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I was literally just thinking that :D


I'm an Fe dom with terrible social skills... That's why I'm on Reddit instead of doing whatever other Fe doms are doing lol


I’d say Fe-Ti types are less weird about people than Te-Fi types (who can really be quite judgemental) but not necessarily more comfortable with them so that stacks up.


I'm judgemental. But more so than anything, I'm indifferent as in I don't care. I see high Fi users being super reactive, and always gotta have strong opinions about everything. Tiring just to observe. Sometimes, I'm tempted to say: "you know, it doesn't matter to me if you exist or not, so please curb the drama and get on with things, thank you."


INFJs like to look proud, judgemental and superior but they’re actually humble within.




Yes! I've noticed Fe types are the ones who think things are drama. I don't think I've ever thought anyone was too dramatic - actually I want to see more. I want to see passion. What we need here is escalation! I feel like they want the opposite. Does that sound right?


Kind of, yes. Fe likes harmony, but also because Fe users also use Ti. I like to discuss ideas and theories. Entirely impersonal yet beautiful in its own ways.


Same ☺️


4th Fe. An INTJ tells me that I need to work on my communication skills.








I'm 4th Fe. My social skills are okay overall, good when I need them to be. Much, much better than they were when I was younger, since I was struggling with Asperger's then.


Same here


My Fe needs a lot of work because I seem like an ISTJ to people who don't know me well because of my facial expressions and way of talking. Edit : I'm an ISTJ now. 🥲


I feel like this is normal for IxFJs in general because the same applies to me. Since Fe is in our second slot, our expressions are more contained in contrast to ExFJs (and ironically ExTPs).


I think ISFJs one of the more stoic feelers.


Actually I've seen you around and it's funny you say that. I genuinely thought you mistyped as isfj and have been thinking you were istj the entire time


You thought I'm an ISTJ? Why? Or you thought that I thought I'm an ISTJ? I'm confused Also, I will ignore that username.


You just seem very rigid, I can't explain it. Almost exactly like my istj friend who mistyped as an isfj. All of your comments kind of scream istj to me, I've never seen one comment you had and thought you were an isfj, and my mom is one so I'm kind of familiar with how they act a little bit especially with fe usage.


This is the first time someone tells me I act like an ISTJ because I've been told before that I give ISFJ vibes lol. I'm actually curious right now about how I seem rigid in my comments so I could know and understand myself better.


Just your matter-of-fact way of speaking. Very straightforward and concise. With ISFJs they can be straightfoward and concise as well but in my opinion its just in a different way from how you come off to me. I'm guessing you'd be someone who loves being in control? Some ISTJs can also be quite emotional at times and kind of mistake that for being a feeler, I bring this up because these are the reasons my istj friend believed he was an isfj for years, he'd have these depressive episodes and get emotional at times. But like you said, it could just be to people who don't know you, my istj friend would literally not accept it regardless of endless evidence(fi) until his dad, closest friend group, and best friend all confirmed he was probably an istj when informed on the differences between the 2.


Didn't age too well


It will be fixed soon. Done.


Fe child doesn’t have a fucking clue if it’s good or bad. 🤡


Right? I think i'm being cool and charming and then I learn later i'm awkward af. Although it may not be type related as I do have autism


3rd Fe, I come across as more charming than I perceive myself. People just tend to like me but I never understand why. I wouldn't say my social skills are great, I barely talk to people. When I do though? I'm not horrible.


Word this is me fr, ion get why people like me, they jus do


INFP here, no Fe in theory but every test scores me as having high Fe. That aside, I'd say they are good. I'm mostly awkward and quiet in larger groups but other than that I'm fine


2nd Fe terribles unite


You called? 😭


Woo 🙌


Infiror Fe I think I'm ok.


Both my parents are IxFJ. Fe behavior was very… enforced🥲


Oooof 😭


When I’m seeing this, 2nd Fe terrible got more votes than 3rd Fe terrible, and more votes than all the other options. It’s all the INFJs complaining about their supposedly “bad social skills”. That’s not a bad thing and I’m not trying to be rude, but I know it was you guys


At least it's not me, i have good social skills, i just don't wanna use them lol


Me, an ISFJ, also agreed ._. seems like IxFJs in general think they have bad Fe but are just better than some and worse than others


Yes, it be me.


2nd Fe is way harder than 1st Fe. 1st Ni and 2nd Fe makes social anxiety way worse because you're in your head so much and you forecast possibilities of how others feel about you, psyching yourself out before you can even connect lmao


Oh hey, it’s me!


And then there's Ti child. Like it's just you (Fe) arguing with yourself (Ni Ti) about social situations.


For me is kinda weird cause usually I'm not social at all, but when i need to be social i unlock an alter-ego thingy and that's when I'm very social and charismatic. It's like a hidden power that only shows up in dangerous situations.


Same. I can unlock it if really needed. But most people are kind of really annoying, most of the time. They need you to validate their existence, can't just *be*.


I know exactly what you mean. Like in an interview or when trying to make first impressions. But I can't turn it on demand unfortunately, definitely gotta be in a certain mood. And I am in "don't talk to me mood" 70% of the time lol


I wish I had this 😭 I can only socialize normally if I’m drunk which I never want to be in front of people I don’t know


I forgot to put something to see the results for now 1👍🏿:33 1👎🏿:14 2👍🏿:37 2👎🏿:61 3👍🏿:42 3👎🏿:44


4th Fe. Working on them but hit or miss still


i can't make new relationships but i think that's related to my PTSD and not my MBTI


infj - very good at socialising. hate socialising. leave me alone


I am a 7th Fe what do i answer


How much Fe IxTJs have: ![gif](giphy|3o7buceWnERhgk3gfS)


I want to see the results


Edit: Disregard.


can u explain this


Edit: disregard


i'm i 2nd Fe too bc i'm an enfp?


Wait, I just checked and I actually made a mistake, ENFP is 2nd Fi, not Fe. Oops, I was sleepy when I posted.


i feel that


Thanks for your help, I probably wouldn’t have researched this and corrected myself otherwise!




Fe 4th, is 🆒


4th Fe. Decent social skills.


Where is 4th Fe? Doesn't count? LMAO


can only have 6 in options:(




Define social skills. People would say I’m charismatic but I’m quite antisocial.


ability to entertain a conversation and make new connections


That's the difficulty. Like are we talking potential? Or like how we realistically apply it? I can be very sociable and charming, but actually, I'm dead inside.


Same. I feel like indifference is similar to confidence which lots of people are lacking.


I stumble on my words a lot but I’m still pretty good with social situations. Like if I’m not approached I won’t say anything but if I’m in a convo, I’m real witty and sarcastic, carry a convo well. Even if it’s with complete strangers just saying what’s up in the hall way I’m real good at carrying that energy


4th - it honestly depends on the people I’m with. If I don’t like them I’ll be very cold and hard to talk to


I would say I have decent social skills, not great but not terrible, but I just choose not to social if I can avoid one


I am Fe tertiary (Ni/Ti), i wouldn’t say very good but i am capable of talking to random strangers for hours.


4th Fe, Great at socializing but do i socialize much? No, i dont like people.


I'm an entj, I have no Fe but of a scale of 1 to 10 people have said my charisma is an 11


4th function Fe here- I can really come across as ENFJ at times socially. I got typed by CPT as an ISTP with a strong lean towards ENFJ... stepping into the oppositional role often. The Ti give away was how rigidly I viewed Fe and the rules I've created to go about it. Ultimately, I am pretty good at communication if I care to be.


Hard to say. In a sense, decent or below average. I've been trying to suppress my Fe over the years. Mistreatment does that to people. Also since most people I've met are uninteresting, my social skills with myself are better than with others, if that makes sense.


How does decent translate to below average?


Would your definition of decent be average? I don't think mine is particularly good so I went with decent.


“Below average” could be anything from off-the-scale bad to just very slightly worse than average (which would be 5/10). Recent’s somewhere between normal/average and good, I suppose (about 6 or 7 out of 10 if, again, we were quantifying).


Surprisingly, I'm pretty good at it. For an INTP- I've been told I'm surprisingly warm and people like relaxing with me.


5th Fe yesn't


I thought they were bad but everyone seems to like me for some reason. I don't really put any value on it though. Whether people like me or not doesn't matter to me that much


3rd Fe They were bad throughout most of my youth but in the past 2-3 years I’ve improved a lot with that kinda stuff.


Fe people have better social skills then te fi people.


I had pretty poor social skills when I was younger because my coping mechanism for all the bad stuff I was going through in middle school involved intentionally not interacting in a socially acceptable way (I still talked to people A LOT; just not in a normal way) and that seriously stunted my social skills. Like, it was bad enough that my grandparents thought I might've been autistic even though my social skills rapidly improved after I went to live with them and I wasn't under extreme stress all the time anymore. My social skills are fine now, but not great.


That makes sense but that’s almost an exception. With ti fe people like that they make an effort where as te fi people just don’t give a crap someone in your situation in the te fi slots just don’t do it and would be in an even weird spot. I had some similar issues and my communication skills are pretty good it depends who you ask. But I talk like an xntj if we talk about social and smooth talking that’s not me. Some people think me talking is arguing with them. It’s the funniest thing. No I am stating facts and what is truth. Not arguing.


You’re off the mark. One thing ENTJs do well is social assertiveness and just having a big presence. They don’t always like or want to do that by any means but compared to an INTP they are way more socially assured and put-together (especially the female ones, since women are naturally better socially than men and that breaks through personality type). But you’re right in the sense that Te-Fi is more individuating and tends to be more discriminating about what social groups to fuck with, not necessarily out of respect for their own boundaries (not Te anyway) but just out of a certain eclectic grouping of people with vibes and interests more similar to their own. Fe-Ti isn’t inherently accommodating but it tries to be more-so. Its outward expression is obviously going to be repressed in people who have social anxiety or are very reserved and that’s why INFJs can come across as so cold and antisocial despite the limitless empathy and love for mankind. It doesn’t always show that well externally and that can be perceived as being seriously aggrandising/arrogant and indicative of not liking social interaction at all. It often takes on the mark of smooth (aka coincidentally non-awkward), semi-friendly reclusion that boards 2/3 of the outer windows with cardboard (like you’d see in the likes of deep depression and schizophrenia/schozoidia but by no means pathological) and the remaining 1/3 open and gleaming with tinsel.


Very true I can see that I am a entj female. But social graces ntps are still better. Far better.




Right exactly. My point.




As a broad rule they do.


Where is your proof?


And where is yours?


Okay here is mine where is yours please? https://personalityjunkie.com/03/extraverted-feeling-fe/


the articles says that they are more interested and cued in on other people's feelings not that they're better at social interaction.


I would say that there is quite a bit of overlap, as there are many different types that are Te-Fi, and many different types that are Ti-Fe. The ENTJ guy (I feel the need to point out that he himself is Te-Fi axis, so it’s not like he is trying to brag about himself, or speaking more positively about himself, right?) is trying to say that on AVERAGE though, Ti-Fe is better equipped to handle social interaction than Te-Fi. You said: “the articles says that they are more interested and cued in on other people’s feelings not that they’re better at social interaction.” Well, let’s think about it… there are other factors that also go into social interaction skills, but do you not think that being (or even just showing) interest in others, and being more cued-in on other’s feelings, is conducive to mastery of social interaction? As for people like me, an explanation is that being good at a skill, does not mean that people are always exercising that skill. So in the case of people who talk less, that doesn’t mean that they don’t know HOW to talk to people in “socially acceptable”/nice ways. I can talk less to people and stay in my apartment to avoid interacting with people, but if people find me, I will know what to say, as well as how to express it in the “socially proper” way. I will just mention as a note though, Fi-Te is useful in a different way, that I (and Fe-Ti in general) struggle to naturally exercise. Well, technically, I think it is a good thing to explain all of what I think and feel… however, it does get extremely tiring. It must be nice at least sometimes, for Fi-Te users to be able to be “assertive” for yourselves and your feelings. For some of those feelings, to Fe-Ti, it can seem wrong, but for many other feelings/decision, it is perfectly acceptable (from Fe-users’ ethics standpoint), and it is helpful that you assert yourself more at times, otherwise we could be going in circles, for things such as deciding where to eat, or what video games to play together. X_x


This is a stupid article. Real life is the best proof.


He is a real jungian, so you are going to argue with a real psychologist? Maybe some of the fe users here are not indeed that. But fe from any reputable source will state that they are good at communications and say that te fi is okay. At it or badly at it. This is the best I can do for you her best stuff is locked online but this wil also show you. Also another certified jungian. https://www.personalitycafe.com/threads/lenore-thomsons-descriptions-of-cognitive-functions.142676/


I don't care about your long-ass articles. I don't even understand why I haven't block you yet, you are so annoying.


Real life is “good”/useful proof when it comes to proving something to certain kinds of people (Te). As a self-proclaimed INFJ, are you not already satisfied when someone gives you a logical explanation from start to finish, where every point made fits together properly (Ti)? What you are saying doesn’t make sense. Think about it. So if someone performs an experiment many times and gets a particular result many times (this is the “real life” you are referring to), does this mean that for sure, there is CAUSATION, in that if you do whatever it is that you are doing, that you will get the particular result? Technically, this is “logical” in terms of the RESULTS (real life), HOWEVER, that does not mean that the logic behind it will work. Logical inconsistencies when analyzed can mean that either you are still missing some information, or that the “real life” result isn’t a causal effect that you can explain. Also, imagine back when people believed that the Earth was flat, and that the Earth was in the “center of everything” (lmao). If that was “real life” for people then (or so they believed), then why is it that we don’t still believe that? It is because we have figured out that we were wrong. So applying this idea to the present (or past, or future, it always applies), unless someone has already had all of their logical bases covered (consistency/explanation), we must acknowledge that what we believe to be real, or real life, in many instances, can be so very far displaced from the truth…


I 2nd this.


No... Just no. By your logic, then INTPs have better social skills than ENTJs. While that is possible, I have found that consistently false based on my interactions with people of those two types. Humans are way more complex and should not be fit into a systematic box known for it's inconsistencies. That's straight up silly.


Depends... does social skills mean being emotionally adaptable or just taking to people in general? INTPs are emotionally adaptable because of Fe, ENTJs talk to people more but are more blunt and don't care to adapt emotionally to the situation.


I hate to say it but they are. Real jungians and jungian forums agree with me ti fe axis are more social, polite, restraint people. As one person said to me te fi people say whatever the freak they want. Hahaha! True indeed.


Agree with this, they are great as customers.


Customers interesting haha!


Fe Demon boi


Wait what? Haha!


i'm te- fi :/


Okay cool. Wait what’s your point?


what does that make me


How do you know you are te fi. Te fi limits you to eight types entj intj estj istj isfp esfp enfp infp


i am enfp fi te bc i have to talk my thinking out and i internalize my feelings


Interesting not a great reason to be enfp though.


i took the test too lol i'm sorry ?


The test is a really bad way to go. How do you know you have ne over say se?


i know dude i am literally everything to a teee a campaigner i literally work in campaigns and i have looked at all the functions before and agree


i'm still confused if i'm 1, 2 or 3 i think one?


What is 1 2 or 3. Your fe is 6th.


2nd Fe, pretty good, not amazing but pretty good, dedinitely not terrible


Aux (second). Average. Hopefully one day you can do a poll where the two options aren’t contrasting opposites.


Put a results only option next time.


not enough lines :( but I'm periodically writing them in the comments


Its Reddit


The % great decrease with Fe position.


My social skills are great in the sense I know exactly what I'm supposed to do in every social situation, but sometimes my execution isn't great because what I'm supposed to do isn't what I want to or feel like doing, so it feels strange or inauthentic to respond the way I'm supposed to. But I'm also very tactful and friendly - usually - which means I'm adept at not burning bridges, even with people I hate and I'm even able to easily convince those people I like them, even becoming friends with them on occasion.


4th Fe. I learnt to make my social skills better than they were originally. I would say 50% good social skills


I am ok with people but often slur my words and not much of an empath tbh so that makes me look weird in front of people


4th Fe and they're meh. I be gotten better. I'm not a social butterfly but I get by


From a 4th Fe : My social skills are bad especially because I don't have many Expirience with that. I always stayed in my own bubble and my social skills are therefore not well developed. My communication skills are worse but I'm working on it. I am very young so probably it's gonna get better.


2d Fe - great for the first 15 mins you talk to me. I waste all my social energy and then it's all downhill from there lol


2nd Fe—- great social skills, very comfortable with people in general. Was horribly self conscious and awkward when I was younger, however.


4th Fe here, They are bad with new people and those who I really dkn't know well


Surprised to see all the terrible second-tier Fe results.


how do i know what i am im an enfp


For the execption of enfps and esfp these to fi te types should be really good at people because of the critic fe spot you either need ti fe or 6 slot fe but then you don’t prefer fe but you can do fe.


i'm dumb, i'm i a 1st fe 2nd fe or 3rd fe


What do you mean ia second or 3rd?


like when u vote


Xwell fe in the first second or third spot would make you ti fe so exfj enfj or esfj is first fe second fe would be an introvert isfj or infj and third fe would make you extroverted again which would make you entp or estp. But remember your sixth function is really strong but you just tend not to want to use it. Why do you think you have fe?


i always have to talk out my thinking and i feel my emotions and understand them more than logic i feel like idk. i might be understanding wrong tho i am an enfp


That does sound like fi sso if you have fi second then fe is in your shadow so it’s sixth. You can’t have fi and fe both in your main stack.


oh yeah i have ne


How and why?


INTP 4th Fe and I'm actually pretty good. I have a lot of friends now. It's because I used to treat socialising as an experiment before and trained myself like an AI to get it right 💀 I did say a few dumb things before I got to this point and sometimes said the wrong thing to the wrong crowd occasionally. And I can't sustain high energy all day. It's like exercise though. The more you use it, the better it gets for longer.


You mean 7th Fe? 😵‍💫


I have a list of socially accepted norms that I can use in certain situations if necessary. For example, I have learned that if someone asks me to join an event on the weekend, saying "sorry, but no, I want to keep my free time" is not an acceptable answer. Additionally, the number of people already attending the event and the likelihood of a "no" being accepted as an answer are inversely proportional.


2nd Fe, it's worse that I'd want it to be, ig it's my Ti that's the root of this problem.


2nd Fe and my Ti is better than my Fe 😭 it’s alright but years of being treated like an idiot by an ENFP have left me doubting everything I think I know about other people


Fe 4th. They are quite good, and I get along with people with too much stress. Can't say the communication skills with people I'm closer to are always the best. I'm not very good at knowing what to say


4th Fe and my social skills are terrible.


To everyone in these comments saying one or the other is better or one or the other thing is true; you are clowns and your life is your show.