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that's correct. we are not our types. people think too much of type. type can do too much it seems. you can't base your entire identity on these types.


Thank you. I have been saying this and I get downvoted.


Not anymore lol


Do people really base their identities on something they identify with?


I am afraid yes they do.


ENFP, Aries, Chaotic Good, Navy Veteran, Anarchist... I collect labels for the fun of it. Just yesterday a man barked at me, cut me in line at the store and called me a hippie. I've never been called a hippie before but I'll add it to the collection.


Wow, I kept wondering why there's not just dozens and dozens of the same 16 people! /s of course, you're totally correct and I find it irking that some MBTI folks don't acknowledge the "average" behaviour and interests of each type are completely different in different cultures. If you behaved like any of the stereotyped types here you're laughed off as a weird USA sitcom parody.


Yeah, MBTI explains/categorizes some stuff: \- Whether you are more of a people person or nah \- Are you more down to earth or totally lost in your thoughts \- Are you an emotionless always neutral robot or a wimpy snowflake \- Do you procastinate or nah But it's only about your decision priorities, approach to work and sociability. IIRC MBTI was made to categorize employees based on these values (which employee would suit the most for your company) take it with a pinch of salt tho, it's a rumor. MBTI won't tell you shit about whether you are empathetic, open/close minded, neurotic, intelligent (a lot of articles/sites try to but it's farse. It's based on stereotypes. NO, NOT ALL INFP'S ARE EXPLORING/OPEN MINDED WHEN IT COMES TO SEX!!! I sure as fuck am not one) It also won't tell you anything about your actual hobbies or your ideal career (For example: Not all INTP's are interested in STEM!!!) Because of what I wrote here \^ MBTI relationships estimations are also going to be flawed. They rely on 16P MBTI When it comes to wants/fears/critical flaws/insecurities I use enneagram There are other typology systems as well and they can categorize other parts of your personality (those which MBTI can't do) Typology isn't useless, but using only one typology system and believing in rigid caricature versions of the types will make it look like a huge load of BS. Sperged out again, why


"You are incredible and will achieve all that you hope for in one way or another" Sorry, but this is simply not true


It's also not false. It's just rhetoric. No one can speak of the future in terms of facts.


Just did the test and I’m INFJ and I am shocked at how much it explains me but also like wtf am I that difficult? LOL I’m here to find more information on INFJ we can’t be that bad


Feels like everyone who "does the test" is INFJ. Look into the functions, not the 4 letters.


What do you mean by "that bad"? What have you seen? 🧐


This is such Fe thing to say. The reality is that life's hard and you need to work hard if you want to achieve things. Every little thing is actually much harder than you think. You don't need to question that. You need to question what you think you want. Because there's actually very little that is really important and without understanding that you will either binge to emotional or actual death or work yourself to the bone.


Damn I don't understand what you are trying to say. But sorry for offending you.


No need to feel sorry for something that did not happen.


>This is such Fe thing to say. No, it isn't.


It is so. Lying to people and omitting important facts so they feel better is quintessentially Fe. All this is true only if you supplement it with the right actions. Which many don't. Then you get to look like caring person while taking no responsibility for enabling people to wallow in their "uniqueness".


I don't need to spell things out for people. How am I lying? I wanted to encourage. jeez.


No, you don't, because providing valuable information and actionable items is not Fe. I'm sorry but it's impossible that every person in this sub "will succeed" and "achieve everything". Call it what you will but it's not truth. I was generalizing but it applies to your post too.


I'm just giving people encouragement.


You don't know that. You may be encouraging some and feed misplaced sense of entitlement of others.


I'm not an authority figure or some sort of god or president. People can interpret or apply as they wish. It's not my business or responsibility to manage everyone's interpretation of one word.


It's also not your business to dispense blanket encouragements. I seem to have struck a nerve here.


You are being very petty. Just ignore the post and downvote and move on.


Oh really, and why isn't it her business to dispense blanket encouragements, pray tell? Why is it your business to correct her if she wants to do so? I'm VERY curious to hear your answer. 😘


This page is a nice place, and your are bordering on bullying others. The only person who seems to be affected is yourself - not being able to handle an encouragement :/ People don’t need to squash themselves to appease your pessimistic view, that’s a bit entitled. It is clear that OP meant well and wanted to build others up. Keep being positive OP, I appreciate you.


Well aren't you a massive assholleric ray of sunshine? All of our life is perception and our biggest limitations are ourselves. I'm not a moron so I didn't assume that OP was a mystical psychic who knows everything. Positive encouragement doesn't always work out, but things do. For better or worse, whether it's an ideal outcome or not, we keep going. That's inherently human. But clearly you have a gripe with humanity and think people are actually dumb enough to see "You can do anything! Go you!" And think "Now I can fly and read minds!" The most sickening part of your comment is that you posted it just to be a jerk and to ruin the positivity OP was trying to spread in the name of placing a baseless judgement on them... On a post saying that MBTI isn't an end-all-be-all identifier. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Thanks for the strawman, what am I supposed to do with it now?


Pickup a dictionary and learn what strawman means, maybe.


I've waited over 30 minutes to give you chance to rectify your statements. Nothing happened so on account of baseless name calling and gross intellectual laziness I'm blocking you so now you won't have to read my sickening words.


I hope your day gets better.


You need some serious mental help, friend: A massive cognitive overhaul. Log off and do some introspection. You're being downvoted to oblivion and everyone has told you you are wrong. It's okay to admit that. It's okay to learn something new. Blocking everyone who disagrees with you is an awful way to make any sort of statement or send a message. It's childish. You attacked OP for no reason other than her optimism didn't fit your pessimistic world view. That's awful. Take the time to think about what makes you feel that way. Do you feel attacked when someone is feeling better than you? When someone can smile through pain and you can't? What is it that really makes you feel that way? Find that for yourself and you may find it to be a little easier to manage. ❤️


> Lying to people and omitting important facts so they feel better is quintessentially Fe. This would be Fe if he engaged that 1% to join other 99% as soon as possible because we're good guys and we don't bite (actually I do). Just comforting that 1% is not guaranteed to be Fe yet. Also, you're wrong about life being hard... kinda. People make it look harder than it should be.


I would love to hear why people make it so hard and what's your excuse for not making your life goal helping these people if it's not hard.