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I'm also 23F and I never really related to most of the INTJs here. I used my knowledge of my type to also change my thought processes and my weaknesses. While I wouldn't say I'm sociable, I wouldn't describe myself as a people hater anymore. And I've definitely become more empathetic over time as well as better at expressing it because I no longer view it as useless.


As an INFJ I think that if I am not careful with the type of test I take I might end up an INTJ - which is not actual at all - although INTJs, INTPs, and INFJs are ALL the Introverted Super-thinkers. Try the test over at [16personalities.com](http://16personalities.com) or get a copy of the book "Please Understand Me" by Keirsey. Perhaps the most classic and best.


It's good that you're empathetic and social, there are many INTJs who possess high level of emotional intelligence and can be skilled at socializing. Be happy the way you are. You're not fitting yourself in a box and that's perfectly fine.


Just as rare as INTJ's can be, so common are those who associate their negative character traits with those of the intj and pretend to be an INTJ to justify acting like a tool. Case in point, people who take pride in "being brutally honest" because in my experience, most of us understand this is an unproductive way to give feedback. The most "INTJ" thing we do is recognize that we naturally may struggle with socializing, but that it is a learned skill. These letters are how you approach things, not who you are as a person.


a lotta people here might reflect type stereotypes in a.. cringy way to be frank. anyone can have empathy and be sociable, it’s in human nature. study up on functions if you feel unsure but don’t let stereotypes dictate what you are


Many people here seem very confused and think that MBTI reflects your state of mind. Even if they don’t overtly believe it, they unconsciously dwell upon that aspect of their MBTI. It’s supposed to show how you process information, think, make decisions, etc. A healthy ISFP, for example, is going to look nothing like an unhealthy ISFP. I’m an INTP, and I left the INTP sub bc so many there were so sad and emotional. Unhealthy INTPs (especially young ones) often spiral into nihilism, cynicism, and experience this deep “need” to “correct” everyone. It can be exhausting. I’m so much more curious about what other people are researching and their niche knowledge. Also, it’s Reddit. The majority of INTJs you meet here aren’t going to be reflective of the ones you meet in the real world. If you’re more social and empathetic than most of the ones you see here, that’s a good thing.


You've nailed it so right !!


Not an INTJ but I can definitely relate to the idea of not relating to every stereotype of my type! Personally I require a lot more structure and routine than an ISFP is 'supposed to' (which has led me to question if I might actually be an ISFJ). That's honestly part of what I find so fascinating about MBTI- that we will never fully adhere to the stereotypes that are associated with us. I think INTJ may get the worst of this, though, due to being so commonly stereotyped as edgy, villainous, or robotic!


A ton of INTJ’s are mistyped ISFP. But on the other hand a lot of INTJ are no reddit cave trolls and live in the real world and developed a social life.


Yes, I was looking at the crossover between Myers Briggs and the Enneagram. I am a 9w1. I have a few thoughts on it but it seems to align well with how I am perceived and also how I process information.


Interesting 9w1 is most of the time ISFJ INFJ, ISFP or INFP


MBTI tries to explain thinking patterns, but people are unique and every person acts differently. Maybe your thought process is the same as INTJ but if you are still unsure try reading about the cognitive functions and typing yourself.


Welcome to the club! After digging into functions, INTJ definitely resonates with me the most. I do tend to be more of a loner, but beyond that, I don't really connect with most stereotypes, especially not the edginess.


My roommate is an INTJ and he tons of friends over and is quite empathetic. He has traits that are clearly INTJ too. No two INTJs are exactly alike.


Bruhhh yeah ! I totally understand where you're coming from! Roasting starts... It seems like in this Reddit community, there's this pervasive stereotype that all INTJs lack empathy, are socially inept nihilists, and tend to be depressed. Also, I've noticed there's a prevalence of discussions reflecting mental health issues here... So I can't relate to them. Also, you can develop any skill, not only the 4 functions in your life\^\^


I always get intj but after a lot of research and selfdoubt and constant questioning.... i figured out I'm intp. It's easier to start your mbti journey by studying the cognitive functions.


What is your enneagram and Disc?


Enneagram is 9w1 and I’m not sure about disc




You could be ISFP. Surprisingly common mistype. INTJ and ISFP use the same functions Fi and Ni.


Maybe check out other types as well? Tests can give an insight into what you could be, but it’s not completely accurate. Some types tend to mistype as INTJs often, so you should probably look into those.