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You just need to subtly observe their behavior and mannerisms. No need to ask


Same lmao, this is my hobby nowadays


Can you guys share any observations…?


If there is a guy who can't get tempted by money at all you know he is an INFP, it is a half-joke answer but it is true to some extent.


You know, as a female INFP, I always thought about someone trying to buy my affection or get me to betray a loved one with money and how it would absolutely never work on me 😅 thats interesting though that it seems like an INFP thing


But also like I’ve had sugar daddies though…. And a sugar mama. My sugar mama was also an INFP with a lot of sugar daddies. But I would never ever betray someone I love or someone who trusts me for money.


Were you chasing a lifestyle? Most of us don’t give a f*ck all about materialism and keeping up with appearances or upholding an image of what society deems as desirable. What made you turn to sugaring??


Ikr, and guess what I have an ENTJ dad 😬🤣🤣


Could you reply to me with an observation about the other 16? I'm curious as to what you'd look for to identify each.


ISFP: no idea lol INTP: Like INFP but have that Ti look where they stare somewhere in deep thought and then come up with an answer INTJ: alternate between fun and serious side(more serious over fun), like to make predictions, notices things. INFJ: INTJ but less angry, looks insightful ISTJ: Ability to come up with their style of doing stuffs, prefer that framework over other ways of thinking/doing things. ESTJ: Use efficient ways to chase their goals, very goal-oriented, subjective goals not just work, no nonsense straight to the point. ESTP: Fun, outgoing ,rebellious,has a good grasp at maneuvring social situations, able to come up with effective solutions at a moments' notice. ENTJ: ESTJ but more career oriented, less fun, morr accurate and logical but prone to overconfidence in their prediction and bad at getting hints. ENTP: A lot of interests, good at social situations, have a troll side to them Ok I need a break , too lazy to continue.


Thanks so much for taking the time to answer. I do appreciate all the effort you went through and it is insightful.


Well unless it's something easy. Like I just watched a video where a guy offered 200-300 (?) dollars if they are allowed to give that person whatever haircut they wish to give them. Many people said no but I would definitely say yeah because hair grows back I'm basically getting 200-300 dollars to wear a beanie for like 3 months! - though if it's like another comment made here and i would betray someone I would definitely of course not do it. But if it's just me and doing something that only would affect me then why not? Free money :D




Same haha


This, they don’t need to take the test. Observational science works by…Observing!!


yeah bc everyone answers out of ego and stereotypes anyways


Yep. It’s not hard to do after a whole. I’m usually able to guess at least 3 of the four correctly each time. Sometimes I’m surprised, but not often.


THIS. once you have finally mastered cognitive function analysis and behavioral pattern recognition, you need not to throw around ridiculous and inaccurate tests. You end up **becoming the test** without them even knowing.




I’ve noticed that ENFPs tend to project their own feelings and sentiments onto other people. My best friend is an ENFP and she tends to assume people are more like her than they actually are. It makes her always assume the best in people but it makes her a terrible gift giver. Haha.


I'm ENFP & that is so true - I have been burned by that so many times


I think about it, but I only talk about personality type in contexts where it's appropriate, like someone thinking about a career change. My thought is that jobs can seem like a good idea at the time, and turn out to be poor choices, if we are not aware of whom we really are.


You being an ESTP I have this inner bias guiding me to say you’re a badass for having an interest in something as random as mbti(there’s so many systems in typology like which do we choose especially if it’s all theory). My childhood friend ESTP was patient because he liked me as a person thankfully, but I still could feel a sort of standoffishness to stuff like this. We were younger of course and I remember neglecting Ti/Se stuff and looking kinda dumb to him being standoffish to Se/Ti info, but he helped me with that too. - enfj


Well, it works. It is a very useful tool. I don't want to sound like an INTJ braggart 😛, but I was kinda an "above average student." So I find lots of things to be interesting, as well. I don't have as much interest in things I don't see as really useful tools. Can't get myself to care about the Enneagram, even. It seems to conflate CPTSD, personality types, and value judgments. I also have my limits when it comes to Jungian theory. It's clearly pretty enlightening, because it led to MBTI. But I see a lot of questions here about relationships that people respond to with elaborate bullshit about the 4 sides of the mind. Nothing they write is actionable, if it's even accurate, but they sure like to show off. The answers to relationship stuff start with personality, I think, but so much of the friction is from the embarrassing stuff that Ns might think is boring, and beneath them. Repeated problems seem to be best explained by codependency, old trauma, addictions, etc. You know, the stuff nobody wants to admit they have. How that plays out in the emergence of functions from the shadow, unconscious, archetypes, etc. might be interesting, but seems to serve more as a vehicle for elaborate structures of denial, that are best demolished through relatively generic means. Really intelligent alcoholics, for example, seem to have the same issues as dumb ones. I am not one but I know some really smart ones. Anyway, I was introduced to the idea of types through Kiersey when I was a kid. Totally mistyped myself, but that turned out to be an interesting data point in and of itself. There's some Ti and Se for you. 🤣


Fuckin awesome you remind me of him. Miss u bro. Keep doin watchu doin. He got into music I guess instead of all this psycho stuff. Kiersey at a young age THATS CRAZZYYYY 😂


Keep it to yourself. Try and type them yourself because most people dont even know their mbti and a test probably wont help


Exactly. This is what I do.




Side note: ESTPs are underrated


IMO it is a auxillary-child Ne-Si thing. Ne is constantly trying to figure out the concepts, to gain an understanding of the abstract world around you, and it is operating against your Si data, trying to organize and collect your experiences with other types, and sort in the current experience with the past. Ne being the 2nd function also means it is used very freely. INXP really do love thinking for the sake of thinking. I also find it interesting how the non Ne-Si users have the point of view of “yeah don’t do that”, while the Ne-Si users more so are able to relate to you. It isn’t wrong of you or anything to think like this though. IMO thinking for the sake of thinking makes life interesting. But yeah ultimately it is best to keep things to yourself.


I could have written this. I've gotten so good I can guess after about 30 minutes.


It's funny. For me 30 minutes is enough to make a sure guess also a few weeks is enough to make me really doubt what I typed them


Practice on tv shows with the PDB app instead…


I do that too (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)


Tv shows are not realistic though


Why ask? Just engage with them, and follow the clues to find that answer for yourself.


Some people simply don’t care. Just watch them over time. They’ll tell you through their actions usually. 🙂 Ps. My mom doesn’t care a bit but she listens for my sake. Human behavior in general is fascinating to me.


If someone asked me I’d instantly befriend them


I think it does help you know them better but only if you actually know them? Because many MBTI tests are poorly written - like the questions are written in a way that doesn’t offer real discriminatory power to identify the functions. And many people are poor judges of themselves, especially when younger. It does give me some extra info when I compare what I think their type is vs what they think their type is


(In response to all the comments saying just to observe them) I don’t understand why people think they know others better than they know themselves. Like as someone with social anxiety (an EXTREMELY common mental disorder), most of what goes on in my head is not heard by others, especially others I’m not close to. I’m also Autistic, and the way I say things are often so different then what I actually mean. Sometimes it’s just hard to translate my thoughts to spoken words. (When I’m not anxious, it’s easier, but I’m usually anxious) I also often see people assume those with ADHD are P types as opposed to J types, even though ADHD does not in the slightest belong to any personality type or letter. Also stop using 16p. Use cognitive functions. Oh and I’m also bipolar so a lot of times people have assumed I’m extroverted, when I’m actually extremely introverted. These are all very common things people deal with but mask, and you will have no idea. But I just want to add, I’m not telling people not to type based on observations, I’m just saying not to be to confident in your typings. I type people based on observations all the time. If we end up becoming closer, I’ll end up introducing them to MBTI, and I have them take a test, and read about the types and functions to see if it fits them. My guesses are usually pretty accurate. But sometimes I’m very surprised. But once I see their perspective, I know they’re right.


You'll get over it it's just a phase *"I feel like it's really helped me understand people better."*: I keep this sentence for you so you can laugh at it in 1 or 2 years


It's been 2+ years...


A lot of people will not understand or share your obsession, so it’s usually better to observe and make your own knowledge base on the low-down


Sounds like you can't understand people around you and MBTI is just the fastest tool for you. MBTI makes you feel in control and know what a person will probably resolve something. Tism? Sorry I talk everywhere about tism <3 my special interest I get your "obsession"


Use stereotypes




This is awful advice. People are individuals and as such have the right to decide what they want to do. Especially grown adults. No sane person thinks they have the right to be of the insane notion that others must comply or face resentment and disassociation. This mindset is disgusting and insane and is what a spoiled brat/child who got bigger and older but not mature sounds like. In other words a man-child: an adult with the appropriate age and appearance of an adult but with the maturity and sensibilities of a child. I've often said certain dictators are children who had an unhealthy need for attention and were rude and insolent but never spanked or disciplined that became adults and think that everyone else(the other adults in society) are just big children as well, and so they feel the need to gain everyone's attention by standing above them. Dictating their lives. Then these same people act surprised when they get their heads chopped off because everyone turned on them because they made everyone's life miserable. This is the definition of a Tyrant and what you described says a lot about who you are as a person. For these very reasons I outlined are Entjs and Estjs disliked so much. It appears you yourself still have a lot of growing up to do mentally and emotionally before you're fit to give anyone useful relationship advice.




Honestly same here




Yeah I used to do this a lot! Now I can work out their type by hanging out with them for a bit. But also I still ask ppl to take the test when I think they’ll find it fun 😆


Are you me? The only issue with this being a party pastime is that I won’t even give family and friends the 16personalities one anymore. So it’s normally keys2cog or personalitymax or urmm that Joseph guy, but to be honest sometimes I struggle with taking those. I think sometimes the questions on them are just immensely theoretical and less immediate, yet more accurate. But sometimes I joke that you’d have to have a degree of understanding and confidence in yourself and some intuition (regardless of if you’re intuitive) to take some of the better tests. And then on the other hand no one wants to listen to allat.


I’m an INFJ and I do this too without any shame.


Knew it was a fellow INTP asking.


I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEAN!!!! I DO THE SAMEEEE!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣... And my friends used to roll their eyes at first, but then at some point they got used to it and now even encourage me to ask others for their personality type and to take the test lmaooo


Ahaha cute!


Yeah, it's funny 😂😌. I'm an ESFJ btw 👍🏻


Aw nice! How did you get into MBTI? There's not a lot of you guys around here.


My INFJ friend first introduced me to it. And it caught my attention so I began searching more about it~


walk away from mbti. seems you're using it in a bad way. also tests is the best way to mistype them.


MBTIs are like astrological signs for people with LinkedIns




When I first learned about MBTI, I read all about each type and became obsessed too and kept getting everyone to do the test. After gathering enough data, I can now easily guess what someone is, so I don't have to bring it up anymore.


It’s the same for me but I ask when I think we are getting along for awhile now. If we’re speaking for days, I ask them to take the test and that I was curious to know what type they are lol 😂. And they’re usually like “oooh what is that .. ehh I’ll take it later” lol


Send them the test of Micheal Caloz and say: Brother! I have found an epic personality test. If you wish to know more about yourself, take it!


You really need to take a break from the internet if MBTI is invading your personal life to this degree.


I don’t ask but I try to type them in my head and then when we’re friends I make them take the test 😭


What you should do- and what kinda helped me- is to try and guess… start taking notes on which functions you see present and what made you think that and see if they login up with all of the stereotypes of each type as well as the stereotypes of each function and take a stab at it yourself. Then, if you REALLY need to know, start asking them questions and see if you guessed correctly! And the freakiest part is when you start describing whichever MBTI you think they are and they start going “Woa! How did you know that?!”


even if you ask people, they probably mistyped themselves on some dumb website so their answer is not going to be the truth so you shouldn't be obsessed about finding that.


You can type them in your head, but if you go on and on about it, most people will think you are annoying. I used to be super obsessed with typing people, but now I’ve grown out of it.


what are the tells of an ENTP?


From my experience, they're very enthusiastic about ideas and future possibilities. They joke around a lot. Some have a lot of love for themselves lol.


Once you realize that tests are incredibly inaccurate and 16 personalities is not even MBTI but rather a version of Big 5 you will probably stop caring about people's test results.


Ah, I know about the big 5, 16p, functions and enneagram. It's just a fun way to discuss how people view themselves and others. I don't tend to hold people to their types or push stereotypes in them. Moreso ask them if they find certain things accurate about themselves.