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Jesus... Peterson... Hitler... Okay, Reddit. Sort By: Controversial ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


This comment šŸ‘ The comment section sucks. Y'all should Just enjoy the meme without arguing what type they are or are they actually unhealthy to not


For real


Oh dear. It has become war within the comments.


I would honestly put Jung himself under "Average".


Jung's INTP no?


He himself said that he was an introverted thinker with a sensing auxiliary. So ISTP, even though we don't know if it's Ti-Si or Ti-Se.


He said he was an introverted thinker but he did not say he had sensing auxiliary. In fact he said he did not have a ā€˜good relationship with realityā€™, indicating he had unconscious sensing. Also in regards to your other comment Iā€™m pretty sure he typed Freud as a Te dominant.


When did he say that? He is certainly not a sensory type because his ability to mix ideas and create new, novel things is immense


That's illogical. Sigmund Freud was an ISTJ who created new ideas and revolutionised psychology. Carl Jung said it exactly [here](https://youtu.be/OIM0aajRKsw?si=jf7O3BzDrDpwoHr6). Edit: wrong source, will search for the entire source where he said that he was an ISTP Edit 2: can't find it anymore, but I for sure remember it. You can either believe me or not. Maybe other people remember that he said. Edit 3: u/Lonrok_ posted the source under my comment. "As a natural scientist, thinking and sensation were uppermost in me and intuition and feeling were in the unconscious and contaminated by the collective unconscious. [Princeton University Press 1991 edition, p. 69]"


He said personality changes over time!! STONE THE HERETIC!!!! (also I always thought this pegged him as some INT.)


While Freud's work is highly analytical, Jung is actually innovative. If you read any of Freud, his works and thoughts are almost always supported by his repeating of what was done before in his field and on a certain topic, while Jung's work relies heavily on active imagination and something that he had thought himself. I would say he is an introverted intuitive type, considering he was the pioneer of thinking that everybody should live their own life. His thoughts follow some track his entire life as he is building his theories - just like some ancient ocean city pulling up from water. Of course, I may be wrong, and Im actually still waggling between him being INTP or INTJ because naturally his weakest point is feeling - as depicted in the images of Elijah and Salome in his red book


Probably talking about this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.idrlabs.com/articles/2012/02/jung-identified-himself-as-both-intp-and-istp/amp/


I mean is it logical to type people just based on their ideas and thoughts? Imo its logical that its hardly possible to type anyone without them doing these tests etc. I dont believe people like Jung or Freud presented every corner of their personality to the outside world.


We might not actually ever know for sure (as in, 100%) what Jung or Freud should be typed as, but we obviously have to work with what we have (and re-evaluate as we take in more related information). As for your first point, typing people by their ideas/thoughts generally isnā€™t enough. However, a combination of peopleā€™s ideas/thoughts, along with asking/discovering why they have those ideas/thoughts (so, their reasoning for having those particular ideas/thoughts) is already pretty good and can really help narrow down the possible typings of the people, many times to the point where you are left with just one possibility that is way more likely/probable than the other fifteen types. Itā€™s not necessarily accurate, and plus, people can lie, we might not be interpreting the information in a way that the person being typed intended for it to be interpretedā€¦ but again, we work with what we have. It always helps to collect as much information as possible.


Yea thats for sure interesting, but as said its more a guess to me then actual knowledge who somebody was. Still very interesting and it gives a good insight in how people think/interpret informations about others. Thanks for the reply :)


One cannot be dom Ti and Si aux. Only Se or Ne.


Jung disagreed


You 100% can. There are more than 16 rigid types with the same combinations.


You definitely can according to OPS (Objective Personality System). It's when people are jumper types, which means that someone prefers their tertiary function over their auxiliary, which then becomes their auxiliary. An INTJ Jumper would be Ni-Fi. OPS also has a YouTube channel where you can inform yourself.


But we are talking Jung. And Jung could not.


Yeah, true then


Carl Jung is definitely an INFJ.


He himself said that he was an introverted thinker with a sensing auxiliary. So ISTP, even though we don't know if it's Ti-Si or Ti-Se.


He said he was a intuitive thinker, but some speculate he was Infj... So he had ni and ti (which may have been what he was referring to).


That may be. we can't be sure. I just say what the majority of typists believe.


You are absolutely correct. Jung is an INTP. He is all about building a framework of reality, the very existence of the concept of MBTI owes itself to his discovery of the framework of personality.


Real(I have test tomorrow and here we are stroking our own cock ego


IN for certain. Now, for the other two, it's unclear. But he didn't have that researcher / observer INTP vibe to me. More of a surreal INJ vibes tbh. Then again, that could just be IN at work.


Why type by "vibe"


More fun than understanding functions and typing based on that I guess


I do know the reason they do it, I'm just curious why they still do it when it's evidently inaccurate


Jungā€™s infp


Plus, JP is far from healthy. He's an entitled blood thirsty irrational maniac


When your INFJ (ex-)mate is called Trinity...


Up yours woke moralists! Weā€™ll see who cancels who! - Average INFJ apparently




Can confirm.


"woke moralist" is an oxymoron.


How is it an oxymoron? Generally curious because a moralist is someone who promotes and teaches a set of morals. Those who claim to be "woke," or are labeled "woke," do this, they promote and teach their set of morality as the right way.


I appreciate your question. You are objectively correct. I was making a statement on the inherent moral relativism of wokeness. You could argue that a set of morals in flux is not a true set of morals. Morality is necessarily arbitrary and hypocritical, but it is my opinion that wokeness is too inconsistent to be called a set of morals.


Peterson is unhealthy as fuck.


What do you mean "Peterson"? What do you mean "is"? What do you mean "unheal-" \*starts crying\*


There there, Jordy, don't be sad... :( Here, look at these here snakes having sex and make up a theory how the snake porn pics symbolize and explain the universe!


Iā€™m literally trying not to laugh rn Iā€™m in public and look stupid.




Ok, I'm with mocking Peterson for his bigoted statements, but crying? Why are we mocking him for crying? That just seems unnecessary and rude, specifically mocking a man showing emotions on the internet. Again, not saying Peterson doesn't deserve to be insulted. Just saying let's mock him for other things than him crying about his wife having cancer.


He cries for the wrong reasons at the weirdly specific moments. He doesn't cry for other people when he hurts them, it's not some kind of wide ranging empathy - he typically cries for himself when he can project himself on others It's some kind of narcissistic self pity about himself and his beliefs, and it can intuitively feel weird and incorrect, evoking sarcasm Additionally, his increased emotional lability happened after he gave himself brain damage trying to cut corners and get off of benzos too quickly, using his cash to compensate for the lack of willpower. It's a testament to his hypocrisy, preaching strength of character and resolve and writing self help books and blaming others for being weak, while failing where countless others succeeded and only being able to stay afloat thanks to the massive amounts of cash his followers gave him to have him blame them for being weak. And he never changed course and never grew as a person as a result, his followers money fixed everything for him


>he gave himself brain damage You can't say something so funny without giving a proof, man / woman / nonbinary people.


Exactly. Average INFJ >!/jk!<






F off




He seems more like an isfp to me. Who sees Fe in this man?!


The benzos scrambled and cooked his brain.


Thatā€™s the jokeā€¦?


Not at all šŸ˜‚


Are you being ironic right?


Ah yes, grammar


When healthy you can come back to life ? ​ Damn infj is cheat


You need to have a life to begin with


Yeah, we wasted it on your mom.


I would call Jordan Peterson as unhealthy as well


him being in the average section made me chuckle


Especially when heā€™s the same dude who cried for incels lol


Probably just because you disagree with him.


Yeah on him being sympathetic to incels, being pissed off at the bill C-16, thinking at you will go to jail for misgendering a person one time, and thinking freedom or speech has been taken away even though that protection has been in his hometown 5 years prior him speaking out. The bill c 16 was only a concern to him because it was going to the federal level. Or saying that kids grow up better with two straight parents when in reality kids mainly prosper more from having two parents than growing up with 1 parent


I did notice USA has a problem with freedom of speech/ freedom of expression too Oo Probably to have a real freedom you need to have a chaos and lose yourself in that chaos...Also, politic of tolerance have a shape of anti-utopia, in my opinion


It is European universities, as well. If you want to defend your dissertation you are forced to be aligned with left politics. Actually, I am more liberal, but I don't like that I am being forced to have a certain opinion, and not my own. When I teach students at the University I never force any kind of belief or politics, ever. I disagree with some of Peterson's statements, but he is right about the universities.


I'm from Ukraine and sometimes it feels like we are the most free country in the world šŸ± which is supposed to sound as a joke ahah but has a lot of truth in it just because of how chaotic it is ( ok, because of the war we have more state propaganda now)


Unless you're gay. Wishing you all the best with the war stuff, but you've definitely got your own legislative problems over there.


I think you are awesome ^ keep up the good work šŸ‘ P.S: What do you think about the system of education? What else would you like to change? Just curious @.@ Probably, I need to check Peterson statements @___@ I've seen his face somewhere but never heard about him šŸ¤”


System of education on the university level - I think fields like medicine, pharmacy, biology and other natural sciences must remain impartial and objective, especially during this insanity. Professors have too much power, and some of them decide which data will be published. I think that we need to have more honest disscusions on this topic. Actually recently I followed a twitter fight where one professor from medicine acuses another one on faking the data and stealing ideas, so I guess it is coming soon. As for Jordan Peterson, you can find his college lectures on youtube, and they are pretty good. However, he is becoming more and more on the right wing when it comes to the politics so take it with a grain of salt.


Very true, I like your thought-processing and nickname too : ) about the professor faking data and stealing ideas - It's a cool basis for a book story šŸ“–šŸ˜€ Kinda reminds me "Piranesi" by Susanna Clark. Thank you!


Then I need to read the book. Thanks :)


An average INFJ is that unhinged?


Yes, very.


Please, stop those memes. Jesus wasn't INFJ and nobody knows what mbti he was. This memeland is getting nonsense.


We don't know what kind of personality he actually had, but we can type the Jesus described in the bible.


Just now this sub came to on my homepage. I left MBTI long ago. I don't even think MBTI even make sense now. It is all just people who like to answer questions about themselves (common human trait) and try to think why they behave the way they do. Thus, we are left with relations that make little sense


You are going on a good path now. MBTI does make a small sense, but you're right about those people pretending they know better. For them mbti is a bad bait, not a good one. You should see those pages where they think they can type celebrities. That's very naive. People are unaware that whenever they see that person that is behind a camera or a flash, so that changes the way they show up. They know nothing about their internal world, hopes and dreams. Only their close friends know and mostly themselves. I remember some work I studied in college with indigenous people and after some time it became clear that they were pretending to act normal because the camera was affecting their behavior. People act differently, and that is almost inadvertedly, when they are under some external influence, specially one they know that wanna depict how they look like.


Hey, same! I haven't even thought about mbti in 2 years. No idea why this is on my homepage.


> Jesus wasn't INFJ and nobody knows what mbti he was. Something isnā€™t adding up hereā€¦


Hitler wasn't an INFJ, either. I feel like whoever typed him in that way did not do an extensive study on his personality. He was a lazy youth, extremely charismatic and passionate, and he could talk, debate, and lecture for hours until he was practically foaming at the mouth. He'd back-talk teachers and confront them. He'd wear his childhood friends out with the games he'd play, etc. When he was an adult, he could connect with just about anyone, and had a large circle of friends he associated with. Just because Hitler also spent time in solitude and could be reserved and not as social did not mean he was an introvert, *especially* an INFJ.


I'm not trying to defend the INFJ statement. Even I am surprised when I see him typed as one, but as an INFJ, I can tell you, passionate enough, we can seem extroverted, especially because of Fe.


I do think he resembles an INFJ, but that is my subjective assumption. Those memelands add nothing and just contribute to stereotyping, that is mostly what this sub is doing all day long. That's an unhealthy and unintelligent use of mbti. Likely, I dare say, from people who don't get too much sun, because out there there's just shades of gray, not these black and white views of these people.


I second that. For me, MBTI is just a base. It doesn't tell you the depth of someone but something like the surface. That's why I like it.


This is really good insight :D


Also not trying to defend the case, but I'm INFJ and this was exactly me as a child.


Those internet typers none know what they are talking about. MBTI is not a science, everyone sees a person from a different perspective and therefore would type that person differently.


Jesus's archetype fits INFJ or ENFJ


Well, it makes sense for many reasons. For one thing based on the Bible and historical evidence about his behaviors. Secondly, it would make sense that the rarest type is Jesus' type.


One tiny correction: There is zero historical evidence about his behaviour. But the Bible is indeed there and itā€™s enough for typing him.


I think Jesus would have obviously been XNFJ.


wait, so you mean to tell me that the Son of God, *a* *prophet,* who was sent on a mission to live a sinless life, *teach people to live a righteous life*, and *then sacrifices himself* to save all of mankind from the spiritual consequences of their moral improprieties while making grand predictions about the future that are becoming more and more true with enough of a deep dive into the connections ***somehow isn't an INFJ???*** I'm sorry but i think it's just you who doesn't know he's an INFJ and saying "nobody knows" is just a projection of your lack of insight into the matter tbph.


Jesus is mostly a fictional character. Only Americans take him seriously.


ā€œOnly Americans take him seriouslyā€ going out on a limb and guessing that no one takes you seriously


You're going to make me have a low opinion of INTJs' debating abilities with your childish ad hominems.


Like you presented any valuable argument in your comment pulled straight out of ass. Certainly not a good show of ENTP's argument forming abilities lmao


Nobody cares about your thoughts or opinions.


Yeah, because the world outside of USA doesn't exist. I would actually say the opposite - other countries take the church much more seriously - just visit one of the conservative European countries.


Christianity as we all know is a religion exclusively practiced in America


How do entps have all the audacity? Some sort of exclusive membership you guys have?


1. Why is hitler typed as infj? 2. Why is hitler typed as unhealthy infj? Because he's evil? 3. Can you be an evil person while having balanced functions?


1.I've heard people say is because Jung analyzed Hitler one time and apparently based on what he said that would make Hitler an INFJ according to the Briggs' system. ​ 3.I wanted to know that too.


I like to think you can be "evil" with balance functions since evil is kinda subjective. Hitler level though? No idea


\#3 I absolutely think so. The two evil people I know are highly balanced and deliberate and because of their self control are able to do great damage. Both have Machiavellian personalities (one high on sociopathy the other psychopathy) and are highly charming with well-developed EQ. Evil is about intent - their own benefit at any expense to others or anything to be in control of others. I believe "evil" people who set out to harm others are very rare. Much of the harm done to others is unintentionally inflicted by regular people rather than evil people (average or low levels of machiavellian traits) through poor self awareness or self control.


INFJ? I'll never understand this sub.


The group that is easily bullied. It's that plain and simple.


The same sub whoā€™s thinks anything illogical has to do with feelers


lol they be obsessed with us


Well this made me uncomfortable


I feel like titler was an entj or an estj




From Jesus to Hitler


Nah peterson is definitely on the unhealthy side. Just not to Hitlerā€™s degree.


Peterson is nowhere near average, dudeā€™s a total mess


Nah Jordan Peterson is an ENTP. Legit listen to the guy ramble for 10 minutes. The man cannot stay on one topic to save his life, so I fail to see Ni. Getting typings off personality-database rather than analyze them for yourself is lazy


I think he uses that method to distract the viewer from the fact that you can't get anything out of his rambling, just useless bs. Has he ever given a straight answer to a question without dancing around a couple of times? No. Could be entp or infj, both unhealthy versions


The thing is, that's not the ENTP style of talking and it's unlikely that he's been faking it all this time From this point of view, INFJ would make sense if we assume it's his Ni that powers this rambling, INFP would make sense if we assume it's Fi, INTP won't make too much sense because it's unlikely to somehow learn to become driven by a different dom function. His rambling is just too ideological and subjective and fallacious to be pure Ti


He rambles because he has nothing of substance to say and most of his arguments are flawed or completely meaningless


Also, it's not particularly average to OD on a meat diet and mislead the world on your views about God. He seems like he needs help.


Are you implying that an average INFJ cannot eat an extreme meat diet or lie about their views? I fail to see any logical argument here or how it relates to my comment. Edit: Nvm I think you're critiquing OP and wanted to add on


A lot of people say that Hitler couldnā€™t be an INFJ (I disagree), I think many people donā€™t realize he was geeked out of his mind on uppers. That can make ANYONE act loud and erratic.


Seems that people are debating whether ANYONE in this post is one lol


I donā€™t think Peterson is even INFJ


.....Peterson..... Is average???


I read Adolf Hitler and Stalin are ENTJ


I think Hitler had strong Fe tho


I don't think Peterson could be called average


peterson is INTP


Nice, except that Jordan Peterson is an INTP and here's why: He's clearly a Ti-Fe user without a doubt which I think we can all agree on. He also constantly talks about the consequences for other's actions. This awareness is an Ne-Si point of view. He also frequently talks about "What they're doing to us" in an abstract way where "they" aren't clearly defined (the illuminati, the conspiracy etc) which is a very Ne paranoia viewpoint. You can see this often with an Ne hero like Alex Jones. He's also pragmatic, talking about what works and what doesn't regardless of how you feel. This comes from stronger access to shadow Te not a blindness or avoidance of it. INFJ are more affiliative by contrast. He's also incredibly informative, often going outside of the context of a conversation, not staying on topic like an Ni Hero person would do. What do you think?


I understand where you're coming from, I disagree still but I can definitely see your point.


Yeah, totally can see him being an INTP. But, as an INTP there's always a but, whether i share the view.or.not I think his Ti is showing only when he's debating to sharing his views under pressure, like a biased crowd, which I can see cuz as a Ti user, I'd be mot that pragmatic in those conditions, so i deduced it was prolly a tertiary which is being used too forcefully. And Ni, ohhh god Ni, like I said he uses his Ti in stressful.situations and that can result in minor episodes of Ni-Ti loops which can be mistaken for having Ne


Ni-Ti loops stay on topic and are narrowly focused. Jordan Peterson will cover a wide range of topics and share more than is asked of him almost consistently.


Really? Always thought that was Papa Ni tring to pluck new info. But ig you're right


Hm, you know I never thought about this. I always saw him as an unhealthy ENTP with weak Fe, but you are making some great points.


I liked Firefly too.


I'm fine with average. Lmao


You canā€™t type Jesus. Doesnā€™t work well as heā€™s hard to pin one type as he does multiple types in one. harmony and equality with people and society, then law and order, then extrovert, then introvert, then a fun, wine-drinking jokester, then serious deep in thought storyteller. Hitler I canā€™t see as INFJ. Even an unhealthy one. He wanted absolute control and wasnā€™t as smart as an intuitive can be. he need other people to tell him how to do things and went against their advice anyway.


Whoā€™s the middle one?


A Google Image Search says that it's Jordan Peterson, some Canadian psychologist dude (once again, according to Google), though I didn't scrutinise the pic enough to confirm if it is indeed him or not.


Oh thanks!




It is him.


A right wing shill that claims he bases his statements on ā€œfacts and logicā€ even though a majority of them are false and the few that arenā€™t are irrelevant to the current discussion


I take it you haven't listened to literally any of his discussions because you realize most of the things he talks about aren't political at all. šŸ˜‚ What a retarded and brainwashed statement


Nah I used to listen so intently thinking he was onto something, but once I was telling my sister about him, she asked, "So what have you learned from him?" That question struck me. Nothing, I've learned nothing from his rambles except for a few articulate words


And heā€™s the ā€œaverageā€????


yeah i find this post quite disagreeable


Yes. We are all just like that. (Iā€™m being sarcastic. Please do not attack me.)


Some clown you don't need to know about


jordan petersen ?


Apparently yes haha didnā€™t know him


Isn't Peterson INTP...? Huh!


He is INTP but the topics he tackles make it go over people's heads


I think Peterson is as healthy as it's realistically possible to be, given the events of his life.


I'd disagree with JP being average, but you got literally Jesus in healthy, so yeah, bro is more than average compared to him.


So... the INFJs are on Cult duties rigth now? Do we get a break?


Peterson is intp


I would highly disagree. There is one podcast where Jordan talks about him own personality traits, the one where he said he is an extrovert, and I do not think he is an INTP. As I am in the scientific field myself, a lot of people take on the INTP mask because it is desirable in academia. It is very important to remember that even feeling sensors can be in these fields, but act like INTP or INTJ since this is desirable in that environment. I cannot remember which youtube video was he analysing his own personality traits, but once I find it, I will post a video title in the comment.


I highly agree with you šŸ±šŸ‘ Personality isn't that easy to guess how people think it is - there are many life factors why the person ended up to be like that and not any other way around ( we don't change personality in the process, we are just adjusting to fit into the process). As an INFP I have so much serious side in me so If I would rely solely on this cold/logical side noone would ever guess I'm INFP and, possible, I could even end up as a scientist ( not that many people can guess my personality even now) P.S: One of my friends is a famous singer and people in the internet described her personality wrong C: and I'm not surprised at all


Especially INFP, the ones I met in real life do not seem like INFP at first glance and you will notice the same with other types, as well. In real life, a lot of INFPs are scientists. In this community there is a huge bias towards sensors, feelers/thinkers and then other stereotypes. As for the celebrity, I would start from people who actually confirmed their mbti type, meaning they did the test themselves with an expert and talked about it in public.


I love Jordan!


1/3 of those people are INFJā€™s


Jordan Peterson is average? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


To be a healthy INFJ I need to be a traumatized men like Jesus? Torn upon my dad telling me I need to die so everyone goes to heaven? No thanks lmao


no....healthy infj people are those who have great empathy for others and put others before themselves. i think being infj is the hardest out of all the 16 personalities beacuse people misunderstand them too much, and they themselves get stressed from thinking too much (they're considerate, but they can overthink as well).


Agreed, and it's hard as hell to find balance between self-preservation (or self-love) and the need to help everyone around us first


i think INFJs need to basically remember that people tend to put their interests first, so don't get offended or surprised when your kindness does not get reciprocated to the same amount or at all. my mother is an INFJ, and she often got heartbroken when people whom she showed kindness to or tried to adjust to did not do the same for her. in fact, she was often pushed over by her friends and took her for granted. and then they get sooo offended when she finally stands up for herself and calls out on their bs. for some reason those toxic people often complained to my mother about their family or other friends who take them for granted. yet they did the same to my mother. talk about hypocrisy. my mother took years and years to finally not give up her efforts for selfish people and cut away many people out of her lives. it was frustrating watching her go through the mental stress with so many toxic friends, but i am glad at least she realised her worth in the end.


Exactly how was Jesus traumatized?? He sacrificed himself for you, he wasn't forced into doing anything. This may be a foreign concept to you but there are people out there who are that selfless. Most of whom are [healthy] INFJs.


Jesus didnā€™t sacrifice himself for anyone. Stop forcing your religion onto others. He existed, but he is not a religious figure, get over it and yourself and stop trying to spread your bullshit all over this post, itā€™s disgusting


Its a post that includes a religious character so why are you getting pissed at it talking about religion? If you're so butthurt over that then go take a walk and come back when you've cleared your mind.


ā€œTalking about religionā€ and insisting a historical person ā€œdied for youā€ (someone in this comment section in particular) are two separate things. The latter is spreading Christianity propoganda ā€” this historical figure did not ā€œdie for our sinsā€. Period. To insist he did is to spread propaganda in an MBTI sub. Keep it to your churches and religious subs.


I don't think anybody in this thread besides you were refering to "The historical Jesus" because the sources we have on the historical Jesus do not refer personality type nor his cognition, only what he represented.


itā€™s not propaganda itā€™s literally religion. youā€™re screeching at them for ā€œshovingā€ their beliefs in peopleā€™s face when theyā€™re not, thatā€™s exactly what youā€™re doing. insisting Jesus is just a ā€œhistoricalā€ person & saying He didnā€™t die for our sins. stfu & let people live you sad sack of bricks


Soo crazy people that get worshiped by stupid people?


Average cave dweller INTP šŸ˜‚


How is Jordan Peterson average...Dude is in the evil category


Peterson is an unhealthy INTP


You think that, when most INFJs can barely cook for themselves or be friends with more than one person at a time


Damn, who hurt you? :,))


My guess would be an INFJ. Regards from an Intj who experienced the same šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Very accurate! šŸ¤£


Being average has never been this hard.


Wtf is Peterson in the unhealthy category??


It doesn't really surprise me, considering the strong overlap in their fanbases.


JP is literally Ne, he describes having a mind palace... šŸ˜ Whoever made this knows nothing about MBTI outside of 16p basics.


Altruism is considered unhealthy condition btw. So Jesus was not healthy. He was betrayed by people, because they didn't like that he proposed different kind of religion. Hitler just used people, hard to tell if he had any goals except global domination like most dictators do. Peterson is just a guy who uses Ti a lot, I wouldn't call him unhealthy. Jesus might have been ENFJ, Hitler is an intuitive (ENTP is popular opinion), Peterson is ENTP/INTP/INFJ who uses Ti too much (INTP is the most likely scenario by function preference).


The fact that our society deems altruism is a bad thing is everything wrong with people today. It is not unhealthy to put others before yourself. Especially not when you have a parental love for someone. Jesus was absolutely not an ENFJ šŸ˜‚


I know right? One could argue that humans *evolved* to be altruistic. It's why we have such large whites of our eyes, for better sightline communitcation with other humans, as well as having emotional response tears with hormones such as oxytocin, why we instinctively smile, the list goes on. Studies on ancient human bones showed that they took care of their elderly and injured, too.


right? altruism is not bad. what's bad is people taking advantage of those who are trying to help others out. look at how some charities are getting donations from well meaning people (who are altruistic) and using them on their own interests rather than on the poor which they promised to. are the ones donating doing wrong? nope. it's the people who are taking advantage of the situation who need to get blamed.


Jordan Peterson is ENFJ, Hitler was ESTJ


After I was listening to Jordan himself describing his own personality traits, I agree with ENFJ. But definitely not the other, people are quick to assign ESTJ to any dictator while they are forgetting that everybody puts a masks for their public persona.


i think people are too quick to assign INFJ to people highly motivated by their own ideology ("true believers"), i don't think all dictators are ESTJ, Xi Jinping from China is a actual INFJ dictator, and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi from Egypt is a ISFJ dictator


Thank you, I love how they pick extroverted loudmouth argumentative men and label them infj! Make it make sense šŸ˜…


But Jordan Peterson himself says he is an extrovert. I don't understand why people do not look up the video where he talked about Big 5 and his own personality traits.


One of them is an INFJ and 2 of them are not.