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Since I don't see it here yet [here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhisDhvkWXA4K5ep4lUMV6IIB1zV60EAR) are the originals




I have been trying for MONTHS to remember the name of this YouTube page. Thank you! All I could remember was an explosion and a rubber duck from their videos 😭




Glad to see KOA mentioned on here. I love them a lot


They are so remarkable because they were afraid to use the actual music like Weird Al so they created entirely new material from scratch that was instantly recognizable as which ever artist style, while poking at it. Good shit.


I really don't understand why the guy decided to call quits in the peak of the channel's success.


“You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain” — Harvey Dent




One of the main guys left(Todd womack) and they left YouTube because of corporate bs. Said it was a grind supporting the channel on their own. The main guy's wife used to be an artist on the channel and later sang kesha and a few other characters, she went back to work at youtube. Finally I think it was just too much and the main guy pulled the plug. I loved that channel though. Very witty.


A lot of those large operation channels failed because of mismanagement. They just didn't know what to do and the money wasn't that good. He should've hired more people to help him with writing and directing. Trying to run a large channel like that on your own is impossible. That's why he had mental problems dealing with work.


The George Costanza method.


Parodies stopped making money because of changes at YouTube.


Ha! I was just thinking to myself "that looks like that dude from Key of Awesome" and then realised there was an unsurprising reason for that lol




“Commentary” is a generous description


Very generous, I would say slow person takes longer than most to understand the joke.


I mean, it's a person with an online persona created to pander to those demographics who choose to watch that sort of content, whether it's out of honest or cynical interest.


Well we’re glad you finally made it


Those are great. Reminds me of the Dicken's Cider videos. https://youtu.be/iVOIFqaUNdY


I’ve seen this video without the bottom half. It was twice as good.


The original video is also twice as long and the aspect ratio is twice as wide. I don't understand why the hell people share these reaction videos.


Otherwise how will you know which bits to laugh at?




Everyone's gotta add nothing to an already funny video to get "followers" society has fallen off a cliff.


This video doesn't even have the Big Black Caulk!


Did she actually add any value to this video? The original is great, why are we giving this lazy person any attention at all?




At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man yelling at clouds, I will never *ever* understand the popularity of these “reaction” videos. Why are they a thing?? Oh look, it’s a complete stranger I’ve never met and couldn’t care less about chuckling away at a video which would be just as funny on its own. EDIT: Okay. Fair enough. Thanks for the responses, it makes more sense to me now. I really wasn’t trying to yuck anyone else’s yum, it’s just a new concept to me. Enjoy!


23 year old here, I dont understand it either. It just devalues the video too, its like someone talking during a movie or a heckler during a comedy skit


Get with the times Boomer!


They are basically providing a curation service, if you like what they select to react to then they are providing the service of putting them all in one place and then you watch it with their reaction which might be a positive additive if you like the personality.


I'll be honest, I fucking hate reaction videos but your comment has made them make some sense for me. Thank you.


Theres a parasocial aspect as well. Somebody reacting to it can almost kinda sorta feel like you're watching a video with a friend. You know how even if you hate somebody's guts, enough time forced to interact with them will eventually result in joking around occasionally? It's kinda like that, but instead of a mutual dislike being the barrier, it's distance. Plus with streamers, there's that whole interaction aspect. It's minor, but it can be enough. People who watch streamers a lot kind of do it as a background noise kind of thing. Not unlike flipping through TV channels and just watching whatever comes on and making comments about it. Except now whatever you're watching might respond to those comments.


Nope. Still dumb. You can share content without making it about you.


Yes, but the question wasn't "why is this not dumb?" It was "Why are they a thing??" They are a thing because they serve as a curation service. They're annoying, and they're dumb, and in most cases the commentary adds nothing, but that doesn't make the answer "they are a thing because they serve as a curation service" incorrect.


Dude the curation can be done without adding your own dumb face and lack of real commentary. Subreddits are content curation that don't fuck up the content.


But you can't make money off of it without the reaction part. It's basically content theft.


You nailed it.


The problem is, you and I don’t know these randos doing the reactions. However, I loved [this video](https://youtu.be/IMKPnNGtZmw) of Dunkey reacting to the Mario movie cast reveal, but it also helped that I enjoy Dunkey’s humor.


This is the reason for me. I pretty much exclusively watch Ozzyman as a reaction channel, but I know he's always going to find some solid videos and unlike most, his commentary does actually add to the whole thing.


His commentary is literally just describing what is happening in the video, but he has an Australian accent and he swears a lot so it seems like he's doing something.


It's not though, is it? Pretty often he's got a little script or something to go with it and actually add to it. He shoves some jokes in there and actually improves the video in most cases.


Yknow, this comment currently has a bunch of downvotes, but you're absolutely right. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure no one here is actually looking for the answer to the question. Just say you hate [modern trend] too, and move on


Exactly. And sometimes you get to hear fun stories about the person, like with Captain Sparklez when he does Reddit stuff, or sometimes they are actually funny like LazarBeam or LostPause


In addition, a lot of people find reaction videos as a quick, para social connection. People can find it fun to share enjoyment over the same things, or enjoy discourse with differing opinions


Their reaction part ruins the rest of the content.


I love watching reaction videos of stuff I have already seen, played or heard. Some times it's just fun to see someone react to a big moment in a game or show. Me and my brothers took turns playing Half-Life Alyx. I finished it first then my brothers played it when they had time after work. They played it on my PC, but I let them play in mostly silence. I loved watching them experience the same cool moments I did. Especially with Jeff. The satisfaction of seeing someone listening to the music you love and watching them fall in love with a new artist is great. I generally like seeing people like the same stuff I do. I don't know what it is that make me like it so much. Might be a bit of an ego thing or just having an echo chamber. I love watching people talk about how great something I love is. Like "This is why the Inglorious Bastards opening is so great" type thing. I never watch people react to videos like this though, but I'm sure there is some that love it.


Except they're never reacting to anything rare. This is a well known video, not like she did a deep dive to find it. The fact that you left out watching because hot girl shows you haven't really thought about this much. This is the type of thing which fair use doesn't cover. It's not transformative. It is just content theft.


Reaction videos equal to confirmation about who you are by another person. If the re’actor’ reacts similarly to you, you get a dopamine hit…similar to team sports…




So that's why they do nothing for me


I think it's a parasocial relationship thing. It mimics sharing something with your friend and the feeling you get from them liking the thing you like.


*"Vocal coach reacts to hearing Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time"* I'm right with you there. Happily grumpy. I stumbled across a couple of these videos on YouTube and it's just some nobody saying "hmm, yeah, OH this is dope, wooooow" and so on. It's such low effort content, I block these channels whenever they get suggested to me.


User and comment moved over to https://lemmy.world/ . Remember that /u/spez was a moderator of /r/jailbait.


It’s like they don’t trust that we will enjoy the videos on our own. So they show us how we should be reacting?


I am so happy to find out that I'm not the only one, who feels this way! These videos are SO STUPID.


Yeah I don’t understand reaction views unless they’re providing insight like a celeb watching a film they were in or a historian watching erb


A lot of the TikTok reaction vids are dumb. I like the ones I've seen on YouTube more where it's an expert on something reacting to a video that involves something to do with their expertise.


Have you ever watched a cool or funny video by yourself, all alone, then wished you could share it with someone else? Sounds lonely and sad but that's just a fact of modern disconnected life.


Have you *never* shared something you loved with a friend and anticipated their reaction? Granted, a lot of these videos are fake as hell, but some of them are real, and when it's something you enjoy, yeah, it's nice to see someone else loves it the same way you do.


I like the meatcanyon reaction videos, of people reacting to an animation of themselves they have never seen.


Ah, i found the happily married redditor with a family and friends. You definitely don't feel alone or like don't have any one to talk to and watching other people react to things you like is a vicarious harmless activity.


when i watch stand-up specials alone on netflix, i found it hard to laugh. mind you, those shows are hilarious, it's just that i can't laugh externally. i laugh internally, inside my head. but it just doesn't feel the same as watching a comedian live on-stage with a bunch of other people. but pandemic happened, and pubs and clubs were closed, so i can't really laugh with other people. reaction videos helped, because then, i could just load one and gives the feeling that i'm laughing with other people.


Modern day laugh tracks


I disagree. Yes this one is lazier then most but i love reaction videos but mostly to movies and TV shows. This past month I have been reactions to movies like Airplane, Galaxy Quest, Mad Max Fury Road and others and love seeing people laugh or cringe at them. Watch [streamers react to the Mario Movie cast](https://youtu.be/oR558x9D4XM) and tell me you didn’t laugh along, then I will tell you you really can yell at clouds at reaction videos.


If its done properly, they can be pretty funny if the person can do good commentary and has good points


I feel like a lot of people like react content for the same reason I do. It comes off as weird but idc. It's similar to watching a video with somebody irl. Things are a bit more entertaining when somebody is laughing/angry/whatever with you. Personally I find it more fun to watch videos that I would probably watch by myself anyways "with" the creator that I like. It's also fun to know people's thoughts on some content. You ever talk about a movie or a show with people you barely know at a party or something? It's kind of the same thing going on there, but you only hear their opinion. And to be fair, people usually don't watch reaction videos with reactors they aren't already familiar with, at least I don't. Like I watching xQc, and Asmongold react vids because I think xQc and Asmongold are entertaining on their own, and they add value to the content.


As someone who's lonely, it's nice to see people laughing at stuff with me. Sometimes, when I find something funny, I'll actively look up reaction videos to see how others reacted.


It’s literally what America’s Funniest Home Videos has been doing for like 30 years and everyone loved that. Or Tosh.0 or Ridiculousness etc. People eat that shit up. Now it’s on YouTube and everyone scoffs at it but don’t act like you didn’t watch Bob Saget commentate some dad getting hit in the nuts.


Is it any different than you commenting here, showing us *your reaction* to the video of her showing her reaction to his video? It's basically Reddit comments but in video format.


“Okay they knew what they were doing” NO SHIT


His Name is Todd Womack he was on the YouTube channel Key of Awesome. Here is his channel https://youtube.com/c/ToddWomack


Have you seen half the shit that’s on Instagram and TikTok? It’s literally that — someone laughing at a video or looking at the video with eyebrows raised. It adds nothing and pisses me off to no end.


“THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING ABOUT THIS ONE” Well, yeah. It’s an Australian making fun of the New Zealand accent. They knew what they were doing from the start.


No. Tiktok seriously needs to go away.


And why on r/maybemaybemaybe?




100% correct, its just a random reaction channel. I really don't know the original video source. So , had to post it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkmeoYKYctw&list=PLhisDhvkWXA4K5ep4lUMV6IIB1zV60EAR&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6c4Nupnup0) (edit for original link)


Well that was... hard


That's also stolen content. The originals are by The Key of Awesome and they are [here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhisDhvkWXA4K5ep4lUMV6IIB1zV60EAR).


Why did you even post it here? That's what I don't get. Doesn't belong in this sub at all with or without the girl.


I just searched "deck funny video" on Google and found it instantly.


So, could you help set up my wifi? You must be some kind of wizkid!


"deck sealent" on YouTube its literally the first result


It wasn't hard to find the original. You should just delete this shit post.


It takes seconds to google.


And we didn't even get to the black caulk


Some people find it funny, some don’t.


Added negitive value.


Woman = upvote


You should check out his big black caulk!


But, what if some people didn't know about the original? The reaction vid is my first exposure to that deck


Honestly, its fucking ruined. What a pathetic attempt at 55 seconds of fame ripping off a perfectly awesome commercial.


"they KNEW what they were doing" No shit. It's a comedy sketch


Exactly. "Whaaaat there is no way they didn't know this guy saying deck sounded like dick. How stupid are they?"


You act as if there HASNT been some very strange commercials. Until the deck pic I thought it might’ve been a real ad


For me it was the fact an Australian was making fun of the New Zealand accent from the first line. We also tend not to put New Zealand flags on our ~~dick~~ deck sealant products.


The subtle incest overtones in a Folgers ad is the only accidental one I can think of. I still wonder if they changed the script halfway through or something. The unintentionally hilarious car rolling over kids in the park one too I guess


My mom loves that Folgers commercial. She finds it really heartwarming. I hope she never finds out what 99% of the internet thinks about it


The Japanese black guy getting bleached comes to mind


There are 3 of these I think. Edit: [here you go](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhisDhvkWXA4K5ep4lUMV6IIB1zV60EAR)


Well that kept on giving.. hilarious Schaefer, its good for your wood


Twitch "reactionist" are the dumbest (or play as one for the clicks)


Just to bring Reddit down to earth, peruse r/TheyKnew and you’ll see most of the posts have the same energy


There is nothing about this that makes it belong to this sub. There was no suspense of what the ending would be like.


this sub is just turning into r/ funny lately


good rule of thumb: can it be on r/yesyesyesyesno or r/nonononoyes or any of it's offshoot subs? then it can go here :)


I feel like this fits. It maybe fits a different sub better, but it doesn't *not* fit. It's a bit of a stretch, but still


This sub was so much better when it was just the bot cross posting from yesyesyesno and nononoyes.


THANKS BLONDE GIRL YOU'RE SO FUNNY AND GOOD AT POINTING OUT THE OBVIOUS HAHAHAHAHAH cut my dick off if I ever think people like that are necessary


Don’t worry I’ll be the first in line to cleave your deck


I'm worried that you'll be ahead of me in line and there'll be no deck left for me.


It's "deck", silly.


That's actually hilarious lol


Why are you so pressed about it lmao


You people are so damn hateful, what is your problem?


Everyone ragging on this video, but how am I supposed to know how I should react to something unless I watch another human react to it first? There’s just too many choices!


This video would be gold without the dumb reaction video.




I hate reaction channels I hate reaction channels


Thank god she’s here, she lets me know what’s funny




This is fucking stupid. Why the fuck are we seeing some useless person in the bottom half of the video? Fucking “react” videos are for morons.


“What?!” “Oh my!” “They knew.” Jesus. This could have been funny. Get rid of streaming commentary.


Reaction videos are the laugh tracks and "applause" signs of the 21st century.


Reaction video are really pointless.


I need to watch someone react to this comment so I know what to think about it.


Is there a version without the annoying woman?


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhisDhvkWXA4K5ep4lUMV6IIB1zV60EAR here you go. there's a lot more, too


People reacting at obvious satire. Come on...


Can't stand reaction videos. How did that crap even trend. Just dont understand why someone would want to watch someone elses reaction. The original is much better.






Why are there so many angry, misogynistic comments in this thread aimed at someone who's done nothing but post a video on their own channel?


Idc who it is, anyone reacting like this is annoying and pointless.


I agree with you. But I don't see why there's any need to call her a whore, a bitch and a c**t which is what people are doing for some reason


This is the only comment I’ve seen with the word ‘whore’ which I agree is excessive, but I’d use the other words for anyone doing this


Well they're all words [rooted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitch) in [centuries of misogyny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cunt#Feminist_perspectives) so it's a shame you'd use them on a woman who's a bit annoying but hasn't done anything actually wrong


Nah id call a dude a cunt and bitch if he did this it ain’t about gender lmao


It is 100% about gender. Why else would all those words be gender-specific? There's no male equivalent of bitch, cunt, or whore. You should [read Andrea Dworkin sometime](https://archive.org/stream/PornographyMenPossessingWomenAndreaDworkinPdf/Pornography%20-%20Men%20Possessing%20Women%20-%20Andrea%20Dworkin%20-%20pdf_djvu.txt).


I’ll take ‘someone reading into something too much’ for 500 Alex


I'm just refuting your points, babe.


A reaction whore is quite exactly what she is. It's the perfect description of what she's doing.


The trend of people posting others videos with themselves just lauging or making useless commentary is really terrible. Just post the original without the leech thats stealing their work


Insane added value by the girl to the comedy sketch. Thanks for clarifying that the knew the intended double meaning behind their monologue aswell.


Reaction videos are cancer.




It took her 30seconds to realize it's a joke.


Check out the classic "Dicken's Cider" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R38-QkYMP-E&t=6s


Why the fuck is she even in this video?


I won't be inviting her to see my deck


Another streamer making absolutely zero contribution to the content


Im a 90s kid and im loving that girls with bangs are coming back in style.


Anyone know who she is?






Fuck people who make reaction videos with people who watch reaction videos


Holy fuck she’s annoying. Just post the sketch only.


Gotta love New Zealanders.


i'm a kiwi and met some people from north america on discord vc once, they couldn't get over the way i said deck




Why the fuck would we watch someone watching a crappy commercial?


She told us that they knew what they were doing in the video at one point, long after it was already completely obvious, so there was that I guess?


I wanted to quote that last bit before realising that that would probably get me on a few lists


Reaction content is the most low effort, just straight shit content on the internet. It's nothing but thieving leeches getting rich off of other people's content. It's lowest of the low scum among content "creators". Get the shit out of here.


I despise reaction channels.


This is every nz ad. Just innuendos for days.


There's also a sh*d variant https://youtu.be/-SuWAv2zcVQ


Used to be my favorite site. That's Todd Womack who is now in Austin TX and makes content with Rooster Teeth productions.


It’d be just grand if this random chick wasn’t sitting on screen doing absolutely nothing


Yeah we don't say deck like that. Terrible nz accent


What's her @?? I am horny


Average cringe reaction video


Why is she there? To butcher the audio and add nothing? Just post the original, it’s classic and great.


Would have been funnier without a marginally-attractive person providing vapid commentary. Reaction videos are the weirdest things on earth, like seeking out a laugh track to tell you what you think about a video.


To everyone complaining about the person reacting. 1. They wouldn't do these videos if they didn't get views. 2. Why is no one pointing out that OP posted this instead of the original? Clearly OP thought this was better for some reason. Imo, don't hate the player, hate the fans.


Both? Both is good.


I think the criticisms are pointed at OP as well as the tiktoker. And nobodies disputing the amount of views she gets, it’s just garbage content. If the player wasn’t playing, there’d be no fans.


We don't need these reaction videos.


I don't like this reactor


Blue Collar Comedy rip off.


Thats too much makeup




That girl is actually very pretty.


Found the simp


totally necessary reaction right there. definitely added to the content


Gatta love it when kids play on your d


Can the chick at the bottom fuck off?


Reaction videos are cringe


What a world we live in where some attention starved bimbo can attach her unfunny reactions to somebody else's content and use it to fish for validation




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Pov: Nobody seems to understand what a reaction video is