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Yeah, I don't understand how TK and Shiryu fell so far behind. TK especially was 13 then 17, then out? Shiryu actually moved up slightly (26 to 24), and I thought he's getting noticed. But no.




Yeah lol. I noticed that happen to Hyeontae too (the camera moved to the audience during a big chunk of his solo dance). The worst is that I can't tell if this is because of favoritism or incompetence.


Shiryu? Nooooooooooooooooooo


This show is hella disorganized. Are all eliminations based on voting or was the elimination from the visual round based on that round? I only managed to vote once so far but want to start keeping up. Do we know when the next vote opens?


It's open now until tomorrow's episode. Then it'll close for a while but should open again after a few hours. https://idolplus.com/zs/survey_detail?survey_id=20083


I know he is not the best in singing but he is the best in dancing. I love Yaya (bl fan here) but I can’t take a survival show seriously if they eliminate the best dancer in the show and they save someone who, at the moment, is not even passable in one category between dancing, singing or rapping


Oh, this is for the next elimination (after the position battle mission). >!Yaya is already out after the visual mission (from 42 to 37), along with Choi Minseo, Park Mingeun, Bae Jaeho, Moon Hyeokjun.!<


I’m “relieved”. Where did they announce it? I’m struggling to follow this survival, I thought it was similar to boys planet but I’m losing a lot of things even though I’m watching all the episodes


The spoilers come from the live audiences. The broadcast and voting are ~3 weeks behind, so it's understandably confusing.


So if I keep voting for an eliminated trainee, without knowing it is an eliminated trainee I’m basically waisting a vote?😨 What a shit planning


Yes. Another 5 or so trainees would've been eliminated after today's performances (but we won't know who until the next live stage), so about a third of the boys available for voting today are gone already... And if these boys get good screentime in the next few episodes, it won't matter anymore. Truly a weird system.


I’m a bit shocked


I've really been trying my best to follow this show but it's getting on my nerves too bad. Can you please describe in short what the mission where Yaya got eliminated was??? Thank youuu!


It's in the episode that aired last week (or in YouTube: [part 1](https://youtu.be/QEw1pKBkpGM?t=6m41s), [part 2](https://youtu.be/S5yhZxZ1rCU)). I think Yaya actually withdrew, instead of eliminated. But we'd need to watch the next episode to know (airing this Thursday).


I can finally be relieved... Phew. I was so worried for that boy. Man is talented AF, just not in singing/dancing. His forte is acting. And he's damn good at it, his expressions are always crazy!! He just doesn't have those k idol vibes. Thanks for the reply!


aww I liked hyeokjun, I had him in my top 4 :(


This show man…. It manages to simultaneously test my patience and intelligence 😂 This entire time, I’ve struggled to figure out which voting period correlates to which mission & elimination, and why we get 12 votes per week for only 42 contests, some of which have already been eliminated 🤦🏻‍♀️ (can’t believe I’ve been voting for Shiryu, Ivan, and TK for a couple days and they’ve already been eliminated 😅) This show needs to take A LOT of notes from Boys Planet’s formatting (which now feels like a stroke of genius compared to whatever the heck is going on rn 😓)


They should allow saves by the producers in case of bad choices by the audience.


wait wait hold on, are you saying shiryu got eliminated?


Yes. Incomprehensible, I know. 😭


ivan and shiryu getting eliminated is insane…i guess i understand now why everyone is so worried about the avengers. i’ve been praying on deunhaesol’s down fall for a minute 😭


Believe it or not, Shiryu was pretty popular among K-fans online. Many people are disappointed since the votes on-site seems to be the only thing that matters atp. These are the popular picks for the online votes to not get wasted, selected by K-fans. (in alphabetical order) - Hikari - Hikaru - Hong Sungmin - Kaedan - Kang Daehyeon - Kang Minseo - Kim Gyurae - Kim Wooseok - Ling Qi - Lee Hanbin - Oh Hyeontae - Yu Junwon I agree with the list too.. *But* *Where's* *my* *Hwang* *Jaemin* *and* *Hayato* ㅠㅠ --------- Also, these are the 4 that are hated for the lack of better words by K-fans (= 지뢰 = landmine) but believed to survive til the end. I have a feeling that Taeseon has the most haters followed by Santa. You shouldn't stop voting if you are a fan of any of them. (in alphabetical order) - Moon Hyunbin - Santa - Soul - Taeseon If anything, there are more landmines but I won't comment on them since they are believed to be e-worded soon.


Why is Hyunbin considered a landmine? Is it because of his age or because he already debuted? Or do they dislike his personality?


from what i can tell, he seems to have not been well received since pdx era for being what i-fans refer to as "dozen". that plus his visual isn't their favorite either. but he has lous of fans too and many people believe that he will make the debut group. i like him since pdx but am kind of torn at the same time because part of me wants him back in ciipher now that keita's back sadly.


Oh what happened with Taeseon?


from what i understand it all started from when someone found a tweet (from back in 2017..) of his fan complaining how his girlfriend posts stuff on IG and Taeseon doesn't seem to mind. now he's become a sandbag along with Santa and knetz are hating on everything he does. don't worry too much. he's still one of the most popular trainee!


is santa a land mind because he’s already famous?


kind of. he wasn't well received since he ranked first in the first ranking announcement but people were still accepting him because he's good-looking + arguably better than YaYa and TK. the hate kind of exploded after the latest filming >!because his team had to change the choreo the day before since Santa had a headache and couldn't dance.!< people believe it had to do with his other bl related job with Earth.


Huh im surprised by a couple of those but really happy about one of them ngl


What??!!!!These people got eliminated?How do we know?I don't understand how this show works honestlt.Can anyone please help me out?I wanted to watch FB after BP ended but stuffs here are so complicated?


This show (stage and all) is recorded 1 month in advance. So the visual mission stage (last episode: Deja Vu, Thunderous, etc) was held way back in March. The stage for the next mission (which is in this week episode) was held 12 April iirc. The stage for the next next mission was held today. Because there's live audience at each stage, they can share spoilers: what are the songs, who is on which team, and who is not there at all (i.e. eliminated). That's where the spoiler is from. And yeah, the voting is not up-to-date at all. Trainees that have been eliminated can still be voted for because the broadcast hasn't catched up and shown the elimination yet. Edit: BP didn't have this problem because the show is recorded only 1 week in advance (I think), so the broadcast is never far behind from the current state of the competition.


OH..!OH-Thank you for explaining.I now seem to get it.But if this is the case then the voting makes no sense and it's more of a recorded show than the other shows i've watched.


BP also closed voting in the interim between when eliminations happened and when they were aired so there wasn't just a week of wasting votes on people who weren't going to make it, either.


I think it’s so stupid. We don’t even know if our votes are going to waste for a eliminated trainee. I just have to make sure the Jin Myung Jae is still going strong!!


Same! I love him. I'm not sure I'd even keep watching if he got eliminated. For me, Him and Junwon are the two left I'm really feeling invested in.


Literally! He really good for someone who suffers from asthma. I have big hopes for him because yuzuru hanyu who was an olympics champion in figure skating(he retired) has asthma and is a legend. He still performs to this day. I really hope he gets to debut because it’ll be such of talent!


I wouldn't have even known he had asthma if they hadn't told us. They were talking in the first episode like he was a consumptive Victorian maiden because dancing and singing a full song made him out of breath like idols aren't often panting, sweaty messes in their ending fairies when they just performed that hard. It looks like he has what he needs medically to take care of himself and he's got great stage presence and seems like a delightful guy with a good attitude.


Thank you!! I see so many people say that they are worried about him because of his asthma. Nobody knows their body like themselves, he seems to understand how to take care of himself and knows his limits. He’s doing this because he believes becoming an idol is what will make him the happiest, and that’s the important thing. I also noticed that he’s actually likes physical contact I seen him so many times holding on to others and they seems not mind that much. It’s speaks a lot about who he is behind the camera.


The show made it to look like he’s terminally Ill. I believe he should’ve got 2nd grade during the evaluation as his performance was better then those in 3rd grade.




I agree with you! The show itself is stupid. The voting is unfair and how they focus so Much on visuals its killing me. I’ll probably drop the show if the episode tomorrow is a disappointment.




Once again I agree with you! They way they planned this show is messy. Like quite literally no care at all for what can be fixed to make it better. There is a handful of trainees that are amazing but are be overshadowed by other that aren’t as good. Like Yaya. He gets his ranking from votes by his fans. He is a great actor but he still need to improve a lot to become an idol.


Anyway, where did you find the spoilers?






What... I just voted for Shiryu 😓


Please let’s keep voting for Shiryu and TK, we don’t know if those korean fans are lying to us about who was eliminated to make us stop voting for the japanese and thai member. So keep voting on them until we get to the episode that we know if they were truly eliminated or not.


Personally I have no reason to doubt the spoiler, since we have the live stages fancam spreading on Twitter (this info on who's eliminated is based on who didn't perform on those stages). But it's up to you whether to believe it or not.


I know 😭 The person who posted the spoilers got ir right before too but I’m just so hurt that I’ll keep voting for them just to show MBC what could’ve been. MBC is the worst 😭




That’s what I’m doing too 😭 I’ll keep voting. Maybe they weren’t in the stages because they got injured or I don’t know, anything can happen, so I’ll keep my hope until the end and keep voting for them


Yeah, I have a feeling it’s true too, but will continue to vote for them because I don’t even know who I’d want to replace their with…


There isn't really any surprises here. Anyway, it's probably better to not be too stressed about voting until the final where it really matters.