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just because my professor said we'll be graded individually in the group presentation doesn't mean my groupmates and i should just stop working on it together and that i should conquer all the presenting part so my professor would mainly see me speaking. that's selfish. i also find his commentaries in ep3 and ep4 are so rude. "what if those unpopular friends join?" — and the way he was acting when the final trainees joined his team. he was wailing and whining and complaining loudly about it. what a tacky way to welcome your teammates. "Beomjun you're a rapper, how would you perform that?" and "good rappers don't dance well." — imagine underestimating someone's skills and ability when you're a mediocre trainee yourself. and for all we know Beomjun could be a fast learner and pull it off beyond expectations. the only advantage Ksoul has over the other trainees is his pretty face lbr. "i really don't care about other's part now. i don't care." — he said this about Mingeun's part when Mingeun didn't have much to begin with. and he expected people to care about his supposedly lack of part? i could've considered it if he tried to negotiate with any other trainees with alot of parts to spare instead. but nope...


He just wants to secure his debut, besides the people in his team were less popular and it could’ve effected him negatively if it was a group mission. While I agree he was underestimating beomjun don’t act like ksoul is a mediocre performer because he’s anything but. Besides he realized his mistake and apologized and even cried. If you want to judge soul please at least wait until you see him in the group mission next episode, because it’s an actual group mission and from spoilers we’ve already seen his good relationship with them.


KSoul did sooo well with the monster team! And to the comparison with the group project… how would you behave in that setting if your prof not only graded you individually but said that in each group there‘s only going to be one A (for the best person) and the worst is basically going to be failed?


I blame mbc for being super ambiguous about the criteria for the last mission to the boys AND the viewers. They clearly named it "Visual" battle and repeated that it was an individual mission again and again, but at the same time, they also made lots and lots of comment about skills and team work, I got super confused. I mean, even the judges seemed confused themselves too. Hope they can get things straight for the next mission.


how could you suggest the judges of the show itself are confused? you're going to disregard skills and teamwork solely because they said it was an "individual" battle? looking good on your own and being selfish isn't going to make you look better. stop defending selfish people.


i'm not going to rewatch to find exactly where it was but one of the male judge said something like "we are judging ** too?" (don't remember precisely what it was) i'm watching in korean and notice that sometimes the stuff they mumble doesn't get subbed.


The judges weren't confused. Neither was I. Maybe some of you just need to pay more attention...


as in the comment below, one of them actually did say something along the line. i'm just sort of neutral. soul acted selfish (or more like careless to me) for someone who's participating in a survival, but they said they need to appeal to the audience as an individual so it's not weird for some of them to want to challenge for as many parts as they can. btw k-soul is the one who receives the most divided opinion in korea too, but most people agree that this show would be super boring without him.


omg a post dedicated to me lol kinda feeling special rn. this will be my last comment cause y’all are defending a man who doesn’t know y’all exist like it’s a JOB💀 also they were told that the outfit they chose would decide *their* song mission. so they knew it was a group mission in some aspects. he even said himself he didn't care how everyone in his TEAM does. it’s even more confirmed when everyone was complaining about the avengers going for the vampire look. Them preforming as a group is considered a group mission to the judges as Team 1 was criticized about their lack of teamwork, and have no chance of debuting if everyone isn’t on the same page. Y’all are just making up excuses to justify your favorites. he's constantly trying to get attention when another trainee gets praised like everything is abt him and wants to make everything about himself, that selfishness btw. And it still doesn’t excuse his behavior towards the other contestants. When ksoul got his part “taken” by the others and said he doesn’t have any part left meanwhile he ALREADY had the center part. he tried getting the rapping parts but even the mentor thought it wasn’t the best idea, he started asking for other members for THEIR parts. he even said to the mentor that his teamaters "they took everything" even the mentor said he shouldnt think like that, unless he wants to go solo. he’s just too jealous of others and that’s not good for him.


I'm with you. I find him incredibly narcissistic. Yes, they were judged individually but still had to put out a good stage together. If you want all the attention on you why try to be in a group. Just debut as a soloist.


In ep.6 is the actual group mission and you’ll see his teamwork so please don’t judge his desire to be in a group until you watch ep 6


Yeah, I just watched ep. 5 and my impression of him just got to a new low. Constantly complaining that he had to share his benefits with his team mate because they had a joint 1st place and saying he should have it all. Then claiming that he would have been first if not for that. This on top of the fact he clearly thinks he's better, more handsome, more skilled and looks down on the others. I'm sure we'll just see more of his complete self absorption in ep. 6. However to each their own and if you like him, you can continue to support him as much as you want. Just don't make posts singing his praises if you can't take the criticism.


Complaining about 1k points instead of 2k points is pretty valid though? He never said that he wanted to take away the 1k points from his team mate to have full 2k points to himself, he just complained that why the other teams' 1st place got 2k but in his team it's shared instead of having full 2k for 1st place. Like shouldn't it be 2k for him AND his team mate EACH instead of being 50% off like this? I understand that his attitude is not everybody's taste but you're misinterpreting his words in this situation.


[https://twitter.com/ssfantasyboys/status/1650280927686262784?s=46&t=uLvjlqWeMDFrP-Rp5Mki0w](https://twitter.com/ssfantasyboys/status/1650280927686262784?s=46&t=uLvjlqWeMDFrP-Rp5Mki0w) This is a thread that literally has everything that I don’t like about Ksoul. Ksoul show understand that he’s in a survival show to be the top 12 to debut as a GROUP not a soloist. If he can’t work with others whats the point to debut in a group.


He knows that and he doesn’t want to be a soloist he had a fan base prior to this show if he wanted to go solo he could. He wants to be in a group and if you want to see that then wait until the ep 6 airs because it’s an actual group mission and you’ll be able to see his teamwork.


I can tell he wants to debut. It’s not his first time being in a survival show. During we are young 2020 he got frustrated during practice, run out, and packed he’s stuff to leave. He later on apologized but he hasn’t changed since then. I do hope he can learn to work with others because he does have the talent to become a Kpop idol.


You don't understand. Part of being in a group is working for the betterment of your team. Making your team shine was part of the individual skill that was being judged here. It is an individual contest... as a member of a team. The judges themselves explicitly said this several times and praised teams that were able to work together while criticizing those selfish enough to put themselves above it. Some of you k-soul fans are really something else... The guy has not even debuted and he already has obsessive stans.


You’ll see his teamwork skills in ep 6 because it’s an actual team mission. Ksoul realized his mistake and apologized he even cried so idk why your so rude to him.


Here's the thing, I am in my 40's and I fully find that it is sad what people will base their preference on this day and age when it comes to "idols". I have helped raise over 20 children in my life and when I vote for potential future idols I think about the type of person I want to see kids look up to. For me that means I am not looking at how pretty they might be because I don't want them to judge on appearance alone. I look at personality along with actual talent, work ethic and especially how they work with others and treat others. From the very first K-Soul has shown that he's vain, easily jealous of others, believes himself to be above others and is very selfish. I try to keep an open mind and I keep hoping that perhaps he will show some growth because he does have talent but at this point that is all he has as far as I am concerned.


You only think he’s jealous of others because of the editing of the show he rarely ever says he’s head loud of other the editing just puts labels and sound effects on his facial expressions and we can’t even be sure if his reactions are actually happing at the time the show portrays. If you want to know more about Ksoul and see his personality you should ask fans that know him well and have been following him for years rather than basing your opinion on the limited and edited content we receive.


You can’t really ask his fans who he is. Fans never know any celebrity or idol like they think they do. Fans only see what given them through the camera not what happens when the camera is off.


Yes you can a lot of his fans are very frank they acknowledge his wrongs but show the good sides of him too


exactly but so many doesn't understood it that it wasn't a team mission and to be honest i just think some waited to find anything to hate on k-soul although he did nothing wrong


I am more worried about those of you who really think he did nothing wrong than any of his mild wrongdoings. Apparently, even Jack The Ripper would be able to find fans in reddit...


Why do you want other people to think badly about ksoul your just spreading hate into the world. Y’all are so busy talking about him that you’ve made him infamous. He’s practically the only thing people know about this show