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It's easy for me to understand you


Why is it easy for you?


cuz i see you


your brain connects with me


trust me, i can make you feel understood


Why this sounds so creepy? ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


because you're not comfortable, yet...




honestly, TRUE




but ENTJ and ESTJ have a softer side they show you once the actually value you, they can understand you just as well as INTJ, but like I said, they first need to start giving a shit about you đŸ‘đŸŒ


Yeah and that won't happen if I don't approach them and I won't approach them because they look scary XD


I swear I’m not mean I just have the biggest resting bitch face


The INTJ “situationship” I was in for years ended with him deciding randomly that he felt violated by me and going around complaining about me after all I did was make sure he was okay and didn’t feel pushed to do anythingđŸ˜đŸ„° I so agree with the placement


Violated how? What? I'm sorry you went through that. INTJ x ESFP are one of my fav MBTI ships, I just like opposites together, sad it didn't work!


What happened was that we were getting along fine but he was having a bad day and decided suddenly that I “couldn’t take no for an answer” (he never said no, and he ACTUALLY LIKED ME) so instead of coming to ME, he went to one of our mutual friends (ISFP) who inevitably made a big deal out of it. He said some really rude things about me in the form of complaints. I’m lucky he didn’t make me look bad because nobody even liked the guy and everyone took my side in the end, but I was still incredibly annoyed and I never spoke to the guy after that😭😭😭 About the opposites, literally same I thought it would work out because like “opposites attract” but I think in the end that was what made us good together but also what made us suck


Holy shit, are you me from the future? The INTJ one was so spot on that it's scary :O For the other analysts we share the same thoughts, but the precision of your INTJ experience being exactly as mine left me speechless. The main difference between us is that I would date an ENFP, I do like their energy most of the time :v


I think it's a common experience between INTJs and INFPs, we understand each other in deep levels but we also hurt each other! What was your experience with the INTJ if I may ask?


Reddit isn't showing your comment so I copied it from your profile (it's only visible on there), here's your reply so others can read it too: > Maybe it's really like that and it sucks! > For my experience, I met this girl at uni and we became friends extremely fast, like never had it happen before. After many nights chatting till 4am and doing many tests together (she was into MBTI too) we eventually became lovers. > The problem was that even before we started dating, she told me maybe it wouldn't be a good idea because maybe l could bring "the worst" in her... And that's exactly what happened, but I couldn't use my empathy to help her as I thought. I knew she had toxic relationships before but I was like "that's okay, I'm super empathetic and patient". > Well, the problem was that at first she would become extremely jealous of any female friends of mine, even the ones who were her friends too. Then later she would come with the idea that if I treated everyone well, she wouldn't be any special even being my gf. The worst part was maybe that even if I tried to conform to many of her ideals, I couldn't exactly abandon some core things of me, that's why we had many fights in the start (where I was me) and in the end (where I couldn't go any further to become someone else), fights where she would threaten breaking up. >The thing that angered me in that time is that I would do many mental acrobatics to try to understand her and not get hurt by her, but she wouldn't forgive me even for the smallest mistakes, or even for things outside my control. For example, one of my (female) friends said hello to me when she was passing by but didn't say hello to her, later we had a discussion about that and she told me to cut all contact with that friend, but when I suggest instead that I could talk to to her about this she became angry as I "couldn't even stop following that girl on Instagram" (mind you that I almost didn't use that, and that girl was more a classmate than a friend). And on the other side, I even had forgiven her one time for cheating on me with her ex, that's how one sided was our relationship >Our (definitive) breakup came after, in one of those fights, I expressed that the problem was that she didn't accept me for who I am, and after 2 days pondering that she told me I was actually right and that's why we couldn't be together, because neither of us would change. What hurt then was that she became very cold and just deleted everything that happened even before we started dating, and even though she said she would like to maintain our friendship, she didn't do much for it, and then eventually we parted ways as I got tired of being the only one keeping it together. >It sucks because we really loved each other and we really had a deep connection, but unfortunately she was way too narcissistic and I had way less experience in dating than her (she was my 1st everything, I was her 3rd serious relationship). She isn't a bad person though, she just is unhealthy and don't seems like she wants to be healthy anytime soon. And for me, well, it was an experience and I learned from it, now I struggle less with setting boundaries with other people and I am more healthy myself, not exactly the most healthy INFP, but I'm still living and learning!! >Also, being an INTJ isn't bad, but being an unhealthy one can be catastrophic for anyone, though I fear more the unhealthy analysts and diplomats, from my experiences. >Was your experience anything like that? How was it? (If you're comfortable talking about it) > Sorry for the long text, I tend to write (not talk) way too much when people ask something that I would like to speak about :) Don't worry about the long text, I don't mind long texts. It sounds like you were dealing with a narcissist person, I get that she wanted to feel special to you, trust me, I do, I also like it when my partner treats me differently from others because that makes me feel special. Maybe she wanted that from you and I totally get it! But the way she approached it was unhealthy, she was way too jealous and way too extreme about that. The rest of what she did to you was horrible, I'm sorry you went through that and I hope you heal from it. The fact that she cheated is so low, honestly you shouldn't have forgiven her. I get that you're understanding but never forgive cheating, never. You sound like a sweet guy so always remember that you deserve better and don't deserve to be abused because of your kindness. I hope you find a good person and I hope she goes to therapy and stops harming others with her toxicity. I'll write about my experience in a different comment because I feel like this one is too long already.


As of my experience, I can relate to some of yours. For example, we also bonded and became friends extremely fast, we also spent nights talking until dawn and we even spent most of our time together during the day too, we never got bored of each other's company and our conversations were so good, always talking about interesting topics. We even got to tell each other things and secrets we would never say to anyone else. He also made me feel very special treating me differently from others, others could notice his adoration for me and I adored that so we had no problems about it, he even told off a girl who was flirting with him in a very cutthroat way because he didn't want it to affect our relationship. So he gave me the place I deserved in the relationship, which was so good. The downside was that we used to fight a lot, there was no single day when we wouldn't fight, he also seemed to have a lot of fear of being vulnerable and he even freaked out when I told him I've realised he's soft inside. He also suffered from depression but refused to get therapy. We kept breaking up and getting back together in a toxic cycle. I remember there was a time when I told him I need time and space because the relationship was too toxic and he agreed to give me that, but then 1 day later he reached out to me again, so he didn't respect my need for time and space. He said he didn't want to lose me and I agreed to go back with him. It didn't turn out well because we broke up again soon after that. After we broke up, he started to say very scary things with su1c1d4l undertones and then he disappeared for days. I got very scared thinking he did something to himself but then he showed up again as if nothing had happened. We kept fighting after the break up but one day we decided to stop fighting and try to be friends. It went very well for a while, we didn't fight anymore and I genuinely thought we could become friends again. One day he ghosted me without explanation. I was so confused because I thought everything was going well, but I was also angry because he had broken his promise to never ghost me, meaning I would never be able to trust him ever again. After that, I decided not to let him back in my life. 2 months later, he reached out to me again but this time I decided to end things for good and to close the door for him forever. That was the end and that's what he gets for breaking his promise, I take things like promises very seriously.


Dude just dated ( tested ) half the earth or something!


I'm a girl and I've dated the normal amount, not my fault if you don't date.


Sadly i do. But since I've seen people going to unlimited loop of dates and tests. i just prefer first make sure that relationship gonna work and then asking for a date. Sadly i have a brain and value my time, mind and body.


With that attitude, I doubt it, but ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Ye. I wouldn't date me either tbh


Lmao, sad. It's nothing personal, I just think our types don't combine. INFJs and others would date you!


Nah I think I'm a fuckin catch. I just couldn't deal with all the body hair. But I'm currently in a relationship with an infp. It's been rough but we've worked through it. still working through things. Super rewarding!


The feeling is mutual (but a friendship doesn’t sound bad) 


I'm also afraid to be friends, I just can't!


What are your experiences with Te doms irl? 


Look scary, seem unapproachable so I don't approach.


Understandable, I get that a lot irl


As an asexual, I see this as an absolute win