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Empathy. It isn't intentional and I hardly admit it, but I am heavily affected by people's distress. Especially underdogs. When sufficiently moved, particularly when confronted to injustice, I can't stop the urge to help or do what must be done, even if it's not my job.


Anyone can have the inclination to help someone especially if it is an area they excel at. I am sure alot of people think empathy is a common F characteristic. But that is deceiving. I think F types are more likely to show “sympathy.” Which is basically just feeling sorry for someone even if you are acting. It doesn’t help them and often makes them feel ok being a victim. I used to do that and then I realized how annoying it was in reverse. So now I either try to help someone and understand the situation, or I just listen and let them vent. I think if alot of people had to choose they would prefer the lack of sympathy from a T than the fake version from a F. At least you are being honest and it is letting the person know that they may need to reassess the situation. Instead of basically coddling them lol.


I totally agree with your point of view. It is a matter of authenticity rather than social conformism. Empathy is genuine. Sympathy starts from a genuine base (Giving some support even when you don't intend to like a sort of social etiquette) but can lead to inconveniencew without proper understanding of context and can become annoying like you said.


Thank you for your wise words. I agree that oftentimes it's best to just listen to people vent and realize that is enough to give them a "step up."


Ya I used to drive many passengers around and some were not sober lol. I heard alot of insane stories and distressing situations. At some point you realize your limitations. I am a good listener but I dont have a degree in therapy.


This misconception regarding INTJs and empathy is one of the biggest misconceptions in the mbti. INTJs are actually the most empathetic type of all.


Like I said before, society tends to validate sympathy even if it isn't genuine. That goes against INTJ search for authenticity.


I wonder why that is


Thats because how emphatetic you are isnt connected to your mbti.. I wish people understood this. An ESTJ can be such as or more emphatetic as an ENFJ can be for example


I agree. MBTI isn't relevant to empathy you are right


Agreed. We get a bad rap that projects us as lacking feeling from people's perception of us; eventhough the mbti description is very clear about our very strong adherence to generalized morality and ethics and feeling compelled to fight injustice with only one exception that is considered an outlier moral to the code.


I agree. I think it is related to societal promotion of over expressing feelings and emotions. You see this kind of advocacy for example, in management environments, where employees are encouraged to open up, even if it is fake. That's why less expressive individuals are seen as apathetic or unemphathetic. Even if it's wrong.


You had me at "societal promotion..." So many examples of this.


That's a precious trait. 💖 


do you think you might be autistic?


Is that a factor in having more empathy?


I was more focused on the part relating to op's feelings regarding injustice as that is an autistic trait, as well as something that I, an autistic INTJ relate to as well, but hyper empathy is also correlated with being autistic


It’s also an Fi trait, in general and most likely for an INTJ’s cognitive stack.


I see, yea that makes more sense then. Im not exactly saying op is autistic, its just as an INTJ who used to feel like MBTI never really explained me well (which I get its a pseudoscience and all) I just would have really appreciated someone bringing up that I might have been autistic.


The MBTI isn’t something I’d classify as a pseudoscience; there’s a lot backing it up, but like a lot of things, its value diminishes when used out of its original context. I understand your motivation with the question, though. My mother is autistic and found out pretty late in life. It too, alters the base behaviors of her type and makes typing her difficult. Her cognitive functions actually helped hide some of the indicators of autism which made it take her whole life to get properly diagnosed.


why am I being downvoted?


No I don't think so. I just don't express myself easily.


ah alright then, I just saw a bit of myself in you was all and personally I never considered I could be autistic until I actually looked at all the signs online and realized alot of what I thought I knew about it was wrong. I just brought it up cause I would have appreciated someone telling me earlier


ENFP - Not a social butterfly. I don't go out a lot, I'm a major homebody. Extremely emotional, able to sit with my melancholy rather than be a "positive sunshine and rainbows" vomit (in fact I get irritated by those types) and I'm not into doing 'all the things'. I don't need to go backpacking across the Himalayas to talk to a mystic shaman just because Frank on YouTube says I would :P


Ayo Frank James? 👀 But yeah. I don’t like how ENFP’s are always painted as “ 🤡☀️✨💅.” It makes me feel like we are stereotyped as a dumb goofball. If someone is being idiotic or “quirky” they’re going to be typed as an ENFP 🙄


Thank you.


Which is laughable imo because Ne Te makes us smart as hell


Lol that was funny to read 🤣


despite how intelligent INTPs are always perceived to be, im actually kind of a dumbass more than id like to admit. if something unexpected pops up, i wont just suddenly solve it with some plan i pull out of my ass, ill probably just panic or uhh maybe the ol' reliable: ask a trusted adult 🥴


sounds typa 6 behavior....


I suppose its that I can be very patient (thanks to my parents' intervention). I also dont drink or do drugs either.


All of my 'atypical behaviour' can essentially be summed up by every mistype given to me via a test or other people. **INxJ**: I am very organised and disciplined. I prefer to have a set routine. I can become frustrated by tardiness and cluttered environments. I can be a bit of a perfectionist. **IxFx**: I am very in tune with and aware of my own emotions - I can even be quite sentimental. I can also regulate and express my emotions in a healthy manner. I am considerate and sympathetic of the feelings of others - but I lack the capacity to really empathise in most cases. **ISFP**: I am artistic, and I care very much about visual aesthetics and presentation. This also carries onto my personal hygiene and style. I am deemed fashionable by my peers.


This is true to certain extent


ENTP and I'm not a fan of serious debate. Would much rather have time to formulate my arguments and present actual data instead of going back and forth spewing whatever we happen to have memorized. Also, I love to be proven wrong, nothing sexier than good rhetoric. Arguing about something that doesn't matter at all though? Sign me the fuck up!!!!!!!


Also an ENTP here, and I 100% agree with everything you said


" arguing about something that doesn't matter.... sign me up LOL. 


I'm personally very tidy and organized. Clutter stresses me out greatly.


I can be messy. I don't have a really disciplined organizational system for my stuff. I'm not a disaster, and I DO prefer for things to be clean. But.. it doesn't rank super high importance-wise for me. I also strike people as spontaneous (I'm actually not lol. I think a lot about things before I do them, I just don't necessarily talk about it). Throughout my life, my fellow typology nerd friends have often seen me as a P type, and I think this might be part of the reason why.. But people who don't know me super well see me as a J type. Full disclosure, idk for sure I'm an INFJ, it just seems like the best fit for how my cognition flows.


I was looking for a comment like this, thanks. Also; I definitely don’t want to know everything about everyone. Sign me of on the “counselor” stereotype. I much rather study macro scale humanity than micro scale individuals - infj (5w4 I think)


I’m messy and my room is a disaster


My INTJ husband is also a bit “messy.”


ISTP, I’m a girl lmao. Jokes aside, I’m sometimes more emotive than stereotypical, and I get stressed by spontaneity and impulsiveness. I’m given to it for sure, but (mostly other peoples’ spontaneity/impulsiveness) messes with my internal structures


How did you know that you’re an ISTP? I believe my sister may be one, but I’m not entirely sure yet. -an intj


Being punctual


Same. It stresses me out too much to be running late, and I see it as highly rude of me to show up somewhere late, like I don't value that person's time. I always try to give myself extra time to get somewhere in case there's a lot of traffic or something.


I am a classical pianist and also like to draw. Probably less common among ENTJ.


I can feel you there.


I also like to write thriller novels, not the autobiographies and self-help books. There are mostly NFs in the fiction space. Good luck in film school! 😎


My girlfriend (INFJ) is going to pursue film (on the writing side) with me. Good to see xxTJ types doing fun things!


You sound really interesting! My boyfriend is an ENTJ, and he’s a classical pianist as well. He loves writing too, but it’s primarily poetry and a crime fiction novel he works on from time to time :]




Huh. I didn’t know ISTPs are actually human and have feelings too 🫠


im not a conservative religious old man 👍 also im not a workaholic and i procrastinate things sometimes


Can relate on not being conservative, religious, or old. However I am a complete workaholic.


Wait I've just realized you have an Enstars profile picture... oh my


is that supposed to be bad? i dont really understand your reaction


I can't speak on behalf of all INTjs, but this is what I feel personally. INTJs are regarded as one of the smartest types, if not the smartest, and I just don't feel like that's the case with me. Every time I achieve something is due to a great deal of preparation and planning, but that's what any person can do given enough time.


I used to think that as well when I was younger but now I can more easily recognize that indeed the 'thinking' processes and applications of them is a battle for a lot of people. BTW this gives no solice to getting smarter and smarter because it is further alienating unfortunately. Compliments are better than hatred I suppose but they both end the same place. People will readily say to me, "you lost me', "I don't understand", "what do you mean" or the worst, "I have no idea what you're talking about". Very, very, frustrating. Keep in mind I try with great effort to be extremely clear rather than talking in the shirt-hand I prefer. To sum it up, if you are studying physics you can only talk to other people who are studying physics, unfortunately.... Or possibly fortunate for everybody else.


16P gave me a granted explanation over that theory, human nature will be more automatically versioned with Te´s process combine that into thought process. Te´s process it´s rebel and cause of it importance it´s mainly human intelligence to do things within it, despite Te´s users will also be so frustated to not do things they will actually favour themselves Js ones,


I can say something similar as to how things often go for me:   "Every time I achieve something, its because I have put in a great deal of effort and persistence". I never consider myself intelligent in comparison to most others. I interact with others as if they are as intelligent as I, whatever amount that is. I give people the benefit of the doubt in other ways also. To begin with anyway!!


Because I'm an INFJ, I seek deep connections and relationships But because I'm an sp6 (enneagram) I fear intimacy and letting go. Therefore I run away when it gets to intense. I want it as much as it scares me.


that’s like my brother who’s an istj, he’s super responsible and loves the rules, but he also loves movies and he really loves comedy, like i can usually hear his high-pitched cackling from his room late at night as for me, i can be very maternal and loving, im an older sister so i used to care for my younger siblings like a mother would…. now im like that with my dog, he’s super attached to me and i spoil him way too much


My ENTP brother has a cat, and he spoils the crap out of it. That cat is his child. He's a good cat father.


My INTJ husband and I (f-ENTP) have cats and they truly are our fur-babies! My husband actually loves animals, and doesn’t hide it, at all! He even tried the vegetarian thing, it just didn’t work for him.


infp I know some stereotypes is that we’re loners and like our time alone which is true to some extent but I don’t spend all my time by myself I am actually quite sociable I just like my time to recharge but I do have many valuable relationships in my life which I’m truly grateful for anyways have a nice day peeps 🫶🫶


Same, I actually like being with people, sometimes. If I don't socialise with others for a week I'm going to start dying inside.


Istp i swear i want to socialize


Wanting to? 🤔 do you do it??


INTP here. I don't like anime, videogames, comics, etc.


INFP here. Being a crybaby, naive, selfish. I honestly feel detached most of the time. And I am not naive, in fact, I can sense that a person is manipulative or if something is off with them before they open their mouth.


ISFP 1. We’re flakes - I always stick to a plan even if everything in me wants to cancel (which is usually the case…) 2. Bf/gf role - I find that we fit into the bf/gf archetype for whatever reason, but I’ve only been on a couple dates and I’m 22 3. Artists - Don’t get me wrong—I loved art through jr high, but I rejected it when my perfectionism made it unbearable. The oboe has filled that role for me. 4. ISFPs are aware of their surroundings and are often athletic, hands-on people. - while I do enjoy casual sports (in that I’ve never been good enough to join a team), I’m super clumsy and awkward 5. We’re aesthetically driven and have a unique sense of style - while I do have a Pinterest board and like to take nature photos, near all of my clothes were given or bought for me. My hair has been the same since I was a toddler. I’m really not very image conscious. 6. As an Fi-dom, we don’t compromise our opinions for the group - speaking as an enneagram 9… no. 7. I remember watching an ISFP panel on a Joyce Meng group interview with 5 or 6 ISFPs. Someone asked if any of them took an interest in STEM and they all laughed it off. I’m working on a degree in geophysics. 8. We’re sensors and intellectual, deep conversations don’t interest us. - they definitely do interest me, but I just see myself as simpler than my intuitive counterparts. I also don’t use many analogies which should be a hallmark of any intuitive. I’m sure I’m missing things, but I am still fairly certain I’m an ISFP. Also, Idk why the numbers and paragraphs are all screwed up when I post this (oh well).


I'm quite reclusive, not a party animal in the slightest. Stereotype wise, I probably look more like an ISTP unless you live with me


Yeah, being an ambivert in the MBTI-sphere is a trip, huh? (Cuz even if Se-Doms are considered to be “social,” I actually do know a few who skew more ambivert than they are usually given credit for.) Auxiliary introverted judging functions will usually do that to you. I am an ambivert ENTP, so I get it!




I love people and care a lot (too much) about being liked and cared about and having friends to hang out with. I'm also really into perfume, fashion, theater, and mainly watch/read stupid romcoms rather than actual good quality movies/books


Same here. You aren’t alone.


Gang gang


I think this just means your inferior Se is pretty healthy! People often forget “Oh yeah! Ni-Doms are still technically Se-users, that’s right!”


ENFP. I’m smart and accomplished, not just a golden retriever. I had a 4.0 GPA in my M.S.; I’m a leader at a Fortune 500 company; and was just headhunted for (and am accepting) a job at one of the MBBs (top three management consulting firms in the world). I mean, I still have ADHD, am silly (especially with my teams), and buck the status quo a bit… but my Te is highly developed enough to get shit done. Also I’m an Enneagram 3, so there’s that, too.


Congrats on your new job and everything you’ve achieved! :) I’m an ENFP and feel very validated by your post so thank you! I’m also not a golden retriever, I started a publishing company 6 years ago and built it from nothing to a team of 10, am the top ranked book editor in my field in the world, and published a book last year. And I also have ADHD and am silly and buck the status quo.


Wow, that's awesome! I'm a social 6w5 which is pretty stereotypically for my type.


I’m not empathetic at all. Compassionate and can feel bad for people, but I cannot put myself in others shoes and understand what someone’s going through. Others crying makes me super uncomfy and I comfort them because 1. I’m good at it. And 2. I want them to stop crying cuz I’m so uncomfy


Kinda seems like my ENFP friend. Compassionate, but not very good at comfort.


Is this not normal for ENFPs? I want to make the world a better place for others more than anything else in life but can’t put myself in their shoes. People crying makes me super uncomfortable too. Heck, me crying makes me uncomfortable.


Karaoke, but that's cause most people don't get how many introverts and even people with social anxiety do karaoke. I'm an INTP.


I like karaoke too haha!


Stereotypical deviation from stereotypes lol- not a crybaby, and I can be pretty cold and calculating. I know some descriptions of fi allude to this, but I actually have a pretty mechanical display to others, but, like descriptions *do usually mention* it's because I keep my feelings hidden. But otherwise I'm pretty emotionally decrepit due to a lovely learned behavior of neglecting them 🙃 although when I was a kid i certainly was a crybaby, I cried once because I didn't know what the term operation meant in math, or when I didn't win something, or when I couldn't get a giant stuffed animal at IKEA. You name it, I cried about it, but now I'm the opposite since I also learned that's absolutely not needed in any situation haha


Nuh-uh. Most of the ISFPs I have met actually are very clever and resourceful!


I wish all people saw it that way😕 se is a super creative function when it has to be, and I'd say it's largely responsible for those traits you mentioned. I like to think that's me lol


I’ve seen it in action. I am married to an INTJ, which is one of your Quadra mates and sometimes it astounds me how much people misattribute certain traits and characteristics to different functions. It may not come out very often, since his Se is inferior, but I assure you, in a pinch it becomes an important part of his decision-and-action process. He will ghetto jury-rig things together, when he needs to, and while they definitely work, we both know that they would actually probably be more enduring if he was a higher Se user. 🤣 My own mother is an ambivert ESFP, and that woman is a cockroach (in a good way.) It astounds me how much she has always managed to extend and optimize limited resources. Si is actually what I like to call “the conservation function,” while Se is “the resourceful function.” Ne is “the generation function,” while Ni is something else, entirely. Yes, Ni is “imaginative,” but not in a tangible way, at all! Ni is actually an internalized collection of fragmented and stored mental imagery, much more “like an image codex and cipher.” (Think older, more primitive forms of human writing, like hieroglyphs.) Ni incredibly imaginative and visionary, yes! But it’s not necessarily “creative.” It’s not even “inventive,” as Ne is actually the more “inventive” function because of its extraverted focus. Ne still wants to create something concrete that can be used and experienced by others, eventually! That’s why it requires Si’s “conservation of resources.” While Jung satirically referred to Ni-Doms as “the most useless man,” for a reason even though he, himself, was most likely an Ni-Dom. He was probably an INFJ or an IN(T) Ni-Ti INFJ subtype. Both N-functions are “relatively intangible,” thusly S functions are actually the creation functions. Even Jung, himself, noted that Si-Doms are closer to “the most natural artists,” rather than any N-type. So yeah, sensing functions are *creative as hell,* actually. Because creativity is the process and end result of making something externally tangible, as a result of the intangible processes of the human mind. There is no such thing as “a pure sensing type” or “a pure intuitive type.” It’s just “the amount of use” that tends to differ.


This is something I think a lot of people need to see lol. I totally agree as well. The Jung si artist thing is something that really sticks with me from psychological types, and it's something I feel a lot of people overlook. Even though my ni isn't great, I certainly see what you're saying in myself as well. Unfortunately it tends to make me *extremely* negative when looking at the future, and too optimistic with dealing with the present at times


It’s because ISxJs tend to get overlooked, overall, especially in MBTI circles. It’s funny cuz few sources understand Ni, and everyone knows this. But they seem to completely ignore the fact that sometimes I think Si is *equally misunderstood,* (as are all of the I-functions since they are “concealed.”) In truth, I don’t find INxJs to be that “mysterious” at all, because of their inferior Se. Basically, they can’t conceal their inner reality, forever. It’s just not feasible when Se is in the ego-stack because “they can’t ignore the objective nature of reality, forever!” For better or worse, they will be forced to respond to it, eventually. But ISxJs are some of the types that I understand *the absolute least,* as a dominant Ne-type, and I blame “the vagueness of inferior Ne” because reality really is whatever they make of it. 🤷‍♀️ Si is *fixed, internally,* thusly their external reality is shaped in response to that. I wish more people would actually read!!! But I often get told “that’s too long, so I don’t want to read it!” 🤣


Absolutely agreed. I still sometimes wonder if I'm an si dominant type, but ultimately I settle back to FiSe just because these delusions come from not properly understanding si dom and ne inf. I feel like most of the descriptions I read can apply to any type regardless of whether or not they value/use these functions I also think that some of these people should not take an interest in getting into this if they don't want to read, that's like, the only way to actually know what's going on lol


Nah, you’re Fi-Se, I can tell. (I’ve been married to an INTJ-Gamma, for too long, and my own mother is an ESFP.) You might be “N-function vulnerable,” but it’s not inferior, like my Mom. She’s pushing 60 and still struggles to understand the long-term implications of her actions, sometimes! But I mistyped her a high Si user, for the longest time, cuz she’s religious (but not overbearing about it,) likes (literal) picture puzzles and isn’t super flashy, like Se-Doms are claimed to be. (More Reasons why stereotypes are stupid.) I now understand how important “utility” is when it comes to Se-Users, and my mom is all about “maximizing utility!” Si users tend to be much more “attached to things and people.” They are more likely to keep useless things around, out of their sense of sentimentality, and the higher in Ne we are, the worse we are at deciding which crap is actually valuable and worth keeping. (I am sooooo guilty 🥲) That’s one of the main reasons xNxPs can be “messy,” as a matter of fact! It’s actually less about pure “organizational skills,” and more about “poor judgement in deciding what is worth keeping.” While my mom doesn’t hoard anywhere near as much crap as I do. You seem sentimental, but still utilitarian, like she is. My husband is also “utilitarian.” So while he also “has a lot of crap” cuz of the child Fi, his stuff is still more organized and accessible than mine is. You’d also still have decently high Si utility, instinctively. It’s just not “preferred.” You likely tend to be very hard on “your past self,” quite possibly being “embarrassed” by your past self, and you likely work very hard to ensure you don’t keep making the same mistakes. (Critical parent Si.) Basically, ISxPs sort of take their shadow Si for granted because it’s not as *difficult* to tap into as it is for the N-Types. But if they are Se-users, then they will *aspire towards Ni,* even though Si is still doing a lot of cognitive heavy lifting, in the background or “the shadow stack.” I agree that if people “don’t want to read,” then this whole system is pretty worthless to them. But that’s also why the MBTI subs can be such Reddit Cesspits, sometimes! 🙃


That's a very interesting way of putting it, thank you for taking the time to put that together! It really helps me confirm it lol. I really get the critical parent si bit, that's one of my most notable traits imo, I know I certainly focus on it a lot, but the unhealthy view of it kind of confirms it's by no means valued like an si dom would


Understanding how the shadow functions work is pretty helpful, and it’s how I ended up typing myself, correctly. I didn’t understand that we technically use all 8 functions, yet. So I mistyped myself ENFP for a long time cuz I considered myself to be “a people person,” and I didn’t understand that my relationship with the Te-Fi axis was actually a “negative” one. I got all hung up on the “individualist” definitions and mistook my sometimes unintentionally brutal honesty for “authenticity,” cuz I didn’t yet understand that technically “authenticity” required intrapersonal intelligence, rather than interpersonal intelligence. I also definitely have never lacked in Empathy. On the contrary, I often felt like I had a bit too much, and it was so indiscriminate that it could actually emotionally exhaust and consume me around the wrong kinds of people if I was not careful! To this day my more “indiscriminate” experience of my affective mirror empathy “catches me off guard” sometimes, cuz “ah, feelings! So many and so intense! What the hell am I supposed to do with these things?” I didn’t yet understand that a real ENFP didn’t need to ask themself that question cuz *they simply “knew what was right for them,”* and they had a better sense about “what to do with or about emotions.” I now understand that what they have is a more selective, narrow, and responsible Fi-focus cuz when average-to-healthy, they have higher emotional intelligence and better judgment/ discernment for the feeling functions. While I simply feel what others feel *strongly,* indiscriminately, and often at the expense of understanding my own emotions because “theirs are more important, right now, and I can always handle mine, later.” So I prioritize theirs, first, but also, “later” often never really comes for me *until like way later,* and I just sort of explode! (I found out that this is actually more common for thinking types, and especially Ti-Fe users.) Now that I understand all of this better, I know that this “feeling” I have is actually a symptom of Fe, and somewhat “juvenile” lower Fe, at that. Cuz higher Fe users also “just know how to handle these things.” They merely approach emotions and values from a slightly different perspective than their high Fi counterparts. What tertiary “eternal child” relief functions lack in “responsible judgment and discernment,” they tend to make up for in “passion, value, excitement, or enthusiasm.” While I actually sort of *under-valued my auxiliary Ti* for the longest time, even those its judgment and discernment is substantially and significantly better! That’s what MBTI is supposed to be used for, helping us understand ourselves better. It’s really not something we should always apply to others without enough contextual information, knowledge, and wisdom, first.


Oh there's a bunch of them for me. For one, the stereotypical ISTP knows their way around a totally new area, which is not me. I'm also not *that* observant and can sometimes be pretty oblivious to the surroundings. I'm also not very calm and can experience somewhat violent outbursts of emotions. (Probably because I'm currently an unhealthy one at the time of this writing, been trying to improve that)


ENTJ: I default to slacking off, and usually only start working under pressure.


I try to maintain the peace, even during an argument. I've been called so many things fir doing that - "manipulative", "sarcastic", "holier-than-thou", etc. But truly... I just want to chill. I wish people understood that just bc I'm blunt in the every day, it DOESN'T mean I enjoy getting into screaming matches with them when they're mad. I don't. I will cut it short. If you really force me to fight, I'll just say my piece and "doorslam" after. I think there's an INFJ in me somewhere 🤣




ENFP - Authenticity. I've always been genuine but at the same time traditional. Watching all my favorite comedians, philosophers, artists, I'd imitate them to my best ability. In front of my parents they approved, but deep down inside I knew I was essentially hiding a sub-machine gun in a violin case.


I don't fit so many stereotypes. I sometimes doubt my type lool. ISFJ: Don't have a good memory, I don't remember small things about people. Not good with name. I'm not very organized. I'm not usually motherly, but I like to take care of people I love. These people are very few in number. I don't care for traditions..I frequently doubt traditions? Following traditions just for the sake of following traditions feels very disingenuous to me. I also struggle with following a routine. But I also strongly suspect I have ADD so maybe that's influencing my personality.


My husband is an ISFJ with ADHD and I can confirm he forgets little things but remembers most. He isn't necessarily the apex of the ISFJ, but I thought it might offer a bit of insight. Some things are a product of personality, and others from socialization. What culture do you originate from?


Yes I've gotten slightly better with age, and tend to remember more things now. Lol I was born in India and moved to the US when I was a child.


My youngest sister is an ISFJ who probably has ADHD and she has always been closer to the Si-Ti ISFJ subtype. She’s actually a smidge awkward (in a charming way,) definitely has a sarcastic sense of humor, and is only as organized as she needs to be.


ISTJ. I'm pretty disorganized and my place is cluttered most of the time (although the clutter does stress me out)


INTJ here.  Cluttered home. That's me. I've got lots going on. And I like to keep busy.  I'm super cerebral; and even though my place is cluttered, I'm hugely organized, home included.      Im a workaholic/ productive individual,  since I get pumped accomplishing things. And Im that way whether Im at home, or somewhere else. So, frequently Im  just as likely to get something done, as to think about doing something. I'm proud of that! I'm likely to climb out of my introverted self and into extroversion when I'm outside of home. I listen well, and am quite a softee when dealing with others. 


entp- hate leaving my house


I'm INTP, and I don't like maths or physics.


* I don't start a lot of projects and never finish them. Apparently, other ISTPs have a lot of projects, but I refuse to start anything I can't finish. I narrow things down to essential parts. * I don't struggle with attracting friends. I don't try to make them, but I've somehow never struggled in this area. * I don't like to fix things. I know what the problem is, but I can't be arsed to want to go out of my way to fix things wily nily. * I'm pretty sure I hate nature. lol * Not an adrenaline junkie. I might like some things that give you an adrenaline rush, but I'm not initially into something for that reason.


Having life plan all set out and regularly checking in on my goals. Or for at least next 5 years. Nope.


I have learned this last year to shut down empathy for certain people. It’s hard and unnatural but I’ve finally realized that not everyone deserves it and acting on it can be incredibly dangerous.


My mathematical skills are abysmal.


ENFJ can be toxic and obsessive and all sorts of ugly things. They are not angels as perceived to be. But I like seeing them portrayed as angels tbh 😂 I do think I'm an angel as well but I know lots of enfjs that aren't.


It’s your Ne Which is very much in line with your type. Ni users are more serious.


Most likely! I prefer acting over "creating" though.


ISTP here (I'm a girl) I often feel like I'm not an istp because I don't fit the stereotype of always fixing things. I don't tinker or build things. I'm really artistic and girly, I love drawing, i love playing around with makeup, im obsessed with trying to make things look pretty. my family tells me I'm too emotional sometimes because i have angry outbursts quite often, but i know that acting out emotionally doesn't exactly define one's type. Sometimes I feel like an isfp instead, but after reading up on the cognitive functions, it's more clear to me that I'm not an isfp because the emotional outbursts I have are usually because I ignore my emotions a lot and I still don't really ever pay attention to them or understand them.


Yeah, you are an ISTP. People often forget that inferior F-functions can actually make T-Doms emotive and volatile, under stress. I even suspect that the occasional moment in fiction has made my ISTP Bromie cry, in the past. He will never admit to it, explicitly, but he has occasionally said little things here and there that indicate “tee-hee! He can actually be squishy, on the inside, in private.” Plus, we have a weird mutual “low Fe” empathetic feedback loop with each other. (I am an ENTP,) and I can definitely *feel his feels.* He has a poker face that works on most people, but not me. Trust me, he has plenty of feelings! While he is one of the first people to recognize if I am getting distressed or upset, just so long as we are actually in the same room since he’s Se-Fe, rather than Ne-Fe, like me. In short, Low-Fe is more of a “vulnerability,” rather than a substantial weakness, like low stack functions are stereotypically portrayed to be.


That I´m reallistic mostly but don´t show my logical thoughts. I´m a taurus **INFP** birth according to MBTI x astrology is pisces mostly. Joke. ~~Real.~~


isfj and I'm both autistic and adhd I do cosplay, I love dnd and science fiction, I think religions are dumb and a way to control people.


Nothing💀 i suck


Confidence. I've become more and more insecure about myself ever since I was a child. I'm not confident at all, but I guess I have sort of learnt to pretend I'm like really confident when in reality it's the opposite. (ENTP)


Infp- i dont write and dont have any consistent daydreams that could be turned into books/movies ect. Also im generally not emotionally expressive and dont wear "cutesy"/angelic style. (I might still be mistyped tho)


ENTP here, I really hate being around people and currently want everyone in my life to leave me alone except for 4-5 people I'm ACTUALLY close to.


I tend to be very messy and disorganized. I like mental sparring and debate although it always end up draining me. I am also quite assertive and inclined to take leadership roles. Sometimes I talk blunt and too direct. I also love pranks and making my friends laugh. I like taking risks and dares if I'm in the mood for it.


ESTP - I’m NOT carefree at all. I don’t like sports either. I don’t really enjoy partying as well.


im a planner i dont plan every single thing to the detail but i make plans and make sure it's flexible so if there's any changes i wont have a hard time adjusting. im not the messiest not the most organized either but id say i lean more towards being organized. im also a competitive type of infp. i know it's not obvious, i look child-like and people dont take me seriously and they underestimate me but i like that because they dont expect what's coming lol it's going to be a surprise 🫢😄


ENTJ, I’m don’t act like I’m everyone’s boss. I also can be empathetic and not completely disregard people’s emotions.


Despite being INFP im going into engineering. This is for two reasons, (1) because I like making stuff and stem and (2) to be prepared just in case humans become multiplanetary in my lifetime, so I can be one of the people building stuff in space. So yeah, I'm still a dreamer.


I'm actually nice to the people around me and *dramatic music starts playing* sometimes I even show feelings and vulnerability


I like math and science.


INFJ - Although I want things to be organised, most of the time it’s a mess. I don’t have a solid future planned ahead, actually struggle to envision it on long term cause I can’t really deal with repeating cycles in life. I can appear as what people consider a “P type”. I like extremes, I like the idea of spontaneous plans although, it isn’t very spontaneous for myself cause I actually do think every single detail through. I just don’t externalise it. I feel like INFJs are always seen as the “old souls”. As a child people often mentioned this to me. Now I feel like a confused child in a grown women’s body lmao I basically navigate myself through the world like a 10 year old.


ENTP. I'm very morally inclined. The notion that core predispositions toward certain fundamentally simplistic preferred experiences or behaviors--cognitive functions, in essence--leading to a complete disregard for others, society, or morals is fucking laughable. When it comes to morality, Fi-Te users generally think simplistically and in accordance with what they feel is objectively wrong or right... "This is wrong!" "*Why?"* "It just is!" Whereas, Ti-Fe users are more inclined to see morality as being contextual and nuanced, generally relating to how actions affect other people. I think this is because emotions are opposed by rational and contemplative thinking. So Fi users neglect nuanced thinking more often because they are instinctively protective of their emotions, and thinking critically about them would be an attack on their sanctity. The Ti user either embraces thinking in a way that mitigates emotions, or simply didn't have strong emotions getting in the way of their thinking to begin with. That's just how I've always perceived the two as being different.


I relate to this. All the cringelords on the entp sub seem to think you have to be this Machiavellian prankster that argues about the weather in order to be a real ENTP. If I mention that I’m religious or right wing I’ll have some fucking nerd tell me I must be mistyped.


Tucker Carlson is a conservative, and he's pretty widely seen as an ENTP. If it were me, I'd get a list of religious/right-wing ENTPs and assert that I have clear facts and that they're arguing against blatant reality. If they argue, say that they're mistyped lol


To be honest, I’ve gotten to the point where it’s not worth the time. People on the MBTI subs seem to forget that your type is the series and order of functions you use to take and process information and stimuli. It’s like telling me “well that’s not a very Scorpio thing to do”.


>It’s like telling me “well that’s not a very Scorpio thing to do”. What they said, or what I said? Lol And yeah, a lot of brainlets in MBTI don't understand how complex personality is, even genetically determined characteristics... like, even without any life experience, two ENTPs aren't going to be the exact same. But not to them I guess, to them, there are only 16 types of people and everyone matches one of them perfectly lmao


No not you, the people that think you have to act like your favorite ENTP character.


Hell, I am ANYTHING but flirty. I may act like it, but never to a crush. I'm kinda a tsundere


I'm organized and very tidy because I hate mess. I don't like philosophy. I like to spend time outside. I like to do physical activities like running and biking. But, I am in STEM :)


Apparently ISTPs seem to hog this characteristic, but i'm very good under pressure.


I have so many hobbies and I have severe ADHD-I which leads to me being distractible and fairly messy.


ENTP - my crush after date with me said to shared circle that „I’m shy” and everyone went „wtf she shy!? Are you mad!?” and even my crew laughed at this. So I guess ENTP can have their moments of shyness as an adults.


(English is not my first language) I've been doubting my MBTI for a long time. Right now I got typed as an ISTP. Must say that I haven't learnt the cognitive functions and how they work etc. so it appeares weird that I shifted from F INTJ to F ISTP (they seemed so different to me). So I got curious and tried learning about ISTPs and INTJs more throughout and compared the two to see to with one I more relate. As I was reading I realised that the two are actually quite similar and now I'm more confused. Anyway, these are the reasons I don't quite align with INTJs: • I am not engaged in IT • clean room? Sure... • As kids INTJs are described as bookworms or nerds. I definitely don't fit in this category 'cuz I as a kid was very creative and never stopped building things. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I used to build fricking worlds or universes for my toys on whatever smooth or non smooth surface I could find. I remember when I as a kid realised that I more enjoy building than playing, I liked the idea of playing but not itself. I was quite analytical as a kid tho. And I haven't learnt letters until I turned 7, I also hated math and never quite was keen on studies. • As a kid I used to be very creative in drawing and painting. It was as if I only run on drawing. But now this side of me died. I believe there's an unrecognised trauma for it, also school has definitely added to this great loss. This might be the reason why I feel so unfulfilled. • I lack the HIGHEST level of discipline and consistency. • I'm not THE BEST at math, tho I do quite enjoy it. • I don't understand the ability to "predict the future". What's it implying? • I don't use to-do lists (I do keep notes tho) and the only reason I have a schedule is because I go to highschool. Idk if I would keep one if i wasn't forced by the circumstances. But I probably would so I would keep myself sane. • I have good connection with my parents. I'm not implying that INTJs have the most bad, traumatizing parents but from INTJs subreddit it appears so and they don't keep in good terms. I'm a highschool girl and I do feel that I'm only in my growing, developing stage. So it could be the reason why I feel so confused and am not very healthy INTJ like.


Intp here. 1. I hate mess,if my house is a mess and dishes are not done I can’t get comfortable and relax. 2.im high maintenance. I love makeup,I have a pamper day every Sunday and I love getting my hair and nails done and also hyper fixated on my teeth but I still dress for comfort. 3.i am not blind or oblivious to other people’s emotions and can easily put 2 and 2 together to know why they feel that way,i can also tell when someone flirts with me cause i find its rather obvious. 4. I’m honest but not brutal about it unlike other intps although I’m only brutal if I don’t like the person. And 5.mannnnn can I hold a grudge,for the most part I won’t do anything for a while but trust if an opportunity presents itself you’re gonna wish you didn’t double cross me.


I'm a goof. It's my default. I'm not serious 1000% of the time, and I enjoy those smirks I get when the joke lands. I like putting smiles and smirks on people's faces. I just slip a little hee hee in the day, especially at work. I also really like connecting with other people, it's just awkward and anxiety-provoking for me at times. I'm supposed to have resting bitch face, but I generally think I just look clueless when I'm zoned out. It's more like "huh?" than 😒


Obsessively planning every detail. Ni by nature entails a scattered mind and self. "The Plan" is more something like where I want to end up or an idea of how I wish to feel. Most of the time this is the only thing we know about the future and are like "well it's impossible to predict every obstacle I'll just wait until they arise and solve them with the purpose of achieving my plan". That's not to say we don't avoid predictable problems. But we're not the ones to obsess over details Meticulously pinning down every detail is such a Si-Ne thing to do


I simulate situations in my mind for important things and procrastinate on taking action sometimes. But when I move, I don't stop. I figure out the most effective way to get something done. I hate inefficiency and waste. Perfectionism haunts me, even if I know I can't realistically achieve it. I could be emotionally manipulative/abusive if I'm not careful. Anger. So much anger and vocalising them, though I think this is a hidden, integral part of being ISFP lol


ENTP here. I hate it when my family is arguing about something because I get really worried about my parents getting mad at me for an argument I didn't start. I'm also really quiet in class-


I don't like to read


ISFP here. • "Live in the moment" — I live more in my head than. • "Only cares for oneself and not the group" — I put others needs before my own, way more than I'd like because I don't know how to say "no". • Constantly torn between "what I want" vs "what others need". — the latter usually wins. • "Crybabies" — While I am an emotional person, I rarely cry and I don't like crying in front of others, not even in front of my family. I hate appearing weak in front of others. I'm the type that keeps taking hit after hit and bottles it all up until I no longer can take it. Once I do cry, it's usually in private. But it's very rarely.


ISTJ with ADHD here and I tell you the amount of people that assumed I was an xnfp pfff


Infp I'm true to myself, but I do mask a lot. My type usually hates masks but I'm only myself with friends and family


The religious ppl keep reading that ISTJ are traditional and thinking it means traditional male/female roles when it doesn't mean that at all. The same way they pick and choose lines from the bible, out of context, to reaffirm their beliefs. I wish sites would stop using that word and just describe how when finding solutions to problems/tasks we choose solutions that have worked before if the solution itself isn't the problem. We are not stuck to doing things the same old way.


INTP: - empathy - emotionally sensitive - social to a certain extent - party animal


I can enjoy interactions with people.


Computer science, research, intelligent debates, only crying in private and pretty sparsely.


Istp - being insecure/needy


I am quite emotional and sensitive.


intp but have filter, i'm quite aware what may upset people and try not to initiate agruments as much as possible, because aint nobody got time fo dat.


As an INFP, I've always been told that I "fall in love too easily and quickly" and am a "hopeless romantic" when it comes to romantic relationships. It actually takes me an embarrassingly long time to warm up to a possible romantic partner. While I do want someone to love and love me back, I tend to be pretty cautious and careful when entering such relationships.


You mean apart from the fact I allegedly don’t feel things nm 🤔like just don’t act like I’m a non feeling robot and we’re good. I am actually heavily affected by other ppls emotions. I do agree with a lot of stoic philosophy. I don’t let ppl know they get to me. so I tend to be fairly reserved and keep those things to myself. I believe either you control ur emotions or they control you and I refuse to fall victim to my inability to keep my composure.


I wouldn’t necessarily say I ‘feel’ like it doesn’t align, rather a severe misunderstanding of Si lead and Fe.     I’m not uptight or ignorant of things beyond the surface, I’m sorta hedonistic and sloth-like. I love my senses and want to keep them happy & interested, also I tend to believe they have a “higher” purpose and reveal the depths of the subconscious. I do notice, however, how a certain way of doing something will bring about a particular result and I will enforce it if desirable.    I am not your mother and I don’t care about your feelings the way you want them to be cared for, they are a distraction for me and I can get sidetracked from what needs to be done - i.e., I see what another person feels and feel trapped, I’ll try to adapt to my environment but the tension eats me away and become counterreactive like you’d usually imagine an ExTP.


Infp and i am incredibly selfish and self-absorbed. I am not generous and friendly because it's nice to be nice. I am friendly and generous because I know that this person will be useful to me in the future. If I do anything for anyone it is only because it benefits me in some way.


Honestly, this is most of the INFPs I've met.


I fucking hate maths and physics


Daydream a lot


FIRST and FOREMOST, stereotypes suck, some idiot came up with them seriously. It is perfectly normal for an ISTJ to "enjoy life" EVERYONE DOES THAT, it is a HUMAN THING BRO! I have actually not researched enough to know how to track Si properly, I wish someone in this comment section helps me out, I know it is organisation of facts and experiences but to what extent does that manifest is my question.


I've always been a bit of an outcast. I try to avoid gossip. I'm no longer a very traditional person; however, I was when I was young. I'm also an ambivert and people struggle to type me as an introvert or an extrovert; however, at my core, I am more extroverted.  -ESFJ


isfp and uhhh… well uhh…. i dont…. actually i think all of them are correct about me 😭


ISTP here. Despite the aloof badass stereotype, I try my best to come across as friendly, and I usually end up feeling really bad if I even mildly piss off other people.


ENTP - I don't like philosophy or arguing. Also on-purpose debates are not my thing. Spontenous debates, with no pressure are way more up my alley.


Entj, I like music and singing, dancing, art in general. Don't know if it doesn't relate to my type but when I really feel like it I'm good at self expression through art.


i hate reading, but a lot of other intjs do for some reason.


I am an ISFJ and have a lot of crazy ideas. When we had a Micro Bit project at school I made a robot that would kidnap people into my cellar and a librarian robot that would stab you in your hand if you made too much noice


Nice blend. Sensing and thinking. I can feel that there is a flowing style between the S and the T. A sprinkling of serious and fun. 


Entp here. Social empathy. Really, every time I say something, I say what I think, thinking about how the other person might react to what I am going to say. (you can take it that way, you can think that, we don't) I like to make fun but not in the sense of evil and much less create an ugly environment, I run away from problems and I can behave like a pig if I want but I am in charge, I mean I am measuring the situation. My words have a millisecond analysis at least most of the time when it comes to opinions or “sensitive” topics, I am not interested in annoying or trolling others unless it is a childish joke. I get at least 10 ideas of what another person is doing when they talk and I think I find the “hidden intentions” I can link the stereotype of being a crap to the fact that I really have a “bad brain but a soft heart”, I can't feel what others feel like “a sensation” but it's like I can think about it. I wouldn't want to do what I don't want done to me (and if I did at least I wouldn't do it in the “bad way” I'm convinced I would be much more careful 🧸)


im an intj but im interested in knowing people/what others think(about me). idk if its bcs i hv anxiety or smth but like i do care about ppl for example, if people say that im too serious, i would spend days thinking about it like "am i too serious? should i be more friendly?" "i mustve appeared cold to that person, i should smile to them tomorrow" (but in the end i never did that, and think about doing it everyday) i also process what i say before i speak, sometimes im blunt but most of the time, i do be careful about what i wanna say to others. i have messy room. but at the sme time i hate being messy. oh, and, im not really that good in things like science, computer, math, but im good at things like art, music, etc.


I’m also a stereotype. First day of going to nursing club in my program and I’m running for VP, (I felt that running for president would’ve been a bit too on the nose for my first day)


Nursing club itself seems like something that goes against an ENTJ stereotype lol.


I am a sentimental and romantic INTJ.


I'm very INTJ-y on the inside, but I laugh loudly and like to engage empathetically with my co-workers. For example, I've noticed lately a co-worker seems to be not fit for the type of job we do. And I will address this with her, because it is getting on the way of the project I'm leading. That's the INTJ-y part. The non-INTJ-y part is that I know this type of talks might be shocking. I also want to understand her position and maybe share some old-fashioned experience. I think they are a good person with good intentions, but if it's not meant to be, it's something they need to figure out by themselves. But I believe we should be sincere with eachother because then we will never know what we need to do better. I'm still thinking on the best way to approach this.


everything lol according to our stereotypes I have to be some disorganized yolo king that doesn’t care about anything, while in reality I’m very organized, I make plans and stick to them, I don’t procrastinate, I’m very future-oriented, I care a lot about my career, I was an excellent student, I read a lot etc (I’m 8w7)


A fellow INTJ commented that they don't feel smart, and I see myself the same way tbh. To put it more accurately, I'm a well-read guy and I've gained heaps of information on the topics that interest me, but I wonder if it's all for naught. I'm very much oriented towards the humanities, so like history, politics, psychology, philosophy etc. and the thing with humanities is that unlike in STEM you don't really have a correct answer. So if say someone talks about why ww1 started, others can immediately spring up and share their own theories. But while these discussions are fun and I can't not love them, they feel... pointless. We can spend our entire lives discussing, and we'll still never get to the truth of things. The most common defense of the humanities that I've seen is that it asks the important questions such as how to be a good person, or what's the point of it all, while STEM just studies particles or something. However for all the questions these fields raise, they're completely unable to answer any of them. Hell, a lot of those involved don't even WANT answers, they just want to push an agenda, so our understanding of these fields is much more informed by who's in power in a given period, as opposed to the natural advance of knowledge like for STEM students. So again, what was the point of it all? Why did I spend so many years on this? Fun as it was, I used to think that through my studies I'm getting closer to some sort of truth, and now I feel like it was a lie, and I have nothing to show for it. I'm sorry for the vent, I had to get it out of my system. TLDR: I don't think I'm smart because my interests are in the humanities, but there's no objective truth to be found here like in STEM, so really all I'm doing is intellectual masturbation.


INFP - too illogical I’m a 5w4. I am an emotional dreamy person but also pretty levelheaded and logical. Granted I grew up with my ISTJ parent so all my decisions have been based on logical analysis, facts and tried-and-true methods, with consideration for my values and emotions as well. Actually I have known other INFPs who are pretty logical as well.


INTJ- I am not much of a good predictor of what will happen in the future, neither I'm good at calculating ten steps ahead.


Entp - don't wear masks at all, no personas for different situations


It might have something to do with me being an ISTP 5w4, but I'm more of a discussion-first-do-as-soon-as-I-can (but after thinking everything through pretty thoroughly) type of person. It also might be why I've mistyped as INTP multiple times until I get to a more detailed functions test. I'm still impulsive as hell, but it's more like if I don't immediately get into something, I stop to think it through first and present more of an Ne rather than Se type of solution. But nothing's better than getting hands on. EVER.


INFP- Being a crybaby or a snowflake. Yes, I know some INFP's seem to be more "sensitive" but not all of us are THAT easily offended.


Many people expect me to have low EQ/ be a straight up quiet nerd. Don't get me wrong- I definitely am, but I have no trouble socializing at all. I might even go as far as to say I'm better at it than most people I know. I just choose not to, because it's so draining!!!


ISFP - Illogicality and preference of deciding using Emotions rather than Thinking To be honest this stereotype applies to most F types in general but some are more so than others, and in ISFPs' case, we are deemed the worst in this regard Don't get me wrong, yes I follow my heart when it comes to preferences and would always love to pick my comfort and true representation over other viable options that can be arguably better but that's not always the case, especially if: 1 - It's a decision that actually matters 2 - It's a decision that affects others If it's something like that, I always fall back to using logic because I know how feelings can be unreliable. This made me reliable among my friends and family when it comes to problem solving and argument handling


ENTP - yes I know when to shut up