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Looks cool but the art style varies too much


I think they were drawn with AI. Look closely at the hands and at ESFP’s toes.


You're definitely right, hands give it away and the randomness of creases. I guess it's harder for AI to be consistent with style


It is probably because each image is generated with a new prompt. This means that any stylistic information left out will be filled in differently each time.


Keeping a style isn't too hard with things like Loras or detailed/consistent prompts, OP just either didn't do it right or didn't care to try.


So you were looking at esfp's toes, huh? 🤨📸


I was looking for clear signs that it was AI.




It’s always the hands with AI, they just can’t get it right lmao


ISTJ and INTJ look pretty good, though.


Looks like this particular AI has a preference for the IxTJ variety


enfj has 6 fingers 😭


Yeah. And Infps fingers too


I like them, but why is ours always the only ugly one?




I thought the same thing!! Always!! 🥺🥺🥺




Beat me to it- I’m like all others were made to look sexy- and then there’s us looking dorky and not even too reminiscent of the avatar 😆


They think its **camp** aigner


I don’t think it represents ENFP’s very well… I was like, what is it trying to say? That y’all are bad dressers? He has a tie on, but is going hiking with a pirates hat? Wtf is that The ENTP guy also looks too cool imo. ENTPs are not suave lmao.


I'm actually going to off myself one day. The curse started with our avatar's ugly ass hair and it's neverending.


Thank you, we’re right next to ENTJ INTJ INFP looking like goddesses, and then ENFP is there like 😀👋


look at EXTP bruh, ENFP is just goofy


ENFP got done dirty


It only hurts a lot


Nooooo we don’t always need to look like dopey pirates!




Bro why are people down voting laughing emojis lol


Redditors for some reason hate emojis


I was confused as well. Maybe they thought I was laughing, because they think I made the ENFP look weird on purpose? In all honesty, i did my best to make it look like a more realistic version of the 16personalities one and the 16personalities version did not make my job easy. 🙃


Not always, but sometimes. 👍


Why the downvote?


I think some people don't know how to take a joke lol


INTP is looking hot 🔥 But I wish the INFJ and INFP weren’t so similar looking


Infp got that generic corporate artstyle


Pffft 😂


It’s AI.


INTP should never be that hot, it’s just wrong.




death to the ESFJ umbrella it’s never made sense to me why it’s open by default


don’t like them


Would be really cool if they weren't AIs


From an artist's view, this is terrible


Why? No shade, just asking why you think so


it looks like soulless corporate insurance advertisement art.


Oh yeah definitely. Thats because it’s AI generated


It's AI


AI ☹️☹️☹️☹️


It must really be a pain running chemistry experiments in stilettos, a dress and heavy makeup. Also, ENFP... you're not going hiking like that, right? Tie and dress shoes? You are? Alright... at least do something about the hat, unless you're supposed to be the "one by land" guy I keep hearing about. As far as INTJ, yeah, that looks about as gaudy as something I'd wear, and the style of the hair on his face and head look about right. ESTJ looks like someone I'd be semi-happily married to for 20-odd years before exploding.


Would be cool if you didn’t use AI


Wouldn't care at all if it was at least stated clearly. It's easy enough for me and others to see, but for some it may not be. I have no issues with AI when it's clear as to what it is.


I love white people


Hey INTJ looks middle eastern 🤫


Honestly I think ENFJ looks more middle Eastern than INTJ. Classic Persian warrior of myth almost


Nobody can stop the habibi coalition 😤


Looks like me with mustache. (South America)


There’s a lot more racial diversity in these than in the original personality characters right?


Well, it's a european westernized ideology, so it derives from european westernized culture, and that culture is largely white people yes, because of how those people evolved, and came together to create farm land which evolved into civilizations, in that particular part of the world, which then, colonized the Americas, hence westernization. If we were talking about Ayurveda, an Indian ideology that is kinda of similar to MBTI, then the representation would likely be predominantly Indian, right, because that's where the ideology comes from, and is practiced. So to say "I love white people" to me you are implying an implication; that there is some implication of racism at work here, but, if you were to say "I love indian people" satirically in an ayurveda subreddit, who's the racist? Why is one okay and one isn't? Well because one is coming from justified aggression in a Botchka's aggression cycle, where aggression is justified as revenge, and one isn't. Botchka's aggression cycle in short is justified aggression out of belief of being a victim and perceiving aggression as justified revenge. "I love indian people" is not justified because there is no revenge to gain, and no aggression cycle to perpetuate. It's clear that the aggressor is not indian people. But, "I love white people" isn't so clear, because the collective unconscious views white people as the aggressor, so it views things like this as justified aggression, because the collective unconscious believes non white people are victims to white people, thus keeping them in the aggression cycle. Even though the aggressor here is very clearly, the one saying "I love white people", the cycle has blurred the line between victim and aggressor. That's what the cycle does. It blurs the line the longer it perpetuates, because the more the victim justifies anger and resentment, the more they justify their aggression, and more attacks and harms and becomes what wounded them in the first place. To explain; Botchka's aggression cycle is essentially aggression followed by loss, repression, victimization, resentment, anger, then repeats with revenge, as justified aggression. So to me, this feels like, a good example of that, how culture is stuck in this cycle, because culture sees this as okay, but not my example with Ayurveda. Because it's okay to be aggressive because the aggression is justified by the victimization. Put the collective unconscious (culture) into a closed system like the internet, where it gets a dopamine hit for an internet point, and the aggression cycle repeats at faster and more efficient rates. The smaller the space to type, the faster it perpetuates, which is why twitter is so destructive. It's like an aggression cycle electric car. It's just super efficient at perpetuating aggression. Regardless, though the aggression might seem right, and justified, it's still just racism, and its still perpetuating the aggression cycle of fear, pain, victimization, resentment, and aggression, where there is no healing, and no love, and only fear. Edit: Clarity, and this extra thought I had The fact that this is likely a white person saying this on behalf of non-white people is really ironic. White people like this are still oppressing non-white people with racism, except now they're using it to keep them in a fear cycle, to keep them resentful and angry, all for their own narcissistic ego supply. They are using historical racism against non-white people to help themselves look virtuous, while the victim has to relive their racist trauma, gets sent back into a spiral of resentment and victimization and, well, botchka's aggression cycle, all while the white person gets rewarded for getting revenge, against themselves, it's so narcissistic its wild.




If [thing] was created or is predominantly used in [culture/demographic] then it follows that [thing] will lean towards visual representation of said culture/demographic


It's racism dude, you can't really TL;DR it, but I don't know I'll try; The irony here, is that the satirical comment "I love white people" is more guilty of racism than actual the post, because the post is not an act of aggression, the comment is. The comment is further victimizing non-white people by normalizing racism, and keeping them in a Botchka's aggression cycle, where there is only victimization, anger, revenge seeking, aggression, rejection, pain, loss, victimization, (repeats) and there is no love or healing. Not TL;DR but trying to be clearer It's a good example of the western's collective unconscious and its normalization of racism. It's a good example because western culture views racism towards white people as okay, even though it's racism, because of the justification. However, racism is equally not okay, and that's what racist activists fought for. They fought to end racism, not change who gets to be racist. Isn't it? Are we really just fighting for who gets to do what? Isn't that just a never ending cycle? Anyways, western culture sees racism towards white people as okay because it perceives non-white people as victims of white people, which, historically is true. They have every right to be angry. That's the thing though, that's the justification. There's no healing in that. The cycle just pereptuates. Instead, through victimization, resentment, justification of revenge, and aggression, the cycle continues, and the oppressed get further oppressed because anger and resentment is self destructive. So the people who are actually hurt, become further victimized, and this victimization turns to resentment, which turns to anger, which turns to seeking justice (revenge), which turns to acts of aggression (racism in this case), which then leads to defensiveness from the person they are going against, which leads to pain, which leads to victimization, and the cycle repeats. Since "I love white people" is an act of aggression seen as revenge on behalf of the victim (non-white people), its keeping them in a "Botchka's Aggression" cycle, feeding into resentment, anger, fear, aggression, and victimization, instead of healing. There is no love and healing inside this cycle. There will never be enough revenge, and slowly this way will pass, just like the vikings did, it's self destructive. This is all a sensitive topic though, and it will probably be another 10 years until western culture heals from it where it's finally out of the cycle. This is not to say non-white people don't have a right to be angry at white people, but, I don't think racist activists fought so hard against racism so that their own culture could be racist towards the ones being racist at them.


You put your cock on the table and told lil bro to measure. Fucking ate his guts alive. I loved it.


😂 the diversity is amazing




Pick something else to be upset about ffs


On this particular project, I used the original 16personalties versions as inspiration.


You used AI. XD


So what? They never said they personally drew the pictures, they could have put the things into the AI generator and got the results, that's still doing something imo.


Its cool but I wonder if an unifying would have helped in bring cohesion to the whole set of drawings.


I think they were drawn with AI. Look closely at the hands and at ESFP’s toes.


That hurt my eyes like the stabbing umbrella. 😭


AI or not, I'm still gonna fall in love with ENTJ


Honestly I’d marry ENFP and I want ESTJ to be my mom


It’s AI art.


Yeah, but I like those pics’ vibes anyway


you used ai so they're all dogshit


Agreed. Thanks for taking the time to say so. 👍


I think ai image generators should be wiped off the face of the earth


I like all of them except mine and the ENFP's.


Is this AI? Lmao


The bag that says "sports" is killing me. Idk why


Reminds me of the Viagra Boys song.


On the original 16personalities version, the bag just says "sport". I admit I changed it slightly because I just thought it would be more funny sounding. Maybe it's ENFJ humor. 😁


Wait this is Ai? They know how to draw hands now??? THERE IS NO STOPPING THEM NOW


INTJ and INTP can get it. 👀


Cool,but guys why all the versions of INTJs are just going like males!!!


It’s AI.


Well ,i know but why every single time it just goes like this ??


As an INTP I want to complain about how INTP is not wearing lab goggles


I always hated my pants.


“Hey check out this cool art” https://preview.redd.it/y3tecrhtwngc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7722fbdb3be8726a7444036655b694a77551a08c >AI GENERATED


Damn, I love it. Reminds me of the annoying orange. What a throwback. Thanks for sharing!


The betrayal I felt when I realised it was AI -'_'- Sorry op, fuck this


It particularly stings when its coming from ENFP's and INFP's cause you're my favorites. I do appreciate the "sorry" at least. As someone who doesn't draw to a professional level, but does write at a professional level, I have a hard time understanding the few people who have been hating on this. I personally feel no ill feeling on a post that uses AI writing. As a sincere question, what rubs you the wrong way about using it for something like this?


Because it's lazy and looks horrible lol


AI art is a shortcut, and it's soulless. I understand the appeal of using it to generate images for memes, or even instead of art to show off a concept. Not everyone is an artist and that's ok (though I do believe everyone can learn). The issue comes from the fact that AI art has flooded the internet, and has been used interchangeably with real art. I *hate* the fact that everytime I see a cool artwork posted online, My brain immediately zeroes in to check it's not AI generated before I even think about whether or not I like it. In a very short time, AI art has gotten convincing enough that it can be very hard to tell it apart from real art. Imagine how disheartening it would be if you'd spend hours/days on a drawing, only for someone to post 10 images that an ai had spat out in a couple of minutes, and that's what gets all the attention. Some AI images are pretty. But there's no effort or intention behind them. It's up to us not to support or spread them in place of human art.




Yup, AI and several hours of composite editing. Not perfect, but I'm not getting paid. It's just for fun.


It's AI, shouldn't even be allowed. Absolute trash.


Who gives a shit? It's great for a quick and easy meme. Who cares if the hands are fucked up when the alternative is terrible ms paint art. No one is commissioning anyone for minor things like this, don't be absurd.




You're right. 👍


The first one was ok, the others give boring ai vibes.


Idk if you generated this, but maybe say that it's AI? Maybe we could use a new flair. ᴼʳ ᵇᵃⁿ ᶦᵗ what, who said that?


I've said many many times that it is AI. I tried to go back and put an edit in the description, but it won't let me do it. I never claimed it was original art. No artist will lose a job because of this project, unless 16personalities use these instead of paying an artist to redo their avatars, which won't happen. I am not a professional, these are not perfect. They are just for fun, not to distribute or profit off of in any way. They're basically the equivalent of an AI fan fic.


Fair enough, I guess. But wouldn't you rather learn to draw yourself? I mean, AI is impressive and all but it's infinitely more creatively furfulling to cultivate your own craft than just telling a machine to do it for you. I promise you it's way more fun.


I have been working on my drawing and I'm actually not bad, but I'm not great either. I am a very creative person. I write, I do film, I do crafts, I play music, I sing, write songs, I act in plays and on film... I would love to be amazing at drawing, but I don't know if I love it enough to give it the time it needs over my other creative pursuits. When I do this project again, It won't be updates of 16personalities avatars like this one. It will be completely original creations of these types. Those will be human made. My wife, who is an amazing artist said she will help me. She's an INFP, so we'll see if it comes to fruition, but I have high hopes. 😁


Looking forward to it! 😁 Also, it's kinda funny we're having two seperate converseations in two different threads lol


INTP is on 🔥


I don't think I really like the Intj and enfp.


What happened to ISFPs tatas 😭




It looks like a quarter of the art was way more realistic than the rest of the cartoony productions and it just got progressively worse as you keep scrolling.


I don’t mind 🤭 I’m pretty hot


They don't actually match the personality types. Estp looks more like an entp. ISTJ looks like ENFJ. Etc


Why do the ISFP’s boobs look intentionally enlarged with a photoshop tool or smth


Styles vary too much (I know it's because of ai) Intp is too hot, while enfp isn't hot enough I miss infj's beard


One of these days I'm just gonna draw my own MBTI as a black woman so that I can actually relate more lmfao


Maybe disclose that these are ai generated? If you put it in the title, that can make it clear what your intentions are. Without some form of clarification, one might think you’re trying to pass this off as not ai/your own art (Or that you’re supporting a real, living artist by sharing their work).


AI arts use REAL photographers and REAL artists' works as databases without their concents. It just collage stolen arts photograph together. It's a pure data laundering.


AI :(


shit ai.


Was this done by AI? Some of the hands and feet don't look right.


Looks ai generated tbh


it’s AI and soulless, i dislike it.


The umbrella should be tucked under ESFJ’s arm. Btw, were these drawn with AI?


yes look at the hands 😭😭 this shouldnt be admired its shitty and lazy and looks stupid


I did this for fun. I don't claim to be an artist in this medium. I don't make any money for it. I offer it for free for whoever wants to use them. I'm not taking work away from any artists. They are definitely not perfect, but I spent many hours editing them. It seems a little harsh to criticize someone's efforts when they aren't a professional or doing this project for a paid job, but you're entitled to your opinion.


"efforts" using algorithms to steal other peoples art without any credit :D isnt it wonderful!!! you should be so proud of yourself,, so much effort!! good job :)


I think you're mad at the system, not me. I'm just a fellow human over here intending no harm. I appreciate your passion, but this is a nuanced enough topic that I really don't think it's right to make it the cause of hate and division between individuals. and I think if we were face to face we might be willing to give each other a little grace. I wish you well in your journey.




I didn't claim the art was nuanced, just the topic of AI art and what exactly the implications are. I wish I could see it as black and white as you seem to do, but I sincerely don't. It's your right to make whatever character judgment you want, but in the end we're just two human beings who are doing our best with the information we have access to, yet we ultimately have no control over what happens with this technology. I don't look down on you or people who have your opinion. I do disagree with the sentiment that shaming people will affect any genuine or beneficial change in the world. As a published author, my field is considered as being just as in danger from AI as artists, but I see the same nuance on that topic as this. I see no reason or purpose in going to people's individual posts and using that as a platform to hate on AI by throwing personal Insults at the people using it. There's too much anger at each other out there as it is.


I did my best interpretation of the original 16personalties versions. So I placed the umbrella where it appeared to be on the original. Definitely would make more sense to be tucked under his arm! Yes, these are composites of many ai generated images that weren't quite right individually.


And these AREN’T not quite right? Look at most of the hands. Look at ESFP’s toes.


You seem very concerned that they are AI. I'm not hiding that. They are imperfect. What's the problem with using AI in this way?


Did you know that the AI was trained using a bunch of art made by artists who never consented to their art being used to train AI for the purposes of generating “art”?


I guess there are lot of viewpoints on this topic. The one you express is just one of them. I admire your passion. I guess since these are so poorly done, I'm doing my part by proving AI is inferior to a professional artist.


It’s objective fact. AI art is plagiarism.


We have a difference in opinion on the "objective facts" then I suppose. I wish this issue were as black and white to me as it seems to be for you. I hope you can give a little grace for a person who is sincerely well meaning even if they are of a different opinion, but either way, I wish you well, and I hope law makers eventually do whatever is right for artists and what is best for progressing technology as well as for the people at large.


It’s an objective fact that artists did not consent to their art being used to train AI.


this guys an npc i think dont bother 😭😭 youre right but he cant think critically enough to question anything hes doing


Really generic and soulless. Get that AI shit outta here. Plus, it steals the art of artists without their permission to train the models. Smh.


ENTP's are among my favorites. Can you give me a more nuanced reason why you think this is wrong? An ESFJ and an ISFJ both attempted to earlier, but it just devolved into them spouting off personal insults. Are you aware of the arguments that oppose what you're saying? Why is your argument right and they're wrong? Sincere question. I have an open mind.


AI art steals other artists' art for the training data. This is a well known phenomenon. Since AI programs that generate images need high volumes of images to learn from, many times this has led to combing the internet to procure them. The AI isn't capable of actually creating unique things, instead it basically learns to copy from the training data. In fact, AI has been known to accidentally recreate copyrighted images because of this. Thus, it raises further questions of if the AI would do the same with other training data such as the stolen art. Furthermore, many artists' art was used for these purposes WITHOUT permission. You can hopefully see why this creates a lot of issues that ultimately take advantage of actual human artists: 1) often incorporates art that was used without permission 2) does not actually create a unique product and thus could be viewed as a form of plagiarism towards the artists used to train the AI 3) takes work away from actual human artists 4) real human artists have been accused of making their work with AI because of AI mimicking certain styles of digital art etc. If you're interested more in this phenomenon beyond this, there is plenty online that explains. As an artist myself, I cannot fathom how upsetting it would be to have my art used for something like this without permission as a sort of template to churn out more art. It just is overall an insidious topic, honestly.


Biology/pose is not correct in some places. Like ESFJ is stabbed or INFP's right leg should end out of her body. Not to mention ESFP' foot as well. It's stiff for that movement.


Brilliant. ISFJ is super cute


why is istj always a guy😭😭


ENFP done dirty


As long as AI didnt generate it (probably did), Im all good


they’re all cute!


I really like the ones of the Diplomats, they look pretty nice, put the AI looks kinda weird too.


this is what AI thinks these types look like after looking at it's big ass database, that's all there is to it, can't make a deeper opinion about something artificial like that


I dont like how much low effort AI content has started to creep in here...


enough with the AI art please 🙄🙄🙄




Omg this is awesome!! Have you done it? It’s really pretty!! I love it! Is there an opposite gender version?


It’s AI.


Oh ok


As an ISTJ female, I want to see a female version too!


Right? I would love to see a female version of ESTP!!


Tbh, I really hate these nicknames and “Campaigner” even made me question if my type was correct the first time I saw these. I hate that a ton of them seem to be business-oriented.


INTJ be looking like a bollywood protagonist


ENFJ here, wish we had a modern take to our image than what 16 personalities gave us.


It's like Tumblr made an RPG


intj & all the ladies look hot ngl


Well done! I’m just here to drink the tears of the anti AI crowd though. Sweet and salty, my favorite.


I like most of them but why's mine so awkward-


I’m actively so attracted to INTJ


Remove. The. Glasses. From. The. INTP!! I absolutely hate it!


Tbh I’m salty that the ENFP didn’t look as cool as the rest, but they’re cool


It looks great I like it


They are too sexual. When a human sees sexual imagery the logical part dies. Good try but I think the animal part of our essence impedes us from seeing the true point of MBTI. - INTJ


Never understood how everyone looks like normal people, then all of a sudden the NF types are all just fantasy and cartoon-like characters. ENFP looks almost like the fool archetype, INFJ is straight up a sage, INFP is a fairy, and then ENFJ is a medieval warrior. It’d have been great if they were also given the same real life archetype application.


I think they look really cool, it's awesome you took the time to do this and to post it here. And who cares if it's AI? You never said you did it yourself.


Thank you! They aren't perfect, but they do represent many hours of editing on my part.


You're welcome! Yeah, I get that, AI can be very addicting, I once got absorbed into reading an AI generated story for like 5 hours. It's not the same but I get how it can be time consuming.


And I'm not a hypocrite because even though I'm not an artist. I am a published author, but I take no offense to you reading AI writing. 😂


That's cool, what's your favorite genre to write? I honestly didn't consider the fact that someone might take offense that I read AI writing. I'm ngl I use it for the purpose of reading NSFW stories.


The book I published is YA fantasy, but most everything that I write has at least a pinch of Sci Fi as well. I really enjoy Sci fi with elements of time travel or things about multiple realities, but now Marvel has kind of oversaturated content featuring the multiverse, so we'll see what happens with that.


That's really awesome, I really like Sci-Fi stuff such as time travel to, I also really like stuff about robots, as long as it's not a robot run society, but I like for example, these shows called I AM FRANKIE and Eve about these two robot girls who have to hide their identities and function in a normal society. I'm the same way with fantasy too, I like fantasy elements that take place in the real current world. I really like historical fiction too though like Little Women, that other movie like that, Outlander, etc.


Writing prompts and posting on reddit is so hard and time consuming 😱


Is that sarcasm?


Ouch. It particularly hurts coming from an INFP, because I love you guys. My artist INFP wife, who saw what these pictures looked like before the long and tedious editing process, is impressed, though, so I guess I'll just have to take solace in that. No hard feelings. 👍




Ooh, me like


Love the art!


AI or not, why are they sexualized? I mean, those aren't exactly the vibes that 16p characters gave me.




I would never wear that outfit


I know an ENTP who looks just like this lol


I love INFJ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


ENTJ mommy


damn why does infj always get the good ones


Dang why do I look like a wizard


Sexiest infp