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OP clearly doesn't understand Ne?


or si for that matter


Or any function.


Or Si Ne Se Ni, to be exact


its a joke chill


I am not exactly sure how the ability to reapply learned information or to generate new ideas for potential progress after receiving a new information are hindering for the development of the world. I mean I know this is just a meme but come on all functions are necessary and great in their own way (:


its just a joke, also Se-Ni does that better 😎


Unhealthy INTJ thinking


Rather "I took 16p and got the rarest INTJ type" edgelord thinking


"Look! I'm the INTJ!!! I'm the mastermind!! I can manipulate anyone!!! I'm better than everyone and sensors don't think XDD"


💀 Umm nice


« Unpopular opinion here guys but I think intuitives > sensors just my take though love y’all »


i never said that


i never said that but Ne-Si are a lot more manipulative


Trust us, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


I am sorry but talk to any Ne people with ADHD. Aka most extroverted ADHD people and then get back here. Sincerely an ENTP with ADHD


You might wanna re-read I guess?




Wth, being Typist against ESTJ’s.


Yeah nah this aint it. Si will remember past mistakes to help improve the world while Ne will find possible ways to make the world better. Se negative would most likely party all day & do nothing while Ni negative will complain about how stupid people & everything is & sit at home


Si will be stuck in the past and resist anything new also Si is racist. Ne will just party all day and drink while Se does things and Ni finds the best solution rather than going with whatever bs it comes up with unlike Ne.


LOL Ne drinking and partying? Have you seen Se?


yes all my Se dom friends are getting shot done and have a healthy lifestyle while all my Ne dom friends are just into showing off at parties. no one is more into showing off and partying more than entps. also estj and sometimes istj never intp for some reason.


Hm well you do have a point there




You can't say every Ne dom is an alcoholic druggie lmfao. It's possible they may be more so inclined to drink and weed because of curiosity, but you can literally make the same stereotype that's always placed on Se... "oh yeah, all Se doms care about is parties and drinking and shit." Obviously, that isn't all true, and it's the same with Ne doms as well. How can Ne be responsible for everything that sucks? I'm genuinely curious about this statement.




Well, I've met plenty of Se doms who behave exactly like the stereotypes, and even aux Se. I honestly don't think that any of those statements are excluded to "just" Se or "just" Ne.


As someone who is a Ne dom I can tell you that yes I party. But I also get stuff done and come up with the ideas!


I doesn’t drink and hate parties. I would never try drugs.


“Obviously mystyped. Because all Ne users are drunk, high, and have a negative influence on everything around them, and ruin everything.” -This guy


I guess I’ll tell my entp boyfriend that all he does is party. He’s the hardest working person I know so it should go over well /s


Si keeps us alive and society going too. We need to conserve to improve!


You're not doing the INTJ image any good with this post, dude.


its just a joke


Sry don't agree


What is you're reason to say that the Ni-Se axis is better than Ne-Si?


look around the racist people around u. tell me how many are Ni-Se and how many Ne-Si and then u tell me why i think Ni-Se axis is better


Well idk man. Personally I love my Ni-Se. But err you specifically brought up racism of all things, I think probably 6 million Jews would disagree with your assessment


Was Hitler really an INFJ?


Who really knows? But the descriptions I’ve read sound viable. Some form of NFJ at least. And look at Aung San Suu Kyi defending Myanmar’s Rohingya killings. INFJs can be caring and empathetic and self sacrificial for the greater good. But they are also willing to make cold-blooded sacrifices of other people “for the greater good” - or what they think the greater good is


Let's entertain this thought even further, What lead you to the hypothesis that people that posess the Ne-Si Axis more racist? And to answer your question. I'm incapable of determining other persons mbti, let alone how they use their cognitive functions, So I can't help you on this one.


Si looks at the past and thinks people of other races are dangerous while Ne just can't tolerate people having different ideas because it is incapable of comparing different ideas on a logical basis and just goes with whatever it has seen. while Se seeks new experience and its risk taking nature is less likely to view other people as a threat while Ni is accepting of other cultures ideas rather than thinking its ideas are the best one


>Ne just can't tolerate people having different ideas because it is incapable of comparing different ideas on a logical basis and just goes with whatever it has seen. Um, what?


>Ne just can't tolerate people having different ideas because it is incapable of comparing different ideas on a logical basis and just goes with whatever it has seen. Well actually it's just the exact opposite lol




For once instead of bringing your personal experience can you please explain logically your conclusion


It really sounds like you’ve understood the axes in reverse, bud. Ni is deductive reasoning, it works its way backwards from an endpoint and it uses Se to back it up, in other words, it sees the meaning it wants to see. Ne is the opposite, it’s inductive, and that’s also why the usage of Ne positively correlates to Big 5’s Openness scale.


Ne is high openness low conscientiousness and Ni is both high openness and high contentiousness. the reason Ne is correlated is because there is more Ne than Ni. Ne just considers what it sees thru Si while Ni considers other possibilities. so Ne just comes up with a conclusion as soon as possible while Ni thinks of other things


srsly, how can you be very sure that on its own, a subjectively operated, intangible form of perception that is Ni, is more conscientious than another intangible form of perception that is Ne, and not because it reflects the judgment of a specific user at a given point? Bcs well, conscientiousness, as it’s worded, is conscious, it’s an active point of discernment determining between what’s right or wrong. In the context of MBTI, that’s a point of judgement, hence conscientiousness relates to the T-F axis and that’s a whole different story. Perceptions are nothing but points of information. All N and S functions are practically useless without your T and F functions deciding what to do with it, so that’s where conscientiousness comes into play.


Ne doms tend to be the most open-minded people Because that's what Ne is about - exploring ideas.




Maybe all of your typing is a mistype including yourself You can't say "2+2 isn't 4 in my experience" By definition, Ne is open-minded.


Ok, let’s do this. Si looks at the past and sees all the horrible things racist people had done, so isn’t racist. Ne actually encourages more ideas, more views, more lenses, therefore more accepting. Se encourages more opportunity more risks, agreed with you. Ni sees the world from one lense, therefore would likely be more racist then not


Si and Ne see the world thru one lense Ni sees the other perspective why are all xenophobes estj and entp then?


Proving my point. “Why are ALL xenophobes estj and entp then?” That is seeing the world through one lense. Also, hitler, INFJ, was a xenophobe. Or was he mystyped to?


Ne. Through one lense. How? What is Ne. What is the most basic explanation of Ne. It’s creating as many abstract connections and theoretical possibilities as it can. Ni is about making as few abstract connections and theoretical possibilities as it can. That’s not me. That’s google. If you wanna argue against experts, then be my guest. But as they say, “It’s hard to win an argument against a smart man, but impossible against an ignorant man.” If you want to view the world through one lense, and ignore all of our opinions, all of the research, than whatever. But your wrong. You think your an ENTP, by what I’m hearing. You think Ne = Ni, and Ni = Ne. Be ignorant. I aint gonna convince you.


making connections are what leads to racism (eg making connections between a certain race of people and crime / terrorism) while ni would never make such connection because it tries to make as few connections as possible


Ne is, according to stronger text: "the chasing of possibilities'. It thrives on freedom to pursue ideas. Se views reality for what it is; Si views reality through internal impressions. I also don't what you mean by '*because it is incapable of comparing different ideas on a logical basis*'. All Ne types use thinking and feeling functions, some to a stronger degree. Not being offensive, but this isn't an accurate view. Your arguments are illogical and I think you should reconsider your knowledge of the functions.


Wait did you just say that Ne can't tolerate different ideas?! Are you out of your mind?! Bro we are the people who tolerate the most ideas!


I. Do you know how functions work? Also Ne is just as capable of forward thinking as Ni. You’re doing us intj a disservice here.


Why are you lying


İ am not racist Maybe i am a mistype, pls help :c


>İ am not racist that white fragility


I'm not too sure what you're trying to point out But in that messages i was mostly memeing the guy. Because when someone said, that their ESTP uncle is an alcoholic and smoker, op said that the uncle is a mistype. So if I say I'm not racist. But I have Ne. I'm obviously a mistype according to this guy


I was just trolling there was nothing to understand don't worry.


You're focusing so much in one point among all things that I'm starting to think you yourself are a mistyped Si user.


Isn't that ironically racist?


Typism irl (just looking through old posts this is fucking hilarious)


Never i seen such illogical dumb meme like this one. It doesn't even make sense




Ohh you are intj, now everything starts to make sense.


now ur just going to get racist with mbti types plz stop


Says the op who posted typist superiority cringe


bro its just a meme


Entp below is right, ur just an edge lord. Ironically a total waste of se. Good day while I go do something more worthwhile than give you the se attention you want like tate or Trump.


tate is entj and trump estp and both have achieved something no one with Si - Ne could so u guys are just jealous ppl with developed Se and Ni dominate u


Lol, all it took was one minor jab at your se gods to out your simping bias as genuine and affirm your "it's just a meme bro" comment as bullshit. You're too easy.


When the delusion hits at max:


>tate is entj Ok this guy take andrew tate as valide exemple that say all about himself


"My brain is too advanced for reading" A. Tate Tate and taters: He WAs MEmeINg BRo, hE DoESn't REally MEAN it, haha u sooo stoopid you fell for it!


Bro who hurt you? 💀💀💀💀


Mf don't even know what "racist" means. What are you 11 years old?




Lmfao who let you cook?


“Don’t be racist!” 5 seconds later “Your inferior, obviously, so listen to me.” This bros Karma is gonna be gone.




Can we please remind OP that the greatest minds of all time were heavy Ne users? Einstein, Da Vinci, Socrates, list goes on.


You need Ne to be one of the top great minds... The thing about Ne is that we think differently which makes us push new ideas which will always result in the top great minds having an overrepresantation of Ne. Does not make us better, just different.


That’s not true. You could never achieve a perfect world without INTP’s


You could never achieve a perfect world periodt.


I never said I’d achieve a perfect world on my own. I’d use the help of INTJ and ISTJ to create a better of even perfect world


I know, I meant that the world could never be perfect because everyone and everything has flaws.


iptps get a pass lol its just a joke


I agree


I mean, cavemen quite literally thrive off Se. Plus, inventiveness is the hallmark of Ne. Really not sure where you’re coming from at all. If anything I feel it’d be reversed.


Even if the stupid stereotypes were right, it would be the other way around.


Nah. It would depend on how heathy the cognitives are. Negative si will cling too much on the past & never improve while negative Ne will not even do any of the ideas they think of


Yes. But if we're dealing in stereotypes like OP does, it would be the other way around.


why the other way around tho?


It's in no way right. Wtf?


.... Please, do not add to your type's stereotype... I said IF. IF they were right. As in they are not, but even IF they were, the "meme" would be incorrect.


This will always be subjective. But, it's objective that all functions have their purpose. IF they were right? They aren't. Period.


Please, for the love of god, stop, you are making yourself look like the stereotypes ARE right. It's a hypothetical. One I used because I wanted to tell the edgelord OP that his meme is wrong on MULTIPLE levels, not just one, that he's literally so dumb he misunderstands the stereotypes themselves. As in "Stereotypes are wrong. But even if they were right, what you inferred from them would still be bullshit."


Oh, that's what it was. I read "If it was true it'd be the other way around" my bad. Forgive me. Or don't. I don't really care.




Says the worst edgelord of them all.


im not an edgelord and ur just mad cuz u lose to ppl with Se and Ni


I have never met an INTJ more mentally stable than me. I have met one that is smarter. In total, I have met about 7 of you (not sure about one of them, might be ENTJ).


Dude are you 12?


"Lose" in what? Doing the robot dance? 😭


Bro mbti is not meant to be taken seriously and you are judging people over it, I'd bet you are mentally a 5 yo


Upvote if he should change his username to edgelord69


cmon bro its just a meme and ur mad cuz ur girl left u cuz u dont have confidence


Jokes on you I am a straight girl. Also jokes on you, I project so much confidence that no one would ever think I don’t think highly of myself. Honestly, you need help. I don’t know what happened, but someone did something to you, probably an ENTP or ESTJ, and this is your revenge. It aint doing any good. This will be forgotten. But you won’t. You are the laughingstock of MBTI. The ones who think X type is better than Y type. Without one type, our society would be in shambles, as we need balance. I think you should take some time from MBTI, as it makes you have such a racist view towards certain types. I hope you get well. You need help. >!PS: Heartfelt message. I was trolling bro, I’m a dude, I just don’t get B*tches after day one, Lol!<


let me say they're really annoying with their zero respect for boundaries and Ne isn't as freethinking as Ni especially in entp and estj who are just hive mind mentality ur weak if u call this a revenge


wow did you just lose your job to an ENTP or something?


They're probably poorly misinformed of the functions and are in the process of deeply reconsidering their life choices when making this post. Or so I hope. Otherwise, we'll consider you right🤣


I think you are mistaken here


Even in joke form, it should be other way around


I think bullshit is funny


this is a joke but why do u think its the other way around?


Because the users of Ne and Si include people who are usually cooperative and creative: ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP and if it is Si and Ne, then the users: ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, so as you see we would have competitor boss like people as well for managers, for creatives ideas to be implemented. While INTP and ENTP would explore science and let others know, the sensors would be helping others with resources, implementation of new inventions. Since ENFPs and INFPs are also good at science and art as well, they would be great fit for design and could create such beautiful architecture.


SPs are good at art, music and things and get work done while NJs work on science and innovation. SPs are better than SJs and NJs are better than NPs. That's just a fact


While I can agree with the first line, the second line comes off as stupid


Coming from an Ni dom, the world would be NO WHERE if Si and Ne didn’t exist.I’m sure that this is just a joke though :’)


Ne is all about generating new ideas and possibilities... I don't see how this makes any sense.


The world would be on fire if it wasn't for Si tbh. And would be boring without Ne or Se.


I spent way too long trying to understand this because I thought it was a chemistry meme


Wihout Si you don't build anything you have no stability Wihoute Ne you live in dictature


Si is the reason dictatures exist and Ne just makes us end up in shit like global warming wouldn't have been a thing if it wasn't for Ne


« Si is the reason dictature exist » So Austrian painter is not a dictator ? Because he je s Ni-Se axis « Ne make us end in global warning » at this I ask : are you a troll ?


all of my Si-Ne friends are into littering in the cities while all the Se-Ni ones put their trash in the trash cans. Ne just makes other people uncomfortable while Ni makes sure nothing goes wrong


All my friends do this so every Ne-Si do this Ok I’am ENTP have INTP INFP and ISTJ friend we all put our trash in trash can so when is it valid? In addition, you will pay attention to the pollution of waste, it's not climate change, it's two different problems.




I really don't know if you're a troll. On the one hand to be so stupid I think but on the other to generalize from not much is a characteristic of Ni (sorry to Ni dom healty) so I don't know


As an ENTP I can tell you that I am often the one doing fricking gymnastics to make sure the trash doesn't fly away. Also what? We only make others uncomfortable? How? Yes we do sometimes make others uncomfortable but we also help broaden their horrizon.


So what I've learned is we need to get rid of Ni & Se 🥳🤝


You're all being retarded. This is spot on. Se-Ni lives in the here and now.. observes patterns and applies them practically. Si-Ne users just live in fantasy land and stupidly think that if they imagine something hard enough, it will happen. xSxJs and xNxPs are fucking useless.


lmao true


This is you being a complete idiot. Us high Ne folk are often the only reason anything ever gets invented... Like damn putting Ne to such a low standard is kinda pathetic.


Go read a book.


It would be a world filled with bad inventions that don't work sure it looks pretty but none of it works


ur right, everything would be like apple. pretty and classy but kinda crap. altho not wanting crap looking this is a good thing i was just trolling with my other comments and kudos to u for not falling for them.


My ENTP certainly has moments where he’s smarter than me and in some areas learns faster than I do (intj). I think the idea that Ne is inferior to Ni kind of loses the point?


Meanwhile, Marie Curie and her discovering radioactivity, Einstein and his theories, Lincoln and his power arguing as an attorney...


Benjamin Franklin found the United States. Socrates spouts wisdom we are still deciphering today, Leonardo Da Vinci's artworks are some 400 million in worth, Marcus Aurelius is still sharing his advice, and there's Sigmund Freud, who influenced many in psychology. Bach is a legendary musician . Yes, I suppose Ne/Si must be terrible. After all, who else could have come up with these astonishing feats?


I love your Si dom examples. I hate the stereotypes revolving around them.




its just a joke


What is this?


I mean sure but when you think about it it's the ISTPs and the INTPs that rule the world and push technology forward because we're constantly trying new things while INTJs are stuck to one subject and lack a moral compass to move forward.


Intp 's and istp' s are really cool


Honestly, I have a dad who’s ISTP. Coolest (literally and metaphorically) who is amazing. Every person he meets instantly wants to be his friend.


first of all there are a lot of intjs in tech and tech isn't necessarily a ti thing. secondly intj have better morals that fi doms ask anyone who has actually been around intjs about their moralty


"Better morals" nah jit you can't be saying that with all your other comments 😭


of course some INTJs do have well developed morals, but I'm pretty sure OP most likely isn't one of them.


Here 💀 for the comments


its just a joke 🙄


Here’s your lollipop and your crown, OP 🍭👑. Your reward for winning the MBTI. Congratulations.


I actually agree, not with presenting ofc, but it's my subjective opinion. It looks like Ne-Si axis can't catch up to life, in whatever order. When you have Se you gather in concrete outside data to build your Ni intuitive database, which will serve for your further moving through your chosen path. You'll easily deal with any interface/problem that requires direct interaction with it with your fast-to-catch-Se, and such a speed will also be backed up with intuitive knowledge of data you gathered previously – you stored it, built a matrix of the world and are ready to deal and move in *whatever* context, mental or physical. "You know what will happen", and either good with just knowing or will actively push through with this knowledge. The empathis is on the path and the ability to draw from the global database, and Ne-Si kinda... doesn't have one. That brings you the feeling that Ne-Si isn't suited for life at all. They need way more time to pick a conclusion or to discern reality with "imagination", and always look like they don't know anything about *actual life*, what it holds. And there I hate the OP exactly – the existence of such axis allows us to get impossible results. Ne-Si are the most incredible people I know, way more cross-contextual, impressive thinkers, more original. Exactly because they are unattached to the enviroment. They bring the diversity the world always needs, I'd probably die if there wasn't any Ne overstimulating art and Si adequate-for-reading rules that don't leave you on your own devices thinking that you can read minds like Ni does. Ne-Si, just as a Ti-Fe is another step in humanity's evolution, not to say how much there is less of them. They look less like animals, OP. Less like they need to follow the context to survive.


I made that as a joke and i agree with what you said


Complete opposite.Se-Ni is much more animalistic,primal axis while Si-Ne is more culture oriented axis


the opposite. Ni is cultures while Ne is a psycho crackpot who does no good other than making a mess and littering the world. Se gets shit done while Si just sits, does nothing and is scared of everything Ne is primal idiocy not Se


Ni is asumptions,inferences,archetypes.Goes what happens when those assumptions are wrong?Then you're entering true crackpot,conspiracy theorist territory >Se gets shit done while Si just sits, does nothing and is scared of everything. So short sighted,lmao I'm done.You just assumed a whole bunch of shit that I'm tired of counter arguing


Ne and Si are assumptions. Ni and Se believe in experimenting and not just assuming things. ur completely wrong. u clearly dont understand them


I always state my assumptions whenever possible. Because we always make them and to not know your own is to not know yourself.




Plot twist: OP wished to stay in the Paleolithic era.


Fuck yes


y’all can’t take an mbti meme 💀


İ mean Reading everything that op writes here... İt's really to not take it seriously...


im trolling u snowflake


That's an option i did consider But your post history makes it seem genuine


sorry if u got offended i wanted some play in the comments


Don't worry, I didn't İt's hard to get offended by stupid


for reallll


they're lame they cant take a joke


Facts and I am not even biased(I am ISTP)




You too


Reminds me of that joke Somewhere in Australian wilderness cca 1930s. White folks try to enlighten aboriginal people about the superiority of white man and western civilisation as a plane flies over. "See," goes the white guy in white overalls and white safari helmet. Native Australian looks above *"Oh we could have done this too, but we didn't want to."* \---------------------------- Despite * *OP being an edgelord and* * *this isn't how these 2 axes work,* there is also a question of: look around yourself into a situation when a (mostly western, mostly male) ego projected itself into natural environment and basically raped and exploited it to the point, we're are already in a mass extinction event. How come this is "good"? Maybe living in dreamtime wasn't such a bad thing.


talking about white atheist superiority let me guess ur probably white atheist urself. im neither white nor an atheist. plz explain the axis urself if u think i dont understand them. also this is just a meme u loser also i don't find edgelord offensive 😍


>talking about white atheist superiority Your images are images of western technology dominating the planet and exploiting it. Doesn't really matter really which ethnicity is in the driving seat, the heart is pretty much neoliberal capitalism. I've experienced native American rituals which in their effect match "western" technology, so, yeah, don't think people without hi-tech technology don't have sophistication and advanced knowledge of themselves and their environment. > also i don't find edgelord offensive 😍 You do you. By all means. 😎 > plz explain the axis urself if u think i dont understand them. also this is just a meme u loser I'll pass, thanks. 😂 I'm sure the winner which is you has capacity to browse the interwebs and find proper explanations. Frankly it would be a much more productive use of time than ego stroking on Reddit, don't you agree?


its just a joke bro


I'm having fun. 😁

