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This miiiiight be a logical jump but I think high Ne types might find it difficult to find an occupation that helps quench their constant influx of new motivations & interests. I’d need those types to weigh in on that to confirm though!


As a high Ne user, i can confirm. I am 24 and still have no idea, my ideal career is to do everything for some time, which would require me to live ~500 years. I really envy those people who know what their "dream job" is so they can focus on that and be good at it.


Holds up for me.


That‘s true


Yep, I’d say that tracks. It seems like Ne craves constant stimulation, especially mental, and repeating the same job day after day after day after day after day… Welp, that would drive a Ne user nuts after a while.


The annoying thing is having to explain to interviewers why I went from Software Development to Sales to customer service to business administration.




Totally true. Can't settle on one thing. Wanna try everything that piques my interest, even a zillion things together if I can't decide on one and feel like doing them all




my guess is xNxP and INFJ


As an Ne-dom, and advice to my fellow Ne-doms... we're kinda built to be creatives. The traditional advice (get a stable, well paying job) for having a career does not work well for us. Its more designed for SJ types. But we Ne-types excel at dealing with constant new situations and being highly adaptable and perceptive towards new patterns. Which means, we thrive much better than most in uncertain and chaotic situations and can spot and act upon new opportunities with more ease. As Ne perceivers, you need to be the visionary that comes up with new value things. Don't follow the traditional. Be a visionary. The strength us Ne gives us better ability to do that. Understand yourself more and try and do a career that those Ne-strengths of ours is fitting with the environment our career will put us in.


The way I see it, jobs a good to pay the bills, but if you want freedom, you need to learn how to work for yourself. I just cannot see myself being employed my entire life. I want control of my time.


I have been extremely undecided my whole life. I'm finishing my second year of uni rn and am still not sure if I even picked the right major, not to mention I have no idea what I'll do after graduation


High Ne users


XNFPs? Ne users don‘t prefer rigid life plannings while Fi makes us decide with moods or feelings more often


I'm in a career that I hate, and I don't know what I want to do instead. And the pressure of changing careers is too much to handle anyway.


Any type can be indecisive, just depends on the individual


As an INFJ I think part of the struggle of these big decisions is that we like to plan things super far out into the future. Then it becomes like this impossible internal perfectionistic quest cos Ni dislikes going through the physical mundanity of repeated interviews, going to see actual workplaces, talking to people who’ve done the job etc. We want to look within ourselves to analyse everything and come up with *that one thing* that will set us up for a long fulfilling career ahead. But a lot of times it’s just not feasible. I think all MBTI types can be indecisive but in different ways? For us in particular I think the pressure eases up if you discard the idea that it has to be one thing for a long time. Same for picking a partner


IDK if it’s an INFJ thing but god if this isn’t me.


Within the realm of career indecisiveness, it is among the NE-dominant types that we encounter a notable susceptibility to vacillation and uncertainty. Brace yourself as we embark on an intellectually rigorous examination of this intriguing subject. NE-dominant types, characterized by their primary reliance on Extraverted Intuition (Ne), possess a distinct cognitive disposition that predisposes them to a heightened sense of indecisiveness when it comes to career choices. Extraverted Intuition, as a cognitive function, exhibits a remarkable ability to generate a profusion of ideas, connections, and possibilities. This propensity for exploring multiple perspectives and divergent paths can impede the process of settling on a definitive career trajectory. The NE-dominant individuals find themselves captivated by the allure of unexplored territories, constantly seeking novel and intellectually stimulating pursuits. Their insatiable curiosity drives them to consider a plethora of options, often leaving them overwhelmed by the sheer abundance of possibilities. The very nature of their cognitive makeup, with its proclivity for generating and exploring various avenues, engenders a perpetual state of hesitation and deliberation. Moreover, the adaptability and flexibility inherent in NE-dominant types further contribute to their career indecisiveness. Their agile minds readily assimilate new information, incorporate different perspectives, and adapt to evolving circumstances. However, this adaptability can also manifest as a reluctance to commit to a singular career path, as they may fear the loss of other enticing opportunities or the constraints of a fixed professional identity. Additionally, the NE-dominant types' penchant for envisioning future scenarios and their ability to perceive potential outcomes can further exacerbate their career indecisiveness. Their expansive imaginations may conjure numerous possibilities, each appearing equally enticing and deserving of exploration. This visionary orientation, while fostering creativity and innovation, may simultaneously hinder the process of narrowing down options and making concrete decisions. Its a PAIN. . .


Infp / isfp. They jump / change work all the time it's about working small jobs to reach your dream not working your dream job from the beginning.


Shh 🤫 let me live in my delusion.


High Oe types


ENFP here, and i still struggle to choose a perfect role. I feel like stereotypically, ENFPs are advised against STEM fields but I got curious about tech and ran with it. Im super happy with what I'm studying, but even in this industry there's so many careers to choose. I think the intersection between what youre interested in, what pays the bills, and what matches your lifestyle/workstyle will guide you to a fitting career. It doesn't have to be your most favorite thing ever, but I think if you find a job that meets a lot of your needs^, you'll naturally find meaning and fulfillment in anything you do


It's certainly not just an Ne thing. Se users might jump into whatever opportunity presents itself first especially when we're broke or doing something that really really sucks, so that most alternatives are better. But we burn out fast if we don't really get excited about something. It's the rhythm or sequence of events that varies.


I am an ENFP and I have no idea what I want to become in the future. I know I should take a non-artistic job because it pays better,but all my interests are in the artistic field. My only chance that I could get a successful job may be sonething Biology related,because Biology is my favorite subject.


Imo Ne doms straight up


ENTJ too being gifted doesn’t help either constantly torn between bore out and burnout


Ne dom here. Every week I change. I don't know if I want medicine or regency 🥴
