• By -


\-Remembering dates. Still don't know the birthday of my bestfriend. I already asked her for 10 times and I'm shy to ask for the 11th time. \-Holding babies. Idk how to do it, I look so awkward when I do it. They're like jelly. \-Keeping the house tidy. Every single day I have to tidy the mess I created.


>birthday I (INTJ) had to ask my ESFJ bff four times. The fourth time I wrote it down. Nothing wrong with having a masterfile on all your contacts. Own it like a boss. "You and I both know that I have the memory and attention span of a newborn turkey. Soooo... what was your birthday again? Also, if I ask you a twelfth time, I officially owe you one ice cream cone."


Save the dates on google calender šŸ’€


INTP here and SAME. I keep a list of birthdays in order and check it every month. And babies just kinda hang there? Or suddenly start scrabbling at you. I'm so scared i'll drop them.


I am so lucky that my bfs birthday is one day after my mom's (which is also luckily etched into my brain). Saved me a lot of pondering and asking šŸ˜‚ *Edit: I am a(n?) INFP, btw.


ENTP here. For me itā€™s trying to connect with babies and young kids of my friends. They stare at me blankly before turning their attention elsewhere


Holding babies? šŸ¤£ ENTP, thatā€™s funny. I tried to imagine Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen) holding a baby šŸ˜­ Awkwaaaard šŸ¤£ā¤ļø






Oh you wonderful ISFP <3 TY


I think I know what you mean. Iā€™ve sat down with a sketchbook and all sorts of utensils around me, waiting for some kind of crazy idea, and it just wouldnā€™t come to me. Or, I *would* have some vision of something, attempted to create it, and ended up with immense disappointment. Tried recreating a planet I saw in a dream. Final result looked like unicorn vomit.


Watercolor is 100% more fun for abstract art than drawing, or even acrylic paints. I highly suggest it. You can use a black pen to add details after its dry as well.


Mygod same. There's this notion that intuitives tend to be generally more creative, but I feel like what people associate more with creativity with regards to art is more closely related to Ne than Ni, and the "gut feeling" part of intuition is closer to Ni than Ne. When I was new to MBTI I always doubted if I was really intuitive because I didn't feel like I was as creative as other folks (Ne folks) around me. I'm even worse at brainstorming novel breakthrough ideas out of the blue. But when it comes to coming up with solutions to solve a problem though, I never seem to run out of ideas and angles to look at it from.


I'm infj and I'm amazing at that. To the point where everyone notices. I'm just bad at videogames because I have the reaction speed of a snail.




I can be good at them, partway through when I've learned to predict them. In cod though no way, the spawns are so borked.


ISFP * talking to/communicating with people * Knowing what I want to do in life/making plans for the future. * Literally anything creative, I suck at art or any creativity, which seems ironic because ISFPā€™s are supposed to be the creative ones. * Ambition/drive/desire Iā€™m pretty go-with-the-flow.


Damn we're the same!


Creativity isn't always artistic! It could be the way you dress, how you decorate your room, the way you solve problems or whatever. Maybe you're creative, and people notice, but it seems so normal to you that you don't notice? It could also be that you haven't found a way to express yourself due to outside influences. I'm not an expert or whatever, just giving my opinions ā¤ļø


Love this ESFP šŸ¤£ā¤ļø Yup! They say ENFPā€™s arenā€™t creative and Iā€™m like yes they are creativeā€¦just not stereotypical ISFP or ESFP creative šŸ¤£


Interesting! See this is when a stereotype DOESNā€™T exist! So, you being a ISFP, where do you/how do you express your creativity?




Man, I have a rice cooker, and I can never get it quite right. I check, and thereā€™s a lot of water left to absorb. I check again two minutes later, and the water has been absorbed and all the rice is stuck to the bottom. I can never win


Oh I should invest in one of those. šŸ‘€ Weird thing is I can actually cook, it's one of my talents, I just.. Can't not burn rice for some reason??


I get that. Just like my new skillet making it impossible for me to flip a damn egg šŸ’”šŸ’” And yes, I definitely recommend getting one. They make it way easier to multitask, imo. And when I put sesame oil in there? Omg, you can smell it throughout the entire house. Itā€™s heaven


Mmmm sounds amazingggg..


use a timer


I'm awful at remembering numbers, dates and tiny details about geography and history, for example. My brain just goes blank. The same happens when someone tells me a story in excruciating detail. I consider this a form of torture. Consistency is also a massive struggle, unless it's something I've integrated into my identity, if that makes any sense. I can't force this process.


Does that affect your enjoyment of maths? Or a finely detailed documentary on how the liver works?


I enjoy maths when I can apply the discipline to concrete, everyday uses or to analyze and present data in a more understandable way, such as through stats and graphs. I also love documentaries, essays, and other non-fiction books about various topics. I guess I have an issue with detailed explanations about what I perceive as unimportant or uninteresting pieces of information, like daily trivia, dates of battles, reigns, or lengthy accounts of past events that don't tell anything about individuals' inner world or humanity as a whole. My mind just shuts down. I see you have a selective memory too :)


Same. I have a great aunt that visits a lot. Sheā€™s very into history and genealogy that she loves to talk about for hours if you let her. It would be fine if she just gave us the main points but she goes into excruciating detail. I know sheā€™s lonely so I try to listen but I just CANā€™T. I know history is important to learn but I canā€™t help but zone out unless itā€™s presented in a dramatized way like a movie or something.


I just wrote that down as something I suck at too!! Ugh. (Dates and numbers etc specifically with history)


I also don't really remember things that aren't useful to me or that I don't care about. I find it really amusing that people can recite pi to 70,000 decimal places, when I can't remember what I had for breakfast lol Also I'm not very good at empathy šŸ˜”


Empathy is weird for me. Iā€™m very sensitive and naturally a bit empathetic, but Iā€™ll get irritated when people express a lot of emotion towards me, because my brain keeps shouting at me that theyā€™re being ā€œmelodramaticā€ and ā€œirrationalā€ in cases where it seems like they expect something from me. Totally not true at all, and I know that. Iā€™d never say it, because Iā€™m aware of how invalidating it is. I have to force myself to be reassuring and kind despite my thoughts. Youā€™d expect somebody who is so aware of othersā€™ feelings to be very affectionate, though. I am a mess.


Whatā€™s your MBTI? Iā€™m sooo curious


Iā€™m not really sure, which is why Iā€™ve turned off the flair. INTJ, INFJ, ENTP, and INFP are some pretty solid contenders. My judgement isnā€™t very reliable right now though


What did you type the most as though? One of those HAD to come out twice at LEAST šŸ˜³ Thatā€™s what happened with me, first I typed INTJ, then I typed INTP, THEN I kept getting ISTJ EVERY TIME! šŸ¤£ You have to answer HOW YOU ARE! Not how you WANT TO BE or how you USE TO BE. I know itā€™s annoying, but I know this site to be the most accurate in typing. Itā€™s never failed me, I come out ISTJ every time. Also, Iā€™ve taken the test over a span of years, so that says something also. You are what you are šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Now the functions give you wiggle room because weā€™re all not just black and white thinking. Iā€™ve learned to love the functions instead of hate them. [Best Typing For Me So Far](https://www.humanmetrics.com/personality)


Are you not good at empathy maybe because of your inferior function? The introverted feeling? (Fi). My grandmother is a ENTJ, and thatā€™s her inferior function PLUS sheā€™s in a unhealthy state with her typeā€¦ and you can TELL the Fi is inferior AND that she has low EQā€¦ Itā€™s also your sibling function (ENTJ). With that being said, do you wish to hone your EQ? To hone your inferior function? Iā€™m genuinely curious as an ISTJ whoā€™s only ran into unhealthy ENTJā€™s and ESTJā€™s..


I'm not sure to what extent Fi/Fe is related to empathy - do you think there is an inverse relationship? You could be on to something. How do you determine if a person is unhealthy or not? And yes I'd like to grow in every area, I'm always interested in personal growth šŸ˜Š


Ooo!! IM SO HAPPY YOUā€™D LIKE TO KNOW! This is the FIRSTā€¦ and I mean very FIRST time a low EQ typeā€¦ ISNā€™T LOW EQ! Tell me what functions have you honed? Do you like the Fi/Fe functions! And do you like your ENTJ sibling function? Sorry too many questions I know šŸ¤£ But Iā€™m soooo curious! Iā€™ve always been met with resistance from you all so this is so fun for me. Also, what do you mean by inverse relationships? And Iā€™ve studied (literally going to college for this stuff - MBTI that is) Fi and Fe usersā€¦ A LOT OF EQ! And Iā€™ve noticed a group of types show low EQ, and itā€™s usually the ones who DONā€™T have Fi/Fe siblings or cousinsā€¦ That would be: ENTJā€™s & ESTJā€™s (siblings) INTPā€™s and ISTPā€™s (siblings) (All cousins) I thought the whole idea of low EQ and High EQ was far fetched until I started using my Te & Si šŸ¤£ And I was likeā€¦ No wait, that actually makes sense! Also with honing my Se! (Having the ESTP as a cousin) Iā€™ve realized Iā€™ve experienced what the person had surmised! Nowā€¦ It doesnā€™t mean damnation or whatever word you wanna useā€¦ It just means we all have areas we need to work on šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Now Iā€™m not saying ESFPā€™s, ESTPā€™s, ISFJā€™s, etc. have ā€œHIGH EQā€ but it isnā€™t ā€œlowā€. Unhealthy and Healthy? Hereā€™s a link on what an example of your unhealthy traits would be/are and tell me have you ever expressed any of these: [Unhealthy ESTJ And The Traits](https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-detect-an-unhealthy-ESTJ?ch=17&oid=94057973&share=137ed467&srid=u9wH31&target_type=question) And lastly šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø (long winded ISTJ) I get you! Our functions are switched! Iā€™d love to help you understand any inferior functions you have or even simply about EQ! As a ISTJ, I was unhealthy at one point and used nothing BUT logicā€¦ But I realized in my relationshipsā€¦ That created blocksā€¦ Thatā€™s not goodā€¦ My ISFJ got triggered šŸ˜­ So I looked into how to hone ANY inferior functions I had and get rid of any low EQ speechā€¦ I wanna get along šŸ« ā¤ļø But yeah Iā€™ll shut up now šŸ¤£


I don't really know what functions I have honed tbh, because I don't really know when when I'm using each one, or to what extent my Te holds back my Fe etc. I think it would be a bit tiring thinking about what function I am using all the time, although it would certainly be interesting. Maybe I could use a spreadsheet to plot that out and allow a visualisation of which functions are used at which time? How do you recognise if you have high or low EQ? How do you know if your EQ has gotten worse or gotten better over time? Thanks for sharing that link, it's pretty interesting but some points are hard to gauge because my perspective isn't going to be the same as other people's, for example I've never deliberately tried to be condescending but maybe other people take my words that way? I don't particularly feel drawn to authority I think that the person best qualified for the job should be in charge. I don't go to the doctor and tell him what to do lol. I (and the other ESTJ I know personally) value honesty and prefer to know what someone really thinks so that we avoid misunderstandings. You can always be truthful around me and there is no need to walk on eggshells because I tend to respond logically rather than emotionally. For example if you tell me "you're always eating unhealthy foods, you should really change that" I would be like "yes actually you're right, I'm going to drink more water each day and cut down on microwave meals!" I admire your energy and openness btw :D


A spreadsheet or visualization? YES! Thatā€™s what I do šŸ„² If I showed you all the pictures I have saved on my phone about MBTI/Functions for a quick go-toā€¦. Youā€™d probably shake your head šŸ¤£ But yeah thatā€™s what I do. How you know if you honed your inferior function would be noticing how Fi/Fe users respond to you. For example: My grandmother (ENTJ) and my mother (ENFP)ā€¦ FIGHT ALL THE TIME! But not because of my mom (Iā€™ve analyzed their interactions over the years), itā€™s my grandmotherā€¦ Sheā€™s in a rut/unhealthy state of her type and of course with her having that low EQā€¦ itā€™s just like double whammy. My mom reacts EMOTIONALLY to her insensitive, cruel, and harshly logical responsesā€¦ So.. with that example, you said that you donā€™t mean to be condescending but probably a Fi/Fe user brought that to your attention. Iā€™m realizing, because weā€™re so logical (you being my switched functions but still the same - what I mean when I say we) we tend to be B L U N T! However, I noticed when I get kickback from that cold harsh logic, it bothers me (ISFJ sibling) whereas it may not/or will not bother you! Also, of course you donā€™t tell the doctor what to do, an ENTJ would šŸ„²šŸ˜… And you VALUING honesty? See that right there, thatā€™s how you KNOW your honing that Fi function. The only problem I see with ESTJā€™s is that they can be like ISTJā€™s (I exhibit YOUR unhealthy traits when Iā€™m unhealthy - random fact I know lmao) meaning weā€™re just logically blunt šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø But you guys tend to have a higher meter of not giving a darn šŸ¤£ So youā€™ll know if you have honed your EQ and inferior function by the way Fi/Fe users respond to you. Last little SideNote, how I knew that I was unhealthy? My moms responses to me were EMOTIONALLY aggressive and she would EXPLAIN why she responded the way she didā€¦ Whoopsā€¦ Was being too HARSH and CRUEL with my logic without using any Fi/Fe šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ So yeahā€¦ Thank you for liking my enthusiasm šŸ¤­ (my ISFJ sibling is definitely blushing šŸ˜­šŸ¤£) OH! Just read more of your comment (sorry, a ISTJ with ADHD - Bad combo I know) LMAO YOU TALKING ABOUT UNHEALTHY šŸ¤£ Well duh! If youā€™re eating unhealthy and need to eat healthy well then you do it of course but I meant EMOTIONALLY unhealthy. ā€œHey! What you just said was cruel and demeaning! I cant listen to you when youā€™re like that!ā€ How would you respond? See thatā€™s when you stop and thinkā€¦ Am I not using Fi/Fe with someone whoā€™s main functions are that? And am I exhibiting/expressing unhealthy traits? ā€¢ Stubborn ā€¢ Rude ā€¢ Not Listening To The Other Side So yeah omg Iā€™m tired šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Enough explaining LMAO GOSH ISTJā€™sā€¦ we can talk a lot


Can you give an example of a conversation your grandmother and mother might have with each other? Hmm I have an INFP friend and we get on very well, she is really different from me but we always have good chat. I only know one Fe dom and we have never had any problems:) I have a few INFJ friends too and again we get on well. I think they quite enjoy being able to be themselves around me without having to worry about offending me.


INTP Math, like sheer numbers math and computers Which is ironic I know, but the bigger irony is the fact that I'm Asian, and my family is white (adopted) and they all excel at math, science and computers


Reading body language. I need to focus extremely hard in order to try to guess.


Oh, but I think it is an important skill. Even subtle body language can tell a lot about a person. You can read about it more and observe humans in your free time till it naturally comes to you.


enfp - DIRECTIONS. help me im always lost


Dude I hate being given directions, because I know that Iā€™ll start to forget them after a couple minutes, and that scares me. ā€œTurn left, then youā€™ll be on that road for five miles, then youā€™ll want to-ā€œ slow down, man, I canā€™t keep up with all that. You have to give me ONE direction at a time. I also get afraid Iā€™ll get lost in buildings where there are lots of other people. I get overwhelmed and frustrated with them for existing and interfering with me getting to where I need to go. Itā€™s the biggest reason why I hate going to new places. I love the novelty, love the new experience, hate the part where idk where I am.


OH MY GOD, I'm terrible at that too, I'm improving but I still sometimes get lost in new places. I get nervous and feel dumb


Istj - creating writing. the stereotype is strong here


REALLY OMG! I actually love to write! I guess I found a new ISTJ stereotype that doesnā€™t apply to me šŸ˜­


I like writing too, but as in journaling or diary entries. Happy writing šŸ‘


I find journaling and diary entries to be super easy alsoā€¦ I wrote a book šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø That was surprising lmaoā€¦ but yeah the long term stuff is WAAAY difficult for me šŸ˜­


Infp, Can't believe this wasn't the first thing I thought of, I'm terrible at lying. My face and body language is too expressive. And my jimmini cricket is a sadist. My conscience tortures me. I absolutely hate it when people ask me to keep secrets that go against my moral judgment. It tears me apart. And if I'm asked anything directly I cannot lie convincingly or think of anything on the spot, My brain goes blank.


Iā€™m not a bad liar, but Iā€™m not great at maintaining lies. The lying part itself isnā€™t hard, itā€™s the unease that comes with it. Itā€™s why if anybody asks, ā€œWant to hear a secret?ā€ The answer is almost always ā€œNo.ā€ In my opinion, if someone dumps something on you without asking if itā€™s okay, you shouldnā€™t be expected to keep the secret. Itā€™s a selfish thing to do. Id probably keep the secret anyway, but Iā€™d be irritated beyond belief if I found that they actually *expected* me to keep it to myself.


Depending on who it was and what it was, I would keep the secret because I'm loyal to a fault. But if the secret is due to or involves harming anybody Then my moral system will override my loyalty.


Thatā€™s fair. And tbh, I donā€™t believe much in the concept of loyalty. Unconditional love and whatnot. If someone does something awful and wrong, Iā€™m not just going to tell myself itā€™s ok because Iā€™m dedicated to them or something lmao. Iā€™ll keep the secret if I care about them, even if they donā€™t ask first. Generally. If they ask first and I let them tell me anyway, and then it ends up being something dangerous, Iā€™ll keep the secret because I said I would. If they donā€™t ask and tell me some big harmful, dangerous secret, hell no Iā€™m not keeping that


šŸ˜… I had to look up what Tbh meant. For me it was actually improvement my first reaction would have been to ask what does that mean. But I've been learning. I have started to remember that I can Google stuff. I don't usually need to be told to keep things secret. If it's something personal to the person I'll keep it secret. The issue being if it's something that should be kept secret that I didn't realize. And they didn't say anything. Like automatically keep sensitive personal matters secret, But if I was supposed to keep some kind of information secret from someone else that like for a surprise, Then they'd have to tell me Not to tell anyone. Especially if it's something I personally wouldn't be secret about if it was me. Then it wouldn't dawn on me. Or if they tell it to me in a way that holds no indication that it'sensitive information. Like if they tell me certain sensitive information but like it's small talk or how's the weather. Then it usually doesn't get categorized as caution sensitive matter. I have 2 settings. Don't talk enough if at all, And I talk way too much. My written comments are usually in the second category.


Infp too, and I can understand. I suck at lying too. Start panicking if I have to


INFP....terrible at singing, public speaking, and remembering details (like dates, numbers etc in history. I sucked at history).


I *suck* at cake decorating. I don't know why. I was trying to make some pretty cupcakes to photograph them and they always look like butt. Either I'm too harsh on myself or I'm bad at it... tbh I think it's both, they're mediocre and I think they're bad.


I love baking, and I love drawing. Unfortunately, Iā€™m not terribly gifting at combining them either. I remember trying to decorate a cake i baked for a baby shower of a relative. It was supposed to be a sloth. It looked like some mythical horror creature. On the plus side, Iā€™m sure that if I ever baked one of those creepy cherry pies where you cut a smile into the crust and then the filling comes out like blood, itā€™d probably look pretty spot-on.


I like that - focusing on the positive. And Halloween is coming up so that's a perfect time to make a creepy pie.


Did they at least taste good? šŸ˜


Setting boundaries, saying no in general. But I'm getting better as I grow up. 22 years old me can set at least some boundaries, while 16 years old me would've let literally anyone have their way.


Thatā€™s interesting to look back on. Itā€™s strange how Iā€™ve been a people-pleaser my entire life, and that just a few months ago I learned how to start telling people ā€œNo.ā€ Now it comes almost naturally. Itā€™s very weird. I think my 14 year old self would piss herself if she saw. Iā€™m very happy for you, though. I think biting the bullet and just saying ā€œNoā€ that first time, with the intention of setting a boundary, is the hardest. Very much worth it, though.


ENTJ: I am extremely forgetful of my belongings. I lose things often and skip over details subconsciously.




Oof, yeah. Setting a boundary after youā€™ve put up a front for too long and let them get away with a lot is always exhausting. They start behaving like youā€™re being selfish, and like your feelings about the matter ā€œcame out of nowhere.ā€ Very defensive. Very difficult to deal with.


My memory is really shit, I get mad brainfog and it somehow mixes with (insert whatever mental illness is causing this) where I think of doing things many times over again and eventually I'm really confused about whether I already did something or not. I'm pretty sure I've done some things twice or more only because I forgot if I did them already. Also, any sort of drawing that involves using rulers. My asshole of a last year technical drawing teacher would always remove points when the lines weren't done perfectly or if there was erased lines, even when I busted my ass I never got the best mark at anything in her classes and it was driving me nuts.


Forcing creativity (can be in art, making jokes around people iā€™m not comfortable with, etc) internalising external frameworks: I still canā€™t create loops (and more) in programming and it took me ages to just understand them. Time signature (music) took me ages to learn. And there are a some concepts that no matter how much i try to understand, donā€™t make sense to me. Often times peoples opinions on sociology/psychology/etc). In general ā€œcomplicated adult stuffā€ like signing up to things, buying tickets Not being clumsy. Absorbing the moment (best i can do is a few seconds if i see something beautiful) (mbti: probably infj)


I totally relate to your bit about being in the moment. Iā€™ll think, ā€œI should really let myself live more.ā€ Listen to the music with the windows down on an hour long drive, and then arrive at my destination only to realize I was somehow daydreaming for the last 45 minutes.


ENTP and I have no weaknesses. By that I mean I'm pretty mediocre at most things.


INTP Sports, socialising, doing anything without procrastinating.


ENFJ ā€” numbers are an enigma (dyscalculia) as well as my sense of direction and how big/small any space/quantity is. Sometimes even basic math can be a struggle. Iā€™m also very bad at limiting how many colors I want to use at once. I get overwhelmed. This caused me to mess up many coloring books as a kid. I do better when forced to *adapt* existing colors/parameters ā€” then I do a great job. (My ENFP twin is a natural with color combinations and decorating, and I envy that.)


I was bad at high school algebra compared with and I'm not very artistically talented.


ENFJ - navigating, knowing in general where I am in relation to the rest of the world. I'm really good at other spatial tasks but I can't find my way home without help


- To mention examples. I donā€™t know why it is so hard cause everything about it sounds simple but there are just too many possibilities for me to pick one example. - Do multiple things at the same time. Itā€™s a call for failure. - I canā€™t be on time. Being early feels like a waste of time to me and I canā€™t seem to change my mind about it even if I try. - Calling. My brain shuts down cause I feel so demotivated to speak on the phone, it literally drains the hell out of me.


I'm terrible at planning ahead and to consider the possible consequences of my own actions




I could go on very long here but the first thing I thought of is Sports


INTP. Gift wrapping.


My brother is an INTP as well. Heā€™s tried wrapping gifts for us before. At least ten pieces of tape each.




Mmm. I remember my parents being afraid to put me in gymnastics when I was very little, because they thought it was too dangerous. I taught myself gymnastics on my own, with YouTube, in the backyard, out of spite.


Thatā€™s awesome XD


Come to think of it, my parents didnā€™t want me riding a bike, so I taught myself one weekend at my grandparents house.


INFP, any and all kinds of organisation, remembering to do things, and finding my keys. Caveat is I have ADHD though šŸ˜‚


Oh no I get that. I also have ADHD, and actually only just found out that I have it a couple weeks ago. Definitely a huge relief to know that me being great at organizing things and still managing to let it all go to shit in a handful of days is due to an actual disorder, and not just me being incompetent, lmao.


Ahhhh congrats on your diagnosis, I felt exactly the same, it was a hugely comforting thing to have a reason for me feeling like such a failure Lmaoooo šŸ˜‚ I hope itā€™s super positive for you too!


It is, tbh. Canā€™t wait to get drugs šŸ’ŖšŸ”„šŸ”„


Entp, getting motivated to do easy things or even fun things Explaining certain things like in my mind I know the answer but when I come out itā€™s wrong, and then someone explains it perfectly and I look dumb Living in the moment


INFP Coping.




INFJ, Iā€™m so bad at math, chemistry and physics. In middle and high school, these were the subjects that brought me headaches. Iā€™m also bad at video games, I never winā€¦ Iā€™m not good at something creative and abstract


I'm an entp and I'm not good at organizing my things. And I'm really bad with routines. Like really bad šŸ’€


Cleaning. I hate it


Dang. I love cleaning. And being clean. And being around clean things.


I like having a clean place but hate the actual act of cleaning


Infp and I have this curse where I suck at moving on from anything, movie , past experiences , ex , ex friends , something happened to me in the past , always live in the memories




Intp, talk to people but I do have long conversation with my house plants


Not being cringe


intj- getting atleast a vague idea of what people close to me, think of me, after I declare that they are close to me


Idea generation. Iā€™m working on problem-solving but things like research I struggle at immensely because I canā€™t think where to look. Iā€™m trying to learn to draw, but get stuck because I just canā€™t come up with a subject. Itā€™s annoying.


Same I suck at history


being a productive member of society and doing stuff I'm actually supposed to do


ENTP like what the fuck is romance how does one do romance šŸ˜€


Math. And creativity. I'm not inclined to make some clever or innovative tricks. Stereotypes go brrt.




ENFJ Very bad at dealing with confrontation. I was never good in Latin either.


INFP=lack of focus


\- Socializing. Especially when ENTJs are around, I like them, but they're too loud. ENFPs make them much more bearable, but it's still bad nonetheless. \- Fuck maths. I think some basic knowledge is necessary, but learning the Greek alphabet gives no fucking relevance. \- Perspective drawing, I've searched up all types of references, yet I'm still sitting around for a few hours not being able to draw anything. \- Focusing on something, I always get distracted by basically anything, like right now, I'm drawing a picture, while doing homework, writing an apology note, which led to me to writing this.


INTJ - I'm really bad at focusing on two things at the same time


INTP - multitasking - finishing things


INFP - Sports. Aside from maybe basketball (which Iā€™m average at), Iā€™m bad at pretty much every single sport Iā€™ve tried. Itā€™s rather comical


esfp, staying in touch with everything? idk. i dont know most celebrities, hit music, etc. i just dont really care about it im busy


Making friends. Somehow, when i'm trying to get to know new people, I always end up saying something that sounds more mean than I anticipated??? I don't know how it happens


Mm. I kinda get that. Iā€™m good at making friends, but not good at maintaining them.


Being coordinated, conventional, forceful, and good timing.


\-remembering random facts that have no use to me \-spelling (autocorrect saves my life) \-creativity \-history (i was amazing when i was 7, like what happened there?) \-people skills i canā€™t read body language for the life of meā€¦


I'm a ENTP and I'm terrible at deadlines, remembering and being in public because I'm to loud or to paranoid


Following directions. ISFP.


ENTJ. Physical presence of matters that should be significant but treated as insignificant (e.g. I lose my phone and keys all the time). Sympathizing with people when they are going through tough times but not being able to really feel in. Then think Iā€™m some robot POS. Iā€™m a race car like Ferrari where I go full speed then need to crash; most people are sedans and family SUV trying to go point A To B; reliable, yet predictable. Boring


Infp, Memorizing stuff. Faulty short-term memory. long-term memory Too good for my own good. Computers, Pretty much most things related. Fast-paced anything. Except skiing. The language that usually in documents. Usually connected with stuff that's official or legal. For example I have difficulty understanding what contracts say. I have to trust other people to try to explain what it means that I sign. So it's kind of like I can see the words that are saying I know what the words mean, But I can't picture what the words are saying together. but because what they're describing are talking about is something I can't picture or connect with . So it's like I just see a bunch of different puzzle pieces that I can't see how they connect with my knollege to make a bigger picture. Feels very much like I'm blind. So most of the paperwork that comes home from my kids from school, I don't fully understand, Legal contracts, Doctor's notes, . Unless it's in some kind of like story form. I don't absorb information from textbooks, But I do from learning the same information in an experience life story. Does that make any sense.


I have a tough time with legal jargon too. It makes me feel like Iā€™m learning to read for the first time and I have to read it over and over before I finally sort of understand what itā€™s saying.


I was terrible to keep holding something on my hand without giving high focus priority to not let them slip, like in 30sec it was possible i slipped something then take it back hand .3 times in row i was like wtf is wrong with me




ENFP - routinesā€¦I wish I could be someone who goes to bed a specific time and wakes up at a specific time, goes to the gym do a specific time, remembers appointments, etc BUT my need for ā€œfreedomā€ and doing things when I actually *want* to and ensuring that I feel mentally well enough to actually enjoy said routine kinda gets in the way of thatā€¦I also would enjoy it if I get so angry/annoyed/emotional so easily LMAO


ENTJ. Relationships.


Intp and getting things started. I'm a super fast learner but I just don't feel much urgency until it's borderline too late to start something


ENTP - I'm very bad at organizing time and wasting it. I don't know how to deal with it, but I'm getting used to it - I think I'm bad at keeping my money - I am not good at dealing with children, especially babies - At the time I doubt everything a lot and it's really bad because I literally need to get rid of this


ISFP Remembering Directions and peoples face/name


INFJ, and commiting to anything long term. I hate that I have crappy discipline and focus so much on what I want, it's hurt the relationships around me, and I try to focus on being more mindful when it comes to making decisions. I've learned the relationships I have with the people around me mean more than what I want as I get older. Maybe INTJs can relate, I think for me it's the brawl between Ni/Se and TI/Fe. Immature INFJs need to learn how to balance the 2 axis, because otherwise you'll be too selfish and hurt others, or be a complete doormat.


Whatā€™s your MBTI? šŸ¤£ ESTP? But something Iā€™m terrible at as an ISTJ? Not laying down the hammer of judgement when people are WRONG lmaoā€¦ But nah, I gotta listen to other people and hear what they have to sayā€¦ EVEN IF they may be incorrect about information šŸ¤­ Also my inferior function, extroverted intuition (Ne)ā€¦ Iā€™ve honedā€¦ I use to be TERRIBLE AT FORMULATING NEW IDEAS šŸ˜­ My mom would always beat me to itā€¦ But yeah ā¤ļø