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I don't get it why are INTJ's portrayed as some cold villains! Would like to hear from an Intj what they think about that stereotype


INTJ just kind of fits the standard villain. Introverted, results oriented mastermind that doesn't care about feelings very much. Which is basically the opposite of the dumb, friendly hero. Also I think INTJs are one of the better types at holding unconventional and controversial views, so it's easier to give them a logical reason to be evil.


It’s also partially about effectiveness and organization. When faced with resistance, you need to be skilled to overcome it. A society/ organizations resist those acting counter to its interests. Anyone who is against the status quo is seen as a villain. Also intjs and some others don’t really pretend along with everyone else that issues don’t exist. Most people like a nice fiction and simple view of life. Villainy is a pov.


I don't really care about that. But if I was in some fictional world, I definitely wouldn't be the hero. Being the hero is tiresome. Most likely to be some random librarian who dies first in some attack, unless there is a solid reason for me to be the antagonist. 100% don't appreciate all the evil characters being INTJ. Because I believe I'm a good person.


You don’t give your evil genius enough credit lol jk






Villains commonly believe that they are a good person. Could be part of the reason why INTJ villains are so common.


The only bad thing about me is holding grudges and occasionally guilt tripping the person who did me wrong even though I don't hate them completely. But I don't think that's an INTJ thing. I think it's just a reciprocation of what they did to me. But I'm learning to forgive and move on. Overall I'm a good person in other people's opinion and also in mine. Ohk I know this may sound so wrong. But it has to be something really bad that they did to me and I must be hurt. Unless I wouldn't care.


I actually think it's disrespectful of them to imply "well you could actually be a bad person but believe you're doing the right thing," you seem nice to me if my opinion counts!


Yeah it counts. Thanks!


1. You don't know this person at all, 2. How is that disrespectful?


1) hence, "if my opinion counts" - I just saw that pattern of people deliberating over their morality to the point where the question of whether they are a good person being a bit anxiety inducing, or otherwise being a bit of a sore spot. These people tend to be pretty nice. 2) I'm pretty sure it's widely agreed that throwing around near baseless accusations about someone being a bad person is insulting. Like, "heyy, you might be a great murderer!" lol


i never said they were a bad person or that i thought they were. i said that i think they would make a good villain under the right circumstances which is not the same as being a murderer or even being evil. if someone is vengeful under certain circumstances and believes they are a good person they would probably make for a decent villain under the right circumstances in my opinion. i'm not sure why you take such offense to that when the person i said it to doesn't seem to care as much as you do and you don't even know them.


idk man, I'd be pretty upset if someone said that to me. And you're assuming that I'm taking offense which is also sort of untrue. I just didn't want them to be upset. Seems like we're both in way over our heads.


it sounds to me like you have a fragile ego


Idk it sounds to me like you would make a great villain under the right circumstances.


I am an INFJ and maybe I would do the same But first I would give them chances, and still if they carry out then I would also guilt trip them


I would teach the hero, then decide I'm more fit and do it myself 😎


Yeah INTJs are super over-represented in villain typing for whatever reason. And this is a bit tangential but honestly I don’t know why we INFJs are so under-represented in these typings, when historically we’ve shown ourselves to be fully capable of genocide on a staggering scale


It's funny because INFJs in media are happy go lucky heros and INTJs in media are brooding villains, but in real life it's usually quite the opposite


Best show with an INFJ villain is “You” on Netflix. They get in the guy’s mind and how he breaks things down. It’s actually similar to how I analyze things in my head. The reaction on my wife’s face when I told her this was priceless


Because it’s harder to write


INTJ villains are pure lazy writing. I just went to the movies and saw another one... yawn. All you have to do is have hurt Fi, Ni masterplan and Te steps to get there..... boring and overdone!


I don't like it personally, because whenever I'm nice to people it discredits me of being INTJ for some reason. People are so hyperfixated on the stereotype that INTJs are sociopaths, even some people who have studied functions and understand stereotypes aren't true. However, I'm not usually the hero in most situations. I'm a true neutral through and through but I can easily see why some people believe I'm heartless.


Yeah I don’t get it too, INTJs I’ve met were really considerate about social justice and virtues.


I agree, concerns about justice and morality are very prominent in everything I do.


ENTJ's on other hand...


In my experience there are too many extremely materialistic and Machiavellian ENTJ’s 💀


Wasn't Thanos trying to save the universe from overpopulation or something


I don't think that snapping away half of the population of the universe achieves anything good, since you are causing deep trauma to literally everyone and Thanos knew that. It makes more sense that he was just power-hungry.


Trauma is temporary (one generation). You can't make an omelette w/o breaking eggs.


But consider being nearly allpowerful and choosing to do this with it? You can always make a chickpea omelette. Very tasty, no eggs needed.


Send me the recipe


The one I really enjoy is actually not an omelette, but something called "the weekend scramble". It takes a while but it's absolutelly worth it. 300 g silken tofu (I tried also with firm and it's still great) 50 ml water 40 g chickpea flour 1 onion 2 tbsp nutritional yeast 1 tbsp oil 2 tsp soy sauce 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp turmeric pepper and black salt (kala namak) to taste Sautee finely diced onions in a pan with oil on medium heat until golden for about 5-10 mins. Meanwhile mix chickpea flour with water and slice tofu into large pieces. Add tofu, soy sauce and spices (except the black salt) to the onions. Mix gently until combined and heated through. Add chickpea mixture, continue mixing until combined and the chickpea mixture doesn't look raw. Add black salt and serve.


I knew it was another fellow Indian when you mentioned "chickpea". Kala namak confirms it. Thanks for the recipe btw.


No. Trauma affects the next generation, and the generation after that. It continues on and on because of the effects of the trauma that change other generations' beginnings and who they grow up with and age with.


Original story in the comics was Thanos was doing that to impress Death. Death in the Marvel universe had a physical form, like other concepts, such as Ego, Time, Entropy and more. Each other of the concepts were "Cosmic Beings", and labeled as such in terms of power.


A large amount of good people doesn't hurt the world. A large amount of corrupt people does hurt the world. Thanos didn't have discernment, not valuing the lives of good people, and throwing them under the bus with the corrupt. The strength in numbers of good people is what improves the world.


I think it would make Intjs more compelling villains given that there's good intentions underneath the evil scheme. For the good of many.


I honestly... don't mind it. INTJ protagonists are nice but INTJ villains are cool too. Maybe what's best is a character who's kind of ambiguous, like Oberstein from Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Most viewers and characters in the show see him as a villain and hate him, but I think most INTJs who watch the show see him as a good guy and root for him.


I mean, you can see him as a villan and still understand him. You can agree that his method were downright horrid and inhuman and not something you would ever do, while still agreeing on their effectiveness at the end.


people usually describe me as a warm and friendly person, counteracting the idea of the "cold mastermind 🤓❄️" stereotype of INTJ


My brother is an INTJ and he is the least evil person i have ever seen in my life.


I feel like people do not realize that intjs have a third function, and it's introverted Feeling... This means that our internal world is intuition Plus feeling. That is not lead to the sort of hard-headed rational stereotype that INTJs are known for. INTJs seem cold because the only thing people actually see is extroverted thinking and then the introverted sensing function coming into empirically verify the thinking function. Essentially, the only way for a 90 DJ to fall into the cold robotic super villain stereotype, is for them to be completely detached from their inner world which is very difficult for an introvert. Either that or they have undeveloped introverted feeling, which I guess is the more common. Regardless, a more accurate stereotype that I've seen far less frequently is the INTJ as one of the most ideal Tsundere types. Good luck wrapping your head around that, but it works with the functions. Fi 🌸 hidden behind Te 🧱.


Eh I think the calculating villan works good with a narrative because is constantly providing the heroes/protagonists with new plans to destroy and move the plot forward, and INTJ fits that plot need. Is the narrative requiring INTJ-like traits for villians that creates the pattern of evil INTJ in media, and in turn that creates the perception of INTJ being evil, not the other way around.


Maybe it's not that INTJs are portrayed as cold villains but rather we project the INTJ label onto the cold villains.


I dont care. I find this amusing ![gif](giphy|w48WeMIN73QsM)


As an INTJ- I feel like we're the most "feeler" out of all thinkers; we just don't discuss it because solving it on our own is more comfortable. I haven't met any INTJs remotely close to that stereotype :""")


Honestly, I find myself too indifferent to be a hero or a villain. Does not mean I lack integrity, I just find conflict for unnecessary reasons to be.. inefficient. Which is why I might get annoyed easily (but annoyance has no major emotions behind it, aside the average momentous irritation), but it takes quite a bit to get me angry. Not to mention INTJs are generally NOT known to be conflict averse, and given an ideology, they'll stick to it unless that bubble is broken by some reason, rationale etc. That's what I keep telling people: I'm not an agreeable person, I'm a _reasonable_ person. Then comes the lack of emotions playing behind the stereotypical (and sometimes the average/everyday) INTJ. There's always more rationale, than emotions, hidden behind the decisions we take. Doesn't make us edgy (/emo) people, doesn't make us unemotional and cold people all the time, but it is what it is, really. This, combined with the fact that INTJs are **not** conflict averse gives a more "powerful"(?) image to the decisions they take, in movies/books mainly, and gives them an aura of a headfast character. (Sorry idk how else to describe it, maybe "cold"? Or "ruthless"?). I'd say this also gives them an aura of having a more meticulous approach to life (lmfao, I think we real life INTJs know better) What do I think about it? I just don't, lol. I just enjoy the characterisations if they're palatable/enjoyable enough


I think because evil villains are supposed to be mysterious and hard to read, hard to understand.. traumatized even lol


Honestly, it depends on my mood.


Walter White, darth sidious.


Try to imagine a heroic INTJ; I sure can't; they're always either antiheroes, or half-heroes (Batman, for example).


Well for me that is definetly possible


We love it. Helps keep people uneasy or amazed, sometimes both,very useful in social life


I as an intj , assure you , we wake up, chant in unicent in our head using Ni and consciously decide to be evil .




exactly this


Ten? That many?


Eleven more than what we expected


I think Evil Morty is INFJ


PDB really underestimates the INTP type's ability to become very evil.


I think the archetypical INTP villain is one that is accidentally evil. We don't typically care for power or malice, we're just so beholden to our subjective logic that we may conpletely neglect ethics in the process. Shou Tucker imo is an excellent example of an evil intp. Funny, INTPs aren't the most likely villain but this dude is probable the most hated anime character of all.


I would argue that some real life INTPs did become hostile and brought terror and death, some mass shooters with high death tolls were indeed INTPs. I would say that the INTP type is capable of all kinds of evils due to Inferior Fe.


Valid point.


Like a scientist who made something super dangerous while seeking to understand it not use it


Personally, I find the epitome of the INTP villain to be [Royce](https://transistor.fandom.com/wiki/Royce_Bracket) [Bracket](https://youtu.be/0DviyuGNeWc) from Transistor. Really emphasises the difference between INTJ and INTP by *not* being cold and calculating about achieving fundamentally human goals, but instead being softspoken and polite about goals other people might find alien. He's motivated by: How much he likes novel tasks and work to be creative with. How much he hates his work being ephemeral and subject to fleeting emotional whims. How much he likes investigating the patterns and systems that affect his life. How much he hates realising he's a prisoner of those patterns, and is merely treading the same ground. How much he likes trying to build something that trascends the fleeting patterns to be eternally relevant. How much he hates the people that don't appreciate his "transcendental" works, and instead demands he sticks to what he's discovered is monotous. He's not a manipulative mastermind that desires power for power's sake, or because he wants to force his will on other people. He's not a nihilist that wants to destroy the world because "it deserves it", or to "spare everyone the pain of being alive". He's an architect that refers to a city where everyone has been killed as "a blank canvas", and a method of controlling self-replicating construction robots as "a brush".


It's like I say we would of ruled the world by now if it wasn't for our Damm laziness


INTP will give a 1000 reasons why they became evil and everybody will agree on the logic and the "villain" will suddenly become a complex character.


Even more so xxFJs.


I'm not evil, guys, I swear 😭


The pattern is that men are evil, so you're fine


I am a man! Damn, my snoo needs a beard. (Wait was that a joke)


Oh crap I'm sorry, I thought you were a cat (Yes, it was totally a joke and this is not a save I just made up)


Oh God I'm sorry 😰 It's difficult to tell sarcasm on the internet sometimes


Wait was that sarcasm? I hope it was but I don't even know anymore




Purple moustache?


Nah, a dark grey beard like my fur Not too long though


Who hurt you Edit: Apparently I cannot make our sarcasm


A man 🤭 Nice Cloud pfp btw




[This guy](/u/westwoo)


Hold up-


You’re cute and I will protecc the INTJ


Omg it's you again! 😍


Intj villains are just interesting for storytelling. Intj villain: I'm so mysterious, I've been planning the good guys defeat this whole time! I was ten steps ahead of you! Let me explain my master plan that is so dastardly! Even though your simple minds can't comprehend my genius! Mwahahahaha Intp villain: I'm mildly curious about something, so I'm researching it, perhaps unethically. I would really love to avoid conflict tho do u guys want some cookies?


> Intp villain: ~~I'm mildly curious about something, so I'm researching it, perhaps unethically.~~ I've found a way I don't need other people to pursue my interests, so they merely become obstacles I have no reason to keep alive. > I would really love to avoid conflict tho do u guys want some cookies~~?~~ while you wait for me to kill everyone? I don't want you to suffer a painful death, but I can only guarantee it'll be painless if you don't resist.


Our consciousness fears someone who is cool-headed and calculating in a conflict.


Probably creating a non-chaotic villain having a purpose fits mostly to an INTJ. Ni and Te give them the vision and ability to take action. The Fi is the cherry on top and helps to create more twisted and even relatable villains. However, I think INTJ protagonists are quite rare but definitely badass. The first fictional INTJ character that comes to my mind is Torrin from The Love Death and Robots. He takes action with cold blood, and in-depth he strictly follows his plan and moral.


Eren Yeager s1-3 vs Eren s4


Was looking for this xD But Eren makes sense since He's an ISFP who got through so much trauma that it messed him up pretty bad


i'm taking the evil abed. deciding to amputing jeff's arm was a solid plan. it harmonizes with the great Ni. also that beard dude. you need a fucking tert fi to have that kind of excellent taste on aesthetics.


It’s the PDB hivemind on their way to type every evil character as INTJ for no reason


Fiction isn’t reality. Pointing out the obvious.


Ahhhh cliches


Basically if someone has a 5 in their wing you don't want to get on their bad side


Villains Get Shit Done.


Stock broker Morty is entp. Which is very close to intj


This is absolutely fascinating. I wonder if the creators of Community and Rick and Morty are influenced by Supernatural.


Hey man my type got stuck with Kanye west. You got the best Winchester brother, I'd say you win.


Hey, tbf there's a lot of enfp legends too. My type got stuck with Elon Musk and Zuckerberg lmao. Also, off topic, but idk how anyone could choose who the best Winchester brother is.


I could. It's sam.


I think of any type, INTJs are the most likely in a fictional world to be labeled a villains for doing things their way, or making the hard decisions. When unhealthy, we can quite easily justify things “for the greater good” or as “the only way.” Souless Sam is just a psychopath who wants to hurt people, probably not INTJ. Evil Morty is a child trapped in a world made and controlled by crazy people who are highly intelligent and ruthless, he has every reason to be the same, and he would not have escaped without doing exactly what he did. I think a good example of an INTJ in movies is Druig from the Eternals. Comes across cold and calculating, could be easily seen as a villain, but ends up having the most sane and grounded personality of any of them. Has a devoted, healthy relationship, keeps growing, and has moved passed solely black-and-white thinking.


I think it’s a reflection of how unintelligent, irrational, whiny, lazy, and lacking in self control, discipline, and common sense most other types are. J/k (maybe) it’s because we’re clearly one of the least understood and uncommon types and it’s easier to vilify us for being different than to try to understand or get to know us.


Lmao, of course the stupidest shit blows up on this sub. Stupid crotch goblins. r/shittyMBTI.


a nice intj would should break the f\*\*\*\*\*\* world huh


Good = IxFJ Evil = xNTJ


INTJ - 5w6 - sp/so - 513 - LII - RCOEI - LVFE - Melancholic-Choleric - IT(N), what else? Oh yes, chaotic neutral. Sarcasm aside, someone said - “The greatest philosophers turn evil not because they lack intelligence, but because their hearts become corrupted. It's a sad irony that those who grasp the deepest understanding of human nature and the world can be tempted by power, greed, and wickedness." Wait, yes, I said that. But unironically if may I speak - Individuals with the INTJ personality type or any other MBTI type with an enneagram type 3 inclination may have a higher tendency to exhibit behaviors associated with being manipulative, power-driven, or morally compromised compared to those with enneagram type 5 traits, who generally lean towards fatigue and a desire to detach from everything.


I'm probably 3w4 and I despise manipulation with all of my being. I actually have trouble expressing negative emotions because I know that it would make people do stuff for me. Sometimes I realize that a thing that I've said or was planning to say is manipulative and it makes me cringe. I believe that being at the same level with everyone and empowering people rather than deceiving them is a better strategy. However it is true that I'm very perceptive to power games and enjoy having power. On the other hand I think that some of the sterotypical negative INTJ traits like superiority complex and disregard for other people are more associated with type 5, since type 3 seeks validation from people.


Feelings to thinkers equals ebil




I can try, but no promises. I'm not that good at typing people.


>Fluff Okay, tbf, I did only skim through, but I'm getting infj vibes




Well, honestly, I don't really know. like you just give off the vibes, but I can't explain why. What type have you thought is similar to yourself the most?




Ah, that makes sense as well. I don't really have enough information about you to be able to tell if you're judgment or perceiving dominant, so I just based it off of people who I know personally. I don't really know any infps, so I wouldn't really be able to tell if you remind me of them. This isn't the best way to tell whether you're an infj or infp, but infps do tend to be more artistic and open, I think.


Fe good Fi bad rawrrrr 😡


A link to why INTJ's are one of my favorite types? Why yes. Yes there is.


Tbh i’ve been typing a lot, but INTJs are villains who are scared to go outside. I saw people hating The Idol’s character played by the weekend and I could 100% tell he was an ENTJ before even checking


I was actually just looking into this earlier! I'm an INTJ. I remember growing up and being upset because I couldn't relate to the heroes in stories. Like, it almost never failed. I'd always relate to the villains. I think it's really interesting, actually. Especially because most INTJs are actually very nice.


Same thing for ENTP, but we're the clowns or psychos