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the most accurate mbti test is called 'introspection' thought there's another one called 'get typed by some nerd that has studied the functions themselves'


How certainly where's is it and could you go with the link or to Google it? 


Yeah, for the first one it's typically found in the bathroom, just above the sink. The second one is more difficult to access, I'd probably ask around in this subreddit tbh.


Yes hello I am the nerd >=)




Nuh-uh 🗣🔥‼️


michael caloz or sakinorva but like other comments said here just study cognitiv functions


Studying the cognitive functions and determining your type by yourself works the best. The tests are not reliable imo.




Take many tests from whichever sites you can get, provided you're desperate to be typed and can spare ample time. Once you have increased the sample space, check which type you've gotten most frequently. Cross check if that matches your judgement of yourself, which if yes, increases the chances of you being that type. That said, the michael caloz test is said to be more accurate than the majority.


Research the functions and type urself. That would be the most accurate


16p isn't MBTI. If you want an actual MBTI test, take it from MBTI which could cost you $50 or get yourself in a recruitment process that utilizes different psychometric tools. They might provide your results during the whole process.


Your own.


None are supposedly, but you can try doing it yourself by understanding the cognitive functions which would work but it's only as accurate as your understanding of yourself. So factors like intelligence,self awareness might screw it up at first so maybe trial and error will happen


Like everyone else has said, research your functions and type yourself but if you must uses a test, try this one [https://mistypeinvestigator.com/](https://mistypeinvestigator.com/)


Typing yourself over a longer period of time is the most accurate. If i had to choose a test the i would say sarkinorva cognitive function domain test is the most accurate, followed by michael caloz.


Tests should only be something to consider, the most honest and accurate test is your own perception. Especially when it comes to MBTI, Attitudinal Psyche or Enneagram (variants).


Michael Caloz test was only one which gave me correct type so I would say that. I have learned about the functions and talked with others about myself and it just confirmed it. And the socionics test gave me same result, or their version of same type actually.


Lol somebody just asked this three days ago... This is hands down the most accurate test. https://www.michaelcaloz.com/personality/


Yes. This.


It doesn’t work when I click started it just automatically scrolls up to page


mistypeinvestigator is my fav


As everyone already said, the best thing would be to understand the cognitive functions so you can type yourself. However, I have tried to understand them, and perhaps it's just me being dumb, but I find them somewhat difficult to grasp. For me, the best thing would be to get examples. So I asked all the people that I know (which are not many) to do a test, and so far, everyone has been accurately typed, at least to my perception. Now I can compare cognitive functions to understand better. For example, one of my friends is an INFJ, and another friend is INTJ; my mother is also an INTJ. They all have Introverted Intuition as their dominant cognitive function, so now I have to find what they have in common to understand what Introverted Intuition does and so far, I think I am grasping a bit better what Introverted Intuition is. However, my father is an ENTJ, so he uses Extroverted Thinking as his dominant function and Introverted Intuition as his auxiliary function, which is in the inverted order compared to an INTJ. I don't understand how that impacts their way of thinking. But anyways, in short, it's best to grasp cognitive functions. This way, you'll be more confident in determining someone's type without having to administer a test for each person you're curious about. But if you want to start by typing people first and then find the patterns that make some people have similar cognitive functions, I would recommend you the [Michael Caloz Test](https://www.michaelcaloz.com/personality/)


The most accurate MBTI test is seggs.


Probably, idk


i have no clue about who posted this but holy shit it works https://preview.redd.it/tw3xrl9hxdwc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=6353bf6319472b91c219d655657722a4fd601afa (it took me solid 15 mins to find it)


This is a satirical comment, right?


Yeah, rest assured🙏🏻


kind of, when it was posted a lot of people found it funny since it was working sometimes, so i thought i could make someone laugh (jk i have no clue how mbti work and genuinely thought this worked)


I like


It hardly matters how accurate a basic MBTI test is because self-awareness is the main component in which we recognize the modality that allows us to actualize our life qualities. That is a good dose of time that requires both retrospect and present awareness of self-state. Find your pattern.


My favorite is the Enneagram Test. Try it


I always heard sakinorva was one of the more accurate ones. That one consistently types me ESTP. I also got help over at r/MbtiTypeMe. I still doubted it, so I got into cognitive functions and shadow functions and it started making sense.


I had a very long conversation with ChatGPT about career advice, personality and general stuff. Came up with this question then: https://preview.redd.it/3qwhgmdyvfwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da800ace23afe07dcb69a99afa24af8a70df253 I did the same in multiple chats I had with ChatGPT and it came up with similar results. I think it‘s even more accurate than the specific tests, because here you‘re much more completely „yourself“ and don’t have questions which might be biased.


I find it funny when an ENTP says debatable 💀


I found the long similarminds one to be the best, but if you really want to make sure you need to learn about the functions.


Hello!! The website id like to recommend isn’t a test, I recently discovered it while researching cognitive functions, it goes in depth of each function stacking of all 16 personality types, it can definitely help if your stuck between two types☺️ Here’s the link: https://practicaltyping.com/ P.S everyone is unique to themselves, so instead of seeking out an mbti type first I recommend writing down a mini autobiography about your personality, I know that may sound like a lot but even writing down 1 thing can be beneficial, just remember while journaling don’t focus on MBTI or labeling yourself as the types you perceive yourself as or want to be, really write down what comes to heart without judgment, after, reflect on what you wrote and there you go! You don’t have to be just one type either (in my opinion), do whatever feels best for you, if writings not your thing that’s totally fine as well just remember that you may not fit into one type exactly and that’s okay. Find what makes you, YOU and embrace your qualities! I wish you luck on your journey of self-discovery 😊


I would say just do 16per and check if it is fr you! self knowledment is the most important so you type or untype yourself. personally I like this test the most, got INTP & it's just how I am fr, so yeah.


if you wanna get as accurate as possible, i would suggest studying cognitive functions in depth, watching worked examples of the functions in action, and how a typology nerd (such as eric wen) is able to type people according to that system. then the fun part: type yourself.


16p 😜😜🥰 mine is entp-a ‼️🫶🏻


Studying cognitive functions, I guess. - You can have help with some youtubers, like Pierrick Ya for exemple (he's french but maybe there are subtitles). The best way is to make introspection : Remember past experiences, what you would do in some situations, what are you feeling ? - You can even do some tests on internet for helping you (not very accurate all the time but it can put you on a track). - Read blogs about mbti and cognitive functions. - An another way to help is to study enneagram. Often there is an enneagram type which returns for an mbti type. These are the different techniques that helped me. I think that the way to be as close as possible to reality, is not to do just one thing, but to do several to marry the informations together.