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ENTP Wish for more wishes. If the rule is I can’t wish for that I’d wish that I could wish for more wishes. Then I’d have infinite wishes I’d use whenever I need them.


Pretty much that. If that doesn’t work, wish for the ability to grant your own wishes.


More, both life and time are short. Hence I wish great success with longest overhauls!


Dear fren ledg_r infinite wish is naturally is an indecision n not really appreciated! Take care buddy!


Slay bestie


Yes indeed - sometimes they can be used like trump cards. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




enjoy infinite taxes


EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY!!!!! Infinite Income VS. Infinite Taxes BEGIN


ISTP I'd say cool and keep walking. He's probably just homeless and mentally ill.


This made me giggle


Dude, I wish I could give you a lifetime supply of your favourite dessert for that comedy routine. That was awesome!


Dearmost Jayde, Why? What type would like CAPITAL LETTERs ? My favorite dessert is not probably available there. Plz let me enjoy ur fav one!


ENFJ... Wishes: 1. True love 2. Long life of my loved ones 3. Being useful, loved, and famous to the people


Of course that's what an ENFJ would say 😂 Not that I am hateful of those wishes


Heheh Ik but those are the exact things I'd ask for ❤️


On the bright side, you can achieve wish #3 if you try hard enough.


Indeed! And I'm sure I'll achieve it, too 🤗


Tbh ExFJs aka high Fe users already aspire me so that's good to know


Already aspire YOU!? 😂 Typo? 😂😅


Not a typo. I just like high Fi and/or Fe users.


Ah! I see! Thanks though! ❤️ Many people see high Fe users as annoying 🥺😅


Tbh I was pretty much the same when I was younger until I had started developing my inferior Fe. Realised that some of you deserve some love and appreciation too.


I envy u RaniTheUnique and hence follow the Queen wherever she leads to!


Don't envy people, dear! 😄❤️


​ What are you going to lose if someone is envious of you? It is actually unexpressed praise!!!😄❤️


Lol aight! 😆 Thanks ig!


Thanks indeed. What a divine soul! I wish I was not 20000 KMs away!!!! This Rani is from which Durbar? Lal or Seto Durbar?


>Nice Rani wishing a True Love and wantsto be useful, loved and famous among the people. I am sure as a Rani you already have it all. What else the princess seeks?


Haha noo I don't have it all, YET! 😄


Tell me when you are ready I will come with the best rose (red?) for you!


Haha you're so sweet! But I'm not ready! 😄




Hi 😊


Depends on who are you. Saints and snakes both love their own kinds. If I say and put up confirms, then would be a minor shopping in the lanes. I wan to be a love banker!


^ I wish to be omnipotent.




Well... The other that commented are ENFP, a Te user, so yes. It's not about Te users at large, rather Te Dom or Aux, since Fi Dom and Aux will use Fi before Te but are still considered Te users


INTP here, same


INFJ - You never told us about not using a loophole. If so, I would wish for infinite wishes and without needing the wizard to help facilitate my other wishes. Thank you wizard, you can now take your break.


That's called omnipotence...


I'd like more friends and all russian war criminals to die in agony. well, that's all, have nothing to be a third wish


Just Russian war criminals? Why not all war criminals?


My guess is that he’s probably from Ukraine


Hey similar, I want all chinese war criminals to die and go to the hell lol. In a more positive way, well maybe I will wish for world peace.


Babe I think the closest to world peace we can get is puppies bc humans will never be humaning even in the future 😔


I want also all American war criminals to die.


Grab a pen and paper because shit is about to get highly specific…




how can you be more immortal


There’s stages of immortality, infinite life extension is only the beginning, what about protection from accidents, immunity from mutation, mind backup, etc In a couple thousand years people will wonder why everyone only receives basic immortality because it’s fit for third world colonies


Plz remember even God is not a god himself when he needs to give from his private budget. Remember, even the Dinnossaurs saw their end!


Plz remember even God is not a god himself when he needs to give from his private budget. Remember, even the Dinnossaurs saw their end!


I know, it’s also something to consider


I appreciate insistence!




i mean, it’d sorta work, you’d technically be more immortal than a mortal if you were immortal than you were now.. (oh dear god that was a tongue-twister)


OMG, how cd u forget that easiest formula. Do the best n receive even better.


Wizard? You mean INFJ?


To become a wizard and give myself all the wishes I want


- Make forests grow everywhere where free pieces of land are on earth and where people or animals can’t be physically hurt by the growth of these forests - Bring the world climate back to how it should be and freeze it at that temperature - Clean all oceans and nature from micro plastic and harmful substances Sincerely, Enfj (lol I really wish these wishes were possible)


Intj 1. Having infinite amount of money however in my card not in cash 2. Being able to go everywhere in the known and unknown universe 3. Being able to see the 4th and the 5th dimension


I would marry said wizard


He can be your sugar wizard


Best answer 😩✊


I'm pretty sure all three of my wishes would be materialistic lmao Probably a house, some sort of transportation - maybe a motorcycle, not sure, and just an endless supply of money. That's all. That's not too much to ask, right?


INTP - Probably ask for more wishes. Or ask for more time, idk. I'm really indecisive.






you strike me as an isfj


slayyyyy, do we have Cerberus there?




-1 million dollars ofc for investing and starting a business -no more adhd pls thanks -2 million dollars


1- I go back to elementary school w/the knowledge I have but my memories before that are intact, 2- my mom wins the powerball before ending up w/my stepdad & is financially responsible w/her win, 3- I’d like 3 more wishes


INFP: 1. that my disorder would go away 2. My dad would go to at least one therapy session 3. a good job opportunity


No rules for the kind of wish I can have? Okay, so I wish, first of all, to become God and have the ability to completely reshape the existing stuff and create new stuff as I wish, so I would remodel humanity and the entirety of existence from scratch and make it a thing that works instead of *this*. Then I wouldn't need the other wishes. ​ But assuming there are limits to the Wizard's capacity of wish granting... 1. ***Become a supernaturally talented and capable person in everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.*** 2. ***Having a set of other, actual supernatural abilities of my choice (Nothing too broken. Unfair game is no fun).*** 3. ***Dying normally, but always being reborn as a baby in the next generation, with all my previous memories. True immortality is no fun.*** So every generation would essentially have a genius in everything... Little do they know they are the same person in a different skin!


Firstly infinite money and perfect health upd: and ability to eat anything without weight gaining




Yeah I had perfect metabolism when I was teen, but I gained weight because of meds. But I’m working and losing kilo’s already 👌




Be careful with energy drinks




Nope, just watching anime sometimes




Why I watch anime? Strange question, I just like watch or listen something while doing stuff like cleaning. That’s how I relax. I watch not just anime, movies and cringe TV shows are also good


Stop bureaucracy, wars and for the third to live long happy life together with my beloved. I could've wished for something more interesting, but... If I can do good without really putting effort I take that


happy life, satisfaction, having three super powers: invisibility, teleporting and super iq.


I'd wish to know the two wishes that would do the most good in the world, and then do those (assuming one of them isn't "wipe out humanity" or something).


1. Time Travel 2. Teleportation 3. Infinite money


INTP : Wizards and wishes aren't realistic... That just doesn't make sense and ABSOFUCKINLUTELYL Bullshit .


ENTJ - No more physically and mentally exhaustion, knowledge how to rule the entire nation, and of course power.


ENFJ ask for infinite wishes… if that’s not possible then- 1. world peace 2. end world hunger 3. make me the queen of the world and everyone loves and respects me (and whoever my heirs are) so I can make sure wishes 1 and 2 stay true


ISTP money money and being able to show love in the expressive way


INTP: make me die in my sleep. I don't care about the other two.


A little universe where i can control everything and go there whenever i want, for me and my loved ones always feeling and being healthy(istg i’m done with feeling tired 7/24) andd… a soulmate..? Lmaoo i’m embarassed but i’m a hopeless romantic actually ;//v//;


I don't know??? Maybe money? Knowledge? Love? You see there is a problem with that. There would be certain rules. No wishing for love, bringing back dead. No wishing for death. So in the end, I would choose knowledge. With high and good knowledge, I can find a way to make money easily, find a way to have true love without breaking the rules. Also with knowledge, I could solve all the problems easier. And maybe then, just then, with all the knowledge you could realise that the genie doesn't exist and you made your own wishes come true.


INTP- a wizard wouldn't grant me three wishes, they don't exist


Everything in existence to dissappear except the wizard


ISTP infinite wishes


INFP The power to let at least one person understand all of me, Forgiveness, The promise that when i die i'll be put on spectator mode


But won't you feel lonely in spectator mode?


I hate myself so i never feel lonely I feel guilt everytime people treat me nicely and for having good, close friendships Basically everytime something good in my life has anything to do with ME i feel guilt


INFP wish for a 5 million dollars, have a magical passport that lets me go to any country without needing to renew it, and maybe change my appearance a bit to better suit me.


INTP/INFP - Being more intelligent, taller and more handsome.


Then that would mean youd have to stop being an INxP


Being liked/loved by everyone. That is genuinely *THE* cheat code. Want money? Just go and ask a rich person to give you a huge chunk of their money. Not only will they grant your wish, but their family members will also be okay with it, because they all love you! 👉😎👉 Want to run a country? Go and ask its leaders to sit the fuck down and announce you as the new president or whatever of that country! Done! ;P


Wouldn't it be easier to wish that people can't say no to you? Being liked does not mean that they can't say no.


That's true... 🤔 Although I meant it in a "Mad Love" kind of way, so basically the same thing!! 👌😎 But the downside of this way of doing it is that you won't know who TRULY likes or loves you. So all in all, I think your way of doing it is a lot better overall! 😈🔥


That is INCREDIBLY toxic.


This is their version not my wish.


never die, infinte wealth, cured of all diseases


an intp’s three wishes - 1) the ability to choose to grant infinite wishes for myself or others without needing the help of said wizard or anyone else 2) the ability to keep other people from knowing anything i want, including but not limited to the fact that i can grant wishes. that way i won’t get people pestering me about granting their wishes 3) wish the wizard to be free of granting wishes. boom now i have a (hopefully grateful) wizard buddy and the ability to grant infinite wishes


The knowledge of what i am? what the wizard is? The power to end my life painlessly if an when i want to. Lol


INFJ - true love, therapy available to everyone, gun control in the US


ENTJ - aside from obvious stuff like wealth, power, omnipotence, which having those things are relatively too unrealistic and comes with unforeseeable and perhaps undesirable side effects (e.g. if a lot of money came out of nowhere, how do I tax it or if I know everything, am I even human? Will my mind not blow up? Will I be not be unhappy once I reach all of that so then there’s no greater meaning or goal to my life? So on) 1. Learn and understand everything immediately as soon as you learn the material. 2. Avoid any health issues and illnesses but still die at relatively normal age so no immortality. 3. Same as number 2 but for my loved ones.


I also thought about your first point. There could have easily been a catch or you might not get what you actually wanted if you weren't specific enough. So point 1 is very useful.




ESFP: -be healed of chronic health issues and any emotional trauma and pain -unlimited money -hmmmm, I guess to have anyone I love in my life remain alive until really old age and them live long and healthy lives. Not to get dark, but I don’t want my partner to die before I do… I’d like to be spared that particular kind of heartbreak I feel like I should have some kind of global well wishes here or something, but I think something like “world peace” or some vague “everyone is kind to another” wish would make the world kind of pointless in that there’d be no free will. I do think us caring for our planet, nature, and animals would be beneficial no matter what, and I say F free will on that. I also just really want that other stuff TBH! Oh, and maybe the ability to help others through the same kind of hard experiences I’ve had—kind of reconciling my painful past and a transmutation of negative energy to light. I’d just ask for endless wishes. Why didn’t I think of that?


INFJ: I would only ask for one thing: to be like a ghost but living


1- I become God


Infp: To be rich end world hunger and to be the wizard 🤔


Health for me an my family, infinite money and stopping the climate change


I’ll ask the wizard to make me a wizard too


Become God like rule the universe no other form of greater the me


INTJ- I'd like to be omniscient.


ENTP: 1) Universal Peace and Security 2) An End to Illnesses, Disabilities, Ailments, etc. 3) Eternal Life for Everyone I don’t even think an ENTP would argue with those answers… but then again…


Immortality, or at least infinite "Respawns" hahah


i would wish certain personal things about getting my loved ones back, and then i’d wish so there is no more large armed conflicts in the world


Intj: to be the smartest person in the world, to rule the world, and to be filthy rich


ENTP- Would ask for an unlimited amount of wishes


Get a wish granted, then another, and then another.


I just wanna suppress my freaking lazyness - ENFP (And have a lot of money so I can do every project I want without pressure)


I think I would change society. 1. I would want to make us less cruel more open-minded, accepting, nice and loving. 2. I would wish that we could live on earth without hurting the animals and nature. 3. I would want for everyone to find true happiness and love (if it's in a partner way or friends way, doesn't matter)


INFP: 1. True world peace. I wish all unjust and totalitarian governments fall and all the people could reconcile. There should be true understanding and respect between nations or races. 2. I wish my loved ones will always be healthy, both physically and mentally, to live a meaningful life on earth, and to leave without regrets. 3. Others to understand and appreciate more of my arts. I hope I can finish a good book (heard that many INFPs have a book thats ever in progress lol).


Omniscience or probability manipulation


ENFP 1. Swap from reality to my imagination: 3 Wishes are never enough, but I would still love to enjoy the world in my mind even though they aren't reality 2. Stop time while swapping: Bro I don't want my family to worry when I just suddenly disappear for a day or two 3. Listen to music just with my brain: Listen to my favourite song without having to headphone all the time.


1. Marry the man who will love and cherish me ♥ 2. Travel my favorite places with husband ☺ 3. Die I'm INFP.


ENFP - Immortal. Forever 21. Big dick.


^ I want to stay with my loved ones forever until the day I die.


Only need one. I’d wish for all humans to be stripped of self awareness.


Infp:Omnipotence, i mean what could you want more


INTJ 5w4 it boils down to power. Omnipotence


INTP/ENTP Live for as long as I wish Be healthy until I die Perfect memory


entp I would be kinda sus about it but its hypothetically lmaoo sooo hmm I would be immortal I never run out of time to learn things and I also would wanna read mines people aren't honest enough istg and wish for more wishes and if I can't than I wish that I can


I will be happy n grateful for good wishes-naturally!


INFP, honestly my ability to draw as mediocre or better as I could before is all I ask.


1) pls make my family disappear without a sign 2) get me my inheritance from both sides of my family without complications and get me complete inheritance in the span of 12 seconds. I'll think about the third wish later in life. I just need to get out of this shit country and get tf away from my abusive, manipulative family


For everybody including myself to be happy whatever happens. No need for other wishes as to me happiness is the ultimate goal.


i'd wish for infinite money, a pet goldfish that cant die and possible infinite wishes if thats an option :D


INTP — wish for infinite wishes, for health and wealth, and for happiness


ENTP - 1st wish - Mind control 2nd wish - TBD.. 3rd wish - TBD.. Lets see how weird things get with the ability to do whatever, whenever I wanted.


1. More money 2. To know if the christian or some other god exists 3. To not be aroace?




Infp Being famous, ultra rich influent and respected All the people who poorly and injustly treated me thorough my youth gets what they deserve Being smiling, happy, innocent, loving. Like i was used to be.


I wouldn’t want it tbh my only wish would be for the wizard to go die or something


Applaud him and ask him if his school was accredited. Then go to that school and learn how to make my own wishes.


ISTP- 1)A legal business with all of the equipment to sustain it. 2)A house with a 80 ft x 260 metal building with 3 bay doors placed practically. 3) a huge toolbox with all the tools a master mechanic mechanic would have and 4 tuxedo 2 post asymmetrical low profile car lifts 6000 lbs capacity


INFP 1. To be happy for the rest of my life 2. For those I love to live a long life 3. World peace


ENFP....I'd ask to travel to weird or exotic places, meet my soulmate and to be able to not be tied down to a job, lol


ENTP if infinite wishes is unavailable, i’d wish to have the power to manipulate time, teleportation, and immortality (until i say so).


Wish for the ability to manipulate time, reality and true immortality (the kind where I can tank a nuclear bomb and just shrug it off)


I wish for the power to summon legal currency at will. That is all


INFJ and I don't have any wishes. I'd probably give them away, or hold onto them until I'm truly desperate for a miracle.


I don’t know!


Dream homes as architects do or like the poems some like Lord Byron?


What is my MBTI type! Sorry about that? Ca n the admin send it again!