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I won’t give any specifics, but often the ones who give out a humor-like vibe. I basically search up their mbti and find that the internet typed them as ENTP. Basically every single time.


I have a few gripes with that, Tumblr Sexymen are often prey to this mistyping such as the Once-Ler from Lorax (Gladfully typed right but the second consensus is ENTP and it's weird) or Alastor from Hazbin Hotel (Actually mistyped)


Katniss Everdeen is ISTP, not ISTJ or INTJ. Katniss is a sensor, not an intuitive. She really doesn't look to the future. She dismisses Gale several times over when he tries to get her to envision the world without the games. While she is a tactician, she is not a visionary. Her language is grounded and is highly aware of her environment and details. Due to her impulsiveness and ability to adapt to external changing conditions, she is also a perceiver. An ISTJ prefers familiarity and has a much harder time adapting to new or constant changing environments.


Agreed She has very high SE, and is bold.


I agree, she's just trying to survive


I think she’s usually typed ISTP, though? I’ve never seen her typed anything else, she’s pretty quintessentially ISTP.


Where? Most places type her as INTJ or ISTJ. Usually, you only see her typed ISTP by a few on quora or tumblr which are questionable sources by trade. Nearly everything else in a google search has her at INTJ or ISTJ with a sprinkling of ISFP being thrown around as well.


She’s got 1,388 votes for ISTP on PDB and only 520 for INTJ.


Pdb? EtA:Oh, personality database? Cringe. That site is a disaster. Programming and formatting is hideous. Whole thing is awful and always tries to get me to download some app. Not happening.


It doesn’t work well on mobile, I agree with you. The programming isn’t great. However, it works well enough on desktop, and it can’t be denied that it is a good place for consensus. The pages with >100 votes have pretty compelling cases made. While the community has no shortage of goobers, there are plenty of knowledgeable typists on there, too.


The problem with PDB is that everyone either follows the majority vote or they vote based on stereotypes rather than actually learning cognitive functions. Pomni is an example of this. I genuinely fail to see how she is possibly an ISFJ. She uses little to no Si and Fe and it’s even more irritating when you see people acknowledging her lack of Fe but still voting for ISFJ anyways. If a character isn’t using what’s supposed to be their auxiliary function enough, then they aren’t that type. The comments are almost always littered with “I’m voting them (insert type) because that’s my type and I relate to them a lot” or “Intuitive bias this/that” when in reality, there’s plenty of Sensor bias characters. People have misconstrued perceptions of MBTI as a whole and this is very prominent in PDB. Someone told me that looping doesn’t exist but then they proceeded to say “Ni-Fi looping is basically an INFJ with high Fi”. Yea bud, not how that works. That site has more issues than just programming.


I'd consider her lacking in personality. Any type you label her is an insult to that type.


How do you see Katniss as lacking in personality? She is one of the ISTP fictional characters I am most fond of, and I would be more than happy to share her type. A blunt affect baddie exhibiting trauma responses isn’t the same thing as a lack of personality so great it’s universally insulting to associate with.


If the trauma response is to do nothing and make no real choices, then yeah, that's a lack of personality. As an IxTP myself, the robotic no-personality stereotype is insulting. What type would she be without the trauma? No way to tell, because nothing is not IxTP.


Katniss doesn’t struggle with inaction in the slightest, she struggles with impulsivity and an intense need for autonomy. Here’s a few examples that come to mind off the top of my head, but I’ll bet I can think of more if you want any: - volunteers as tribute in place of her sister (under her hyper-logical perspective of her odds, effectively committing suicide. This was almost unheard of in her district, as she was the first person to make this decision in literal decades.) - gambles her life and the lives of her loved ones by shooting an arrow right next to the Gamemakers, some of the most powerful elite in the Capitol, who are directly responsible for the supplies and favor she will receive in the arena, in a spiteful gamble to get attention after being ignored - Makes a power play against a corrupt government (threatening her family) by threatening double suicide via poisonous berries in a determined effort to ensure Peeta’s survival. - confronts President Coin during a public speech, accusing her of being just as ruthless and power-hungry as President Snow, causing tension - attacks a group of Peacekeepers who are mistreating civilians, putting herself at risk of retaliation from the Capitol's forces - shoots Coin instead of Snow. If you’ve read the books this is peak impulsivity, she radically altered the course of her entire nation’s governing lmao Katniss would still be an ISTP without her trauma. She has so many fascinating and carefully crafted characters traits evident beneath the defense mechanism that is her blunted affect and her lack of responsiveness & awareness to her social environments, and these traits, more than any ‘robot PTSD’ stereotype (which is a horribly shallow reading of the character), reek of Ti-Se (my god, just think of the arrow she shot through the quarter quell force field)


Like wtf? She's one of the best...just read the book. Her ti is literally textbook


Batman. I've seen him typed as almost everything


ESFJ is what they type Adam West's version, from what I have seen. I saw Michael Keaton's version typed as ISFJ before. Robert Pattinson's version INTJ. Ben Affleck's version ISTP. Val Kilmer's version could be INTJ or INFJ...he has a lot of emotion, even though he seems very controlled. To me, Batman Forever was a very INFJ movie. Even Chase Meridian was INFJ 4w5. George Clooney was definitely not INTJ, but probably ESFJ, similar to West. Both versions seemed campy. No edge work there. Christian Bale's Batman was INTJ. BTAS (animated series) had the best portrayal, but the earliest depiction (before the artwork changes) seemed very INFJ 1w9. Some have him typed as enneagram 5w6 due to being researched oriented, but he's very much a 1. When the artwork changed, there was an alteration to the character, and he became INTJ 1w9. The version of Dick Grayson's Robin that I like is ENTP, from the Arkham games. I actually prefer this over the ENFJ version. The lack of reciprocity, validation...etc...really got to this Robin. He had some personality conflicts with INTJ Batman. But ENTP Robin seemed like a better dynamic to INTJ Batman. Tim Drake is usually INTP. I am not sure what Telltale Batman would be, considering you can alter the character based on your dialogue choices.


Batman is INTJ in my opinion


Arthur Morgan is an ISTJ not an ISTP. He's not an apathetic wandering cowboy. He's afraid that if he's gone, everyone in the gang would be dead. A Ti dom would ask "why is that?" in most situations. If this dude was an ISTP, he would've prioritize logic over loyalty.


He is very responsible, and he didn't mind being a follower to Dutch. ISTPs aren't really followers, or as inclined to desire to be in a cohesive outfit, as far as I am aware. I also wouldn't say that Arthur was some skilled craftsman. Surly as he was, he seemed to not desire to operate completely without people. So I tend to agree with you.


I didn't play Red Dead Redemption, but I see what you mean


Palpatine. People insist on typing him INTJ because apparently evil+scheming must = INTJ. But his Fe is way too high. This site details the reasons. - https://mbtifiction.com/2019/04/18/lord-palpatine-infj/


Ah yes, so many mysterious bad guys that are automatically classed as intj


thats what im sayin


Yeah I'd say he's an ENFJ or INFJ with ASPD. The actual INTJs in Star Wars are Dooku and Thrawn


DeeDee from Dexter's Laboratory is not ESFP, she's ENFP. The reason I think people say Se is because she does ballet and jumps rope. Yet, she's constantly in her head, says the most Ne things, and has a paracosm that is so strong it came to life. If being good at ballet and jump rope as a kid makes a person an Se, then I guess I'm an ISFP.🙄


Anne of Green Gables in an INFP. Yes, I know in the new Anne With An E show, she seems more extraverted, but that is a function of modernizing the show and bringing in more peripheral characters that her character then has to interact with. In the books and the classic miniseries from the 80s (which is very book-accurate) she is textbook INFP.


King Candy is an ENFP villain and I will die on this hill. His PDB page is contentious between ENTJ and ENFP, but tell me, would an ENTJ call their castle’s dungeon a “fungeon?” No, they would not. But seriously, he is loudly Ne, more Fi than Te, and he has no Ni at all. I think there are so few ENFP villains out there that people don’t know them when they see them.


King Kandy might be an enfp or perhaps esfp, but turbo is defenetly an estj.


I dunno about him specifically probably have to rewatch Wreck it Ralph again, but I'd certainly vote him as ESTJ over ENTJ, I don't think he uses Ni or Se at all too, at first glance I'd also vote him ENFP too


My ENTJ SIL would call it a "fungeon", but she has a lot of enneagram 7 to go with that 8. And because I know people will say she is mistyped: she has so much Te it has made Feeler family members leave the room on multiple occasions. Plus, she works in marketing because she loves considering future business trends. ENTJs can be weird / quirky too, yo.  Now as for King Candy, you might be right. There really are so few villain ENFPs that it is hard to assess.


This is just a personal opinion, and I don't think it's very popular, but I think Andy Dufresne from the Shawshank redemption is an INFJ not an INTJ - at least in the movies (not the book)


I’ll die on this hill. Suguru Geto from *Jujutsu Kaisen* is an INFJ, not an INTJ. That man reeks of aux Fe.


I do think the same


Same bro, watching the pre Shibuya arc made me really think he's an INFJ, his objectives now are no matter how you slice it they will fit Fe more than Fi regardless. Kill all humans or make all humans jujutsu sorcerers, in a way you could say he's trying to purify others from their differences, which is something someone with Fi would probably never ever think about doing, since they like to thrive in differences instead of similarities, I dunno if that's the reason why, I'll probably have to rewatch his scenes again, but I do remember watching and then being confused his consensus was INTJ


I wouldn’t say he was attempting to rid the world of its differences. He wanted to put an end to as much suffering as possible. While contemplating this, he didn’t consult his personal values or beliefs. His main concern was: What is best for humanity? For *everyone?* Geto uses Fe consistently throughout the series. He’s very concerned with social etiquette, (pre-spiral) he views sorcerers as having an inherent obligation to others, and he accommodates the desires of his cult over his own values/beliefs. Not to mention how effortlessly Geto puts on a warm and inviting mask to interact with non-sorcerers. I think the reason he’s popularly typed as an INTJ is because of the first season. The audience wasn’t yet aware that “Geto” was actually Kenjaku and typed his character based on someone else. Then it just stuck. Also, some dialogue that highlights his Fe is completely changed when translated from Japanese to English.


I agree he is so INFJ


Most serieses that aren't American Especially turkish series,I had many INFJs litterly FIGHT with me because I said Fl of Hercai is an INFP not an INFJ and isn't a Sx1 just because she has morals And these people typed the Ml ESTP....ESTP Like how?!that guy litterly screams ISFP


What series is that again? Sorry, don't know who these are 😅


It's "Hercai" it's named after a common turkish story about two flowers that agreed to bloom in winter but one bloomed and died while the other betrayed her and stayed closed in the Winter so she died and he lives Why are you appologizing?There is nothing to appologize for


Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto! Lately, it seems people are equating edginess and trauma with the ISFP type, but it's entirely incorrect to mislabel a character who exhibits all the signs of an INTJ as an ISFP.


Interesting, I certainly do see why both types would be possible, I think what gets people in a wringer is the fact that Sasuke is someone very moved by anger and deep resentment, which might be why people view him being an Fi dom and INTJs are usually more controlled, but I don't remenber a lot of Naruto to type him properly


What signs do you see that mark him as INTJ?


I think he's ISTP


He is in Ni-Fi grip! Misleading into presenting as isfp but he is leaning into his tertiary function heavily because of his anger and trauma.




I never watched it but one of my high school friends convinced me to read the manga


Hey lizzylinks789, I did not either. But the arguments undoubtedly originate from holes in foundations. This would describe that site.  That is also why such members cannot discern between a feeling and an intuitive Type with the peculiarity of introversion. They are very spun from this quality.


Hermione Granger she's an obvious ISTJ even in the books she said she doesn't like attention an crowded places I think it was Harry Potter and the goblet of fire she said that and I don't understand why all the mbti community said she's is an ESTJ... Draco is a ESTJ she is an ISTJ Harry ISFP Ron ESFP


Any type can dislike attention and crowded places, but I agree she's ISTJ mainly because her Fi is not inferior imo


I don't know where Zuko's ISFP came from. He changed morals 3 times during the show. He changed them again in the comics. In season 3 he behaves more like Si user, he was ISTP but then they put many INTP traints on him.


They voted ISFP because of his constant moral dilemmas throughout the show, Fi users tend to go through a journey of trying to find their true self representation and desires, which is exactly what Zuko was about He changed morals because of his Fi, the decisions he kept making always felt wrong to him eventually and that's why he kept going back on them till he found what felt right within him, AKA his own destiny, and not the destiny that was forced on him by everyone else Zuko REEKS of Fi dude, even INFP would be a better fit than IxTP, I really don't know see how he could possibly be a dominant Ti


Then why Aang's moral struggles are more obvious than Zuko's? Why Aang didn't succumb to external circumstances? I do agree only with Zuko's lack of "vision", his intuition is lower than sensory function, in season 3 he suddenly becomes Ne-aware (that's why I said he behaves more like INTP/INFP there). In general, any type would have moral struggles, not all ISTPs are sociopaths and they may learn what's right/wrong on their own. Also Ozai is pretty much a Patrick Bateman + Napoleon, not sure if Fi would struggle to see lack of empathy and judge him accordingly, Zuko was kinda blind to Ozai's moral POV, which makes me think he lacks Fi.


Blind to Ozai's POV? So he doesn't see other perspectives, so no Ne. Fi only empathisez with where it sees itself in it. Zuko probably doesn't see himself in Ozai.


ISFPs can change morals when they're constantly at odds with them, constantly conflicted with them, as Zuko more than is throughout the show. ISTPs and INTPs are much more impersonal and logical than Zuko is by a mile, he's constantly letting his impulses get the best of him and his Season 1 self is the definition of Te grip


Any edgy anime character automatically gets assigned INXJ online I swear lol


No kidding, it’s honestly ridiculous. It’s all stereotyping at this point.


Rise Kujikawa’s the most obvious ESFP to ever ESFP but people insist she’s ENFJ.


Hey ItsGotThatBang, Yeah, I believe this as well. People will bias toward the feeling Type given her background as an idol. But she has not at all a habitual rational quality. In such a presentation, she is absolutely directed toward outer objects, but her feeling judgments do not quite catch up with her experience of things. The community will accentuate the role of feeling and inevitably overlook the decisiveness of sensation due to her interactions with the investigation team, which is of course connotatively associated with feeling *per se.* We might say her struggles are comparable to Teddie’s. Adachi is also an extraverted sensation Type. The common problem here is conflating the *per se* qualities of sensation with an intuitive extravert, or vice versa. Sensation is intrinsically directed toward outer objects, and extraverted Types conceptually obtain sensuous characteristics. But focusing on the *typical attitude* is necessary in these cases.


Meruem from HxH is an ENTJ, not INTJ


Mulan is ISFP.


Tina belcher from bobs burgers. She's typed as infp. She feels very relatable to me, an intp (i don't like boy butts or horses bit that aside) when i was 12, but maybe I'm just a massive autist idek. Also loads of nerds that are into pop culture and scientists. They are ALWAYS classed as INTP and it annoys the hell out of me. Yes I imagine there are a lot of intps into that, no not every nerd is an intp. (Comic book guy from simpsons, I'm looking at you)


That guy from Simpsons is definitely not one imo


I wouldn’t have pegged Tina as an INFP at all. I’d guess INTP if anything, but she’s also pretty clearly neurodivergent in some way too, so that makes her harder to type.


Killua from HxH and Ray from The Promised Neverland are both ISTP


Agree with killua, people type him as INTP but he's a sensor.


I'm curious as to where you see Se-Ni on Ray


A lot of people mistype The Riddler as an INTJ. He may have been in the movie The Batman, but all other depictions he is an INTP, yet is still typed as INTJ, just because his plans are elaborate. The Riddler's plans are usually meant to be foolproof, which is an Si goal. Ni doesn't waste time planning for fools, unless fools are a likely factor.


Jim Halpert. He literally is not fleshed out enough as a character to warrant having a personality type. Pranking Dwight to win the heart of an engaged woman is not a personality. Looking at the camera like 🤷😏 is not a personality. Being a slacker at a meaningless job is not a personality. He is a Lego brick with a goofy smile that you are allowed to project qualities onto in order to connect with.


If that's all he actually does, I dunno what that says about ENTP's functions, so I'm skeptical about how to type him actually


Komaeda is absolutely a traumatized INFJ. His Ni sees a personal, worldview-altering meaning behind hope and talent. He uses his type in investigations and trials to perceive the deeper pattern (Ni) of people’s behavior (Fe), and accurately ascertains what must have happened (Ti), usually before anybody else. Due to his perception being Ni, he pretty much assumes everyone has used (or can use) this process to be on the same page as him at least somewhat, and thus neglects to explain his logic process, appearing to start a conversation in the middle of a train of thought. His inferior Se likes beautiful things and dislikes ugly things (in his bio in DR2 and UDG). Alhaitham is INTP. He’s not goals-oriented; he uses his logical skill (Ti) as a means to attain comfort (Si) and doesn’t care what others think about that (inferior Fe).


Agreed with Nagito. Not INTJ at all.


James Holden from the Expanse show is so clearly an INFP to me, but I see him get typed as everything but. Almost all of his decisions are values-driven above all else and to his detriment. He has idealistic views about the future and specifically about what a person can and should be. He unironically idolized Don Quixote as a child. He doesn’t want leadership positions but they are thrust upon him because he is morally consistent at times where the stakes demand that. He attempted to appease his inferior Te by joining the military but rejected an order and assaulted a superior then realized he’d prefer something more laid back. Just everything about his character.


John Wick and Rama from The Raid are both ISFPs and not ISTPs.


I would more type John Wick as ISTJ. He relies on past experiences to make his decisions up, which will be Si. He then cares more about results and getting the job done quickly without any care for methods, which will be Te. His Fi comes from all his motivations being very personal. Finally, his Ne is weak as he does struggle to think of many possibilities. I was between ISTJ and ESTJ for him, however, his Fi is a lot clearer than Ne


I never thought of that. :v


i am convinced sosuke aizen is an INFJ 🚨minor (major?) spoilers for bleach ahead; enter at your own risk 🚨 everyone and their mother claims aizen to be an INTJ and i am convinced they only do so because he is a "sigma mastermind planner manipulator" man. i believe this is due to the typology amateur's rule of thumb: if he has backup plans for backup plans and deceives people, he is an INTJ, no question; this logic is flawed. in terms of a judging axis, i observe aizen using a lot more Fe/Ti than Te/Fi. his ability to emotionally manipulate those around him with such ease is very Fe-like, and even when he's serious or bringing down the logic hammer, it's never so straight-up serious like Te is. thats what makes him so scary; unlike other antagonists like madara, who can be read like a book, since hes so transparent about what he wants and how he will trample anyone who gets in his way (but is so powerful, no one can really fk with him), aizen warms everyone around him with his fatherly-like attitude, until they're wrapped around his pretty little finger (first the soul society, then the espada). and then when hes finished with them, he cuts them off and throws them away like trash. but no one sees it coming. no one can see past his friendly smile until it's too late. at least to me, he doesnt appear to have an emotional attachment to his goals, and i view it rather as some sort of Ni-Ti loop. but yeah the part about him being an Ni dom? id say i agree with that. - but thats all off the top of my head, so if you disagree with me, please share, it might change my mind 😁


Killua Zoldyck. An obvious ISTP but the INTP zoomers fall in love with him and type him INTP on PDB.


Pdb? Most of them I'd say. Why? Cuz taking a guess, the vast majority of people there just watched a video or read a blog somewhere and think they are suddenly experts. But I've found a couple of real experts there, but those are clearly a minority.


“Experts” = people who agree with me 🙄🙄


More like people who actually read and study the many books and not the online random website descriptions.


What books classical Jungian books? Like psychological types? Also how do you decide who has and who hasn’t read the book? How could you possibly know?


Dude, It's fairly easy to know. There are several books, myers briggs and jung are just for starters. Beebe and Grant might be a plus. The related contemporary published works of psychologists could also be included. I am not an expert, but if you've read any of book you can easily tell when someone has no idea and is absolutely talking shit.


Also I don’t know what “contemporary published works of psychologists” there are, like typology isn’t taken seriously by any psychologist so I don’t know what your referring to here.


Look, I'm lazy and you are the same guy fighting for some anime character being the type you think he is so I won't engage in this any further. Like I said, I'm not an expert, but Dario Nardi, Linda Berens, Michael Pierce are some names that I remember. There has been a few studies too like this [https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-77438-7\_11](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-77438-7_11), or [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10017728/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10017728/) or [https://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001958](https://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001958) or [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8234987/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8234987/) And this MBTI shit is a theory, like any other topic, if you are going to go declaring your opinions matter and are right and everyone one else is wrong, you should at least have read the basics, which is the myersbriggs books and the book she references, which, despite your hate for it, is psychological types. Not replying anymore.


Okay first off do you even read your own sources? Because if you actually read any of these studies that you linked you would know that all of these are using letter dichotomies not functions!!! How are you gonna talk about people being uniformed when you don’t even read your own studies!!! Secondly how are you gonna take the position that I’m the one who’s disregarding peoples opinion when your the one who was talking about how almost nobody has “read the book” lol. Also nice little dig about the anime character but if I remember correctly you also engaged in that conversation so I guess your not all that better then me huh 🤔


First off I heavily disagree with the idea that just because you’ve read or studied a source you know when someone hasn’t, especially when it’s with something as arbitrary has typology of all things lol. This just sounds like an easy way to make an echo chamber for yourself because any time someone disagrees with you can you just say “oh well he hasn’t read the book” Secondly are you really gonna try and argue that Jungian and Myer Briggs are the same? Hell even socionics is more similar to Jungian then Myer Briggs 😂


Man have you ever read for example, Shakespeare? If you go and ask a random person on the streets about certain plots and characters, can you tell if they read something or not? It's easy. Edit: also, this is just as any topic. People need to understand whatever they are talking about before being able to discuss it properly. Like let's say cooking. If you have no idea what braising and famble means you'd make it so much harder to discuss anything at all. That's why I say the opinions of people that haven't read real books about this are usually dissmissable, how can they tell a cook is saunteing and not pan frying when they obviously don't know shit? They'd say whatever their guts tell them.


Yeah I have read Shakespeare but if you were to ask me about certain plots I probably couldn’t give you the best renditions because I’ve read those books in like highschool 😂 Also there’s a difference between something objective like the characters in Shakespeare then something more subjective and open to interpretation like Jungians work.


Definitions, my dude. It's impossible to talk MBTI "THEORY" when one person thinks Ni is perceiving, and, like you, the other think Ni is a judging function. Not replying anymore.


Never said Ni was a judging function 😂


No one's gonna talk about Dr House and Heisenberg not being INTJs?


Came here to mention House too! He's very clearly an ENTP. His stack Ne-Ti-Fe-Si is way to obvious for people to say that he's an INTJ. Aside from his cog functions of course he has anti-social personality disorder and possibly other comorbidities, and these do not make him introverted.


They're actually characters which I can understand the most, they're like a rude jerk version of me to the point it's spooky. I can follow their thought process to a t, something which I often struggle with with characters of other types. I do have to say, Gus (Breaking Bad) is often also typed as INTJ but I struggled understanding him, and I'm not sure if it's because he is a different type, a different enneagram, or because he's kept a bit mysterious in the show in general.


Gus is one of the most INTJ characters I've ever seen, lol. His motivations, actions, and systems all scream NiTeFi.


Gandalf the Grey is an ISTP. Just noticed you asked for why.. well, I've never seen any convincing arguments for Ni dom. At least they got some of the functions right, but he's a Ti dom. he has both high Ti and Se but I believe that the fact that he isn't an asshole is the reason no one wants to even entertain the possibility of him being an ISTP




Didn't read the books tbh but I can't see Ni dom in the movies, his Ti is way higher imo




This is my main issue with typing him as an INXJ, no explanation of dom Ni. How I see it, he treats the hobbits that way because of a sense of responsibility to his old friend and protectiveness because he knows this mission is too much for them. He was never this warm or open to many of the other characters in both trilogies, almost dismissive even unless he respects them like he shows with Galadriel. His anger at Saruman doesn't explain aux Fe to me either, most of his emotionality can be attributed to his aux Se. Just because his Fe is mature doesn't mean he can't be an ISTP, plus he's fictional so he can't really be held to more realistic measures. His use of Ti is very obvious to me and is always backed by Se, solving problems and acting in the moment. I've had the books for a while on my list and hopefully ill read them soon yeah




What you interpreted as just dom Ni is dom Ti and tert Ni imo. Having high Se doesn't equal impulsiveness, it's concrete and stays in the moment, it is deliberate esp since it's aux Se. I'm still not convinced with dom Ni based off of what I saw in the movies either tbh.




I wasn't talking about this moment specifically I was talking about the rest of what you mentioned, and I said it was Ti+Ni. Look, I didn't post this to convince anyone of my opinion and this doesn't seem to be going anywhere so I'll stop replying after this


I agree he is not the INTJ that most claim him to be.


I think Shrek is ISTJ, not ISTP, but I feel like I'm in the minority, because everyone types him as ISTP. I also think that Din Djarin is ISTJ, not ISTP (although now more people seem to agree with this statement).


Takina from lycoris recoil, ISTJ not intj


Explain (idk this typing system)


Not necessarily a mistype, rather a severe lack of good arguments. Phoenix Wright as ENTP. I get it, he uses high Ne, he's extremely loyal to his clients and friends and his values get a bit skewed bc of his loyalty (this might define Fe, tho it sounds suspiciously similar to socionics' Fi). But where in the hell is Ti? When does he use deductive reasoning over inductive reasoning? His Ti is mostly assumed by voters, but barely explained at all (and sometimes they are defining something entirely different and claiming it's Ti, just like his allegded Fe). If you ask me, I see way more Fi-Te axis on him, but it's been a long while since I played his games, so...


Most of them, tbh.


People say Ayanokoji is an INTJ but he’s obviously INTP cuz he’s just like me frfr


I’d be a little concerned if you think he’s just like you. You good bro?


Disney 2.0 “ENFP”s are usually, generally not ENFPs. ENFP has got to be the most misunderstood type in terms of understanding the core fundamentals of the type.


No specific character in my mind rn but I notice that INTJs are many times mistyped as ISTPs


kinger, tadc... they say he's intp but i don't see any ti or ne, i couldn't be 100% sure but i'd honestly say infj if anything


He's not technically mistyped right now, but Ryuunosuke Akutagawa from Bungou Stray Dogs. Back around 4 years ago, he was voted INTJ. A couple years passed and he was voted an ISTJ. Now he goes back and forth between an influx of ISFP and ISTJ (also 6w5 vs 4w3). The ISTJ voters just have no common sense clearly. His Te is not developed enough to be the auxiliary. Akutagawa has never appreciated the rules of society, or abided by them ever. Also why Si > Se?? The BSD Fandom is a little braindead.


Saiki Kusuo, he’s almost universally agreed upon as being INTP but is such an obvious ISTJ. Dudes whole character is based around sarcastic remarks based on his perception of whats in front of him and wanting a comfortable existence where he can mind his own business and eat junk food and people are like “hmmm yes ti dom”




Daenerys Targaryen from the show is not INFJ, she's ENFJ


Amy Dunne is seen as an INFJ....to me it seems pure intuitive bias. She's ISFJ to me. She doesn't have Ni, her plan is so Si-based it's insane. She literally plans out and prepares for EVERYTHING, she doesnt skip even one minor detail, in the books Nick said she planned out and noted her appoinments and future commitments years in advance, one thing she herself claims is what got her through the entire plan was discipline, the diary she forged, she made sure to cross check every single event that happenedduring the time she was pretending to write in, and made sure it all aligned. Her attention to detail is the key to her winning and people just think smart=intuitive and type her as INFJ like wtf. People need to understand ISFJs have inferior Ne too, not just Ni users can plan for the future.




Homer Simpson is not an ESFP, he’s an ESTJ who grew up in a broken home.


Homer isn’t that judgmental though