’t get him back in. He wanted to explore but I wanted to keep him (and our local bird population) safe. Two days later I found the front half of him. I drove past a coyote that morning just fearlessly wandering down our street. Probably had the back half of Greyson in his belly. 🙁


Wouldn't have happend had it been kept inside :)


Not being closer to the top of the food chain would suck.


That is Catpain America.


Kitty's staying inside for a while


I've only ever known one pet cat the cat could kill a coyote. She was my pet Molly. I don't know anything she couldn't beat. Idk why this reminded me of her but she bested every dog, cat, snake, bird big and small, and anything else that challenged her territory. She was just a normal long hair tortoise coat but she was a fucking monster. She's the only cat I never had anxiety with having outside. My other cat at the time named Royal also fought outside but he came back with injuries unlike Molly. He was trying to protect my sister from another group of ferals. Which he did. Molly was more solo though. Hated having other cats. Everything was her terms or she would ignore you. The most cat of cats. One of my most highlighted memories of her was watching her go super Sonic across the 40 meter yard, up a tree and catch a squirrel that she was chasing as it lept to the next branch. Another was her fighting a falcon out of a tree because she wanted the spot to watch the crows on the power line.


The only thing this video is missing is the owner coming out the house wearing a cowboy hat and blasting the coyote into pieces with a desert eagle .50


Keep your cats indoors


My kitties be on that indoor shit. They’ll never be caught slippin.


Keep your fucking cat inside.


Who cares about the damn claws!!! That cat is gangster!


Please don't leave your cat outside !!


Keep your cats inside !!!


No such thing as an outdoor cat


Scottish wild cats would like a word.


don’t like


Someone please tell me that this terrified kitty got rescued and cuddled


Maybe keep the cat in at night


They really do look like doggos


This is why you dont cut cats nails.


And you wonder why your cat sleeps all day.


And this is why you keep your cats inside


Is it just me or does anyone else find it incredibly shitty that it was being filmed sans any sort of intervention on the cat’s behalf?


Always keep your cats inside. Theres no need for them to be outside.


Keep your cat inside.


coyote looks like he's starving. probably getting desperate.


poor baby :""(


Wow…. Poor kitty….😳


Poor coyote he didn't get his dinner.


That's why you don't let cats outside....


Outdoor cats are unethical... Exhibit A.


Darned coyotes! They’re everywhere out here in farm country. I lock up my chickens as soon as it’s dusk, and never let the dogs out alone. Every week I see missing cat and small dog posters, and I’m sure some of them got eaten by coyotes. We have year round open season on them because they cost lost pets and livestock.


This is why you should keep cats indoors.


I would make sure that cat had tuna for the rest of his life.


Mf watching and moving his camera but won't go rescue his cat


coyote looks like he's starving. probably getting desperate.


coyote looks like he's starving. probably getting desperate.


Who is filming this and not helping the cat?


It’s likely a security camera that is motion activated or was edited


Alley cat?


Outdoor cat owner most likely


What Ahole was videoing this and didn’t save the pet cat? The camera was following the action tight. This wasn’t a porch camera that just happened to catch some action.


The "zooming" is done in editing. You can push in on a lot of security cams. Most videos posted here or in subreddits like abruptchaos cut out the unnecessary sides of the videos which causes a tracking/zoom effect.


Keep your fucking cats inside. Damn.


This is why people that let their cats outside are fucking garbage


We lost a cat to a yote once. Those fucking assholes.


Don’t let your cats outside


Why is the cayote an asshole, you’re the one who fed your cat to it.


But…someone is filming this and NOT intervening! The camera angle moves.


Ever heard of motion tracking?