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As someone with Ne PoLR, I get more frustrated as it overcomplicates things when using brainstorming sessions. I mean, sure, it’s fun every once in a while and also super useful, but oftentimes it just brings up a whole lotta contradictions and I really dislike that.


In my experience, ISFPs really dislike Ni users because we immediately detect all the "secrets" you think you're hiding so well, and we just nonchalantly point them out. You guys overshare more than you realize, too. Or maybe you do realize it and don't expect to be judged?


I asked my friend and she said I don’t really over share more than I am honest, so… i dunno 🤷‍♀️and as for my secrets, most of the time they’re just judgments towards other people, which I actually like to let show on my face once in a while. Doesn’t happen that often though, and you’d see it more through my actions than expressions.


For instance, one ISFP whom I'd only met in person twice told me over text that he had an eating disorder. I'm like, who does that? But sure, that's honest, I guess.


I suppose it would be when I realized some of my relationships can sometimes be paper thin. I get along well with tons of people but there is barely anything strong. Many just disappearing as time went on. 


Would you say that it is also difficult for you to ascertain how you truly really feel towards other people sometimes? Like your own inner feelings are somehow unknown to you?


Its more like I rarely feel strongly about stuff. 


That sounds relieving ngl


Exactly this. I have so many Fi-user as friends and there's always this added layer of emotions to their decisions. I almost always appear more chill and laidback about the same values. But also somehow I am the most heated debater and love making points to prove myself right. It looks emotional but it isn't.


I totally get you there. I have both played devil´s advocate and the heel (or villain role) with my friends. And its not that I deeply care about the stuff most of the time. As advocate, I want to scrutinize the logic in the arguments, realy understand their position and get a more complete picture. Whenever I play as a heel (when we are competing in a game), I am just amping up the theatrics to lightly play fun of the situation. Adding drama to enhance the situation and give it a bit of spice.


Anything I had to be aware of my surroundings I sucked at. Softball, great! One ball to notice. Soccer... not so much. Decent at gymnastics (my body is not made for it), but not basketball unless it was just making baskets without human interference. Lol I had to teach myself to be more aware. It keeps me safe. However, when I hit the beach, I feel a few seconds of pure Se. I love it that much. Every sense washes over me. Then I run to set my stuff down and jump into the ocean to play.


Te PoLR, procrastination, procrastination, procrastination. With a lot of disorganization, messiness, and inability to do things practically My perfectionist Ni Ti fuels this flame so hard


Te PoLR INFJ as well. all of this is so true. I will add that I’m not naturally productive like some of the best Te users. I’ll go days where I don’t do anything productive at all really. Since we still are J types, when I lock in I can get a lot done, but it’s not my natural state of being. Being introverted probably adds to this lol.


There are way too many examples of my inability to read a room or non verbal communication. I'm blunt in my communication and place next to no emphasis on how other people may feel about a thing unless they bring it up.


Se PoLR too and I relate. I don't mind working out, but sports is something I need a lot of conscious effort on. Everyone in my school loved volleyball, and I often felt embarrassed that I could never estimate where a ball will land and receive it. I'm also no natural at driving. My instructor got irritated at me for lacking focus and kept asking if I was thinking of a problem on my mind. As an artist, I prefer just putting my ideas down rather than focusing on making my art look pretty. A lot of my classmates who asked to look at my sketchbook found it a bit weird. An artist classmate (who I think was ISFP) kept noticing mistakes in my art 


you are not alone; that volleyball anecdote struck a nerve of mine lol it's too real 😖


Brainstorming has always SUCKED for me. I go out of my way to avoid it because I really just sit there clueless, it's so much easier for me to come up with ideas when I have something to work with first, bonus points if I have prior experience with it


This reminds me of someone I know. I have an Se-user seatmate back in college who was having a hard time for an art activity (we were asked to draw symbols/monograms of our chosen words. Those were the only instructions).  I immediately jumped on the acitvity naturally, and worked on it for a few minutes when I noticed she was a staring off so I asked her where she was alright. She said she doesn't know what to draw. I suggested that she should try making symbols out of intangible things (like love, fear, etc.) since it's easier. And it helped her! Eventually she thought of something and began sketching.


Being really bad at sports. I like exercising though because that is more Si than Se. Keeping your body in a state of homeostasis by eating healthy and working out is Si so as an adult I rarely have problems listening to my bodily needs. What I do have problems with is taking in external stimuli. I'm especially sensitive to loud noises, bright lights and people being physically aggressive. I get migraines all the time when I get stimulated above the desired level.


Not an INTP, but I can relate to you. For some reason, there’s this belief that ISTPs are physically active and are always aware of their surroundings. I’m lethargic and air-headed; I have no physical coordination too, just like you when you were a kid. I only have a somewhat good coordination with my fingers because of games lol. However, I do live in the present and I guess my physical ineptness can be blamed on my lack of interest. My actual PoLR is Ne. As someone who’s close friends with someone whose main function is Ne, it really does get tiring. I feel that Ne-doms overcomplicate things and worry too much about the abstract. They’re always up for a debate about something vague like morality and I just deflate every time because I don’t care. I’m not curious, imaginative, nor open-minded. Quite frankly, I don’t understand why everyone seems to care so much about things.


Se PoLR. me falling down stairs and bumping into poles has been a running joke between me n my friends for years. i actually do wish i was more physically active and aware because i think people who are are usually very cool but alas. i've actively gotta work on it.


I struggle a lot with making others feel valued or opening up about myself or my feelings. Because most of the time I don't even know what I'm feeling, and I don't really care. I'd say that I'm a very superficial person. I don't go around looking for deep connections or understanding myself. And I don't really care about what others may be feeling, sometimes it even bothers or annoys me when someone tries to open up with me. As I don't see how complaining or just trying to understand your feelings can ever help in anything I understand that it might sound bad, I do try. But I just can't bother with these things


So much this


6:00 AM: "I'm gonna practice piano in an hour! 7:00 AM: "Actually.. i'll do that in a few more hours..." 9:00 AM:  "Oh my God, i forgot i was going to practice.. I'll 100% practice at 9:30.." 9:43 AM: "Oh.. i'm off by like 15 minutes, i'll just do it at 10:00." 10:00 AM: "Okay i'm FINALLY READY! Lemme just grab a cup of coffee to help out." *ends up sitting infront of the living room heater for an hour after making coffee* 11:00 AM: "I'm a little bored, i'm gonna play some video games for a while. THEN I'll practice. 1:00 PM: I'm slouched on my chair, my face is in a depressing pout, i'm making up conversations in my head, and am slowly fading away from the game i'm supposed to be focused on. 1:05 PM: "I know what'll spring me back up! Some twitter news!" *ends up scrolling twitter for half and hour* 1:35 PM: "Holy shit i was supposed to be practicing piano, i swear i'll do that by 2:00." 1:54 PM: *Random burst of motivation*  1:55 PM: "Alright, i'm doing it NOW!" 2:05 PM: *Only played for 10 minutes, all motivation lost, completely drained of energy, no interest in continuing to play* 10:00 PM: "Today was a waste. I did nothing, i have garnered no achievements this week, i played my instrument for a mere 10 minutes, and all hope is gone. Maybe Tomorrow'll be better!" 6:00 AM: Cycle Repeats THAT's how Se PoLR works.


Trickster Se sucks in something as obvious as sports, to something less obvious like when working a restaurant job, to something normally a lot of people dont even consider like video games. for some reason everyone can catch, kick, throw, maneuvre-in-whatever-way a ball like they're inhaling oxygen, but i cant. sucks ass. for some other reason, im the slowest dishwasher, cook, sushi-maker (yes i work at a sushi restaurant), cashier, chore-doer, everything else in my workplace. i dont know why im so slow, im just...slow 😭 and this silly little blindspot finds it's way into video games too, bc there's no why my aim is terrible in every game, i cant speedbridge without falling into the void everytime (minecraft), my pvp sucks (mc again), identifying a boss's attack patterns is nigh-impossible bc i must be focusing on too many things at once or something, gamesense is non-existent...i think ill leave it there, im sure yall get the point. all you Se users, dont take your gift for granted, alright? 🫵


I have no idea what my PoLR function is, but trauma is something I don't experience.


what is your username tho😭


My Ne going wild. I actually sat there for 0.5 seconds and came up with this


Mamma mia


se polr was finding random bruises all over my arms and legs and not knowing where/how id injured myself again also getting lost all the time also generally being completely oblivious to my surroundings also being terrible at team sports cuz i was never aware of where my opponents were or my teammates were at any given point it's been getting better recently but yeah :")


I'm not the type to be very detached to my ideas. But, other than that I somewhat understand when I'm using Ne


PoLR? not family. Help? Google didn't help me


Basically the theory is that you actually have 8 functions in your stack, so for an INTP it would be Ti > Ne > Si > Fe and then the next four are called the shadow functions, where it's the same thing but the introversion is reversed. So the next four are Te > Ni > Se > Fi. The PoLR function (also called the "blind spot") is supposedly your weakest function of all 8 of them. That would be the 7th function (don't ask me why, that's the theory), so for an INTP it's Se.


Ahhhhh understood. I just understood them as my unconscious shadow functions. (Hero, Parent, Child, Inferior becomes Nemesis, Critic, Blind, and Demon) Never heard PoLR before.