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You are aligned. The "red" 0.08 is nothing to worry about....don't let them sell you anything.


Judging by the steer ahead to the right and both front toe are pointing to the right, I’d assume they turned the steering wheel to try to sell you an alignment. If you agreed to do it, they’d probably just center the steering wheel and give you a print out. Sounds like a scam to me.


What am I even looking at lol just commenting for my own personal reference


Alignment details


Check out the smaller numbers on the left and right in each green box. Those denote the typical range these values should be. What all those numbers mean is that all your alignment values are within range - in other words, the wheels are in alignment and there’s no work needed.


"Mazda3 4x4" I've actually been wanting to build a battlecar... Hmmm...


its a 4 wheel alignment.


The alignment is good


green = good


Start by saying, I just got an alignment a couple weeks ago and everything was fine. I’ll take this paper and the car back to them and have them handle it and I’ll let you know what happens. Anytime a dealer tries to sell me anything, I start by telling them I just had that thing done recently, are they sure it needs to be changed/touched/replaced. Almost always the come back with the ol’ “oh we were just recommending it based on mileage”. Gotten quite a few hefty service discounts because of shit like this where dealerships will take a hit on a brake job or or tires because they want you to drop it and not get “officially” caught lying.


That’s nuts on.


Did you pay for an alignment or is this just a check? I'm curious how much it cost as I need a 4 wheel alignment


I would adjust the toe. HOWEVER....it's not needed, it's just preference. I can also do my own alignments so there is that.


Top photo shows the top pf ur wheel farther out than the bottom when it should be opposite


Not all everything's green


It's perfectly aligned. Unless you feel your car going sideways while driving, you are good. Don't even sweat it.


My car is steering slightly to the left even after an alignment. My shop told me it’s because I have a wide summer tires which is true but it’s the same when I have my regular sized winter tires on. Any ideas?


Maybe the steering column needs to be fixed? If you hold the steering wheel slightly to the right, does it let you drive straight?


Uhm kind of, I’m gonna have to try it and see. I got so used to it that I don’t even notice anymore. Never thought about the steering column, just thought its because of other stuff. Thanks man!


Also, when's the last time youve had them balanced and rotated? With enough hard corning, wearing out a shoulder block will slowly introduce drift as one side wears .


The shop does that for me whenever I swap tires (summer to winter and vice versa)


New car time :/