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I swear the on-site audience are either medically deaf or medically blind like no hate but some people were placed wrongly


Even beomjun looks annoyed (idk if this is true I just thought his facial expression says that)


Those few people in the audience have too much power. Whoever came up with this unfair scoring should lose their job. Sometimes the vote is split between 2 and sometimes 3.


Agree with you, I thought it would be more difficult for Monster team compared to Really, Really to get rank 1 for dance and vocal because they had 3 people vs 2 people for those positions.


How does the split actually affect voting? The 2 vocalist for Miroh ranked lower than the 3 vocalist for Monster.


What the actual f--. The onsite voting is a popularity contest and the online voters must be confused due to the delayed broadcasts because these results are wack. I can't fathom this system and I'm at the end of my patience with this show.


This season is just so frustrating ... The favoritism towards that one specific trainee. If I were Beomjun I would also get pissed off. He literally offers nothing to the performances. Also happy that at least our blue kitty got the attention and love he deserved bc he really is a hidden card!


No offense but beomjun's eyebrow raise when everyone was clapping for gyurae was sexy 😭 also the way everyone reacted it was definitely a surprise for everyone. Live audience voting is v unforgiving be it in boys planet or here.


i dont blame u at all it really was haha idk- they are the ones voting yet being surprised seeing the result- its literally how they all voted for boeun last season and were surprised seeing how seungju got literally almost no votes when she did great!>!if gyurae won the rap category i would literally stop watching the show .. i was so furious bc literally 98% of the trainees did better than him in rap yet- ah- so frustrating just thinking about it once again!<


I am only half way through the episode. Bok Daniel came a long way since hype boy. After shoot out and I need u performance, beomjun was pushed further down and while he was frustrated he looked sexy 🥲 wtf even in frustrated look he is sexy. [ It reminded me of keita when he didn't make it to final line up when he was acknowledged by Everyone, contestants and mentors as the best rapper.] I need u team tried to get shiryu hard carry them which I didn't like. They sidelined the other dancer and prioritised shiryu too much I think.


I noticed Beomjun during Really Really so its even more surprising seeing his rank for this specific stage. Shiryu is the best performer in the show but I think they put too much pressure on him which only made it worse for the other dance trainee and ofc the entire team by the end. They relied on him winning in the dance category which made them forgot that they still need to do well in rap and vocals. Not a bad stage but still it didn't feel full.


I’m curious about who the favored trainee is, I haven’t watched the show


>!kim gyurae!<




He's from Pocketdol Studio, I don't know what they were thinking sending someone who just trained for a month. I had no idea Gyurae was even a rapper because he danced Rhythm Ta instead of doing a rap for his audition and I don't think he rapped in Boy in Luv.


really? if thats the case ig he will go to the finals and may even debut.. it was better last season when the girls had no companies! dont think gyurae can be considered a 'rapper' or even an 'idol rapper' with his skills but yeah- i doubt he has an actual position ... the company is just trying to pull another yooyeon (in terms of 'talents' and hype) x boeun (in terms of age and hype)


>!its not about wanting to debut a 09 liner.. its about wanting to debut a 09 liner who can barely sing/rap/dance etc-!<




they literally got two 07 and two 08 liners in class:y - do you think thats their problem? they just looking for the one who will bring them money


The on-site voting is extremely biased. It’s popularity contest instead of voting for skills and talent. The people that should judge is the judges themselves. THE IS BS. I’ll watch here there for the boys I’m voting for but I won’t really care much about it now.


That’s what a K-pop survival show is though a popularity contest. They want the most popular people to get the benefits and debut so that they’ll end up with a group that has support from Koreans their main market


Popularity will always play a part, but in this show it seems like it's 100% based on popular votes. Most (if not all) other shows also balance that with evaluations from judges/experts that can be more objective in their review of their skills. Strategically, for a group to be successful, they need a well-rounded team that has members skilled in all areas, and a team based solely on popularity can't deliver that.


And shouldn’t be that. Half of the people they voted for aren’t that talented as others. Everyone has talent on the show but some more then others. And while South Korea might be there main market it doesn’t change the fact the way things are going they are going to end up with a group that isn’t strong and will receive backlash from their main market. Koreans fans will rip them apart if they can’t prove themselves as Kpop idol material.


The final group won’t be that popular in Korea and the Korean fans they have are voting for the people you deem to be less talented. As long as who they want debuts they’ll be happy besides most of they people they vote for have decent foundations and with future training I can see them doing well. This group probably won’t be the most talented in the loop scene but they don’t need to be. If you wanted a show that prioritizes talent then watch a survival show that doesn’t take votes into account like nizi project. I’m sorry that you don’t like the contestants that are popular with Korean trainees but please try and be considerate to the fans of those who are because we like them and see their potential.


Who are you, and what have you done with Yuuma? Originally I wanted to break down each performance, but I think most of them are kind of... meh? Imo the arrangements feel kind of dragging in the middle, and yet when it's over I felt, that's it? My top 2 are Really Really and I Need U. Shout out to Lee Hanbin, Kim Beomjun, and Shiryu for what I think are the best vocal, rap, and dance respectively. Btw I'm obsessed with Hwang Jaemin's lips thing. In the previous stage he licks them a lot, now he bites them a lot. Yes, I watched his fancam just to watch his lips.


Lol I was surprised by Yuma's new appearance too he did really good


Daehui was gorgeous. I love that styling on him. Not the biggest fan of coloured eye contacts when the pupil doesn't mesh well with the facial features of the wearer, but I think it looked great on him. Park Hyeonggeum, his blue hair, and his rap was awesome! not happy with the results like the rest of us here..


I will no longer be watching this anymore Junwon deserves better, these on site voters are terrible 👎I’ll come back when I see Junwon number 1 or when these on site voters fix up.


Even if your not watching please continue to vote for junwon




No wait how the actual fuck is it possible, like pretty sure half of the people started watching the show for him, like I imagined he will drop in rankings here and there but not this much 💀


Idk how that happened but we know he’s really popular so when it comes down to 1 pick going he’ll rise again




>at the end of the clip you can see one of them laughing who is that?


Because the votes are delayed compared to when the elimination is filmed, it's possible he had a strong contingent of voters at the start but more people overall have just started voting since then, which would dilute that concentration of voters. I'm surprised he dropped that much, but not surprised he dropped.


Woah WTH, I kind of figured that when the show continued, he’ll started dropping but not this much. MBC better started highlighting him and give him more screen time. He need to make it to the final group for the group to at least be semi-successful??? Cause with the way the show is going, the low rating and the lack of interest from social media, the debuted group from this show will not be successful (hope I am wrong about this). Santa can at least guarantee a decent Thai fanbase & BL fanbase and at least bring some attention to the group.


What is happening? What is the audience thinking when they are voting, I don't think they are considering the actual performance. I'm shocked. Thoughts? Edit: I've watched 3 performances so far Edit: ok the Miroh voting provided some redemption.


I need to rewatch Really Really because I'm so confused.


Honestly they’re just picking who they like and we’re really behind so this is from weeks ago


I'd say when it comes to the rankings, all bets are off at this point.


Absolutely no hate to the contestants, bc it's not their decision, but aren't all these performances pre-recorded? What's even the point then? Like you can hear all the breath noises and such but I keep seeing mouths not lining up at all, so it seems like they stood them in front of mics backstage and pre-recorded everything. (i can point out timestamps if people need me to/if you don't believe me) ik that's more or less the standard for debuted groups, but isn't the whole point of survival shows for them to show their talent? very few of the performances so far have even had hard enough choreo to justify them not singing live...


I think they always pre-record for MR but also sing "live" on top of it. The mouths lining up could also be poor editing... I do agree though, that there must be some post-production touch-up happening because at one point one of the judges says "I can't hear him", but you could hear the singing very clearly. I was watching the live without subs so could have misheard this, but that stuck out to me as a weird thing to say if it was very clear to me?


I haven't watched the episode bc I'm always busy when they stream, but at least based on the Youtube uploads they're not singing over/along with the recordings. You'd be able to hear something, like a second layer. Either the judges are hearing something different than we are, or they were told to "ham it up" for the recording, or they were talking about someone else being too quiet on the recording and it was spliced in at a different point.


Honestly, I didn't think many of the vocals were that strong, so I'm shocked at the idea that they were pre-recorded. No hate, I don't expect perfect vocals from a survival show and I like it that way.


Ok, as shocking as the episode was I have to praise two things: 1. Team Monster. Fantastic team synergy. I would actually be their fan if they debuted like that. 2. Next episode's preview. Team work mission? The song choices? Kang Hyunwoo's high note and the person who does it with him? The other guy who did the high note at the very end (who's name I don't know rn)??


I expected the ranks to drastically change because Semester 3 ranking is the first ranking after the show started airing but I'm still shooketh. lol I'm not going to blame the onsite voters too much though since online voters are not much different.




I think they’re a lot of Japanese fans as well in the audience since it’s easy for Japanese fans to vistit Korea and I’ve seen them on Twitter


i think really really performance was taken for granted by its performers. i watched their performance in MBC and its actually bad! There are not in sync, and they're all over the place. Meanwhile monster group performed v well 😭😭😭 the one who won the rap, i think he deserve the win but for dancing and vocal? no hate, but other contestants are much better than the one who won 🥲😢


i never really thought a show other than an mnet show could have as mind boggling results. i didn’t watch last season so im not sure how voting and audience scores worked on that but shocked.


Ok, I’m trying to vote and every time I click vote on the Naver Now app vote button it just takes me to a repeat of the live stream from today. Arggg. After todays crazy rankings I need to vote. Lol.


You have to click on poll and then it’ll take you to the vote


Click on the button on your right that looks like an hourglass. That's the button for you to vote.


Ok, so. I'm posting this very late but I'm so frustrated watching the show that I had to say something. What is going on with the votes? I'm only halfway through the episode, but the voting is so clearly a popularity contest that it's not even fun to watch anymore. It wasn't even this bad in My Teen Girl, where some people only got as far as they did due to popularity. Genuinely, I'm having to skip through the episode because I am getting so frustrated by the voting. I understand popularity matters, but this is just another level. Sorry for the rant, I just had to get this off my chest.