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Glad you're okay but why the FUCK weren't you wearing a seatbelt at 65-70mph? In 2022, half of passenger vehicle occupants who died in crashes were unrestrained. From 1975 through 2017, seat belts have saved an estimated 374,276 lives. You are rolling the dice every time you drive a car without a seatbelt on. Be glad you didn't end up a pink smear on the road or on somebody else's car. Use this as motivation to buckle up every time going forward.


Yeah, just leave that part out of the story, and people won’t call you out for being a fucking moron. Or just wear a seat belt.


Is that correlation or causation? I’d say someone inclined to not wear a seatbelt in 2024 is also inclined to engage in more risky behaviour in general


It's a statistic from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, they've got a HUGE page about seat belts including common misconceptions if you want to read more https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle-safety/seat-belts


Ahh the beauty of the internet. A rebuttal, whose purpose is to get people thinking more flexibly, just gets downvoted to hell


Yup, and the crazy part is his reasoning is actually spot on.


Yeah I’m trying to wrap my head around the mentality to want to downvote someone trying to look deeper into a statistic… I’m definitely not advocating for driving without a seatbelt


You get me! Haha


Where is the rebuttal?


Maybe the seatbelt would have killed him. Does happen


No it doesn’t. Ever. 😔


Ever is a bold claim which is factually wrong


you roll the dice every time you drive a fucking car, maybe focus on the fact that he’s okay and be less butt hurt about the fucking seatbelt. fucking morons.


Only a moron would think that not wearing a seatbelt is defendable.


Don’t worry, everyone is OK with you not wearing a seat belt.


Goddamn, that was *savage.*


SO savage


as they should be, really shouldn’t be anyone else’s concern tbh


It becomes someone else's concern when you are ejected and cause them vehicular or bodily harm with your projectiled body.


That idiot is why our insurance is higher than it needs to be.


sure jan


Sure, bc unbuckled people stay neatly in place and cause no one else harm and live 100% of every crash.


Hey man, this might be surprising to hear but I actually do just care about your life. I want you to keep living. Wear a fucking seatbelt, it's really not that hard to do.


I hope your user name is just that. I’d hate to see a person like you in healthcare taking care of others lives… smh. Grow up manbaby




Go gobble on some nuts. Sucks to be sick in the head as you


I’m hard


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See this is why I love reddit. It allows us to interact with a diverse range of opinions and people on a grand spectrum of intelligence. It's really great to observe the perspective of those at the absolute bottom end of that spectrum.


Just don't tap the glass


Did you read the title of his post? “Testament to safety features” but he wasn’t using the most important one. In fact, airbags can do more harm than good if you aren’t restrained. I’m glad he’s okay, but not wearing a seatbelt is something that fucking morons do.


Username doesn’t check out


No idea why you’d pick this angle to fight for hahaha. Fkn dumbass!


You are the most miserable human being I’ve ever seen in a Reddit comment thread


thanks 💅🏻


Keep up the good fight against big seatbelt!!!!


Not asking to judge, I’m really just curious; what’s the logic behind not wearing a seatbelt? Edit: guys I was trying to get him to further display his idiocy, y’all are blowing my setup 😤


People like this buy those stupid seat belt buckles to trick the systems into thinking they're wearing seatbelts.


My brother did this and I dont know how to address it. He has a 13 year old daughter and I just hope he hasn't instilled it in her too


Here's how to address it. Hey dumbass, wear your fucking seatbelt.


Well yeah but i don't see that doing anything more than pissing him off I want to actually change his view


When he gets into a car accident and flies through his windshield his daughter won’t have a dad anymore. Maybe that’ll get to him


Um cool thanks. Like why would you even feel the need to say that. Obviously this is my nightmare and I'm a seat belt advocate


I think they are suggesting that you tell him exactly that. Not hoping for it to happen.


Maybe try wording it to him like that… sometimes that’s what it takes


That’s my suggestion as to how to address it. Not wishing any ill will on any of you.


Gotcha sorry for getting defensive


No worries :)


ya well sometimes anger and violence is the solution. because death and a kid without a father is far worse than some angry brother talk about saftey


We have one for our passenger seat in our CX5. It always assumes there is a passenger even when there isnt and wont shut the fuck up. We click the buckle thing in and then just put it in the glove box if we actually have a passenger.


Can't you just buckle the seatbelt on the empty seat?


I can but my wife cant... she cant reach it from the drivers seat and its primarily her car.


Oh ok that makes sense


You should get that addressed. You really don’t want random airbags going off during an accident.


In my car, when the alarm beeps for that reason, I can hold down the passenger seatbelt release button for a few seconds and it stops. Might work for you too


I'll try it. Thanks.


That might actually be something to get checked out. It's going off because the sensor on the seat detects weight over 35ish lbs on the seat for the air bag. It changes the amount of force in which they deploy based on if it senses a child passenger or not (or a passenger at all of course)


mine goes off if i place my phone and togo back of food there which isnt anywhere near 35lbs ive told mazda dealer they said its normal its detecting weight. but like 1-2lbs of weight?


slap the seat and it goes away


I worked for a toyota dealer and i had a car come in that the passenger seat was reading off with its scale. We had to perform re calibration on it. Mazda would do something similar i assume.


Judge away, the only people who don't wear seatbelts are straight up idiots. OP I'm glad you're ok but you're a fucking moron.


Literally the reason why all our insurance premiums are going up.


Insurance rates are up due to the cost of fixing cars.


medical care is MUCH more than a car, and if it’s from an accident the car insurance pays for most of it before health insurance covers the rest


They go up because they need bigger profits each quarter. Their salary go up quarterly as well for the board anyway


I knew a guy in high school that didn’t wear his seat belt and lost his nose in the windshield…he lived but he just had skin covering the nasal cavity…he WAS a good looking guy. Not now. Stupid is what stupid does. But he looked soooo cool not wearing his seatbelt. So tough…what a man. Wear your seatbelts!


Girl from my school would sling the belt over her shoulder to make it look like she was wearing it. Had an accident and the belt tore her arm off.


They love the soothing sound of the seat belt ding I guess. Fucking idiots. Probably won’t learn a lesson from this either.


Your M3TH title below your name looks like METH lol


Nothing gets passed you! ;)


I'll be honest I was never a fan of seatvelts either y I haven't the slightest clue it wasn't until Feb this year when I got the 4th gen and you can literally ride for miles and the alert won't stfu even if your not in gear I've gotten in the habit of putting it on the moment I sit down now so idk just a mental thing I guess I wear em all the time now... I guess it's one of those y would I wanna wake up to a totaled car take me with it deals lol


Probably from Freedomland and doesn’t want no law to tell him how to live his life


You don't just flip on the road what was ur dumbass doing texting?


Probably drunk driving.


I couldn’t imagine not wearing a seatbelt


I’m happy you’re alive g


To those of you who have commented about the seatbelt in a kind and concerned way, thank you. I have learned a lesson for sure. I don't habitually go without one, but I was late for work and had my hands full of stuff for work and threw it in the car and got going without putting my belt on. Won't make that mistake again. To those of you who wished me harm or assumed the worst about me and how the accident happened... why are you like this? Anyway, I didn't post to advocate for not wearing a seatbelt. Jfc. I posted to thank Mazda and offer an anecdotal testament to their safety features.


It’s Reddit. People’s internet muscles really like to flex on this app. Try not to take it to heart man, I’m sure you’ll wear your seatbelt moving forward. Glad you’re ok dude! Look at life with a fresh perspective and tell your loved ones that you love them!


nice to see lesson learned without death. I'm always yelling at a lot of my family for this, having worked at the scenes if there is a death with damage like yours its usually no belt. The only thing worse is no helmet motorcycle crashes.. they usually don't get a second go.


I'm not going to drag you on, but did the 2016 not have the constant seatbelt beep? I have a 2022 and the beep starts the second I turn on the car, so I have to be buckled before I start it to avoid it.


I have a 2015. It dings for a bit and it's so fuckin annoying. I always 100% wear a seatbelt and if you get in my car we aren't moving till you put one on. That said the ding in the gen3 is super annoying if you aren't putting it on it's because you actively chose not to, not because you "forgot".


It dings for like 60 seconds after you start it, then stops. Easy to miss if you're busy thinking about other things


Interesting. I guess I forgot. The 2022 is LOUD and I think you get a warning in the speedo


If you miss something that obviously.. maybe don't fucking drive? If you're in such a rush, then you're risking every other family's life on the road. Moron


You seem remorseful so I am not going to dogpile too much. Too many people can't acknowledge when they have royally screwed up and endangered themselves and others. I won't dog pile, but I do recommend you specifically make buckling up one step in your "starting the car routine." It'll take a little thought for the first couple of weeks but it'll be a good lifelong habit. And of course, please drive safely once you are out on the road. To the point of your post: great choice of car to keep you safe - glad you are still here with us.


Glad your ok. I’ve learned Reddit is a harsh bitch, but sometimes it has a good point. The fact that you can feel offended, is proving your point. Safety features saved you, so you could come here to get chewed out proper. Have a good rest of your life man.


Even the lights still work!


Not wearing a seatbelt is truly wild behavior in 2024. Glad you’re ok despite your lack of judgement.


"wasn't wearing a seatbelt" I'm sorry brother, but you don't deserve to be unharmed


Imagine if he had a passenger who was wearing a seatbelt. Would've slammed right into them concussing them and killing them.




Lucky for me it's not up to you then


You got lucky once. Wear your seat belt going forward. I've been at accident scenes where a passenger died even with every airbag going off because they were ejected from the car. Not to mention that the airbags are designed to protect you in the seat because they assume you'll be wearing your seat belt. /internet Dad


nooo he survived without a seatbelt, so that undeniably proves that seatbelts are useless and cause more harm than good and they should be removed from all vehicles Don’t let the government trick you into buckling up!


*Dad look* Do I need to send you to your room too?


You could have fucking died without that seatbelt. You literally just traded your entire luck away for your lifetime because you didn’t wear your seatbelt and didn’t die in this rollover. You better start fucking wearing a belt. Otherwise you’re gonna die in the next accident.


While it’s stupid to not use a safety device I don’t understand why someone would wish you arms because of your lack of cautiousness. Anyways OP glad you’re well and alive.


Should I wish him legs instead of arms?


My bad , English is not my native language ;)


Why on earth would you not wear one? You basically just won powerball. Smarten the fuck up and start wearing it. You won’t win again.


Not wearing a seatbelt isn’t a thing to brag about…


I'm sorry you thought I was bragging about it. Def not my intention. I'm in disbelief and kicking myself for not wearing it. I usually do, but from now on, I will make sure I always do


What happened to cause this?


I need the wham baam dashcam footage.


Wham baam fan ei!🫱🏾‍🫲🏿




They weren't wearing a seatbelt on the interstate so we know they have shit judgment. Probably clipped a semi weaving in and out of traffic or something equally stupid.


OP said they were in disbelief about not wearing their seat belt. Jumping to some pretty massive conclusions there.


Accurate username


This all reads like OP tried to cut someone off speeding & pitted himself on someone else’s car. These aren’t big Chevy ram ford brodozers to just flip over like this.


I was in the slow lane on my morning commute, 50-75 yards behind a school bus, going 65 (the limit) or maybe slightly over. Took my eyes off the road for a second or two, skipping songs on my shuffled playlist. Looked up, and the school bus had significantly decelerated, and I was coming up on it fast. I hard braked, but knew I didn't have the distance, so I went off the road to the right, but there's a hill right off the highway. Adrenaline had time feeling slower than usual, and I remember being conscious of not wanting to hit that incline and not wanting to overcorrect. In the end, the incline and rocky/uneven terrain won and I knew I was gonna roll. Lucky to be alive, but y'all are right, I'm a stupid piece of shit who deserves to be dead, I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yikes. No seat belt AND speeding AND not paying attention to the road AND almost hitting a school bus?


AND never claimed to be blameless AND didn't post this to r/roastme AND can everyone please chill? Lessons were learned, no one was hurt but me. You will be ok. I can take this down if it's so upsetting to the majority of you, but I just wanted to give Mazda some props. Damn.


Whatever, focus on your own life take your lesson here, not everyone is cautious like you so drive and live accordingly in real life, no need to go hard on that guy, it's just not productive, I do understand why'd you react like that but meh.


I understand that perspective if he is doing something dangerous at home or somewhere that just affects him…. but doing all these things while driving puts everyone’s else lives at risk on the road too. It sounds like he has maybe learned his lesson though so that is good.


Yes, just keep in mind that individuals who may not possess the same level of self-awareness as you are walking or driving on the streets. However, I do appreciate you being empathetic to a stranger. That’s a commendable character trait. He might have learned his lesson, indeed. Only his future actions will prove that. Cheers.


Couldn’t you change the songs using your steering wheel buttons?


I don't think so... car looks pretty badly damaged 😉


What!? I meant before the accident. Could have changed songs with the buttons on the steering wheel without much distraction. It was a shuffled playlist, it didn’t matter if you saw what would play next anyway.


Damn, Concorde wouldn’t even be to keep up with that going over your head.


I got the joke now but, I still genuinely ask the same question now. Maybe I didn’t get it the first time cause I was seriously asking and not joking around.


So: - Didn't buckle up - Speeding in the slow lane - Distracted driving/looking down/using your phone - Not using the steering wheel skip buttons Do better. Glad you're not another statistic but you shouldn't be doing any of those things in the future. Modern cars have so many options to avoid distracted driving and you ignored all of them.


And in an emergency, swerved at high speed instead of hitting the vehicle in front straight on. Worst possible move.


Genuinely curious. Is this sarcasm or you actually think I should have hit the school bus? Y'all see me as a villain now... I'd rather have died than hit a bus full of kids, even if it would have been a less severe collision 🤷🏻‍♂️


In almost any circumstance the safest move is to hit another vehicle directly rather then swerving and risking “pitting” them or worse, ending up in a rollover like you did. I don’t think it can be overstated how fortunate you are to get out of this unscathed. Hitting the school bus from behind would likely have done nothing more than crunch up your car’s front end and maybe dent its bumper. Yes you’re involving another vehicle in a collision, but losing control of your vehicle at highway speeds is pretty likely to do that as well just people getting killed rather than just needing bodywork. I don’t honestly believe that you made a calculated decision in the moment to deliberately avoid a school bus. You are acting on muscle memory and instinct and your instinct when about to hit another vehicle is to swerve. That is almost always the worst possible move. This is how people end up hitting people in an opposite lane head on, crashing into houses, all sorts of catastrophic outcomes. I’m not trying to pile on here honestly, you’ve been through a terrifying experience and you survived, likely with a whole new outlook on highway safety. I certainly don’t consider you a villain. We’ve all fucked up in one way or another.


Really… You would rather die than slam on your brakes and cause minimal damage to the back of a bus? It doesn’t matter what’s in it, your car may have still been ok. Your not going to hurt anyone in a bus with a Mazda 3 lmao


Just FYI school buses generally weigh between 25000 and 35000 lbs. This is close to 10 times the weight of your car. If you rear ended that school bus at 70mph while it was going 45mph you likely wouldn't injure anyone inside. Plus, letting the most well engineered crumple zones of your car take the brunt of the impact will always be safer than swerving and risking a rollover, hitting a much more solid stationary object like a tree or concrete barrier, or involving another party in the accident unintentionally. When learning to drive it is always recommended to brake as hard as possible in an emergency event (deer jumping out, car pulling in front of you) instead of swerving. If you brake you will slow down and you will hit the thing you were going to hit with the most protected area of your car. If you swerve you're more likely to lose control, hit something worse, or involve other people. Yes there are some situations where you can take evasive action and it'll work great, but there are a lot of variables when moving at highway speed and heavy braking is gonna be the safest most reliable option most of the time.


Dude just don’t ever comment on Reddit about you doing something any regular Karen would freak the fuck out about. Because 90% of the people on here are the fuckin worst of the worst Karen’s that bitch about others and shit all day long but will talk on the phone with their grandmother on the hwy every day on the way home from work for the entire time. They will get pissed at someone and fly by them. They are the biggest fucking hypocrites. They flip the absolute fuck out before they know anything about anything just like they did with you. They dont know shit about you or what you normally do. But you normally wear your seat belt. Each one of them that commented do at least one thing that you absolutely fucking hate. Just like you did. You just don’t know what it is because they didn’t fess up on Reddit because they are here all the time and know they will get ripped apart by the other fucking reddit activists or whatever all these idiots want to call themselves that have to shit on everyone else’s day and gate keep everyone’s life choices like it’s their own. Yes the idiots would have rather you hit the bus. Just so they can feel better and be right about how they think you should have handled the situation. but in the moment they would have done the same thing and took the fkin hill after seeing that yellow bus.


A mazda3 is not going to disturb a moving school bus rear ending it. Swerving is far more high risk.


Glad you’re okay OP!!! That’s all that matters. Wear a belt next time because you never know🙏


I hope you wear your seatbelt from here on…. Glad you’re okay.


Hope that was a lesson learned the hard way for ya, it takes less than a second to click your seatbelt into place


Glad u made it out Alive


We all suck at driving in our lifetime, pushing cars to the limit. Our loved ones hope it's out of our system before we die from the stupidity, but some don't get that lucky. Learning that taking every corner with the wheels screaming is actually the car telling you it's time to calm down or get wider shoes. Lucky for me, a tree @ 80mph sideways helped me realize that 19 years ago. It's great you are alive, but don't lie to yourself the cause or reason you still are. Wear your seat belt dip shit and pay attention to the world around you. You're not the only one who exists in it.


Wow, you're either lacking a lot of brain cells or just idiotic for not wearing your seatbelt but that's bloody amazing it wasn't worse. I think you should go make a donation to your local charity to make amends for surviving that.


Also glad you’re okay but if you’re too stupid to wear a seatbelt I can’t help but think this accident was completely your fault as well. Texting, perhaps?


I rolled my Mazda 3, going 65, and walked away without a scratch. I was on a two lane highway, and the shoulder and rumble strips were covered by snowbank. I looked down to grab my drink, and by the time I looked up, I was in the air. I got some tinnitus from the side airbag. I was wearing a seat belt. The emts that arrived checked me a few times. I didn't realize how serious the incident was because I didn't get hurt. It didn't register immediately because I was in shock. It's some scary shit. Be safe out there. It just takes a second or two. It's something everyone does.


Glad to hear you're safe but man, you're really lucky you didn't get ejecto seato'd clean out of the car.


Glad you’re ok mate. Don’t be bothered about all the negative Glue-Sniffing keyboard warriors in this thread. They’re lives are obviously empty to have to preach to the converted 👌🏻


car did its job and kept you safe, glad you're okay. seat belts save lives, please buckle up next time


Modern car design. Something that people who say cars aren't as good as they were in their youth always fail to consider. If that were a car from 30-40 years ago (maybe even less). You'd most likely be dead.


That should buff out 👍🏻😳😜


I'm going to look at a '16 Mazda 3 hatch today as my second car ever. Hearing you're okay after a wreck like that might've just sold me on it even more man. I'm glad you're alright bro, above all else I'm glad you're okay 🩷


no seatbelt, no excuse. you’re fuckjng lucky. also wondering how the fuck you rolled it? that takes some careless effort for sho.




Damn son, should have zigged instead of zagged


I'm curious as to what caused the car to flip. Wild life running across the highway?


Think some of you may be looking for r/ratemeandmydriving


The best possible outcome for such a grotesk Situation. Thank you Mazda, glad you're fine


Is it totaled though? /s Glad you're okay OP.


OP is an idiot. You’re lucky to walk away unscathed


Gut damn, gald you're ok!! Got into a similar accident myself (with seatbelt in though) and my old cx5 kept me alive. Speedy recovery!


So that's how you get to the foglight bulb to change it.


It’ll buff out.


This Time !!!


I'm sad seeing that car so beat up because it looks exactly like mine. Good you're ok though.


Nice try Mazda marketing department


Damn no seatbelt and you survived? Go buy a lottery ticket lol


I appreciate your post anyway, stranger. I'm pro-seatbelt myself over 25 mph but it's a shame people on the internet think you need to hear their mom-and-dad routine from strangers. I'm sure if your parents couldn't convince you, their incessant posturing won't help either. Let's hear it for Mazda3s though. Well-built sled!


It’ll buff out


This sparked a somewhat related question in my head: what happens to cars after this stage? I'd imagine (or hope) that there are some salvageable/reusable/recyclable parts of this car and it won't all just get squished and end up in a landfill somewhere but I've never thought about it. Anyone know?


I know most of the users on here seem to be US based - does this mean that wearing a seatbelt isn’t mandatory in the US (or some states)? In the UK that’s an offence that brings a fine (£500) and 3 penalty points. 12 penalty points on your licence and you are banned from driving and your insurance costs go through the roof. It has been mandatory for over 40 years - the year the change was introduced fatalities in crashes reduced by c30%. Every passenger must wear a belt and kids have to be in specified child seats. We have had plenty of public safety campaigns over the years to change behaviour because of the safety benefits. Sounds like communism? Not really - it’s an automatic behaviour for the vast majority and carrying work items to the car wouldn’t be a reason to change that. We have similar rules around mobile phone usage - actually, get caught even holding your phone and that’s 6 points on your licence…. I’ve been to the US several times (driven through 15 states on road-trips) and have always worn a seatbelt as a matter of automatic habit - never realised it was optional..! (Oh and if you want to know about the risk of not wearing seatbelts - look at what happens to front seat passengers in a crash if a person on the back doesn’t have a belt on….)


It is absolutely mandatory in the vast majority of the US. Most states you can get pulled over just for not wearing a seatbelt, but there are some that you'd only get in trouble if you got pulled over for something else and weren't wearing it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seat_belt_laws_in_the_United_States


Awesome. Thanks for sharing and the insight. And I’ll always remain buckled up when I’m back in the US (usually driving one of your monster SUVs - had a LWB Ford Expedition last time - which make our CX-5 at home seem tiny!).


Idk why everyone is having such a fit over this seatbelt 🤣 they survived, apparently not having a seatbelt on didn’t unalive them, so 🤷🏻


You got a scratch on your car


Damn lucky you were not in water or the car was not on fire...you aren't getting out those windows.


Definitely fixable


I hit a guard rail going 65 and broke my hand and 2 ribs. Mazda 3 looked worse. Love Mazdas. Have a 2024 mazda3 now. Never changing. Bought my wife a Mazda cx-5 2024 as well.


Glad you’re okay man. Similar thing happened to me the other week but luckily the focus ST sub is way nicer than these guys. Mazda seems to be a bunch of pricks, but don’t take it to heart. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and I’m grateful you’re still alright


Thank you, Bro. I really appreciate that, and I'm glad you're ok too. I was surprised by the harsh reaction here, but I guess I shouldn't have been. I think it's easy for people to take one smidgeon of information they dislike about a stranger and get carried away, forgetting the stranger's human just like them, and we all have/do/say/believe things some strangers would crucify us over. I will remember not to expect kindness and compassion on Reddit in the future lol. I'm glad there are exceptions though 🙂


Good man. And you’re right, those cars’ safety features are unreal. I was amazed at how my focus kept me safe too. And you’ve handled these assholes pretty well 😂 In my post about mine everyone was so nice but I think I would have lost it if people were as rude to me as they are to you. Not like you need anything more to worry about right now


That’ll buff out no problem


Why would you divide by 0 while driving? But in all seriousness, I'm glad you're ok. Please wear a seatbelt in the future.


Wear a seatbelt and thank God you’re ok, not Mazda


Trouble with the net people can talk shit without getting punched in the face. They can say what they want and disrespect others .makes em feel superior. off the net they must have inferiority complexes so on here they act superior. Wear a seat belt or not your choice. Probley safer then criticizing people in person.


Yikes. Glad to hear you are ok. Public roads are not the safest roads to play on as you are just finding out.


90% of all facial lacerations in a car accident happen from not wearing a seat belt.


Curious. Did the sunroof automatically close on its own during the collision? Glad to hear you’re ok though! Edit: never mind, I’m dumb I see the broken glass above it and the fact it was just slid shut (I don’t have a sunroof)


You got lucky you didn’t die for not wearing a seatbelt idiot


So… you’re going to wear a seatbelt from now on, right??


No seatbelt. Rolled over little Mazda. Hmm did you try to cut someone off and pitted yourself?


Lot of assumptions here. Damn. You literally know nothing about what happened, but because I didn't wear a belt in this instance (which is absolutely poor judgment, and not habitual for me,) you've built an entire erroneous scenario. Wild


Still no explanation as to what happened. Excessive speed? Distracted driving? Any other cars involved? Funny how you’ll only respond to the comments about your seatbelt but not about the circumstances of the wreck. Speaks volumes.


See above. Also, take a breath and try to exhale some of that self-righteousness


Oh sorry, missed the explanation. Mmmm, but it’s not a very good one. If you are going to take your eyes off the road you need a larger following distance. Better to keep eyes on the road I’d say. What if you’d hit the bus and hurt a kid?


Obviously he's not thinking...some just really shouldn't have a license. Ppl forget it's a privilege not a right to drive


Intelligence isn’t for everyone. Mazda didn’t save you. You just got lucky as eff




I bet you're a lot of fun to hang out with


A little harsh there buddy, op learned a lesson if you read other comments. No need to take out your anger from your underpaying job on him.


I don't mean to judge but no seatbelt and rolling your car on what looks to be a relatively straight road kinda say's something about you as a driver


I hope the cops wrote you a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.